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Imam Ardhianto
Pasca kejatuhan rezim orde baru, pendapat bahwa hanya ada satu media yang menjadi relung publik untuk saluran mengartikulasikan identitas tidak lagi relevan. Dalam konteks masa ini, individu/kelompok memiliki kekuasaan dan otoritas untuk mempublikasikan dan mengartikulasikan aspirasi politik dan kultural melalui aneka saluran dan dengan beragam narasi. Gejala tersebut berperan dalam kemunculan ragam relung publik yang terbangun dari mode partisipasi politik baru pasca orde. Tulisan ini hendak menganalisis konsekuensi keragaman narasi dan berbagai saluran media tersebut terhadap kelompok keagamaan di kota besar di Indonesia yang ternyata menciptakan relung publik sendiri berbasiskan interpretasi dan praktik politik mereka sendiri, yang dalam konteks kontemporer menggunakan sejarah narasi mengenai Ummat, gejala kontemporer dari kewarganegaraan, dan kebudayaan popular. Mengambil kasus dari kemunculan gerakan keagamaan popular #IndonesiaTanpaJIL, yang hadir melalui media sosial (twitter, facebook, dan Youtube) oleh kalangan aktivis tarbiyah, beberapa seniman kelas menengah, dan wiraswastawan di Jakarta dan Bandung, tesis ini hendak mengulas bagaimana gerakan ini secara kreatif memainkan dan mempertahankan narasi mengenai ummat yang dikemukakan kelompok Islam revivalis dengan isu kewarganegaraan dan kebangsaan melalui materi kebudayaan popular perkotaan yang berorientasi pasar. Apropriasi narasi tersebut telah menciptakan ideology keagamaan dan kesalehan disebarkan melalui modalitas dan mode sirkulasi dari komoditi kebudayaan popular. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut, mereka menciptakan relung publik mereka sendiri melalui kontradiksi-kontradiksi berbagai narasi dan posisi identitas tersebut. Fenomena ini menunjukan bagaimana subjek keagamaan dihadirkan dalam bentuk sekular kebudayaan popular di perkotaan, dan melaluinya mereka melakukan politik penciptaan publik diantara berbagai relung publik keagamaan di Indonesia.

In the aftermath of Indonesia New Order regime, the notions of single media public sphere as the only channel of identity articulation became irrelevant since every individuals/groups has authority to publish and articulate their political and cultural aspiration in diverse historical discourses and through a more diverse and egalitarian media technology (internet and social media). This writing try to explain how those multiple public sphere, influenced by socio-political changes and media technology revolution, have influenced certain religious groups in major cities of Indonesia to articulate particular practice of citizenship and religious identity in urban context. This research had shown how certain religious group that based on social media interaction had create their own public sphere based on their own interpretation of Islamic religiosity, citizenship, and popular culture. Taking case on the emerging popular-religious movement of #IndonesiatanpaJIL, that were arise from social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube) by political Islam activist, middle class artist, and entrepreneur from urban Jakarta and Bandung, this thesis examined how this movement is creatively playing Islamic discourse and the notions of nationalism/citizenship through Indonesian urban pop culture materiality and market oriented public spaces. The appropriation of religiosity, citizenship, popular culture discourse, and its materiality has creating religious ideology and piety that spread trough popular culture material modality and modes of circulation. These phenomena had shown how religious subject articulate faith and piety in secular form of popular culture in urban Indonesia, and by doing so produce their own public in examining the changing context of religious-political life in Indonesia."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andes Masyri Hidayat
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena pemakaian media sosial Twitter dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Pemakaian twitter dengan akses yang tidak terbatas membuat aliran komunikasi semakin mudah.Peningkatan penggunaan Twitter semakin mempermudah individu untuk mengekspresikan diri. Twitter juga dapat turut mendorong tumbuhnya gerakan sosial politik. Salah satu gerakan sosial yang tumbuh melalui media sosial twitter adalah Gerakan Sosial #saveKPK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fungsi media sosial dalam mendukung suatu gerakan sosial dan menganalisa suatu topik di dalam twitter dalam membangkitkan gerakan sosial di dunia nyata. Terdapat beberapa teori yang mendukung penelitian ini yaitu, media baru, media massa di Internet, computer mediated communication (CMC), masyarakat jaringan, Word of Mouth, sosiologi, dan civil society.
Proses komunikasi di dalam media sosial Twitter ini meneguhkan asumsi dari sebuah konsep teori Word of Mouth (WOM), bagaimana media sosial Twitter ini berperan menyebarkan informasi secara cepat dan berdampak secara luas. Secara informal muncul para pemilik akun yang berperan sebagai pemimpin opini. Para pemimpin opini ini mempunyai dua peranan utama, yaitu menggerakkan proses penguatan pemikiran melalui pesan-pesan berbentuk fakta dan opini, serta memobilisasi para pengikut opini melalui pesan-pesan berbentuk pengumuman dan ajakan untuk turut berperan aktif dalam aksi di dunia nyata. Dengan adanya para pemimpin opini yang menjalankan peran-peran tersebut, individu-individu yang terlibat dalam gerakan sosial #saveKPK di dunia maya dapat dimobilisasi untuk turut berperan aktif dalam aksi gerakan sosial #saveKPK di dunia nyata, yaitu melalui kegiatan yang disebut "Semut Rangrang".

The study was based on the phenomenon of the use of social media Twitter in the public life. The use of internet with no limit for its access has made communication flow easier and more freely-open knowledge and information. The rise in use of Twitter has made personal expression of opinion by individuals easier. Twitter has also induced the rise of various socio-political movements. One of these social movements using Twitter was #saveKPK movement. The objective of the study was to investigate the functions of social media in supporting a social movement and to analyse a topic in Twitter which enhance the rise of social movement in the actual world. There were a number of theories supporting the study such as new media, mass media in the internet, computer mediated communication (CMC), network society, Word of Mouth, sociology, civil socitety, and social movement.
Communication process in the media has verified the assumption taken from the word mouth theory demonstrating the role of Twitter in fast dissemination of information with widespread impact. Although formally the social movement through Twitter has no leader, informally a few accounts rose as the opinion leaders. These opinion leaders had two main functions: to induce the process of strengthening the ideas by providing messages in the forms of facts and opinions, as well as to mobilize the opinion followers by providing messages in the forms announcements and invitations to participate in the actual actions in the real life. The presence of these opinion leaders with such functions, have enabled individuals involved in the social movement #saveKPK in the cyber world to be mobilised to participate actively in the real world actions, such as through "Semut Rangrang" activities.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R Ferdian Andi R
Tesis ini membahas tentang media sosial berupa Twitter sebagai saluran baru dalam partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembentukkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dari penelitian terungkap media sosial mampu membentuk opini publik yang mampu memengaruhi politik hukum pembuat undang-undang. Ini terbukti saat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) menghentikan pembahasan perubahan UU No 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada akhirnya, media sosial membentuk produk hukum populis.

This thesis discusses social media such as Twitter as a new channel in the public participation in the formation of legislation. From the research revealed social media is able to shape public opinion can influence legal political legislators. This is evident when the House of Representatives (DPR) suspended a change in the law No. 30 of 2002 on Corruption. In the end, social media form a populist legislation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunda Presti Ardilla
Dengan maraknya media sosial, kini manusia cenderung berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi menggunakan media sosial. tidak terkecuali bagi perempuan muslim yang berprofesi sebagai influencer dari generasi milenial. Namun, ditengah aktifitas daringnya, ternyata mereka tidak dapat sebebas mungkin berekspresi dikarenakan adanya rasa takut kepada akun-akun pengikut media sosialnya. Hal ini merupakan tanda dari Panoptisisme dalam media digital. Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab bagaimana bentuk panoptisisme digital melalui wacana hijab pada influencer hijaber milenial. Peneliti menggunakan konsep panoptisisme dari Foucault, Media Digital, Hijab dan generasi Milenial dari Howe dan Strauss. Dengan menggunakan paradigma critical constructionism, pendekatan kualitatif dan wawancara mendalam, ditemukan bahwa panoptisisme digital merupakan strategi penguasa untuk mengendalikan influencer guna menyebarluaskan kekuatannya secara masif di media digital dengan tanpa disadari oleh subjek penelitian dan masyarakat luas. Strategi ini menggunakan ruang transparan partisipatif digital yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan pengawasan terus-menerus oleh akun-akun media sosial yang mengikuti akun subjek penelitian dan siap memberikan hukuman apabila subjek penelitian dirasa tidak sesuai dengan wacana hijab. Subjek penelitian yang sadar akan adanya pengawasan dan hukuman merasan ketakutan dan was-was sehingga berusaha mendisiplinkan dirinya sendiri di media sosial meski tetap terdapat pemberontakan. Namun di sisi lain, generasi milenial ini juga mewajari adanya pengawasan tersebut tanpa mengetahui penguasa dibaliknya.

Nowadays, influencers moslem women of the millennial generation tend to communicate using social media. It turns out that they cannot be as free as possible due to the fear of their social media followers' accounts. This is a sign of Panoptism in digital media. This study tried to found the form of digital panoptismism through hijab discourse on millennial hijaber influencers. Researcher used the panopticism concept of Foucault, Digital Media, the Hijab concept and the Millennial generation of Howe and Strauss. By using the critical constructionism paradigm, qualitative approaches and in-depth interviews, it was found that digital Panoptisism is a strategy used by certain powers to control influencers to massively disseminate their power in digital media with such subtle and unnoticed by the subjects of research and society at large. This strategy uses a participatory transparent space that allows continuous monitoring by social media accounts that follow research subject accounts and is ready to give penalties if the subject of research is deemed not in accordance with the hijab discourse delivered in one direction. Research subjects who are aware of the existence of watchmens and punishment are feeling frightened and anxious so they try to discipline themselves on social media even though there is a rebellion. However, this millennial generation also taught about the watchmen without knowing the authority behind it.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peneltian ini bertujuan membahas Pengaruh Konten Narasi dan Fitur Self Help Affordances pada Instagram Story terhadap Engagement: Studi Motivational Technology pada Sikap Pengguna. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan responden followers dari media sosial Instagram @Jouska yang berjumlah 307 orang. Teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa statistik deskriptif dan analisis jalur (path analysis) untuk membuktikan hipotesa dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Konten narasi dan Self Help Affordances tanpa melalui motivasi intrinsik memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap engagement. Meskipun sumbangsih yang diberikan oleh variabel konten narasi dan self help affordances tidaklah besar yakni 25%, namun hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang diberikan oleh faktor konten naratif terhadap munculnya rasa keterikatan bagi khalayak. Hasil temuan ini menegasikan penelitian sebelumnya yakni teori motivational technology yang mengusung konsep self help affordances sebagai faktor utama dan satu-satunya variabel yang membentuk motivasi intrinsik dan engagement tidak cukup relevan untuk diaplikasikan dalam konteks Instagram story.

This research aims to discuss the Effect of Narrative Content and Self Help Affordances Features on Instagram Story of Engagement: Motivational Technology Study on User Attitudes. The methodology used is quantitative research with the respondents followers from @Jouska Instagram social media, amounting to 307 people. Data analysis techniques were carried out by descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis to prove the hypothesis in this study. The results showed that narrative content and Self Help Affordances without going through intrinsic motivation had the greatest influence on engagement. Although the contribution given by the narrative content variable and self help affordances is not large at 25%, this result shows that there is an influence given by the narrative content factor to the emergence of a sense of attachment to the audience. These findings negate previous research, namely the theory of motivational technology that carries the concept of self help affordances as the main factor and the only variable that forms intrinsic motivation and engagement is not relevant enough to be applied in the context of the Instagram story."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyan Ludiana Prabowo

Penelitian ini berusaha mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya Divisi Humas Polri dalam meningkatkan reputasi dan legitimasi Polri melalui unggahan instagram @Divisihumaspolri. Sejak diluncurkan tahun 2015, Instagram Divisi Humas Polri menjadi salah satu intrumen humas yang menjangkau publik secara luas dan intens. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori legitimasi, teori reputasi , dan government PR. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi Krippendorf, dimana peneliti menggunakan dua coder untuk menganalisis unggahan akun instagram @Divisihumaspolri tanggal 1 Januari 2018 hingga 30 Juni 2018 berdasarkan buku kerja yang telah disusun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya upaya Humas tersebut mendapatkan atensi yang baik dari publik dalam meningkatkan legitimasi dan reputasi organisasi Polri.


This research  describes the efforts of Indonesian National Police’ Public Relations Division to improve the reputation and legitimacy of the Indonesian National Police through uploading contents in Instagram @Divisihumaspolri. Since 2015, PR Division of Indonesian National Police launch their official Instagram account and reach wider feedback from public. This study uses legitimacy theory, reputation theory, and government PR. The method used is Krippendorf content analysis, where the researcher used two coders to analyze uploads of @Divisihumaspolri Instagram accounts from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 based on the workbook that had been compiled. Results shows the efforts of Public Relations Division got good impressive from the public and increasing the legitimacy and reputation of the organization of the National Police.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Idham

Kawasan perkampungan industri kecil yang berada di Pulogadung Jakarta Timur merupkan asset dari pemerintah yang harus selalu di jaga. Ada sekitar 691 wirausaha yang masih bertahan untuk menjalankan usahanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pengaruh antara modal sosial dengan penjualan serta keberlangsungan usaha di kawasan perkampungan industri kecil. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapat modal sosial para wirausaha dikawasan PIK Pulogadung tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penjualannya, tetapi berpengaruh secara positif dengan persamaan regresi Y = 20.231 + 0.026 X dan modal sosial para wirausaha dikawasan PIK Pulogadung tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keberlangsungan usahanya, tetapi berpengaruh secara positif dengan persamaan regresi Y = 8.882 + 0.051 X. Untuk mendapatkan modal sosial yang ideal para wirausaha di kawasan PIK Pulogadung harus sering melakukan pelatihan kewirausahaan, serta berkerjasama dengan lembaga-lembaga yang bisa membangun sebuah usaha kearah yang lebih maju, umembangun etika atau norma yang baik, maka para wirausaha di kawasan PIK Pulogadung diharapkan mampu menarapkan prinsip budaya 5S dan untuk membangun kepercayaan yang baik, maka para wirausaha dikawasan PIK Pulogadung diharapkan mampu menjaga kualitasnya.

The small industrial village area in Pulogadung East Jakarta is an asset of the government that must always be maintained. There are around 691 entrepreneurs who still survive to run their businesses. This study aims to find the influence between social capital and sales and business continuity in small industrial villages. From the research conducted, it was found that the entrepreneurial social capital in the PIK Pulogadung area did not significantly influence its sales, but it positively affects with the regression equation Y = 20.231 + 0.026 X and the social capital entrepreneurial in the PIK Pulogadung area does not significantly influence the sustainability of its business, but it positively affects with the regression equation Y = 8.882 + 0.051 X. To get the ideal social capital, entrepreneurs in the PIK Pulogadung area must often conduct entrepreneurship training, and collaborating with institutions that can build a business towards the more advanced, to build good ethics or norms then entrepreneurs in the Pulogadung PIK area are expected to be able to apply 5S principles and to build good trust, then entrepreneurs in the Pulogadung PIK area are expected to be able to maintain their quality.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atikah Putri Adrilia Gultom
"Penelitian ini berusaha menganalisis konstruksi keluarga sakinah oleh selebritas Muslimah yang tergabung dalam kelompok digital Kajian Musawarah dengan menggunakan metode analisis multimodalitas. Meningkatnya selebritas yang menggunakan jilbab di Indonesia kemudian mengunggah foto keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia bersama pasangan berdasarkan syariat Islam menjadi satu hal yang menarik untuk dianalisis. Selebritas Muslimah menjadi faktor penting dalam konstruksi keluarga sakinah karena memiliki banyak pengikut di media sosial, melalui proses hijrah, menggunakan jilbab dan mode pakaian syar’i, serta menjalani pernikahan yang saleh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami konstruksi keluarga Sakinah dan harmonis yang di dalamnya terdapat istri yang baik dan sholehah yang dibangun oleh selebritas Muslimah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis multimodalitas terhadap Instagram Shireen Sungkar dan Zaskia Sungkar dalam unggahan yang berkaitan dengan keluarga. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki argumen bahwa selebritas Muslimah mengonstruksi keluarga Sakinah melalui media sosial Instagram menyebabkan transformasi nilai agama dan memberikan standar kebahagiaan muslim yaitu menjadi keluarga Sakinah.

This study uses the multimodality analysis method to examine the construction of the Sakinah family by Muslim female celebrities who are members of the Musawarah Study digital group. The increase in celebrities who use the headscarf in Indonesia and then upload harmonious and happy family photos with their partners based on Islamic law is an exciting thing to analyze. Muslim celebrities are an important factor in constructing a Sakinah family because they have many followers on social media, go through the hijrah process, use the headscarf and shar'i clothing, and live a pious marriage. This study seeks to understand the construction of a Sakinah and harmonious family in which there is a good and shalihah wife built by Muslim female celebrities in Indonesia. The method used is a multimodality analysis of Shireen Sungkar and Zaskia Sungkar's Instagram in family-related uploads. Therefore, this study has the argument that Muslim female celebrities construct a Sakinah family through Instagram social media, causing a transformation of religious values and providing a standard of Muslim happiness, namely becoming a Sakinah family."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Santoso
Pesatnya pertumbuhan media sosial membawa banyak perubahan. Dengan
karakternya yang berbeda dengan media lama, media sosial membuka banyak
kemungkinan, termasuk bagi representasi identitas lokal. Seperti komunitas
Banyumas, mereka menjadikan media sosial sebagai ruang baru untuk
menunjukkan identitasnya. Sebuah pertanyaan mengemuka, apakah kehadiran
media sosial yang berkarakter global akan melemahkan identitas lokal, atau
sebaliknya justru memperkuatnya.Penelitian ini mencoba melihat transformasi
identitas komunitas Banyumas dari ranah offline ke online, dengan melihat
bagaimana realitas kontemporer praktik kebahasaan orang Banyumas dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari dan di media sosial. Pengamatan praktik kebahasaan di
media sosial dikhususkan pada pesan-pesan terpilih di blog, Twitter, dan
Facebook. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Pierre Bourdieu yang
melihat identitas sebagai sebuah kontestasi dalam sebuah ranah dinamis. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter dasar orang Banyumas seperti cablaka,
penjorangan, dan dopokan, tergambar kuat dalam berbagai pesan di media sosial.
Uniknya, pesan-pesan ini banyak yang ditampilkan secara kreatif, sebagai bentuk
adaptasi karakter media sosial. Sebagai sebuah kontestasi, representasi identitas
lokal dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara ranah, habitus, dan modal. Ranah
menunjukkan setting media sosial itu sendiri. Sedangkan habitus ditunjukkan oleh
kecenderungan yang berbeda di antara para pengguna Banyumas dengan latar
belakang yang beragam. Sementara modal, ditandai kepemilikan modal yang
berbeda, baik yang berupa modal sosial, budaya, simbolik, maupun modal
ekonomi. Secara teoritis, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan nilai dan
kekuatan modal, antara realitas offline dan online. Jika di ranah online, modal
ekonomi menjadi dominan perannya, maka di ranah online, modal simbolik lebih
berperan. Secara praktis, hasil penelitan ini menumbuhkan optimisme bahwa
identitas lokal akan terus bertahan, bahkan menguat, di era media sosial.;

The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media.;The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media., The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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