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Maydhani Arnia Eka Putri
Tesis ini membahas tentang upaya membangun suatu kesadaran merek pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Bakso 2 Nyonya yang sejalan dengan tujuan utamanya yakni agar mereknya dapat lebih dikenal di masyarakat. Bakso 2 Nyonya menggunakan strategi biaya rendah dalam operasionalnya yang membuat pembangunan kesadaran merek kepada masyarakat lebih berfokus pada hal-hal yang tidak banyak mengeluarkan biaya serta efisien. Melalui pemasaran dengan penetrasi internet, perusahaan dapat membangun kesadaran merek Bakso 2 Nyonya di segmen pasar yang ingin diraihnya.

This thesis discusses the effort to build a brand awareness of a Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Bakso 2 Nyonya with a main goal that the brand will be better known in the community. Bakso 2 Nyonya is using low cost strategies in its operations that make building brand awareness to the community is more focused on things that do not spend a lot of cost and efficiency. Through marketing with internet penetration, the company can build brand awareness in its market segment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh brand awareness, perceived quality dan brand association yang dimediasi oleh brand attitude terhadap brand loyalty. Dalam penelitian ini brand awareness, perceived quality dan brand association dikategorikan ke dalam perceptual dimension; sedangkan brand loyalty dikategorikan ke dalam behavior dimension. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa brand awareness dan brand association melalui mediasi brand attitude memberikan pengaruh siginifikan terhadap brand loyalty. Selanjutnya, pada penelitian ini brand attitude dimodifikasi menjadi variabel moderasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa brand attitude memberikan efek penguatan hubungan antara brand awareness terhadap brand loyalty dan brand association terhadap brand loyalty, meskipun pengaruh diantara variable tersebut tidak signifikan. Sehingga untuk dapat membangun brand loyalty, Surya Promild harus menitikberatkan kegiatan pemasaran yang dapat menguatkan brand awareness, brand association dan juga brand attitude.

This study discusses the effect of brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association is mediated by brand attitude toward brand loyalty. In this research, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association categorized into perceptual dimension; whereas brand loyalty categorized into behavior dimension. The results showed that brand awareness and brand association through mediation brand attitude provides a significant effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, this research modifies brand attitude be moderating variables.
The results showed that brand attitude gives the effect of strengthening the relationship between brand awareness to brand loyalty and brand association to brand loyalty, although the effect was not significant among those variables. So as to be able to build brand loyalty, Surya Promild should focus marketing activities to strengthen brand awareness, brand association and brand attitude.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriyani Tri Widilistiani
"Persaingan informasi dalam aktivitas promosi menjadi semakin jelas wujudnya serta semakin tipis batasannya. Teori dan praktek yang terjadi di sektor informasi terbukti dapat berjalan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Efektivitas sarana promosi diukur sama-sama dengan perangkat instrumen yang sama. Penunjukkan responden sebanyak 90 yang termasuk konsumen potensial dari FPDSavills. Penunjukkan sampel didasarkan pada metode acak bertujuan dengan dasar pertimbangan segi kepraktisan dan kendala waktu yang ada.
Untuk menganalisa kebijakan bauran promosi di FPDSavills dan proses pelayanan jasa pemasaran Apartemen Plaza Senayan terhadap Brand Awareness konsumen, dipakai metode deskriptif dan korelasional dengan regresi sederhana, korelasi sederhana dan berganda.
Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa secara deskriptif bauran promosi dan pelayanan ada pengaruh terhadap brand awareness. Dengan metode korelasi didapat koefisien korelasi dari bauran promosi lebih rendah dari koefisien korelasi dari variabel pelayanan. 1.2 (koefisien determinasi) menyarankan bahwa semakin tinggi koefisien determinasi berarti total variance dari variabel dependent dapat dijelaskan dan variabel independent menjelaskan adanya proporsi yang tinggi pada variabel dependent. Dengan analisa teknik regresi sederhana, maka pelayanan memberikan kontribusi yang besar dibandingkan dengan bauran promosi terhadap brand awareness.
Lebih lanjut, bauran promosi dan pelayanan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap brand awareness konsumen in Apartemen Plaza Senayan. Bauran promosi dan pelayanan juga mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand awareness dengan menggunakan uji signifikansi dan didapat bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari semua variabel terhadap variabel dependent, dengan demikian hipotesis bahwa Bauran Promosi dan Pelayanan mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Awareness konsumen dapat diterima. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan penelitian ini, bauran promosi harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi, kualitas pelayanan dapat juga ditingkatkan lagi untuk membuat konsumen puas dan lebih menarik serta secara komprehensif.

The Influence of Promotional Mix and Service toward Brand Awareness (Case Study Marketing Service in Plaza Senayan Apartment)Information competitions in promotional activities become very clear and no more compromises in its limit. What was happened in theory and practice, in information sector, they flow together with the technology development. The effectiveness of promotion tools are all reflected and measured with same instrument tools. The chosen respondent of 90 people which include the potential consumer from FPDSavills. The appointed sample is based on random sampling which aim to considerate the effectiveness and the time efficiency.
In order to analyze the promotional mix in FPDSavills and the marketing service process in Plaza Senayan Apartment toward consumer's Brand Awareness, descriptive method is used and correlation with simple regression, simple and multiple correlation .
The final result of this research, descriptively, promotional mix and service have influence toward brand awareness. With correlation method, the elation coefficient of promotional mix is lower than correlation coefficient of service. r2 suggest that the higher coefficient determination means that total variance of dependent variable explained and Independent variables explain high proportion of variance within the dependent variable. With simple regression technique, promotional mix and service, give positive contribution and significance to brand awareness. Furthermore, promotional mix and service have positive influence toward consumer's brand awareness in Plaza Senayan Apartment.
Promotional mix and service also have positive influence and significance to consumer's brand awareness using significance test and that there is positive influence and significance from all variable toward dependent variable, therefore the hypothesis can be accepted. Furthermore, based on this research promotional mix should be advanced, service quality can be more upgrade to satisfy and make consumer more attracted comprehensively.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvia Anggraeni
Tesis ini membahas tentang membangun suatu merek pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Vit Fresh yang sejalan dengan tujuan utamanya yakni produknya dapat memasuki jalur distribusi pasar ritel modern di Kem Chicks Jakarta. Produk yang berada dalam display ritel modern akan dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis yang sama. Hal ini membuat peta pesaing semakin banyak. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan brand identity sebagai identitas merek yang menjadi pembeda diantara pesaing lainnya. Brand identity digunakan sebagai salah satu bentuk komunikasi pemasaran yang dapat merangkum pesan yang disampaikan oleh perusahaan kepada segmen pasarnya. Melalui komunikasi pemasaran, perusahaan juga dapat membangun brand awareness di benak segmen pasarnya.

This thesis discusses building a brand of Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Vit Fresh with a main goal of their product entering the modern retail market distribution channels in Kem Chicks Jakarta. Display products that are in the modern retail will be grouped based on the same characteristics. This is to increase the number of competitors. Therefore, there is a need of developing a brand identity to create differences from the other competitors. Brand identity is used as a form of marketing communication that can encapsulate the message delivered by the company to the market segment. Through marketing communication, the company can also build brand awareness in the minds of its market segment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Fatoni
"Tesis ini membahas perbandingan faktor pembentuk ekuitas merek Teh Botol Sosro dan Frestea menurut mahasiswa di Jakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa PT Sinar Sosro perlu melakukan promosi secara intensif, menentukan posisi merek berdasarkan kriteria merek, yaitu penggunaan, pengguna, dan harga relatif, menjaga standar kuantitas campuran, mengkampanyekan manfaat teh dan produk kebanggaan nasional, mengupayakan pencapaian mutu dan meningkatkan sistem produksi dan layanan, memberikan hadiah langsung kepada konsumen, dan menjaga ketersediaan produk di pasar, memanfaatkan layanan jejaring sosial. PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia perlu melakukan acara pemasaran, melakukan promosi secara intensif, menjaga konsistensi budaya peningkatan mutu, memberikan hadiah langsung kepada konsumen, menjaga ketersediaan produk.

This thesis discusses the comparison of the factors forming brand equity Teh Botol Sosro and Frestea according to students in Jakarta. This research is descriptive quantitative research design. The results of this study suggest that PT Sinar Sosro need to do intensive promotions, brand positioning based on brand criteria: application, user, and relative prices, keeping the mixture quantity standards, the benefits of tea and product campaign for national pride, striving for the achievement of quality and increase production system and services, give reward directly to consumers, and maintain the availability of products on the market, taking advantage of social networking services. PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia needs to do marketing events, conduct an intensive promotions, maintaining consistency of quality improvement culture, give reward directly to consumers, maintaining product availability."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
T 28896
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Era Susanti
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh brand equity terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan menggunakan J.Co Donuts & Coffee. Penelitian ini menggunakan descriptive research design dengan metode survey (kuesioner) yaitu yang dilakukan terhadap pelanggan J.Co Donuts & Coffee di wilayah Jakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling yaitu menggunakan convenience sampling.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa brand awareness tidak mempengaruhi brand image, brand satisfaction, dan brand trust J.Co Donuts& Coffee. Brand awareness juga tidak mempengaruhi konsumen dalam melakukan current purchase namun brand awareness mempengaruhi future purchase. Brand image J.Co Donuts & Coffee tidak mempengaruhi current purchase tetapi mempengaruhi future purchase. Brand image J.Co Donuts & Coffee berpengaruh positif dalam terhadap brand satisfaction dan juga mempengaruhi brand trust. Brand satisfaction tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap brand attachment. Tetapi apabila brand attachment sudah dapat berpengaruh secara positif, maka pelanggan J.Co Donuts & Coffee akan memutuskan melakukan pembelian terhadap merek ini baik untuk current maupun future purchase. Current purchase yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan J.Co Donuts & Coffee akan berpengaruh positif terhadap future purchase.

The focus of the thesis is about influences of brand equity to buying decision using J.Co Donuts & Coffee. The research is implementing descriptive research design using survey method which used to J.Co Donuts & Coffee customers in Jakarta. Non probability sampling is used as sampling technique which is convenience sampling.
The result of this research shows that brand awareness has not a positive effect on J.Co Donuts & Coffee?s brand image, brand satisfaction and brand trust. Brand awareness has no positive effect on current purchase but has a positive effect on future purchase. J.Co Donuts & Coffee's brand image has no positive effect on current purchase but has a positive effect on future purchase. J.Co Donuts & Coffee's brand image has a positive effect on brand satisfaction and brand trust. Brand satisfaction has no positive effect on brand attachment. Thus, if brand attachment has already have a positive effect then J.Co Donuts & Coffee?s customer will decide to make purchases of the brand whether for current nor future. Current purchase made by J.Co Donuts & Coffee?s customer will have a positive effect on future purchase."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Estu Widyamurti
"[Penelitian ini menelaah fenomena personal branding pada media sosial yang saat ini marak terjadi. Beberapa orang dari kalangan bukan selebritas mampu membangun brand yang kuat pada dirinya sehingga seseorang tersebut menjadi selebritas media sosial. Pada konsep personal branding sendiri apa yang dilakukan pada diri seseorang ditujukan untuk membangun kredibilitas yang baik, sehingga menjadi daya tarik bagi orang lain. Dengan tingginya kredibilitas seseorang, akan berdampak pada kemampuannya menjadi komunikator yang baik
pada sebuah iklan, sehingga akan mempengaruhi brand awareness produk yang diiklankan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode analisis regresi, yang menggunakan sosok Andra Alodita sebagai kasus penelitian dan followers Andra Alodita sebagai responden penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 orang responden dengan metode pemilihan purposive sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif antara personal branding Andra Alodita dengan pembentukan kredibilitas Andra Alodita sebagai seorang endorser. Selain itu juga ditemukan bahwa kredibilitas Andra Alodita sebagai endorser mampu membangun Brand Awareness pada produk Cotton Ink di benak followers akun instagram Andra Alodita.;This research aims to analyze personal branding phenomenon through social
media. Many people we have barely known before are able to build their strong personal branding through social media so that they could become famous person. Quite few names appear as social media celebrity with tremendous followers (phrase for people who follow someone’s account). Their success brought them benefit, as advertiser. However, personal branding concept itself is to build good credibility, so they can attract public attention. Better credibility creates better product awareness to the brand product they promote. Based on that background, this research is focused to find link between personal
branding someone has been built to their credibility as an endorser, so it would create brand product awareness. This research using quantitative approachregression analysis method, choosing Andra Alodita as research subject and her followers as respondents. Survey had been spread to 100 respondents using purposive sample method.
This research shown significant and positive link between Andra Alodita’s personal branding and her credibility as a product endorser. Thus, her credibility positively create product awareness (Cotton Ink brand in this research) in her followers’ mind., This research aims to analyze personal branding phenomenon through social
media. Many people we have barely known before are able to build their strong
personal branding through social media so that they could become famous
person. Quite few names appear as social media celebrity with tremendous
followers (phrase for people who follow someone’s account). Their success
brought them benefit, as advertiser. However, personal branding concept itself is
to build good credibility, so they can attract public attention. Better credibility
creates better product awareness to the brand product they promote.
Based on that background, this research is focused to find link between personal
branding someone has been built to their credibility as an endorser, so it would
create brand product awareness. This research using quantitative approachregression
analysis method, choosing Andra Alodita as research subject and her
followers as respondents. Survey had been spread to 100 respondents using
purposive sample method.
This research shown significant and positive link between Andra Alodita’s
personal branding and her credibility as a product endorser. Thus, her credibility
positively create product awareness (Cotton Ink brand in this research) in her
followers’ mind]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabryna Riskia
Tesis ini merupakan hasil analisa dari proses business coaching UMKM bidang kreatif kepada Kriya & Me. Melalui proses interview serta observasi, dihasilkan prioritas permasalahan dalam perbaikan proses bisnis UMKM yaitu permasalahan brand awareness yang minim serta penetrasi produk yang belum maksimal. Penambahan channel distribusi, meningkatkan brand awareness melalui kegiatan public relation & periklanan, memperluas market dengan menyasar wisatawan, serta penambahan variasi produk merupakan usulan model usaha yang diberikan serta disetujui oleh UMKM. Hasil dari penilitian ini adalah pemilihan channel distribusi, pengaplikasian visual merchandising sebagai sarana pengkomunikasian brand image serta menarik awareness masyarakat akan produk, dan juga pemberian strategi pricing. promosi dilakukan oleh pemilik Kriya & Me untuk meningatkan awareness masyarakat yang diharapkan dapat menarik konsumen untuk membeli produk dan meningkatkan omset perusahaan.

This thesis is the analysis result of business coaching process in Kriya & ME as a SME in craft industry. The result of interviews and observations is priority issues that need an improvement in the business processes of SMEs caused by lack of brand awareness and product penetration in the market. The addition of distribution channel, increasing brand awareness through public relations and advertising activities, expanding market segment, and creating new product variety are proposed as a new business model canvas through discussion with SMEs owner. The results of this research are the selection of distribution channels, application of visual merchandising as a tool for communicating brand image and attracting public awareness of the product, and the provision of pricing strategies. Promotion process executed by Kriya & Me hopefully will create awareness that leads market to purchase the products and increase in company's profit.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arga Hananto
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnaeni Nurullah
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh influencer terhadap brand awareness serta
pengaruh keduanya terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kuantitatif dengan responden followers dari media sosial Diana Rikasari
berjumlah 178 orang. Metode analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa statistik
deskriptif dan regresi linier untuk membuktikan hipotesa dalam penelitian ini. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa influencer berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan
brand awareness, dan keduanya juga memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan
pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dimensi yang paling
dominan dari influencer yang berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan brand awareness
adalah kredibilitas. Selain itu, meskipun baik influencer dan brand awareness
sama-sama memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, ternyata dihasilkan
dalam penelitian ini bahwa brand awareness memiliki pengaruh yang lebih tinggi
terhadap keputusan pembelian dibandingkan dengan influencer

This research discusses the effect of influencer to brand awareness and consumer
purchasing decisions. This research is a quantitative research and the respondents
are followers of Diana Rikasari amounted to 178 people. Method of data analysis
was done with descriptive statistical analysis and linear regression to prove the
hypothesis in this study. The results showed that the influencers affect the
establishment of brand awareness, and both also have an effect on consumer
purchasing decisions. This study shows that the most dominant dimension of
influencers that affect the establishment of brand awareness is credibility. In
addition, although both influencers and brand awareness have the same influence
on purchasing decisions, it is produced in this study that brand awareness has a
higher impact on purchase decisions compared with influencer."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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