ABSTRAKMeningkatnya pengguna internet di Indonesia dalam hal pencarian informasi
traveling secara online memicu pertumbuhan situs travel online yang juga disebut
Consumer Generated Media (CGM). Tantangan situs CGM adalah membangun
dan mempertahakan trust dari customer karena trust memiliki peran penting dalam
hal menggunakan CGM. Dengan studi kasus Traveloka, responden penelitian ini
adalah bagi yang pernah membaca ulasan hotel di situs Traveloka dalam kurun
waktu 1 (satu) tahun terakhir. Data 291 responden diolah dan dianalisis melalui
metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perceived website trust memiliki
pengaruh positif yaitu perceived source credibility, information quality, perceived
website quality, customer satisfaction with previous experience, dan customer
experience and proficiency, kecuali information quality. Namun, information
quality berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived source credibility, perceived
website quality, dan customer satisfaction with previous experience. Hasil
penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa perceived website trust berpengaruh positif
terhadap recommendation adoption dan word of mouth.
ABSTRACTThe increasing of Internet users in Indonesia in terms of search traveling
information by online, increase the number of travel sites also known as Consumer
Generated Media (CGM). A challenging task for websites CGM are building and
maintaining trust because trust has an important role in terms of using CGM. With
case study Traveloka, respondents in this study are who have read the hotel
reviews in Traveloka site within the last one (1) year. Data from 291 users of
Traveloka were processed and analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM). Findings show that all the factors affecting perceived website trust have a
positive effect are perceived source credibility, information quality, perceived
website quality, customer satisfaction with previous experience, and customer
experience and proficiency, with the exception information quality. However,
information quality have a positive effect towards perceived source credibility,
perceived website quality, and customer satisfaction with previous experience.
Findings also show that perceived website trust has a positive effect towards
recommendation adoption and word of mouth."