"Tesis ini membahas Hubungan Electronic Word of Mouth, Product Attributes,
Service Quality dan Price terhadap Brand loyalty, Studi pada Holycow
Steakhouse by Chef Afit. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif eksplanatif.
Responden adalah pelanggan Holycow Steakhouse yang bekerja di daerah Jakarta
Selatan yang berjumlah 175 orang. Metode analisa data dilakukan dengan statistik
analisa deskriptif dan Korelasi Spearman untuk membuktikan hipotesis dalam
penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang
positif, kuat dan signifikan antara Electronic Word of Mouth dengan Brand
Loyalty, Product Attributes dengan Brand Loyalty, Service Quality dengan Brand
Loyalty serta Price dengan Brand Loyalty
ABSTRACTThis Study conducted to found the Relationship between Electronic Word of
Mouth, Product Attributes, Service Quality and Price to Brand loyalty. This
study used a quantitative explanative method with a questionnaire survey through
a 175 loyal customers of Holycow Steakhouse which works at South Jakarta
Area. The Analysis method presents a descriptive statistical analysis and
Spearman’s Correlation to prove the research hypothesis. The result showed that
there is a positive, strong and significant Relationship between Electronic Word of
Mouth and Brand Loyalty, Product Attributes and Brand Loyalty, Service Quality
and Brand Loyalty, Price and Brand Loyalty;"