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Alfa Sidharta
Research conducted in the staffing services unit of the Directorate of Procurement and Rank on BKN head office in Jakarta with the aim to analyze the effect of discipline and integrity to employee performance. Type of research is descriptive research, field data collected by asking questions to respondents through questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique using proportionate stratified random sampling, and found the number of respondents as many as 70 people. This research analyzes using multiple linear regression, where the independent variables used are discipline and integrity and the dependent variable is the performance. The results showed that: The effect of all independent variables on the performance of employees is 43.5 , with the regression model obtained in this study are: Y = 4,937 0,390X1 0,362X2. The results of the study confirm that discipline and integrity partially or together have a positive and significant impact on employee performance.

Penelitian yang dilakukan di lingkungan unit pelayanan kepegawaian Direktorat Pengadaan dan Kepangkatan pada kantor pusat BKN di Jakarta dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh disiplin dan integritas terhadap kinerja pegawai. Jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian deskriptif, data di lapangan di kumpulkan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada responden baik melalui kuesioner maupun wawancara. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling, dan didapatkan jumlah responden sebanyak 70 orang. Analisis penelitian ini mengunakan regresi linier berganda, dimana variabel independen yang digunakan adalah disiplin dan integritas serta variabel dependennya adalah kinerja. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pengaruh seluruh variabel independen terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah sebesar 43,5 , dengan model regresi yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah Y 4,937 0,390X1 0,362X2. Hasil penelitian mengkonfirmasi bahwa disiplin dan integritas baik secara parsial maupun bersama sama mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Kata kunci Disiplin, Integritas, dan Kinerja"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deky Lioman
"[Masih rendahnya kinerja PNS adalah suatu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia, penilaian negatif dari masyarakat, rendahnya efektifitas birokrasi menjadi sorotan dari kinerja PNS. Berbagai penelitian terdahulu baik secara akademis maupun praktis menunjukkan bahwa work engagement dapat menjadi faktor dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh job resources (organizational support, coworker support, job control) terhadap work engagement (vigour, dedication, absorption) serta konsekuensinya terhadap job performance (task performance, contextual performance) di Kantor Pusat Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Jenis penelitian adalah eksplanatory dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Instrumen pengumpul data berupa kuesioner terhadap 165 responden. Teknik Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) digunakan dalam pengolahan data dan pengujian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian mengkonfirmasi secara empiris bahwa (1) job resources berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap work engagement. (2) work engagement berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap job performance. Kuat lemahnya work engagement dipengaruhi oleh job resources sebesar 26%. Sedangkan kuat
lemahnya job performance dipengaruhi work engagement sebesar 60%.

The low performance of civil servants is a problem faced by Indonesia, a negative assessment of the community, the low effectiveness of the bureaucracy in the spotlight of the performance of civil servants. Various previous studies both academically and practically showed that work engagement may be a factor in improving employee performance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of job
resources (organizational support, coworker support, job control) to work engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) as well as the consequences for job performance (task performance, contextual performance) at the Head Office of
National Civil Service Agency. This type of research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Instrument data collectors in the form of a questionnaire to 165 respondents. Techniques Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in data processing and hypothesis testing. The results of empirical studies confirm that (1) job resources is a significant positive effect on work engagement. (2) work engagement is a significant positive effect on job performance. Weak strong work engagement is influenced by job resources by 26%. While the strength of the work engagement is affected by job performance by 60.;The low performance of civil servants is a problem faced by Indonesia, a negative
assessment of the community, the low effectiveness of the bureaucracy in the
spotlight of the performance of civil servants. Various previous studies both
academically and practically showed that work engagement may be a factor in
improving employee performance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of job
resources (organizational support, coworker support, job control) to work
engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) as well as the consequences for job
performance (task performance, contextual performance) at the Head Office of
National Civil Service Agency. This type of research is explanatory with
quantitative approach. Instrument data collectors in the form of a questionnaire to
165 respondents. Techniques Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in
data processing and hypothesis testing. The results of empirical studies confirm
that (1) job resources is a significant positive effect on work engagement. (2)
work engagement is a significant positive effect on job performance. Weak strong
work engagement is influenced by job resources by 26%. While the strength of
the work engagement is affected by job performance by 60, The low performance of civil servants is a problem faced by Indonesia, a negative
assessment of the community, the low effectiveness of the bureaucracy in the
spotlight of the performance of civil servants. Various previous studies both
academically and practically showed that work engagement may be a factor in
improving employee performance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of job
resources (organizational support, coworker support, job control) to work
engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) as well as the consequences for job
performance (task performance, contextual performance) at the Head Office of
National Civil Service Agency. This type of research is explanatory with
quantitative approach. Instrument data collectors in the form of a questionnaire to
165 respondents. Techniques Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in
data processing and hypothesis testing. The results of empirical studies confirm
that (1) job resources is a significant positive effect on work engagement. (2)
work engagement is a significant positive effect on job performance. Weak strong
work engagement is influenced by job resources by 26%. While the strength of
the work engagement is affected by job performance by 60]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eti Kumalasari
"Skripsi ini membahas Analisis Tingkat Disiplin Kerja Tenaga Kependidikan Dekanat FISIP UI Tahun 2011. Pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif, deskriptif, cross sectional, dilakukan dengan survey, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis menggunakan konsep disiplin dari Moenir dan Soejono. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tingkat disiplin kerja tenaga kependidikan Dekanat FISIP UI masih berada pada tingkat rendah. Terdapat beberapa indikator yang mengahasilkan nilai rata-rata lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan indikator lainnya. Indikator tersebut adalah kepatuhan berpakaian seragam, dan kepatuhan dalam penggunaan dan pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana kantor. Saran adalah perlu dibuatnya peraturan yang lebih tegas, dikenakan punishment (hukuman) atau sanksi untuk karyawan yang disiplinnya rendah, diberikan reward maupun penghargaan secara berkala dalam bentuk piagam untuk karyawan yang disiplinnya tinggi, dibutuhkan pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan agar karyawan lebih disiplin kembali.

This thesis discusses the Analysis of Discipline Dean Faculty of Social Work Personnel UI in 2011. Quantitative research approaches, descriptive, cross- sectional, conducted by surveys, interviews, and literature study. The analysis technique uses the concept of discipline and Soejono Moenir. The results showed the level of labor discipline education FISIP UI Dean remained at a low level. There are some indicators that result in average lower than other indicators. Indicators is uniform compliance, and compliance in the use and maintenance of office infrastructure. Suggestion was made necessary a more explicit rules, subject to punishment (punishment) or sanctions for low employee discipline, rewards and awards are given periodically in the form of a certificate for high employee discipline, employee training and development needs to be more disciplined employees back."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Iskandar
"Latar belakang pemilihan judul ini didasarkan bahwa suatu tolok ukur keberhasilan organisasi (khususnya di Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi) ditentukan oleh produktivitas sumber daya manusia yang bekerja di dalamnya. Instansi Imigrasi sebagai Iembaga dengan sistem terbuka dan pengaruh Iingkungan dominan tidak terlepas dari penerapan suatu sistem untuk meningkatkan kualitas pegawai dalam memberikan pelayanan, pengawasan dan pengamanan keimigrasian kepada masyarakat secara lebih baik, cepat dan akurat.
Unsur motivasi dan disiplin yang tinggi atau rendah merupakan faktor yang dibahas dalam peneiitian ini yang diduga berhubungan dengan produktivitas kerja pegawai yang dihasilkan. Karena pada dasarnya, manusia-manusia yang diperintah merasa senang melaksanakan pekerjaannya, manakala kebutuhan pokoknya secara minimal terpenuhi, demikian juga bagi kebutuhan lainnya, di sisi Iain pengguna jasa menuntut hasil kerja yang optimal dari pelaksana sehingga sasaran dan tujuan organisasi dapat juga terpenuhi.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang hubungan unsur motivasi terhadap produktivitas kerja, dan mendeskripsikan disiplin kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja pegawai di Direktorat Jenderal lmigrasi.
Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Departemen Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, jalan HR Rasuna Said Kavling 8-9, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan cara mengambil semua sampel pegawai secara insidential yang cocok sebagai sumber data (Sampling Accidental).
Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif, dilanjutkan dengan metode statistik inferensial, disertai dengan asumsi persyaratan-persyaratan anaiisis yang harus dipenuhi, seperti data bersifat interval, berdistribusi normal dan homogen.
Instrumen pengumpulan data disusun daiam bentuk angket yang menggunakan skala model Likert untuk Produktivitas Kerja sebagai variabel tergantung (dependent), serta Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja sebagai variabel bebas (independent). Angket berdasarkan konstruk dari berbagai teori, dan untuk mengetahui kesahihan data, dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas untuk mengetahui keandalannya. Analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi sederhana dengan program SPSS, untuk mengetahui derajat hubungan dan signifikansi antar dua variabel yang akan diteliti.
Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa terdapat hubungan searah antara variabel tergantung dan bebas, serta saling mendukung. Apabila variabel bebas (motivasi dan disiplin kerja) ditingkatkan, maka hal tersebut akan meningkatkan pula variabel terikat (produktivitas kerja), dan dapat digeneralisasikan (signifikan) kepada keseluruhan jumlah populasi pegawai di Direktorat Jenderal lmigrasi. Sehingga, diharapkan bagi para pimpinan di Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi mampu melakukan upaya-upaya yang mendorong ke arah peningkatan motivasi dan disiplin kerja guna meningkatkan pula produktivitas pegawainya.
Hal ini dapat dilakukan misalnya seperti menciptakan model-model insentif yang terencana dan sistematis, harmonisasi hubungan komunikasi antara pimpinan dan bawahan, tempat kerja yang menyenangkan dengan fasilitas yang memadai, tersedianya kebijakan tentang sistem informasi manajemen keimigrasian yang berbasis pada teknologi, contoh keteladanan pimpinan yang baik, arahan, sanksi bagi yang melanggar peraturan, menciptakan persaingan, dan pengawasan langsung yang dilakukan oleh seorang pimpinan terhadap pegawai di Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi, Departemen Hukum dan HAM RI.

This title based on the success of the standardization of organization depends on the productivity in which of their human resources work. Immigration as an institution with an open system and dominant environment influence can not be separated from the implementation of a system to improve the quality of the employees in giving better, faster, and more accurate services, supervisions, and immigration securities for the people.
The elements of higher and lower motivation and discipline are the factors elaborated in this research which is assumed has a connection with the results of employee?s work productivity. Basically, human feel comfortable to be ordered in getting worked, when their primary needs is minimally fulfilled, so as the other needs, in the other side, customers demand of an optimal result of work from ofticers or employees so that the organization's goals can be achieved.
The purpose of this research is to describe the relation of motivation and productivity elements, also the relation of discipline and productivity elements in Directorate General of Immigration.
The location of this research held in Directorate General of Immigration, Department of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia, H.R. Rasuna Said street kavling 8-9, Kuningan, South Jakarta. The method of selection of respondents is conducted with taking the empIoyee's entire sample accidentally which is suitable as a data source (Sampling Accidental).
This research is a quantitative with a descriptive statistic method which is continued with an inferential statistic method, along with analysis requirement assumptions, such as interval data, normal distribution, and homogeny.
The data collection instrument is set by a questioner that using a Likert Scale model for work productivity as a dependent variable, also a motivation and a discipline as an independent variables. The questioner is build of construct from many-theories, then have a validity test for knowing the validity of data, and test of reliability is used for knowing its capability. Data analysis uses a simple correlation technique with a SPSS software program, for knowing a relation degree and significantly between two variables of research.
The research result describe that there is a same direction of relation between dependent and independent variable, and also support each other. If independent variables (Motivation and Discipline) is increased, then it will be increased work productivity variable as well, and it can be represented to all of number of population of Directorate General of lmmigration's employees. So it is to be expected that managers in Directorate General of Immigration can be able to encourage employees to increase their motivation and discipline to improve their productivity.
This Case can be conduct, such as creating well organized and systematically incentive models, harmonization of communication relationship between superior and inferior, comfortable working place with adequate facilities, there are policies about the implementation of management information system of immigration based on technologies, good leadership, reward and punishment for someone who broke the law, creating competition, and a direct control which conduct by a leader to their employees in Directorate General of Immigration, Department of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Azis Muslim
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan
transformasional dan transaksional terhadap work engagement Pegawai Negeri
Sipil di Sekretariat Utama Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Penelitian ini
menggunakan Transformational Leadership Behaviour Inventory (TLI) untuk
mengukur kepemimpinan transformasional dan transaksional, dan untuk
mengukur work engagement digunakan Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9
(UWES-9). Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan
regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian terhadap 176 pegawai menunjukkan
bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional dan transaksional berpengaruh secara
positif dan signifikan terhadap work engagement pegawai. Secara parsial
kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap work
engagement pegawai. Sedangkan kepemimpinan transaksional secara parsial tidak
berpengaruh terhadap work engagement pegawai

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of transformational and
transactional leadership on work engagement of civil servant at Executive
Secreatriat of the Head Office of National Civil Services Agency. This research
utilize the Transformational Leadership Behaviour Inventory (TLI) to measure
transformational and transactional leadership, and to measure work engagement
this research utilize Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 (Uwes-9). Data was
analyed with descriptive analysis methode and multiple linear regression. Result
of the research (n=176) found that transformational and transactional leadership
significantly and positively impact on work engagement. Partially
transformational leadership significantly and positively impact on work
engagement while transactional leadership partially has no impact on work
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astried Rachmadina
"Perubahan paradigma pengelolaan manajemen ASN berbasis sistem merit perlu didukung Sistem Informasi Manajemen ASN. Beban kerja yang berkurang, tumpang tindih pekerjaan, tidak tercapainya output yang telah ditetapkan, pekerjaan yang membutuhkan koordinasi lintas direktorat membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Hal ini menggambarkan permasalahan struktur dan proses transformasi input menjadi output teknologi yang belum optimal di Kedeputian SINKA BKN. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma penelitian post postivist dengan pendekatan penelitian mix method untuk menganalisis karakteristik teknologi unit pada masing-masing direktorat dan menganalisis kesesuaian dimensi struktur formalisasi, sentralisasi, kualifikasi pegawai, dan koordinasi dengan karakteristik teknologi unit tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik teknologi unit pada Dit AK I dan Dit AK II rutin sedangkan Dit Lahta non rutin kemudian Dit PSIK engineering. Sentralisasi Dit AK I dan II sedang. Kualifikasi pegawai Dit AK I dan AK II memiliki tingkat pengalaman tinggi dan pelatihan rendah. Formalisasi dan Sentralisasi Dit Lahta sedang karena pegawai diberikan kebebasan dalam menentukan kebijakan internal di unit walaupun jarang dilibatkan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Pegawai Dit Lahta memiliki tingkat kepatuhan pada peraturan tinggi meskipun sikap atasan fleksibel. Kemudian kondisi struktur di Dit PSIK memiliki formalisasi tinggi, kualifikasi pegawai dalam hal pelatihan masih sedikit dan tidak tersedia bagian/alat/orang yang digunakan untuk mekanisme koordinasi.

The change of ASN management paradigm based on merit system needs to be supported by ASN Management Information System. Decreased workload, overlapping work, not achieving predetermined output, jobs that require coordination across the directorate take a long time. This illustrates the problem of structures and processes of transforming inputs into outputs technology that have not been optimal in the SINKA BKN Deputy. This research uses postpostivist research paradigm with mix method research approach to analyze technological characteristics of unit in each directorate and analyze suitability of structure dimension formalization, centralization, qualification of employee, and coordination with technology characteristic of the unit. The results showed that the characteristics of unit technology on Dit AK I and Dit AK II routine while Dit Lahta non routine then Dit PSIK engineering. The centralization of Dit AK I and II is moderate. The qualifications of the employees of Dit AK I and AK II have high level of experience and low training. The formalization and centralization of the Lahta territory is due to the fact that employees are given the freedom to determine internal policies in the unit although they are seldom involved in decision making. Employees of Dit Lahta have high regulatory compliance level although supervisor atittudes tend to be flexible. Then the structural conditions in Dit PSIK have high formalization, the qualification of employees in the case of training is still few and there is no part tool person used for coordination mechanism."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Falcone, Paul
"There's no escaping problem employees. But with 101 prewritten disciplinary write-ups at a manager's fingertips, there is a way to escape the headaches, anxiety, and potential legal trouble of performance review or counseling sessions. Completely updated and covering the latest developments in employment law, the second edition of "101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems" explains the disciplinary process from beginning to end and provides ready-to-use model documents in print and on disk that eliminate the stress and second-guessing about what to do and say. Expertly written, the write-ups cover every kind of problem substandard work quality, absenteeism, insubordination, e-mail misuse, sexual harassment, drug or alcohol abuse, and more. Readers will also find new information on laying the ground work for a tidy dismissal; tying progressive discipline to annual performance reviews; formally addressing intermittent FMLA abuse; ways to avoid drafting documentation that could later be used against their company; and much more. There is perhaps no more dreaded managerial task than communicating with an employee about a disciplinary problem, but this one-of-a-kind guide helps managers handle any scenario fairly, constructively, and, most importantly legally."
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tingginya tingkat kriminalitas dengan modus yang semakin canggih dan bervariatif yang mengakibatkan rneningkamya penghuni Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang yang cukup signifikan dibanding dengan jumlah petugas yang tetap, maka terjadi ketidakseimbangan yang sangat mencolok dan penambahan beban tugas yang sangat tinggi terhadap petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Apabila hal ini tidak dapat dipecahkan secara baik akan menimbulkan frustasi bagi para petugas, sehingga akan mengganggu pelaksanaan tugas. Untuk itu, dituntut adanya perubahan, perbaikan dan peningkatan disiplin kerja Petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dengan cara pemenuhan kepuasan kerja dan kompensasi yang memadai.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kepuasan kerja dan kompensasi dengan disiplin kerja petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang. Dalam Penelitian ini populasi berjumlah 180 orang dengan anggota yang heterogen serta berstrata berdasarkan kepangkatan, oleh sebab itu, teknik pengambilan sampling yang digunakan adalah Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner, sedang teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini melalui pendekatan statistik non parametrik, yakni analis korelasi Spearman rho.
Hasil penelitian ini ternyata dengan tingkat kepercayaan 99% terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara kepuasan kerja dengan disiplin kerja sebesar 0,930, dan hubungan kompensasi dengan disiplin kerja sebesar 0,867.
Untuk meningkatkan disiplin kerja petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang adalah dengan pemberian peningkatan kepuasan kerja khususnya yang berkaitan dengan penerapan peraturan yang tegas bagi seluruh pegawai tanpa membedakan pangkat dan golongan agar memacu disiplin kerja petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga mencapai tingkat disiplin kerja yang tinggi, Melakukan evaluasi terhadap kompensasi yang diberikan kepada petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang terutama dalam bentuk tunjangan kesejahteraan lainnya seperti pemberian Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) serta mempertimbangkan sistem penggajian yang diberikan kepada petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang melalui evaluasi kebutuhan standar hidup dan evaluasi pekerjaan untuk memicu petugas Lernbaga Pemasyarakatan Pria Tangerang melaksanakan tugas secara disiplin.

The high rate of criminality with its very advance and vary methods that raise the occupancy rate in Male Correctional Institution compare to the availability of the officer create unequal load of working for the officer. If this condition cannot be improved, it will raise frustration among the officer and disturb their duty. It demands changing, improvement and enhancement of the officer?s discipline by giving suitable job satisfaction and compensation.
The aim of the research is to identify the relation of job satisfaction and compensation on officer?s discipline of work in the institution. The amount of the population is 180 who vary based on their rank and background, that is why the sampling collection method is proportional stratified random sampling. Data is collected by questionnaire and the analysis is used non-parametric statistical approach, which is rho Spearman correlation analysis.
The result of the research shows the strong influence between job satisfaction and discipline of work in the rate of 0.930 and the relation of compensation and discipline of work in the rate of 0.867.
To improve the officer?s discipline, it is important to improve their job satisfaction relate to implement strict rule of law to increase the discipline. It is also important to evaluate the compensation given to the ofticer?s such as bonus in the religious holiday and better remuneration system in order to improve their discipline.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Destiana Sari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis pengaruh employee engagement terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Metra Digital Media. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini yaitu employee engagement yang akan diukur berdasarkan teori Hewitt sedangkan variabel dependen dari penelitian ini yaitu kinerja karyawan yang akan diukur dengan berdasarkan teori Herman Aguinis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Sampel dari penelitian ini sebanyak 66 karyawan tetap PT Metra Digital Media yang telah berkerja minimal satu tahun. Data penelitian ini akan dianalisa menggunakan analisis deksriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan employee engagement berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menyarankan kepada pihak PT Metra Digital Media untuk meningkatkan rasa keterikatan karyawan (employee engagement), karena dengan meningkatkan rasa keterikatan karyawan akan meningkatkan kinerja karyawan PT Metra Digital Media.

This research examines the analysis influences of employee engagement on employee performance at PT Metra Digital Media. The independent variable is employee engagement which is scaled with hewitt's theory and the dependent variable is employee performance which is scaled with Herman Aguinis's theory. The research used quantitative method with questionnaire as an research instrument.subject of the research is 66 employees in PT Metra Digital Media for more than a year. Data gathered from research will be analysed using desriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Job satisfaction was significantly related employee turnover intention. This research suggests that PT Metra Digital Media to increase the sense of engagement (employee engagement), because by increasing the sense of engagement will improve the performance of employees of PT Metra Digital Media."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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