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Shofi Azzahra
"Meningkatnya prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia mempengaruhi jumlah penggunaan obat antihipertensi, serta masih banyak penderita hipertensi yang belum mendapatkan pengobatan yang efektif dan rasional membuat evaluasi penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada pasien hipertensi penting untuk dilakukan. Penggunaan obat antihipertensi harus mengikuti acuan yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu Formularium Nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat antihipertensi. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dan bersifat deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari resep dan rekam medis dengan metode retrospektif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 2814 resep. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hipertensi lebih banyak terjadi pada perempuan 65,79, kelompok usia 45-64 51,78, dan pasien Non BPJS 68,68. Jumlah total penggunaan obat antihipertensi sebesar 38972,03 DDD dengan peringkat tiga besar obat antihipertensi dengan penggunaan terbanyak diantaranya adalah amlodipin 24812,97 DDD, 1,4096 DDD/1000 pasien/hari, dan 0,7698 DDD/1000 penduduk/hari , valsartan 5397,22 DDD, 0,3066 DDD/1000 pasien/hari, dan 0,1674 DDD/1000 penduduk/hari, dan kaptopril 4979,64 DDD, 0,2829 DDD/1000 pasien/hari, dan 0,1545 DDD/1000 penduduk/hari. Kesesuaian penggunaan obat antihipertensi di RSUD Jagakarsa pada tahun 2017 dengan Formularium Nasional adalah 100. Penggunaan obat antihipertensi telah sesuai dengan Formularium Nasional, sehingga penggunaan obat antihipertensi yang efektif diharapkan dapat tercapai.

Increasing prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia affecting the amount of antihypertensive use, and there were still many hypertensive patients who did not receive effective and rational treatment made it necessary to evaluate the use of antihypertensive. The uses of drugs in health facilities must comply with national reference, namely the National Formulary. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of antihypertensive in hypertensive patients. The research design was cross sectional and descriptive. Data used were secondary data from prescriptions and medical records by retrospective method. Sampling was done in total sampling, with total samples of 2814 prescriptions. The results showed that 65,79 of hypertension outpatients were females, 51,78 were 44 to 64 years old, and 68,68 did not follow the BPJS Program. The total use of antihypertensive was 38972,03 DDD and the three most widely used antihypertensives were amlodipine 24812,97 DDD, 1,4096 DDD 1000 patients day, and 0,7698 DDD 1000 inhabitants day, valsartan 5397,22 DDD, 0,3066 DDD 1000 patients day, and 0,1674 DDD 1000 inhabitants day, and captopril 4979,64 DDD, 0,2829 DDD 1000 patients day, and 0,1545 DDD 1000 inhabitants day. The use of antihypertensive was 100 appropriate according to National Formulary. The use of antihypertensive was appropriate according to National Formulary, therefore effective use of antihypertensive is expected to be achieved."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Euntong Army
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pemantauan terapi obat pada pasien hipertensi dengan komorbid diruang rawat inap RSUD Cengkareng. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode non-eksperimental yang dilakukan secara observasional yang bersifat kualitatif dengan cara pengamatan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan untuk melakukan pemantauan lebih cepat pada saat pasien pertama kali dirawat agar dapat dilakukan pemantauan secara berkala dan dapat diidentifikasi masalah terkait obat serta dapat diberikan intervensi. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi yang diberikan pada pasien sudah sesuai walaupun terdapat masalah interaksi dan polifarmasi yang telah ditangani dengan pengaturan dosis dan waktu pemberian.

This study discusses the monitoring of drug therapy in hypertensive patients with comorbidities in the inpatient room of Cengkareng Hospital. The method used in this study is a non-experimental method conducted in an observational manner that is qualitative in nature by means of observations and interviews. The results of this study suggest monitoring more quickly when the patient is first admitted so that regular monitoring can be carried out and drug-related problems can be identified and interventions can be given. Based on the observations that have been made, it can be concluded that the therapy given to patients is appropriate even though there are problems of interaction and polypharmacy that have been handled by adjusting the dose and time of administration.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Putriana
"Geriatri adalah pasien lanjut usia dengan multi penyakit dan/atau gangguan akibat penurunan fungsi organ, psikologi, sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan secara terpadu. Pemantauan terapi obat merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk memastikan terapi obat yang aman, efektif dan rasional bagi pasien. Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO) adalah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dari terapi obat dan meminimalisir resiko adanya Reaksi Obat Yang Tidak Dikehendaki (ROTD). Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) merupakan salah satu kondisi yang mempengaruhi struktur dan fungsi ginjal yang ditandai dengan penurunan fungsi ginjal secara cepat/mendadak dengan laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG) yang umumnya berlangsung reversible, diikuti kegagalan ginjal untuk mengekskresi sisa metabolisme dengan/atau tanpa gangguan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Terapi hipertensi pada pasien CKD dengan eksresi albumin urine > 30 mg/24 jam direkomendasikan menggunakan obat-obatan antihipertensi golongan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) atau menggunakan golongan Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB). Acute Lung Udema (ALO) merupakan penumpukan cairan secara berlebihan diruang interstisial dan alveolus paru secara mendadak yang terjadi karena adanya tekanan hidrostatik kapiler meningkat dan penurunan tekanan koloid osmotik serta terjadinya kerusakan dinding kapiler sehingga menyebabkan kebocoran di kapiler ke ruang interstisial dan menjadi edema alveolar. Pengobatan yang diterima sudah sesuai indikasi namun terdapat beberapa permasalahan seperti beberapa interaksi obat yang dapat menimbulkan efek samping, dosis yang tidak sesuai serta pemberian beberapa obat yang tidak sesuai interval dan regimen pemberian.

Geriatrics are elderly patients with multiple diseases and/or disorders due to decreased organ, psychological, social, economic and environmental function who require integrated health services. Monitoring drug therapy is an activity carried out to ensure safe, effective and rational drug therapy for patients. The aim of implementing Drug Therapy Monitoring (PTO) is to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and minimize the risk of Undesirable Drug Reactions (ROTD). Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a condition that affects the structure and function of the kidneys which is characterized by a rapid/sudden decline in kidney function and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) which is generally reversible, followed by failure of the kidneys to excrete metabolic waste with/or without interference. fluid and electrolyte balance. Hypertension therapy in CKD patients with urinary albumin excretion > 30 mg/24 hours is recommended using antihypertensive drugs in the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) group or using Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB). Acute Lung Oedema (ALO) is a sudden accumulation of excessive fluid in the interstitial space and alveoli of the lungs which occurs due to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and decreased colloid osmotic pressure as well as damage to the capillary walls, causing leakage in the capillaries into the interstitial space and becoming alveolar edema. The treatment received was according to the indications, but there were several problems such as several drug interactions that could cause side effects, inappropriate doses and the administration of several drugs that did not match the interval and administration regimen.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Putri Miftahul Jannah
"Hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang banyak di temukan di Indonesia, biasanya didefinisikan dengan peningkatan kronis tekanan arteri sistemik di atas nilai ambang tertentu dan ditentukan oleh jumlah darah yang dipompa oleh jantung dan resistensi arteri. Akibatnya, jantung bekerja lebih keras dan tekanan darah yang mengalir melalui pembuluh darah meningkat. Penyebab hipertensi dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu yaitu hipertensi primer dan hipertensi sekunder. hipertensi primer atau biasa disebut hipertensi esensial mendapatkan 95% penyebab hipertensi, dan 5% merupakan penyebab hipertensi sekunder yang disebabkan oleh penyakit ginjal atau biasa disebut dengan hipertensi renal. Penderita hipertensi ginjal biasanya mendapatkan jumlah obat yang lebih banyak dari penyakit hipertensi saja. Hal ini menyebabkan adanya lebih banyak interaksi obat yang terjadi, sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi pada setiap resep pasien dan juga pasien polifarmasi hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi interaksi obat dan memberikan solusi penanganan pada pasien poli hipertensi ginjal yang mendapatkan polifarmasi di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pengumpulan data variabel untuk mendapatkan gambaran interaksi obat pada pasien polifarmasi. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif yaitu dengan melakukan penelusuran dokumen terdahulu pada resep dan web afya di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan persentasi potensi interaksi obat minor didapatkan sebanyak 65%, moderat 60%, dan mayor 15%.

Hypertension is a disease that is often found in Indonesia, usually defined by a chronic increase in systemic arterial pressure above a certain threshold value, and is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart and arterial resistance. As a result, the heart works harder and the blood pressure flowing through the blood vessels increases. The causes of hypertension are divided into two, namely primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension or what is usually called essential hypertension accounts for 95% of the causes of hypertension, and 5% is the cause of secondary hypertension which is caused by kidney disease or what is usually called renal hypertension. Renal hypertension sufferers usually receive a greater amount of medication than those with hypertension alone. This causes more drug interactions to occur, so it is necessary to evaluate each patient's prescription and also hypertensive polypharmacy patients. This study aims to analyze potential drug interactions and provide treatment solutions for renal poly hypertension patients who receive polypharmacy at the University of Indonesia Hospital. This research was carried out by collecting variable data to obtain an overview of drug interactions in polypharmacy patients. Data collection was carried out retrospectively, namely by searching previous documents on prescriptions and the AFYA website at the Outpatient Installation of the University of Indonesia Hospital. The results of this study showed that the percentage of potential minor drug interactions was 65%, moderate 60%, and major 15%.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahensi Setya Ariyanti
"Kepatuhan dalam menjalankan regimen pengobatan  sangat penting bagi penderita dengan hipertensi karena dapat mencegah terjadinya komplikasi hipertensi. Kepercayaan terhadap kesehatan merupakani salah satu faktor yang dapat berhubungan dengan tingkat kepatuhan minum obat. Oleh karena itu, tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kepercayaan kesehatan dengan kepatuhan minum obat pada penderita hipertensi. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan sumber database Scopus, Proquest, Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, dan Research Gate. Hasil dari penelusuran didapat 16 artikel yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan JBI Critical Appraisal. Hasil studi literaturdidapatkan bahwa sebagian besar studi (93,75%) menyatakan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepercayaan kesehatan dengan kepatuhan minum obat pasien hipertensi. Studi ini merekomendasikan agar tenaga kesehatan dapat mengidentifikasi kepercayaan kesehatan pasien terhadap regimen pengobatan sehingga diharapkan nantinya dapat mengidentifikasi intervensi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan minum obat.

Medication Adherence among hypertension regimens is necessary to prevent complications of hypertension. Health belief is one of the factors that can be related to medication adherence. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between health belief and medication adherence in hypertensive patients. The writing method used a literature study with database sources from Scopus, Proquest, Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate. The results were 16 articles that were analyzed using the JBI Critical Appraisal. The results of the literature study found that most of the studies (93.75%) stated that there was a significant relationship between health belief and medication adherence in hypertensive patients. This study recommends that clinicians can identify the patient's health belief in the treatment regimen so that later they can identify the right intervention to improve medication adherence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Putriana
"Pelayanan kefarsmasian adalah suatu pelayanan langsung dan bertanggung jawab seorang apoteker kepada pasien yang berkaitan dengan sediaan farmasi dengan maksud mencapai hasil yang pasti untuk meningkatkan mutu kehidupan pasien. Pengkajian resep merupakan suatu proses pemeriksaan resep. Skrining resep dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis adanya masalah terkait obat dan apabila terdapat kesalahan atau kejanggalan dapat dikonsultasikan dengan dokter penulis resep sehingga pasien dapat terhindar dari risiko medication error. Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan darah meningkat melebihi batas normal. Faktor resiko yang menyebabkan hipertensi yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, keturunan, obesitas, merokok, kurangi aktivitas fisik, konsumsi garam berlebihan, dyslipidemia. Terapi pada pasien hipertensi bertujuan untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan target tekanan darah. Adanya peningkatan tekanan darah yang terjadi pada pasien hipertensi dapat menurunkan aliran darah ke ginjal. Aliran darah ginjal yang rendah akan menstimulasi reabsorpsi asam urat. Tekanan darah yang semakin tinggi memiliki kemungkinan untuk memperbesar risiko penyakit mikrovaskuler yang dapat memicu iskemia jaringan. Penggunaan obat yang tepat untuk penderita hipertensi diperlukan agar pengobatan pasien menjadi efektif. Penggunaan obat yang tidak efektif dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan terapi.

Pharmaceutical services are direct and responsible services provided by a pharmacist to patients related to pharmaceutical preparations with the aim of achieving definite results to improve the patient's quality of life. Prescription review is a process of examining prescriptions. Prescription screening is carried out with the aim of analyzing drug-related problems and if there are errors or irregularities, it can be consulted with the prescribing doctor so that patients can avoid the risk of medication errors. Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure increases beyond normal limits. Risk factors that cause hypertension are age, gender, heredity, obesity, smoking, reduced physical activity, excessive salt consumption, dyslipidemia. Therapy for hypertensive patients aims to achieve and maintain target blood pressure. Increased blood pressure that occurs in hypertensive patients can reduce blood flow to the kidneys. Low renal blood flow will stimulate uric acid reabsorption. Increasing blood pressure has the potential to increase the risk of microvascular disease that can trigger tissue ischemia. The use of appropriate drugs for hypertensive patients is needed so that patient treatment is effective. Ineffective use of drugs can result in therapy failure.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Kadek Arya Mulyadi
"Irbesartan merupakan obat antihipertensi yang konsentrasinya dalam darah sangat kecil sehingga diperlukan metode analisis yang sensitif, selektif dan valid untuk analisis. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan optimasi kondisi analisis dan validasi untuk analisis irbesartan dalam plasma. Sistem kromatografi terdiri dari kolom C18 (250 mm × 4,6 mm, 5 um) dengan fase gerak asetonitril- asam format 0,1 % (46:54 v/v), pH 3,75. Larutan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang eksitasi 250 nm dan emisi 370 nm dan analisis dilakukan pada laju alir 1,0 ml/menit suhu 40 ºC. Sebagai baku dalam digunakan kalium losartan. Proses ekstraksi plasma dilakukan dengan metode pengendapan protein menggunakan asetonitril kemudian dikocok dengan vorteks selama 30 detik dan disentrifugasi pada kecepatan 10000 rpm selama 10 menit. Pada validasi dalam plasma, nilai perolehan kembali rata-rata irbesartan 96,22% serta nilai LLOQ 2 ng/ml. Metode ini juga memenuhi kriteria akurasi dan presisi intra hari dan antar hari selama 5 hari dengan % diff yang tidak melampaui ± 15%. Pada uji stabilitas, irbesartan stabil dalam plasma suhu - 20 ⁰C selama 28 hari.

Irbesartan is an antihypertensive drug whose concentration in blood is very small so it requires a sensitive method of analysis, selective and valid for analysis. In this study, carried out optimization of analytical conditions and validation for the analysis of irbesartan in plasma. Chromatography was performed on a C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 um) under isocratic elution with acetonitrile- 0,1 % formic acid (46:54 v/v), pH 3,75. Detection was made at excitation 250 nm and emission 370 nm and analyses were run at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min at a temperature of 40 ºC. Losartan potassium was used as internal standard. Plasma extraction was done by deproteination with acetonitrile, be shaken with vortex for 30 seconds, then centrifuge it on 10000 rpm for 10 minutes. In plasma validation, the recovery was 96,22%, and the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) in plasma was 2 ng/ml. The method also fulfill the criteria for accuracy and precision intra and inter day by % diff values not exceed ± 15%. On the stability study, irbesartan in plasma temperature - 20 ⁰C has been stable for 28 days."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurvita Ulfa Saraswati
"Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit yang prevalensinya tinggi di Indonesia. Hipertensi harus diobati secara efektif untuk menghindari komplikasi yang dapat terjadi. Pengadaan obat untuk pasien BPJS pada fasilitas kesehatan harus mengacu pada Formularium Nasional. Evaluasi penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada pasien rawat jalan BPJS Rumah Sakit Karya Bhakti Pratiwi Bogor Tahun 2016 dilakukan untuk mencapai penggunaan obat yang rasional. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Data yang diambil berasal dari resep pasien dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit SIMRS. Sampel merupakan resep pasien BPJS hipertensi periode Januari hingga Desember 2016.
Studi dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan metode Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical/Defined Daily Dose ATC/DDD. Berdasarkan pengolahan data dengan Microsoft Excel, secara kuantitatif penggunaan obat antihipertensi sebanyak 40.080,77 DDD dengan obat terbanyak yang digunakan adalah amlodipin 17,24 DDD/1000 pasien/hari. Secara kualitatif, obat yang menyusun segmen DU90 ada lima obat yaitu amlodipin, kandesartan, kaptopril, furosemid, dan spironolakton. Kesesuaian penggunaan obat antihipertensi dengan Formularium Nasional sebesar 91,64.

Hypertension is one of the highest prevalence disease in Indonesia. It has to be treated effectively to prevent the complications. Drug procurement in BPJS patients at health facility was based on drugs in national formulatory. Evaluation of antihypertensive drugs utilization in BPJS outpatients at Karya Bhakti Pratiwi hospital Bogor 2016 was performed to achieve rational drug use. Design of the study was cross sectional with sampling data by retrospective. Data was obtained from prescription and management information system of hospital. Sample of this study was hypertensive BPJS patient prescriptions from January to December 2016.
Study was performed with both qualitative and quantitative approach with Anatomical Theurapetic Chemical Defined Daily Dose ATC DDD method. Based on the analysis of data with Microsoft Excel, the utilization of antihypertensive drug was 40,080.77 DDD with amlodipine being the most used in antihypertensive drugs 17.24 DDD 1000 patients day. Drugs that belong to DU90 segments were amlodipine, candesartan, captoprile, furosemid, and spironolacton. The use of antihypertensive drugs was 91.64 compliance with national formulatory.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chorniansyah Indriyanto Rahayu
Latar Belakang : Hipertensi merupakan faktor resiko utama penyakit kardiovaskular,
terutama sindrom koroner akut dan stroke. Peningkatan konsumsi garam berhubungan
dengan kenaikan tekanan darah. Beberapa studi randomized-controlled trial (RCT)
menyatakan bahwa konsumsi rendah garam dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada
populasi dewasa dengan atau tanpa hipertensi. Variabilitas tekanan darah selama 24 jam
bersifat dinamis. Peningkatan darah nokturnal memiliki makna klinis yang cukup besar,
merupakan salah satu prediktor dari penyebab kerusakan target organ, terutama kejadian
kardiovaskular dan stroke. Asupan garam dapat mempengaruhi variasi tekanan darah 24
jam, yang dalam hal ini dapat juga berpengaruh pada hipertensi nokturnal. Obat penyekat
EKA merupakan obat hipertensi lini pertama yang sering digunakan, terutama pada usia
muda dan hipertensi yang disertai sindrom metabolik, mengingat peranan Sistem Renin
Angiotensin memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam patofisiologi hipertensi. Asupan
garam juga memiliki peranan pada patofisiologi terjadinya hipertensi dalam sistem Renin
Angiotensin. Sedikit studi yang meneliti perpaduan obat penyekat EKA dengan asupan
rendah garam dalam menrunkan kejadian hipertensi. Oleh karena itu, Menarik untuk diteliti
pengaruh asupan garam dengan tekanan darah nokturnal pada pasien yang mengkonsumsi
obat penyekat EKA.
Tujuan : Menilai pengaruh asupan garam dengan tekanan darah nokturnal pada pasien
hipertensi yang mendapatkan terapi penyekat EKA.
Metode : Pasien poliklinik berusia 30 ? 50 tahun yang terdiagnosis hipertensi dan belum
pernah mendapatkan anti-hipertensi sebelumnya, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (asupan
rendah garam (Na <15 g/hari) dan asupan tinggi garam ≥15 g/hari). Kedua kelompok akan
diberikan lisinopril dan dilakukan pemeriksaan natrium urin 24 jam dan home blood
pressure monitoring..
Hasil Penelitian : Sebanyak 80 pasien hipertensi pasien hipertensi yang belum
mendapatkan terapi diikutsetakan dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari 37 pasien
kelompok rendah garam dan 43 pasien kelompok tinggi garam. Kelompok pasien dengan
asupan rendah garam memliki delta penurunan darah nokturnal sistolik (p<0,001),
diastolic (p<0,001), dan rerata arteri (p<0,001) yang lebih besar dibandingkan pada
kelompok asupan tinggi garam. Rerata asupan garam pada penelitian ini sebesar 16,77
gram/hari. Pada analisa multivariat didapatkan delta penurunan tekanan darah tidak
dipengaruhi oleh usia, jenis kelamin, dislipidemia, IMT, dan durasi tidur.
Kesimpulan : Penelitian ini membuktikan asupan rendah garam dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas terapi penyekat EKA dalam menurunkan tekanan darah nokturnal. ABSTRACT
Background : Hypertension is one of important risk factor of cardiovascular
disease, especially acute coronary syndrome and stroke. High salt intake correlates
to high blood pressure. Some Randomized-Controlled-Trials stated that low salt
intake may decrease blood pressure in adult population with or without
hypertension. Blood pressure variation in 24 hours is not static but dynamically
changes. Increasing nocturnal blood pressure has significantly impacts, and become
one of predictor of target organ damage, especially cardiovascular events and
stroke. Salt intake may interferes both 24 hours blood pressure variation and
nocturnal blood pressure. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE) Inhibitors is first
drug of choice anti-hypertensive therapy, especially in young age and associated
with metabolic syndrome, due to important role of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone
System in pathophysiology of hypertension, whereas salt intake also has role in that
system. Only few of studies that had proved combination of ACE Inhibitors and
low salt intake in decreasing blood pressure in hypertension population. Therefore,
it is so important to know the impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure
in hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Objectives : To know impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure in
hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Methods : There are 30 ? 50 years old ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated
hypertension, divided into two groups (low salt intake (Na <15 grams/day) and high
salt intake (≥15 grams/day). Both of groups were administered Lisinopril 10mg and
underwent 24-hours sodium urine collection and home blood pressure monitoring
Results : There are 80 ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated hypertension,
consist of 37 patients in low salt intake group and 43 patients in high salt intake
group. Low salt intake group has lower nocturnal systolic (p<0.001), diastolic
(p<0.001), and mean arterial (p<0.001) blood pressure compared with high salt
intake group. Mean salt intake in this study was 16.77 grams/day. Multivariate
analyzes showed that the difference of decreasing nocturnal blood pressure was not
interfered by age, sex, dyslipidemia, BMI, and sleep duration.
Conclusion : This study has proved that low salt intake may interfere ACE Inhibitors therapy effectiveness in decreasing nocturnal blood pressure.;Background : Hypertension is one of important risk factor of cardiovascular
disease, especially acute coronary syndrome and stroke. High salt intake correlates
to high blood pressure. Some Randomized-Controlled-Trials stated that low salt
intake may decrease blood pressure in adult population with or without
hypertension. Blood pressure variation in 24 hours is not static but dynamically
changes. Increasing nocturnal blood pressure has significantly impacts, and become
one of predictor of target organ damage, especially cardiovascular events and
stroke. Salt intake may interferes both 24 hours blood pressure variation and
nocturnal blood pressure. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE) Inhibitors is first
drug of choice anti-hypertensive therapy, especially in young age and associated
with metabolic syndrome, due to important role of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone
System in pathophysiology of hypertension, whereas salt intake also has role in that
system. Only few of studies that had proved combination of ACE Inhibitors and
low salt intake in decreasing blood pressure in hypertension population. Therefore,
it is so important to know the impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure
in hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Objectives : To know impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure in
hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Methods : There are 30 ? 50 years old ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated
hypertension, divided into two groups (low salt intake (Na <15 grams/day) and high
salt intake (≥15 grams/day). Both of groups were administered Lisinopril 10mg and
underwent 24-hours sodium urine collection and home blood pressure monitoring
Results : There are 80 ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated hypertension,
consist of 37 patients in low salt intake group and 43 patients in high salt intake
group. Low salt intake group has lower nocturnal systolic (p<0.001), diastolic
(p<0.001), and mean arterial (p<0.001) blood pressure compared with high salt
intake group. Mean salt intake in this study was 16.77 grams/day. Multivariate
analyzes showed that the difference of decreasing nocturnal blood pressure was not
interfered by age, sex, dyslipidemia, BMI, and sleep duration.
Conclusion : This study has proved that low salt intake may interfere ACE Inhibitors therapy effectiveness in decreasing nocturnal blood pressure.;Background : Hypertension is one of important risk factor of cardiovascular
disease, especially acute coronary syndrome and stroke. High salt intake correlates
to high blood pressure. Some Randomized-Controlled-Trials stated that low salt
intake may decrease blood pressure in adult population with or without
hypertension. Blood pressure variation in 24 hours is not static but dynamically
changes. Increasing nocturnal blood pressure has significantly impacts, and become
one of predictor of target organ damage, especially cardiovascular events and
stroke. Salt intake may interferes both 24 hours blood pressure variation and
nocturnal blood pressure. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE) Inhibitors is first
drug of choice anti-hypertensive therapy, especially in young age and associated
with metabolic syndrome, due to important role of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone
System in pathophysiology of hypertension, whereas salt intake also has role in that
system. Only few of studies that had proved combination of ACE Inhibitors and
low salt intake in decreasing blood pressure in hypertension population. Therefore,
it is so important to know the impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure
in hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Objectives : To know impact of low salt intake to nocturnal blood pressure in
hypertension patient treated with ACE Inhibitors.
Methods : There are 30 ? 50 years old ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated
hypertension, divided into two groups (low salt intake (Na <15 grams/day) and high
salt intake (≥15 grams/day). Both of groups were administered Lisinopril 10mg and
underwent 24-hours sodium urine collection and home blood pressure monitoring
Results : There are 80 ambulatory patients diagnosed as untreated hypertension,
consist of 37 patients in low salt intake group and 43 patients in high salt intake
group. Low salt intake group has lower nocturnal systolic (p<0.001), diastolic
(p<0.001), and mean arterial (p<0.001) blood pressure compared with high salt
intake group. Mean salt intake in this study was 16.77 grams/day. Multivariate
analyzes showed that the difference of decreasing nocturnal blood pressure was not
interfered by age, sex, dyslipidemia, BMI, and sleep duration.
Conclusion : This study has proved that low salt intake may interfere ACE Inhibitors therapy effectiveness in decreasing nocturnal blood pressure."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifani Pinto Nada
"Pasien hipertensi yang menggunakan terapi obat kombinasi dalam pengobatannya dapat menimbulkan interaksi obat. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis interaksi obat antihipertensi pada pasien hipertensi. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dan bersifat deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari resep pasien hipertensi rawat jalan di RSUD Pasar Minggu dengan metode retrospektif pada periode Juli - Desember 2016. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proportionate stratified systematic random sampling.
Terdapat 240 lembar resep 49,1 dari 489 lembar resep yang mengalami interaksi obat. Jenis interaksi obat yang paling banyak terjadi adalah antihipertensi dengan antidiabetik, yaitu sebanyak 67 kasus 26,8. Terdapat 140 kasus 56 dengan tingkat keparahan interaksi obat moderat dan 110 kasus 44 dengan tingkat keparahan interaksi obat mayor. Prevalensi kejadian interaksi obat antihipertensi di RSUD Pasar Minggu yang terjadi sebesar 49,1.

Hypertensive patients who use drugs combination therapy in their treatment can cause drug interactions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential of antihypertensive drug interaction in hypertensive patients. The study design was cross sectional and descriptive. The data used was secondary data from hypertensive outpatient prescription at Pasar Minggu regional public hospital with a retrospective method in the period July December 2016. Sampling technique using proportionate stratified systematic random sampling.
The result of analysis, 240 49,1 out of 489 prescriptions experience drug interactions. The most common type of drug interactions was antihypertensive with antidiabetic, which was 67 cases 26,8. There were 140 cases 56 with moderate drug interaction severity and 110 cases 44 with major drug interaction severity. The prevalence of antihypertensive drug interaction occurrence at Pasar Minggu Hospital was 49.1.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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