ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi pemerintahan yang dilakukan
dengan menggunakan media sosial secara aktif. Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian
kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mendapatkan
gambaran secara mendalam tentang bagaimana pemanfaataan media sosial dapat
mendukung kinerja birokrasi di institusi pemerintahan. Komunikasi pemerintahan yang
akan dilihat adalah dari sisi: internal dan eksternal. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa
media sosial yang dimanfaatkan secara aktif untuk kepentingan komunikasi pemerintahan
mampu mendorong terjadinya komunikasi partipatif baik secara internal di organisasi
pemerintahan maupun eksternal dengan masyarakat.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to determine governmental communication that uses social
media actively. Using qualitative research approach with case study strategy, this
research seeks to obtain in-depth overview of how the use of social media can
support the performance of the bureaucracy in government institutions.
Governmental communication that will be discussed are from the side of: internal
and external. The survey results revealed that social media is used actively for the
benefit of government communications were able to encourage communication in
the organization both internally and externally with the public, This research aims to determine governmental communication that uses social
media actively. Using qualitative research approach with case study strategy, this
research seeks to obtain in-depth overview of how the use of social media can
support the performance of the bureaucracy in government institutions.
Governmental communication that will be discussed are from the side of: internal
and external. The survey results revealed that social media is used actively for the
benefit of government communications were able to encourage communication in
the organization both internally and externally with the public]"