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Dani Miftahul Akhyar
"This paper explained crisis communication in the digital era. The crisis in the era before digital and afterwards had significant differences. There are two things that make it different. First, the communication channel is spread. In the era before digital, the dissemination of crisis information was only through conventional mass media such as television, radio, and newspapers. In the digital era, only one bank that has problems will become a monthly report on social media."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2020
330 ASCSM 51 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabila Annisa Diningsih
"Studi literatur mengenai krisis komunikasi terus berkembang. Hal tersebut tidak hanya disebabkan oleh isu-isu di masyarakat, seperti pandemi atau bencana alam. Literatur mengenai krisis komunikasi juga berkembang karena kehadiran dan perkembangan media baru, salah satunya adalah media sosial. Sepanjang satu dekade terakhir, studi ilmiah yang menganalisis praktik terbaik atau implikasi praktik penggunaan media sosial dalam manajemen krisis komunikasi terus berkembang. Makalah ini melakukan kajian literatur terhadap lima belas jurnal pene litian internasional tentang penggunaan media sosial dalam manajemen krisis komunikasi. Hasilnya, ditemukan lima tema utama tentang peran media sosial dalam manajemen krisis komunikasi, yaitu media sosial berbasis teks lebih efektif dalam manajemen krisis komunikasi dibandingkan media sosial berbasis visual, media sosial efektif jika berperan sebagai sarana penyebaran informasi yang cepat dan akurat, media sosial dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk membangun dialog interaktif dengan pemangku kepentingan sosial dapat digunakan untuk melakukan monitoring , media atau pengawasan terhadap opini publik di masa krisis komunikasi, serta penggunaan media sosial harus tetap dilengkapi oleh penggunaan media tradisional dalam manajemen krisis komunikasi.

Literature studies related to crisis communication continue to grow. The growth is not only caused by the issues within the society, such as pandemics or natural disasters, but als o caused by the presence and development of the new media, one of which is social media. Over the past decade, scientific studies analyzing best practices or practical implications on using social media as a part of communication crisis management have con tinued to evolve. This paper conducts a literature review of fifteen international research journals about the use of social media in crisis communication management. The result shows that there are five main themes regarding the topic, namely textmanagement than visualbased s ocial media is more effective in communication crisis based social media, social media is effective if it is used to disseminate information quickly and accurately, social media can be utilized as a means to build interactive dialogu e with stakeholders, social media can be used to monitor or supervise public opinion in times of communication crisis, and the use of social media must still be complemented by the use of traditional media in crisis communication management."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiyanto Budi Santoso
"Ramcha merupakan sebuah UMKM yang memproduksi dan menjual produk sprei dan bed cover. Strategi bisnis yang dilakukan oleh Ramcha adalah diferensiasi dengan menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas bagus. Namun, meskipun telah berlangsung sejak 2012, perkembangan bisnis Ramcha belum maksimal. Setelah dilakukan pemetaan kondisi bisnis, hasil analisis menunjukkan terjadi permasalahan di saluran distribusi dan promosi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini akan membantu Ramcha dalam mengembangkan saluran distribusi melalui website dan media sosial, serta melakukan promosi menggunakan iklan media sosial.

Ramcha is a SME that produces and sells sprei and bed cover. Business strategy undertaken by Ramcha is differentiation with produces high quality products. Although it has been going on since 2012, the business development is not maximized. After mapping of business conditions, the result shows there are problems in distribution channels and promotion. The purpose of this thesis is to help Ramcha develop distribution channels through website and social media, and promotion uses social media ads.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhini Hastrida
"Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk memperoleh kepercayaan dari masyarakat adalah melalui pemanfaatan media sosial untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan publiknya. Dalam negara yang demokratis, kepercayaan publik pada pemerintah menjadi hal penting yang dibutuhkan sebagai modal yang memungkinkan keberhasilkan kerja lembaga pemerintah. Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh dari faktor orientasi mutualitas dan faktor iklim keterbukaan dalam komunikasi dialogis yang dilakukan pemerintah melalui media sosial terhadap kepercayaan pada pemerintah. Pengukuran pengaruh komunikasi dialogis dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala pengukuran untuk konsep organization-public dialogic communication (OPDC) yang telah diadaptasi untuk penggunaan di media sosial, sedangkan kepercayaan pada pemerintah diukur menggunakan konsep kompetensi, kebajikan, dan kejujuran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif eksplanatif yang dilakukan melalui survei online terhadap 350 follower media sosial Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari faktor orientasi mutualitas dan faktor iklim keterbukaan dalam komunikasi dialogis melalui media sosial terhadap kepercayaan pada pemerintah, dan bahwa faktor iklim keterbukaan lebih mempengaruhi kepercayaan pada pemerintah dibandingkan dengan faktor orientasi mutualitas.

One of the efforts made by the government to gain the trust of the public is through the use of social media to communicate directly with the public. In a democratic country, public trust in government is an important thing needed as capital that enables the successful work of government institutions. This thesis discusses the influence of the mutuality orientation factor and the climate factor of openness in the government's dialogic communication through social media on trust in the government. Measurement of the influence of dialogic communication is carried out using a measurement scale for the concept of organization-public dialogic communication (OPDC) which has been adapted for use in social media, while trust in the government is measured using the concepts of competence, benevolence and honesty. This research is an explanatory quantitative research conducted through an online survey of 350 social media followers of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The results of the study show that there is a significant influence of the orientation of mutuality factor and the climate of openness factor in dialogic communication through social media on trust in the government, and that the climate of openness factor influences trust in the government more than the orientation of mutuality factor."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuong-Minh Ly-Le
Despite the emergence of social media in many aspects of Vietnamese lives, including marketing and promotional activities, Vietnamese organizations have used little social media in their crisis communication efforts. The organizations are hesitant to adopt social media in crisis communication and prefer to use traditional media because of its controllability and professionalism. However, with the increasing number of organizational crises that started on social media in the past years, it is arguably that Vietnamese stakeholders use social media as one of their main communication channels during crises. Should the organizations use social media in response? Through a series of interviews to PR practitioners and stakeholders in Vietnam, this research aims to find out the similarities and gaps in the perception of social media use for crisis communication between these two groups, and to guide a crisis communication practice that is appreciated by stakeholders."
Karawaci Tangerang: Buiness School Universitas Pelita Harapan, 2018
338 DEREMA 13:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Aysheza Fahresyi B.
"Sosialisasi konsumen melalui peer communication menggunakan situs social media telah menjadi isu penting pemasaran melalui pengembangan dan meningkatnya popularitas social media. Dipandu oleh kerangka sosialisasi, skripsi ini menyelidiki peer communication melalui situs social media, tie strength with peers dan identification with the peer group dengan anggota komunitas sebagai anteseden, dan product attitude dan keputusan pembelian sebagai hasil. Survey data dari responden sebanyak 150 orang yang terlibat dalam peer communication tentang produk melalui social media mengkonfirmasi bahwa dua anteseden mempunyai pengaruh positif pada hasil peer communication. Sosialisasi konsumen online melalui peer communication juga mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian dalam dua cara: secara langsung dan secara tidak langsung dengan memperkuat keterlibatan produk.

Consumer socialization through peer communication using social media websites has become an important marketing issue through the development and increasing popularity of social media. Guided by a socialization framework, this investigates peer communication through social media websites; individual-level tie strength and group-level identification with the peer group as antecedents; and product attitudes and purchase decisions as outcomes. Survey data from 150 participants who engaged in peer communications about products through social media confirm that the two antecedents have positive influences on peer communication outcomes. Online consumer socialization through peer communication also affects purchasing decisions in two ways: directly (conformity with peers) and indirectly by reinforcing product involvement. In addition, consumer's need for uniqueness has a moderating effect on the influence of peer communication on product attitudes."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Sigit Syarifuddin
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan komunikasi risiko mengenai informasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Penanganan COVID-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional  (KPCPEN) di Instagram  @lawancovid19_id. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan positivistik. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan kuantitatif melalui analisis isi media sosial (Instagram). Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pola karakteristik pesan, keterlibatan pengguna (user engagement
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan komunikasi risiko mengenai informasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Penanganan COVID-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (KPCPEN) di Instagram @lawancovid19_id. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan positivistik. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan kuantitatif melalui analisis isi media sosial (Instagram). Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pola karakteristik pesan, keterlibatan pengguna (user engagement) pada tahapan krisis prodromal, akut, kronis. Penelitian mendeskripsikan karakteristik pesan, user engagement pada tiap tahapan krisis. Unggahan KPCPEN memiliki karakteristik pesan berupa 1. Tujuan konten; Pengumuman Resmi, Kampanye Kesehatan, Informasi Seputar Vaksin, Agenda Penanggulangan. 2. Orientasi Pesan; Netral, Positif, Negatif. 3. Elemen Pesan; Gambar dan Video. Setiap tahapan krisis menunjukkan adanya perkembangan user engagement dalam bentuk suka dan komentar pada unggahan. Pada kondisi krisis gelombang kedua COVID-19, KPCPEN mengimplementasikan respons komunikasi risiko pada karakteristik pesan untuk mendorong dan menjembatani informasi dengan tujuan konten bersifat informasi seputar vaksin, pengumuman resi dan kampanye kesehatan dan agenda penanggulangan. Secara keseluruhan, KPCPEN dan akun instagram @lawancovid19_id sudah menjalankan komunikasi risiko dengan baik.

This study aims to describe risk communication regarding information issued by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) on Instagram @lawancovid19_id. This study uses a positivistic approach. The research method was carried out with a quantitative method through content analysis on social media (Instagram). This study identified patterns of message characteristics, user engagement at the stages of prodromal, acute, chronic crises. The research describes the characteristics of the message, user engagement at each crisis stage. KPCPEN post have message characteristics in the form of 1. Purpose of content; Official Announcements, Health Campaigns, Information Regarding Vaccines, Response Agenda. 2. Message Orientation; Neutral, Positive, Negative. 3. Message Elements; Pictures and Videos. Each crisis stage shows a development in user engagement in the form of likes and comments on uploads. In the crisis condition of the second wave of COVID-19, KPCPEN implemented a risk communication response on message characteristics to encourage and bridge information with the aim of informational content about vaccines, announcements of receipts and health campaigns and prevention agendas. Overall, KPCPEN and the Instagram account @lawancovid19_id have carried out risk communication well."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dani Miftahul Akhyar
"Penelitian ini merekonstruksi Sistem Komunikasi Krisis dan Risiko Kebencanaan di Media Sosial dalam Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Tsunami Vulkanik di Indonesia. Riset difokuskan pada kasus Tsunami Selat Sunda pada tahun 2018 yang menelan 426 korban jiwa. Tragedi ini disebabkan oleh lemahnya situational awareness akibat ketidaksinkronan kebijakan peringatan dini tsunami vulkanik antar lembaga, lemahnya crisis response masyarakat di media sosial, dan rumor yang berkembang akibat kesenjangan digital masyarakat terdampak bencana. Metode penyelesaian masalah menggunakan Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) Multi Method, dengan penggunaan Social Network Analysis pada SSM tahap ke dua untuk memperkaya Rich Picture dan Textual Network Analysis pada SSM tahap ke lima untuk mempertajam perbandingan model konseptual dengan dunia nyata. Survei dengan instrumen berplatform Open Data Kit dilakukan tehadap 100 penduduk desa yang terkena dampak langsung atau tidak langsung tsunami menghasilkan visualisasi crisis sensing network selama bencana dari perspektif publik. Wawancara mendalam dengan 22 orang yang mewakili 15 pemangku kepentingan nasional dan lokal utama menghasilkan crisis sensing network dari perspektif pemerintah. Riset ini merekomendasikan beberapa hal. Pertama, rekomendasi secara akademis, yaitu mengintroduksi collective intelligence sebagai pengembangan dari Social Mediated Crisis Communication dengan kolaborasi pengelolaan media sosial antar lembaga dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam komunikasi risiko dan krisis khususnya peringatan dini bencana. Kedua, kontribusi secara metodologis yaitu elaborasi varian baru SSM multi method yang memperkaya penerapan SSM dalam riset berbasis digital. Ketiga, rekomendasi secara praktis/ sosial; mengusulkan amandemen UU kebencanaan No.24/2007 dengan menambahkan tsunami non-tektonik (vulkanik) ke dalam tipe krisis/bencana tsunami; dan mempertegas peran institusi TNI dan Polri dalam komunikasi risiko dan krisis.

This study reconstructs the Crisis Communication System on Social Media for Disaster Risk Reduction of Volcanic Tsunami Disaster in Indonesia. Research is focused on the case of the Sunda Strait Tsunami in 2018 which claimed 426 lives. This tragedy was caused by weak situational awareness due to the out-of-synchronization of volcanic tsunami early warning policies between institutions, the weak crisis response of the community on social media, and rumors that developed due to the digital divide of the community affected by the disaster. The problem solving method uses the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) Multi Method, with the use of Social Network Analysis in the second stage of SSM to enrich the Rich Picture and Textual Network Analysis in the fifth stage of SSM to sharpen the comparison of conceptual models with the real world. The survey using the Open Data Kit platform instrument was conducted on 100 villagers who were directly or indirectly affected by the tsunami, resulting in a visualization of the crisis sensing network during the disaster from a public perspective. In-depth interviews with 22 people representing 15 key national and local stakeholders produced a crisis sensing network from a government perspective. This research recommends several things. First, academic recommendations, namely introducing collective intelligence as a development of Social Mediated Crisis Communication with collaborative social media management between institutions and community participation in crisis communication, especially disaster early warning. Second, the methodological contribution, namely the elaboration of a new multi-method SSM variant which enriches the application of SSM in digital-based research. Third, practical/social recommendations; proposed an amendment to the Law on Disasters No.24/2007 by adding a non-tectonic (volcanic) tsunami to the type of tsunami crisis/disaster; and reinforce the role of TNI and Polri institutions in crisis communication.

Keywords: Social Media, Crisis Communication, Volcanic Tsunami, SSM Multi-Method, Social Network Analysis (SNA), Textual Network Analysis (TNA)"

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Visitor engagement and learning, outreach, and inclusion are concepts that have long dominated professional museum discourses. The recent rapid uptake of various forms of social media in many parts of the world, however, calls for a reformulation of familiar opportunities and obstacles in museum debates and practices. Young people, as both early adopters of digital forms of communication and latecomers to museums, increasingly figure as a key target group for many museums. This volume presents and discusses the most advanced research on the multiple ways in which social media operates to transform museum communications in countries as diverse as Australia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, the UK, and the United States. It examines the socio-cultural contexts, organizational and education consequences, and methodological implications of these transformations.
Introduction /​ Kirsten Drotner and Kim Christian Schrøder
Part I. Framing the Dilemmas : Curation or Co-creation?
The Trusted Artifice : Reconnecting with the Museum's Fictive Tradition Online /​ Ross Parry
Social Work : Museums, Technology and Material Culture /​ Pam Meecham
The Connected Museum in the World of Social Media /​ Lynda Kelly
Part II. Researching the Dilemmas : The Iterative Design/​Research Process
"One Way to Holland" : Migrant Heritage and Social Media /​ Randi Marselis and Laura Maria Schütze
Exploring Art and History at the Warhol Museum Using a Timeweb /​ Karen Knutson
Informal, Participatory Learning with Interactive Exhibit Settings and Online Services /​ Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Lorenz Kampschulte, and Annette Noschka-Roos
Curating and Creating Online : Identity, Authorship and Viewing in a Digital Age /​ Glynda Hull and John Scott
Part III. Facing Dilemmas, Designing Solutions
Communication Interrupted : Textual Practices and Digital Interactives in Art Museums /​ Palmyre Pierroux and Sten Ludvigsen
Weaving Location and Narrative for Mobile Guides /​ Mike Sharples, Elizabeth FitzGerald, Paul Mulholland, and Robert Jones
New Voices in the Museum Space : An Essay on the Communicative Museum /​ Bruno Ingemann
New York: Routledge, 2013
659.2 MUS
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Aji
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi pemerintahan yang dilakukan
dengan menggunakan media sosial secara aktif. Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian
kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mendapatkan
gambaran secara mendalam tentang bagaimana pemanfaataan media sosial dapat
mendukung kinerja birokrasi di institusi pemerintahan. Komunikasi pemerintahan yang
akan dilihat adalah dari sisi: internal dan eksternal. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa
media sosial yang dimanfaatkan secara aktif untuk kepentingan komunikasi pemerintahan
mampu mendorong terjadinya komunikasi partipatif baik secara internal di organisasi
pemerintahan maupun eksternal dengan masyarakat.

This research aims to determine governmental communication that uses social
media actively. Using qualitative research approach with case study strategy, this
research seeks to obtain in-depth overview of how the use of social media can
support the performance of the bureaucracy in government institutions.
Governmental communication that will be discussed are from the side of: internal
and external. The survey results revealed that social media is used actively for the
benefit of government communications were able to encourage communication in
the organization both internally and externally with the public, This research aims to determine governmental communication that uses social
media actively. Using qualitative research approach with case study strategy, this
research seeks to obtain in-depth overview of how the use of social media can
support the performance of the bureaucracy in government institutions.
Governmental communication that will be discussed are from the side of: internal
and external. The survey results revealed that social media is used actively for the
benefit of government communications were able to encourage communication in
the organization both internally and externally with the public]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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