ABSTRAKFenomena Metrosexual terjadi di Jakarta. Sebagai pria yang peduli pada penampilan, salon seharusnya bisa menjadi tempat yang diminati segmen baru ini. Namun salon tidak sepopuler produk (baik barang maupun jasa) yang secara khusus menyasar pasar pria metroseksual. Di Jakarta, belum ada salon (bukan barbershop) yang dikhususkan untuk pria metroseksual. Padahal segmen pasar ini sangat potensial karena daya beli mereka tinggi. Produsen terpaku pada bagaimana mengemas produk (barang dan jasa) semenarik mungkin dan berfokus pada sisi produsen tanpa memikirkan sisi konsumen seperti risiko-risiko yang ada di benak konsumen (perceived risks) misalnya psychosocial risk, physical risk, financial risk, temporal risk dan performance risk. Risiko ini bisa menghambat proses pengadopsian (barang dan) jasa. Mengenali risiko yang ada di benak konsumen dan tidak melulu terpaku pada sisi produsen, akan membantu pihak pengelola salon, mencari cara mengurangi risiko (risk reducing strategies) yang ditakuti konsumen sehingga menimbulkan minat beli konsumen pria metroseksual sebagai konsumen yang berpengalaman dan bukan first time user. Bagi pria metroseksual di Jakarta, dari kelima risiko, yang paling kuat pengaruhnya terhadap minat beli adalah financial risk, psychosocial risk dan performance risk.
ABSTRACTMetrosexual men trend have spread to Jakarta. As men who care about their appearance, the salon is likely to be their favorite place. However, goods and services that are targeted to metrosexual men are preffered over and above time at the salon. In Jakarta, the many salons (with the exception of barbershops) have yet to focus their service towards metrosexuals. But actually the business opportunity is substantial in this untapped segment because metrosexual men have a high level of disposable income. Businesess focus on making their products interesting and presentable, but they often times fail to address the concern of the consumer regarding the risks on their side (perceived risks) such as psychosocial risk, physical risk, financial risk, temporal risk and performance risk. These risks could hamper the products? adoption process. Recognizing the risks that exist in the minds of consumers and not solely fixated on the business side, will help business, in this case: salon, look for the ways to reduce the risks of negative perception towards the salon. Alleviating these risks, which is called risk-reducing strategies, will ensure more purchase intention by metrosexual men, who mostly are the experienced consumer and not the first time buyer. The result, from all the five perceived risks proves that: financial risk, psychosocial risk and performance risk are the biggest influence in purchase intention toward metrosexual men in Jakarta."