"Dalam pelaksanaan sinergi pada entitas bisnis berupa Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)
seringkali dilakukan dengan metode menunjuk langsung penyedia/vendor barang dan jasa
dimana penunjukan tersebut biasanya di serahkan kepada UMN lainnya maupun anak
perusahaan BUMN (subsidiary) serta perusahaan terafiliasi BUMN, kondisi tersebut
diperbolehkan sepanjang telah sesuai prosedur/peraturan pengadaan barang dan jasa yang
diatur dalam peraturan pengadaan barang/jasa masing-masing perusahaan dan tidak
bertentangan dengan peraturan presiden dan peraturan menteri mengenai pengadaan barang
dan jasa dan tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat khususnya
pelanggaran terhadap praktek diskriminasi dan persekongkolan dalam tender.
Kondisi pengadaan barang/jasa di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) yang dilakukan
dengan metode penunjukan langsung kepada anak perusahaannya terbukti telah dilakukan
praktek diskriminasi dan persekongkolan karena penerapan sinergi BUMN tidak
menciptakan efisiensi bagi perusahaan dan terbukti memenuhi seluruh unsur dalam
ketentuan pada “Pasal 19 d dan Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang larangan praktek
monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat”, namun tidak otomatis mengakibatkan
batalnya kontrak investasi pembangunan sarana pada bandara yang berada di lingkungan
PT Angkasa Pura 1 oleh karena para pihak yang merasa dirugikan harus memintakan
permohonan batalnya kontrak tersebut kepada Pengadilan Negeri sesuai ketentuan yang
......In the implementation of synergies in business entities in the form of State-Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) it is often carried out by the method of directly appointing
providers/vendors of goods and services where the appointment is usually handed over to
other UMNs as well as BUMN subsidiaries (subsidiaries) and BUMN affiliated companies,
this condition is allowed. as long as it complies with the procedures/regulations for the
procurement of goods and services regulated in the regulations for the procurement of
goods/services of each company and does not conflict with presidential regulations and
ministerial regulations regarding the procurement of goods and services and does not
violate the principles of unfair business competition, especially violations of discriminatory
practices and conspiracy in tenders.
The condition of the procurement of goods/services within PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)
which is carried out by the method of direct appointment to its subsidiaries is proven to
have carried out discriminatory practices and conspiracy because the implementation of
SOE synergy does not create efficiency for the company and is proven to meet all the
elements in the provisions in "Article 19 d and Article 22 of Law Number 5 of 1999
concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition", but
it does not automatically result in the cancellation of the investment contract for the
construction of facilities at the airport located within PT Angkasa Pura 1 because the parties
who feel aggrieved must request the cancellation request. the contract to the District Court
in accordance with the applicable provisions."