"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan yaitu, untuk melihat determinan yang memengaruhi Willingness to Pay WTP suatu produk saat berbelanja online dan melihat Premium dari WTP ketika dibandingkan dengan kedua model bisnis yaitu Business to Consumer B2C dan Consumer to Consumer C2C. Dalam penelitian ini WTP yang digunakan sebagai variabel independen meliputi empat produk yaitu Kaos, Jaket, Sepatu, dan Jam Tangan sehingga terdapat empat model regresi. Variabel independen yang digunakan adalah Trust, Risk Preference, Bad Experience, Business Model, dan Website Quality bersama variabel kontrol antara lain yaitu asal fakultas, umur, expenditure, gender dan dummy yang menunjukkan apakah responden pernah berbelanja di situs yang digunakan di dalam kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Indonesia dengan responden sebesar 330 mahasiswa/i dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen survei.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel yang memengaruhi WTP kaos secara signifikan hanya Risk Preference, Business Model. Variabel yang memengaruhi WTP Jaket secara signifikan adalah Trust, Risk Preference, Bad Experience, Website Quality dan Business Model. Variabel yang memengaruhi WTP Sepatu sama secara signifikan adalah Trust, Risk Preference dan Business Model. Variabel yang memengaruhi WTP Jam Tangan secara signifikan adalah Risk Preference dan Business Model. Hasil penelitian ini juga mencerminkan bahwa memang benar adanya peningkatan premium WTP antara kedua model bisnis dari WTP Jaket hingga WTP Jam Tangan, namun Premium WTP kaos lebih tinggi dari Premium WTP Jaket diantara kedua model bisnis.
This thesis is conducted to answer 2 questions, which are finding the determinants that influence the Willingness to Pay WTP for a product when shopping online and finding the premium from WTP when being compared with both business models, which are Business to Consumer B2C and Consumer to Consumer C2C. In this study, the WTP is used as dependent variable that includes 4 products which are T shirts, Jackets, Shoes, and Watches therefore, there are four regression models. Independent variables include Trust, Risk Preference, Bad Experience, Business Model, and Website Quality along with other control variables, which are faculty of origin, expenditures, age, and gender. This research was conducted at Universitas Indonesia with 330 respondents by using a questionnaire as the survey instrument. The results show that the only variable that significantly affects the WTP for Shirts is Risk Preference and the Business Model. The variables that significantly affect the WTP for Jackets are Trust, Risk Prefernce, Bad Experience, Website Quality and Business Model. Variables that significantly affect WTP for Shoes are Trust, Risk Preference and Business Models. Variables that significantly affect WTP of Watches are Risk Preference and Business Model. The results of this study also reflect that it is true that there is an increase in premium WTP between the two business models from WTP Jackets to WTP Watches, but the Premium WTP for Shirts is higher than Premium WTP for Jackets between the two business models. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018