ABSTRAKJumlah perempuan yang masuk dalam angkatan kerja di Indonesia terus
mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, baik di sektor formal maupun
informal. Hal ini tentunya membutuhkan perhatian dari pembuat kebijakan dan
manajemen perusahaan mengenai kebutuhan pekerja perempuan, diantaranya
kesempatan untuk memberikan ASI Eksklusif bagi mereka yang memiliki bayi
berusia 0-6 bulan. Namun hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat
pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Indonesia di tahun 2010. Bekerja dan kurangnya
dukungan dan fasilitas di tempat kerja menjadi salah satu alasan kesulitan
memberikan ASI Eksklusif bagi pekerja perempuan. Padahal di sisi lain,
pemerintah melalui PP No. 33 Tahun 2012 telah mengamanatkan kepada pemberi
kerja untuk menyediakan fasilitas dan memberikan kesempatan pada pekerja
perempuan untuk memberikan/memerah ASI.
Studi ini merupakan studi kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Studi kuantitatif
bertujuan untuk memberikan data secara deskriptif mengenai pengetahuan, sikap,
dan dukungan organisasi bagi pekerja perempuan. Studi kualitatif bertujuan untuk
mengetahui sikap dan tantangan pekerja perempuan dan dukungan organsiasi
terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif pada pekerja perempuan. Pelaksanaan studi ini
dilakukan pada pekerja perempuan di Pusat Administrasi Universitas Indonesia,
Depok yang memiliki anak berusia 6 bulan-5 tahun. Studi ini dilakukan dengan
metode survei dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner dan dilanjutkan dengan
melakukan wawancara mendalam.
Hasil dari tulisan ini dapat menjadi dasar rekomendasi kebijakan baik di
tingkat organisasi/perusahaan sebagai berkontribusi dalam menciptakan
lingkungan yang mendukung pemberian ASI eksklusif di kalangan perempuan
pekerja sehingga mereka dapat terus berkembang di ruang publik tanpa
meninggalkan peran penting mereka dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui
pemberian ASI eksklusif.
ABSTRACTThe number of women who entered the workforce in Indonesia continues
to increase from year to year, both in the formal and informal sectors. This of
course requires the attention of policy makers and corporate management about
the needs of women workers, including the opportunity to provide exclusive
breastfeeding for those who have a 0-6 month old baby. However, the results
showed low levels of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia in 2010. Work load and
lack of support and facilities in the workplace is one difficult reason to do
exclusive breastfeeding for women workers. Yet on the other hand, the
government through PP No. 33 Year 2012 has mandated the employer to provide
the facilities and provide opportunities for women workers to provide or express
the milk.
This is a mixed method study. Quantitative study aimed to provide
descriptive data on knowledge, attitudes, and organizational support for women
workers. Qualitative study aimed to determine the attitudes and challenges of
women workers and Organizational support to exclusive breastfeeding women
workers Implementation of the study conducted on women wokers in the
University of Indonesia administration office, Depok who have children aged 6
months-5 years. This study was conducted using a survey by distributing
questionnaires and followed by conducting in-depth interviews.
Results of this article can be the basis of policy recommendations both at
the level of the organization or company Thus this paper can contribute to creating
an environment that supports exclusive breastfeeding among women workers so
that they can continue to thrive in a public space without leaving their important
role in the nation through exclusive breastfeeding, The number of women who entered the workforce in Indonesia continues
to increase from year to year, both in the formal and informal sectors. This of
course requires the attention of policy makers and corporate management about
the needs of women workers, including the opportunity to provide exclusive
breastfeeding for those who have a 0-6 month old baby. However, the results
showed low levels of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia in 2010. Work load and
lack of support and facilities in the workplace is one difficult reason to do
exclusive breastfeeding for women workers. Yet on the other hand, the
government through PP No. 33 Year 2012 has mandated the employer to provide
the facilities and provide opportunities for women workers to provide or express
the milk.
This is a mixed method study. Quantitative study aimed to provide
descriptive data on knowledge, attitudes, and organizational support for women
workers. Qualitative study aimed to determine the attitudes and challenges of
women workers and Organizational support to exclusive breastfeeding women
workers Implementation of the study conducted on women wokers in the
University of Indonesia administration office, Depok who have children aged 6
months-5 years. This study was conducted using a survey by distributing
questionnaires and followed by conducting in-depth interviews.
Results of this article can be the basis of policy recommendations both at
the level of the organization or company Thus this paper can contribute to creating
an environment that supports exclusive breastfeeding among women workers so
that they can continue to thrive in a public space without leaving their important
role in the nation through exclusive breastfeeding]"