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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Vita Surya Nirmala
"Penelitian ini membahas mengapa strategic alliance (SA) tidak diperlakukan sama oleh Otoritas Persaingan seperti halnya Merger & Akuisisi (M&A), menganalisis implikasi SA dalam pasar menggunakan teori-teori ekonomi dan hukum. Selain itu, mengangkat bagaimana penerapan hukum persaingan usaha di Indonesia dalam menangani SA. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis, deduksi dan induksi. Persamaan antara SA dan M&A adalah ada unsur integrasi antar dua pelaku usaha atau lebih dalam suatu pasar sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keadaan dan kompetisi di pasar. SA tidak otomatis dilarang, karena justru dapat berakibat pro persaingan dalam pasar. Pemeriksaan atas SA harus diarahkan pada praktek pelaku usaha dalam aliansi dengan dibedakan antara ancillary atau naked. Perjanjian anti persaingan yang naked sepatutnya ditetapkan per se illegal, sedangkan di luar itu sebaiknya diperiksa berdasar rule of reason. Dalam SA harus dapat dibedakan antara unreasonable dan reasonable restraint agar Otoritas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dan Pengadilan dapat menentukan praktek apa yang dilarang dan diperbolehkan. Dengan demikian, bermanfaat pula untuk penentuan remedy yang paling baik bagi pasar. Dari hasil penelitian putusan KPPU, dapat disimpulkan bahwa KPPU juga memeriksa SA berdasar perjanjian dan praktek oleh pelaku usaha yang beraliansi.

This study discusses why the strategic alliance (SA) is not treated equally by the Competition Authorities as well as Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A), analyzes the implications of SA in the market using economic theories and antitrust law. In addition, this study also raises the application of antitrust law in Indonesia in regulating SA. The methods used in this research are analytical descriptive method, deduction and induction. Similarity between SA and M & A is that there"s an element of integration among two or more business actors that could affect the competition in the market. SA is not automatically prohibited, because it may result pro competition effects. Scrutiny of SA ought to be focused on business practices in the alliance with the distinction: "ancillary" or "naked". Anti competitive agreements which are "naked" have to be condemned illegal per se, other than that should be examined based on the rule of reason. In SA, authorities need to distinguish between "unreasonable" and "reasonable" restraint so they and the Court can determine which practices are prohibited and allowed. Thus, it will also be useful to define the best remedy for the market. From analyzing KPPU decision, it can be concluded that KPPU also looks at SA based on agreements and business practices of the alliance."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia merupakan negara yang luas wilayah lautnya lebih luas dari daratan, sudah sepatutnyalah memiliki armada kapal perang yang memadai agar dapat mengamankan wilayah kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dari segala macam ancaman, gangguan, hambatan dan tantangan yang datang dari laut. Selain itu laut merupakan sumber kekayaan alam hayati dan non hayati yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mensejahterakan rakyat dan pembangunan nasional. Perkembangan dunia semakin datar, semua perusahaan dimana saja di dunia dapat diakses dengan cepat tanpa batas waktu, perusahaan berusaha untuk memenangkan persaingan bisnisnya dengan beberapa metode dan strategi yang diciptakan, salah satu cara dengan strategi generik yaitu keunggulan kompetitive (competitive adventage ) hasil produk yang berbeda selalu inovative, keunggulan biaya murah dengan mutu yang baik/standar dan fokus pada produk yang dihasilkan. Banyak perusahaan untuk memperoleh keunggulan bersaing, membangun dan mengembangkan usahanya di beberapa negara sehingga menjadi perusahaan multi national. Pengembangan perusahaan multi national dilaksanakan dengan berbagai cara agar dapat masuk kesuatu negara dengan resiko biaya yang lebih rendah, salah satunya dengan melakukan aliansi strategi dimana perusahaan lokal ikut dilibatkan. Bagaimana perusahaan menjaga kontinuitas suatu hasil produk agar dapat berjalan secara terus menerus dari bahan baku sampai barang jadi dan diterima oleh pelanggan, hal ini tidak mudah untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode dengan supply chain management agar diperoleh jadwal waktu penyelesaian yang tepat, biaya murah dan mutu standar. Penulis menjadikan Dinas Pengadaan TNI Angkatan Laut sebagai obyek penelitian karena sebagai pintu masuk yang melibatkan aktivitas bisnis internasional dalam rangka pengadaan kapal, yang merupakan suatu hal yang penulis anggap cukup kompleks dimana dalam satu buah kapal terdiri dari berbagai macam komponen barang dari beragam sumber/produk.

Indonesia is state with wide sea territory which is broader than land, approriately has adequate battleship armada to protect sovereignty region of Republic of indonesia from all threats, trouble, resistance and challenge coming from sea. Besides sea is source of natural resources which can be utilized to secure and prosperous of nation and national development. Increasingly leveled off of world development, all companies around the globe are accesable swiftly without time boundary, company tries to win its business competition with a few method and strategy created, one way with generic strategy that is the competitive adventage, different product result, ongoing inovative, cheap expense advantage with good/standar quality and focus at product yielded. Many companies to have the best of competing, builds and develops its business in some states to become multinational company. Multinational company expansion were executed variously that accessible to a state at lower cost risk, one of them is strategic alliance where local companies were involved. How the company taking care of a result product continuity to run continually from raw material to finished goods and received by client, this were not easy, hence, required a method with supply chain management to obtain correct solution time schedule, with cheap expenses and standard quality. Writer makes Dinas Pengadaan TNI Angkatan Laut as research object due to entrance involving international business activity for the agenda of ship levying, which writer assumes as quite complexes where in one ship consisted of various goods component from varying sources.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayatullah Asfaroni
"Tesis ini membahas tentang restrukturisasi PT ABC. Saat ini program tersebut terkendala oleh berlarut-larutnya penjualan tanah Perusahaan yang merupakan sumber pembiayaan restrukturisasi. Tesis ini bertujuan mencari alternatif struktur penjualan aset tanah dan/atau strategi pembiayaan lain bagi PT ABC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa metode penjualan tanah dengan terlebih dahulu meningkatkan nilai jual tanah merupakan pilihan terbaik; strategi tersebut dapat dijalankan melalui pembentukan aliansi strategis antara PT ABC dengan pihak ketiga; pemilihan partner perlu mendapat perhatian mengingat PT ABC tidak memiliki kemampuan keuangan dan kompetensi teknis dalam bisnis properti.
......This thesis discusses the restructuring of PT ABC. Currently, the restructuring program was constrained by the long-running land sale of which is the main source of restructuring financing. This thesis aims to find alternative structures of the sale of land assets and/ or other financing strategies for PT ABC. The study was descriptive both in methodology and design.
The results suggest that increasing the land value before it was sold is the best option; PT ABC can implement this the strategy through establish of strategic alliance between PT ABC and third party; selection of partners is need to be considered carefully given company's drawback in financial capabilities and technical competencies in property business."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arya Adi Pradana
"Mayoritas aliansi strategis yang direncanakan pada akhirnya menghasilkan pemutusan kontrak yang disepakati. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor yang menentukan tingkat keberhasilan suatu aliansi strategis, salah satunya adalah tingkat kepercayaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana identitas organisasi kolektif dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan dalam aliansi strategis. Dengan meninjau artikel yang dipilih di bawah topik ini, ini menanyakan: sejauh mana identitas organisasi kolektif mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan dalam aliansi strategis? Dalam penelitian ini, saya mengulas 25 artikel peer-review yang diterbitkan dari tahun 1988 - 2019 meliputi identitas organisasi kolektif, kepercayaan pada aliansi strategis dan juga interaksi antar pribadi — dimana terdapat penekanan interaksi antar pribadi dalam membangun kepercayaan di konteks aliansi strategis. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa identitas organisasi kolektif mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan melalui teori identifikasi sinyal kepercayaan, keterikatan antarpribadi dan persepsi optimis mitra lain untuk budaya kolektivisik.
......The majority of planned strategic alliances eventually result in the termination of an agreed contract. Prior studies have shown that there are factors which determine the success level of a strategic alliance, one of them being trust level. This study aims to understand how collective organizational identity could affect the level of trust in a strategic alliance. By reviewing selected articles under this topic, it asks: to what extent does collective organizational identity affect the level of trust in a strategic alliance? In this research, I reviewed 25 peer-reviewed articles published from the year 1988 – 2019 covering collective organizational identity, trust in a strategic alliance and also interpersonal interaction – where there is an emphasis of interpersonal interaction in trust building under the strategic alliance context. Findings suggest that collective organizational identity affects the level of trust through trust signal identification theory, interpersonal attachments and optimistic perception of other partners for collectivistic culture. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pande Ketut Yodi Widnyana
In Year 2011, heavy equipment sale reached 17,360 units or growth 47% year by year. In 2012, heavy equipment sale is expected to reach 210,000 units, growing 21% compared to 2011. This condition will be impact to the needs of component or spare part for heavy equipment, especially for filter part. Capturing this opportunity, PT Andalan Multi Kencana and PT Astra Otoparts Tbk has made strategic alliance since the end of 2010. This thesis is about analyzes why this strategic alliance cannot capture that opportunity and how to improve the strategy alliance between them. Besides of that, this thesis also analyze the new types of strategy alliance can be adopted by PT Andalan Multi Kencana and PT Astra Otoparts Tbk to enlarge the market size in amount. The analysis will starts from defining external environment and find the opportunities and threat that lie within. Besides of external environment, internal environment also has to be defined to capture the strength and weakness that company has. Using SWOT analysis, strategy can be defined based on all opportunities, threat, strength and weaknesses."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetya Aryaputra Mar'at
"Dalam mempelajari anteseden dari mekanisme relasional yaitu kepercayaan antara dua pihak sebagai pendorong kinerja aliansi, peneliti menemukan bahwa identitas relasional dan identifikasi relasional memiliki peran penting dalam orientasi sikap aliansi terhadap tingkat rasa saling percaya mereka, dan peneliti lain telah meneliti pentingnya identitas organisasi dalam proses mengidentifikasi dan diidentifikasi oleh organisasi lain. Sementara penelitian sebelumnya menekankan perlunya fokus pada kesamaan identitas organisasi untuk mengembangkan rasa saling percaya, sedikit yang diketahui tentang dampak perbedaan identitas organisasi terhadap munculnya rasa saling percaya untuk aliansi strategis. Saya menggabungkan kedua topik tersebut untuk menilai pengaruh kekhasan organisasi dalam mengembangkan rasa saling percaya, melalui proses identitas relasional dan identifikasi antara mitra dalam aliansi strategis. Dalam tinjauan pustaka ini, saya menganalisis 29 artikel dari tahun 1984-2019 mengenai topik kekhasan organisasi, identitas dan identifikasi relasional, serta rasa saling percaya. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa kekhasan organisasi dapat memainkan peran positif dalam menciptakan rasa saling percaya dalam aliansi strategis, melalui efek mediasi identitas dan identifikasi relasional.
......In studying the antecedents of relational mechanism, namely, mutual trust, as the driver of alliance’s performance, researchers have found that relational identity and relational identification have a critical role in the orientation of alliance’s attitude towards their level of mutual trust, and other researchers have examined the importance of organizational identity in the process of identifying and being identified by other organizations. While previous studies emphasize the need to focus on the similarity of organizational identity to develop mutual trust, less is known about the impact of differences in organizational identity towards the emergence of mutual trust for strategic alliances. I incorporate those two topics to assess the effect of organizational distinctiveness in developing mutual trust, through the process of relational identity and identification between partners in a strategic alliance. In this literature review, I analysed 29 peer reviewed articles from the year 1984-2019 concerning the topic of organizational distinctiveness, relational identity and identification, and mutual trust. The findings suggest that organizational distinctiveness can play a positive role in creating mutual trust in a strategic alliance, through the mediated effect of relational identity and identification."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mansor, Zuraina Dato
"Alliance is becoming an essential feature in today's intensely competitive market as a means of facilitating market entry, acquiring new technology, leveraging economies of scale, and enhancing new product development capabilities. Recently, alliances have been linked to the organizational learning literature where alliances create environments for learning and knowledge transfer. This phenomenon is the main purpose of this paper, where it will define and discuss the key facilitating learning elements in strategic alliances. The study used an in-depth case study method. Two respondent organizations were used to gather data for the purpose of the study. One case was from the manufacturing sector and the other is from the service sector. Both entered into alliances with learning from foreign parent partner as one of the key objectives. The final part of the paper will summarize the findings and suggest key elements promoting learning from foreign parent partner to the ?child businesses in the case of international strategic alliance which include learning as one of their alliance objectives."
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damar Triasrini
"Strategic Alliance Indonesian Banking With International Network Provider in Order to Optimize Electronic Banking OperationStrategic alliance nowadays has been very crucial and takes important roles in order to achieve long term strategy and goals of the company which has been planned before. In business world, many companies were doing alliances with any other companies in the same industry or different industry. Especially in banking industries, as the researcher did, the Indonesian banking is also doing some alliances to serve the customers better.
Goal of this thesis is giving views and analysis of strategic alliances which has been implemented in Indonesian national banks based on the ten biggest assets which has three aspects (motivation factors, partner selection criteria and alliances performance). Motivation factors include technology new, learning motivation, distribution channels, reputation, risk, market, cost, turbulence in market, technological change and profit motivation.
Partner selection criteria include technological skill, marketing system, competition strength, prior experience & negotiation skills. Strategic performance criteria include learning factor, issues solution, efficiency, trust and overall performance.
Research is done with survey to ten Indonesian national banks which has implemented strategic alliance with international network provider. The research data is analyzed using SPSS ver. 11.5 and using analytical description methods.
The result of this research is compared to other prior research that has been done by other researcher abroad. The first aspect for strategic alliance motivation is market motivation as a highest ranking and followed by profit motivation, reputation and distribution channel. Motivation itself give a different result if we compare based on bank status (ex private banks and government banks).
In partner selection criteria, the three highest rank are partner competition, prior experience and marketing system_ However in prior research, prior experience and marketing system are in the first and second rank. For strategic alliance performance criteria, trust is in the top criteria which can be as an indicator to the alliance performance same as the prior research.
Conclusion of this research is that strategic alliance is become the strategy that taken by the banks to achieve long terms goals and to serve customer better with efficiency and flexibility services. Strategic alliance gives the banks positive impact. Most of Indonesian national banks have implemented strategic alliance with the international network providers. An Indonesian bank has also put the partner selection criteria as an important factor, the banks choose partner that has strength in competitive advantage in the international business followed by technological skill experiences. The writer recommends that strategic alliance should be maintained continuously so that both sides will get advantages more and more with the alliance. Another next research can be taken by another new writer which has different respondents such as foreign banks or with any other methods.
xv + 113 pages + Bibliography : 21 books, 10 articles/journals, 16 websites (years: 1980 - 2003)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Aditya Witantra
"Salah satu sifat alami dari perusahaan adalah untuk mengejar competitive advantage atas pesaingnya dalam sebuah industri. Namun bagaimanapun, untuk mencapai competitive advantage sangatlah sulit terutama karena persaingan yang kian ketat antar perusahaan. Kondisi ini mengharuskan seorang manajer perusahaan untuk menghasilkan cara baru untuk unggul dalam kompetisi. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini dibuat untuk menganjurkan perusahaan agar terlibat dalam aliansi strategis sebagai media untuk mendapatkan competitive advantage. Penelitian mengatakan bahwa aliansi strategis akan meningkatkan pasokan sumber daya dan saluran jaringan. Selain itu, aliansi strategis juga akan memfasilitasi peningkatan kompetensi inti perusahaan serta untuk belajar dan mengembangkan kemampuan strategis baru. Studi ini menganalisis manfaat yang perusahaan bisa dapatkan jika mereka terintegrasi dalam sebuah aliansi. Manfaat ini juga akan mengarah ke pencapaian competitive advantage. Selain itu, tesis ini juga menyelidiki bagaimana cara untuk membangun sebuah aliansi serta bagaimana cara untuk berhasil mengelola aliansi, karena tidak jarang aliansi menemui kegagalan selama beroperasi. Selain itu, tesis ini juga menghadirkan dua analisa kasus, yang akan menggambarkan konsep dan teori aliansi strategis untuk dunia bisnis yang nyata. Menggabungkan unsur-unsur tersebut, tesis ini berharap dapat mengungkap apa yang diperlukan bagi perusahaan untuk menciptakan competitive advantage dengan terlibat dalam sebuah aliansi strategis yang menguntungkan.
......It is the nature of the firms to pursue competitive advantage over the rivals in the industry. But however, it is very difficult to achieve competitive advantage especially due to the fiercer competition between firms, which now has been amplifying more than ever. This condition forces manager to impose new way to be stand out in the competition. Hence, this thesis promotes firms to engage in strategic alliances as the medium in order to gain competitive advantage. It is said that strategic alliance will boosts the supply of resources and networking channel. In addition to that, strategic alliance will facilitates the improvement of firm’s core competence as well as to learn and develop new strategic capabilities. This study analyses the benefits that the firms may get if they are integrated in an alliance. These benefits will also leads to the achievement of competitive advantage. Furthermore, this thesis correspondingly investigates the approaches for alliance to gain competitive advantage as well as how to successfully manage alliance, since there are many alliances meet failure during the operation. Moreover, this thesis also presents two case analyses, which will illustrate the concepts and theories of strategic alliance to the real business world. Combining those elements, this thesis hopes to unravel what it takes for firms to create competitive advantage by engaging in fruitful strategic alliance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aby Nubli Nur Qamar
"Dalam era globalisasi saat ini, aliansi strategis adalah pengaturan antara dua atau lebih firma untuk menjalankan proyek yang saling menguntungkan, dimana masing-masing firma tetap mempertahankan independensinya. Namun, itu cenderung memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang lebih tinggi daripada tingkat keberhasilan yang lebih tinggi. Mengetahui tingginya tingkat kegagalan aliansi strategis, maka penting untuk memahami faktor substansial mana yang menentukan keberhasilan aliansi strategis seperti kepercayaan, dimana dalam literatur ini dipandang sebagai faktor penting dalam keberhasilan aliansi strategis. Dengan demikian, literatur ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran identitas organisasi yang direpresentasikan sebagai kelompok sementara dalam kerja sama aliansi strategis agar berhasil. Pada bagian pertama makalah ini, inti dari penelitian ini dibahas, seperti definisi yang jelas tentang aliansi strategis, kepercayaan, kelompok sementara, dan identitas kelompok. Pada bagian berikut, bagaimana teori-teori ini mengembangkan hubungan dan bagaimana teori-teori tersebut saling terkait juga dijelaskan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok sementara dan identitas organisasi memiliki hubungan dengan kepercayaan yang dipandang sebagai faktor penting untuk keberhasilan aliansi strategis. Berdasarkan temuan ini, manajer juga disarankan untuk mengimplikasikan bagaimana mengembangkan kepercayaan yang mengarah pada keberhasilan aliansi dari pembentukan identitas organisasi pada kerja sama kelompok sementara.

In the current era of globalization, the strategic alliance is an arrangement between two or more firms to undertake a mutually beneficial project, where each firm retains its independence. However, it is prone to having a higher rate of failure instead of having a higher rate of success. Knowing the high failure rate of strategic alliance, it is important to understand which substantial factor that determines the success of strategic alliance such as trust, where in this literature is seen as crucial factor on strategic alliance success. Thus, this literature aims to analyze the role of organizational identity that represented as temporary groups in strategic alliance cooperation to be successful. In the first part of this paper, the core of this study is discussed, such as the clear definitions of the strategic alliance, trust, temporary group, and group identity. In the following section, how these theories develop a relationship and how those theories linked to each other are also explained. The findings suggest that a temporary group and organizational identity have a relationship with trust that is seen as a crucial to strategic alliance success factor. Based on these findings, managers are also recommended to implicate on how to develop trust leading to alliance success from organizational identity formation on the temporary group cooperation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library