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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dinda Kurnia Azzahra
Abstrak :
Pelayanan Kefarmasian adalah pelayanan langsung dan bertanggung jawab kepada pasien terkait sediaan farmasi dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh hasil yang pasti guna meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Pelaksanaan pelayanan kefarmasian dapat dilakukan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, salah satunya adalah Rumah Sakit. Pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai merupakan kegiatan pelayanan kefarmasian yang dapat dilakukan di Rumah Sakit. Tujuan utama pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai (BMHP) adalah tersedianya obat dengan mutu baik, tersebar merata, dengan jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Evaluasi distributor atau Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) adalah salah satu kegiatan untuk mengevaluasi pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai (BMHP) agar pengelolaan dapat berjalan dengan baik, yang mana menjadi tanggung jawab Apoteker untuk memaksimalkan pelayanan kefarmasian di bidang pengelolaan tersebut. Kemitraan dengan Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena dapat berpengaruh dalam pengadaan Sediaan Farmasi, oleh karena itu dilakukan evaluasi distributor. Metode yang digunakan pada tugas khusus ini yaitu dengan non eksperimental secara deskriptif, dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektif. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu distributor PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari, PT. Antarmitra Sembada, PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading, PT. Anugrah Argon Medica, PT. Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution, PT. Indomedika Solusindo, dan PT. Golden Globe Medica memiliki kinerja dan pelayanan yang baik terhadap ketepatan waktu pengiriman, kesesuaian jenis, serta kesesuaian jumlah barang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja dan pelayanan yang diberikan distributor tersebut sangat baik. ......Pharmaceutical care are direct and responsible services to patients related to pharmaceutical dosage form with the aim of obtaining definite results to improve the quality of life of patients. The implementation of pharmaceutical care can be carried out in health service facilities, on of which is a hospital. Management of pharmaceutical dosage form, medical devices, and medical consumables is a pharmaceutical care activity that can be carried out in hospitals. The main objective of managing pharmaceutical dosage form, medical devices, and medical consumables is the avaibility of drugs of good quality, evenly distributed with types and quantities that meet the needs of basic health services. Evaluation of distributors or pharmaceutical wholesares is one of the activities to evaluate the management of pharmaceutical dosage form, medical devices, and medical consumables so that management can run well, which is the responsibility of the pharmacist to maximize pharmaceutical services in the field of management. Partnerships with pharmaceutical wholesares need special attention because they can affect the procurement of pharmaceutical dosage form, therefore distibutors evaluations are carried out. The method used on this task in non-experimental descriptively, where data collection is carried out retrospectively. The results obtained are distributors of Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari Co Ltd, Antarmitra Sembada Co Ltd, Enseval Putera Megatrading Co Ltd, Anugrah Argon Medica Co Ltd, and Golden Globe Media Co Ltd has good performance and service on the timeliness of delivery, suitability of type, and suitability of the number of goods. It can be concluded that the performance and service provided by the distributor is very good.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aranza Triputra
Abstrak :
Praktik kerja profesi di PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari Periode Bulan Mei Tahun 2018 bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Pedagang Besar Farmasi PBF serta Penyalur Alat Kesehatan PAK dan mengidentifikasi penerapan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik CDOB dan Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik CDAKB di Pedagang Besar Farmasi PBF dan Penyalur Alat Kesehatan PAK . Praktik kerja profesi ini dilaksanakan selama dua minggu. Selama praktik kerja profesi diberikan tugas khusus mengenai ldquo;Optimasi Waktu Prekondisi Metode Pengemasan Passive Packaging Styrofoam dengan Ice Pack untuk Produk dengan Suhu Penyimpanan 2-8 C rdquo;. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mendapatkan waktu prekondisi optimal yang dibutuhkan styrofoam untuk mencapai suhu konstan 2-8 ?C. Diharapkan waktu tersebut lebih cepat bila dibandingkan dengan waktu yang tercantum dalam instruksi kerja, yakni 30 menit. Prekondisi metode pengemasan passive packaging styrofoam dengan ice pack yang relatif paling optimal adalah dengan menbiarkan ice pack berada di lingkungan suhu kamar 25 oC selama 10 menit sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam styrofoam.
ABSTRACT Name : Muhammad Aranza TriputraMajor : ApothecaryTitle : Apothecary Internship Program at PT Anugerah PharmindoLestari on May 2018 Apothecary internship program at PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari on May 2018 aimed to figure out the roles and responsibilities of the apothecary in pharmaceutical distributors and medical device distributors and to identify the application of Good Distribution Practice GDP and Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices GDPMD in Pharmaceutical distributors and medical device distributors. The internship was conducted for two weeks. The special assignment given entitled Optimization of the Precondition Time of Styrofoam Passive Packaging Methods using Ice Pack for Products stored at 2-8 C . The purpose of this special assignment was to obtain the optimal precondition time required by styrofoam to achieve a constant temperature between 2-8 ?C. It was expected that the time was faster compared to the time stated in the work instructions, which was 30 minutes. Optimization result exhibited that the most optimal time was by leaving ice pack at room temperature environment 25 oC for 10 minutes before putting it into the styrofoam.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aranza Triputra
Abstrak :
Praktik kerja profesi di PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari Periode Bulan Mei Tahun 2018 bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Pedagang Besar Farmasi PBF serta Penyalur Alat Kesehatan PAK dan mengidentifikasi penerapan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik CDOB dan Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik CDAKB di Pedagang Besar Farmasi PBF dan Penyalur Alat Kesehatan PAK . Praktik kerja profesi ini dilaksanakan selama dua minggu. Selama praktik kerja profesi diberikan tugas khusus mengenai ldquo;Optimasi Waktu Prekondisi Metode Pengemasan Passive Packaging Styrofoam dengan Ice Pack untuk Produk dengan Suhu Penyimpanan 2-8 C rdquo;. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mendapatkan waktu prekondisi optimal yang dibutuhkan styrofoam untuk mencapai suhu konstan 2-8 ?C. Diharapkan waktu tersebut lebih cepat bila dibandingkan dengan waktu yang tercantum dalam instruksi kerja, yakni 30 menit. Prekondisi metode pengemasan passive packaging styrofoam dengan ice pack yang relatif paling optimal adalah dengan menbiarkan ice pack berada di lingkungan suhu kamar 25 oC selama 10 menit sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam styrofoam.
ABSTRACT Name : Muhammad Aranza TriputraMajor : ApothecaryTitle : Apothecary Internship Program at PT Anugerah PharmindoLestari on May 2018 Apothecary internship program at PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari on May 2018 aimed to figure out the roles and responsibilities of the apothecary in pharmaceutical distributors and medical device distributors and to identify the application of Good Distribution Practice GDP and Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices GDPMD in Pharmaceutical distributors and medical device distributors. The internship was conducted for two weeks. The special assignment given entitled Optimization of the Precondition Time of Styrofoam Passive Packaging Methods using Ice Pack for Products stored at 2-8 C . The purpose of this special assignment was to obtain the optimal precondition time required by styrofoam to achieve a constant temperature between 2-8 ?C. It was expected that the time was faster compared to the time stated in the work instructions, which was 30 minutes. Optimization result exhibited that the most optimal time was by leaving ice pack at room temperature environment 25 oC for 10 minutes before putting it into the styrofoam.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Kiswandini
Abstrak :
LPG merupakan salah satu bahan bakar yang digunakan untuk memasak oleh rumah tangga di Indonesia. Pemerintah menetapkan harga jual eceran LPG adalah sebesar Rp 4.250/kg atau Rp 12.750/tabung di penyalur, sementara harga jual di tingkat sub penyalur ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah melalui penetapan HET (harga eceran tertinggi), yang mungkin berbeda dari satu daerah ke daerah lain, dan untuk pengecer belum diatur. Tujuan kajian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan gambaran harga eceran LPG yang wajar ditinjau dari biaya distribusi LPG dari penyalur ? sub penyalur - pengecer. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu penghitungan biaya distribusi LPG (biaya investasi, transportasi, dan logistik) kemudian melakukan analisa keeekonomian. Untuk mencari harga jual yang wajar, ditetapkan IRR terlebih dahulu, kemudian dilakukan trial hingga didapatkan harga jual sesuai IRR yang ditetapkan yang besarnya 16,5%. Dari analisa keekonomian, untuk penyalur, sub penyalur yang tidak mengantarkan LPG 3 kg, dan pengecer telah ekonomis, sementara untuk sub penyalur yang mengantarkan LPG 3 kg belum ekonomis. dari penghitungan harga jual, harga jual yang wajar di penyalur sebesar Rp 14.254/tabung, di sub penyalur yang mengantar LPG 3 kg sebesar Rp 17.420/tabung, sub penyalur yang tidak mengantar sebesar Rp 15.645, dan pengecer sebesar Rp 16.423/tabung
LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder;LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder, LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Fahmi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai keuntungan harga jual yang diperoleh distributor Multi Level Marketing. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai bagaimana seharusnya proses perpajakannya, masalah, dan alternatif pemajakannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan PPh atas keuntungan harga jual yang diperoleh Distributor MLM tidak berjalan baik dikarenakan ketidaktahuannya para distributor MLM bahwa keuntungan atas harga jual yang diperoleh Distributor termasuk dalam penghasilan yang harus ditambahkan di SPT Tahunan dari Distributor tersebut. Lebih lanjut, adanya PP 46 tahun 2013 menjadikan usaha dagang yang dilakukan Distributor MLM termasuk di dalam kriteria yang termasuk di dalamnya. Dalam hal ini Distributor MLM dapat disimpulkan telah memenuhi kriteria-kriteria Hard to Tax. ...... This research discusses the advantages derived by the sale price Multi Level Marketing Distributors. This study was conducted to get an idea of how the process is supposed to be taxed, about its issues, and its alternatives taxes. This research uses a qualitative approach for data collection through in depth interview and study literature. These results indicate that the application of income tax on gains income earned selling prices MLM distributors are not going well due to ignorance of the MLM distributors to add its gain to their annual income tax return. Furthermore, the presence of PP 46 in 2013 makes trading business conducted MLM Distributors included in the criteria included in it. In this case MLM Distributor can be categorized as Tax Payer that "Hard to Tax".
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiona Natania Kurniadi
Abstrak :
Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) merupakan perusahaan berbentuk badan hukum yang memiliki izin melaksanakan kegiatan pengadaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat sesuai perundang-undangan. PBF memiliki kewajiban memenuhi kondisi penyimpanan obat sesuai dengan rekomendasi industri farmasi yang memproduksi produk tersebut. PBF harus menjamin ruang penyimpanana telah memenuhi persyaratan suhu yang telah ditentukan, Dalam rangka mengidentifikasi area yang mengalami fluktuasi suhu, dilakukan pemetaan suhu/ mapping suhu. Pemetaan suhu di PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading dilakukan setiap 3 tahun sekali atau jika terdapat perubahan yang mampu mempengaruhi kontrol suhu. Oleh karena terdapat perubahan mesin pendingin ruangan yang digunakan maka dilaksanakan Mapping suhu pada gudang penyimpanan coolroom di PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading Jakarta 1. Mapping dilaksanakan dengan menempatkan 30 data logger sesuai dengan denah di Gudang coolroom pada 9 rak penyimpanan. Pengukuran suhu dilakukan selama 3 hari sejak tanggal 13 – 16 Februari 2023 dengan interval pengukuran suhu setiap 10 menit. data diolah menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel untuk diketahui suhu tertinggi, terendah, rata-rata, dan rata-rata MKT. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran telah terjadi penyimpangan suhu pada ruang penyimpanan gudang coolroom yaitu melebihi suhu 25°C sebanyak 6 lokasi pengukuran yang kemungkinan disebabkan karena terdapat perubahan pengaturan pada mesin pendingin ruangan. ......procurement, and storage of medicines and/or medicinal substances by law. PBF was required to fulfill drug storage requirements by the recommendations of the pharmaceutical industry. PBF must guarantee that the storage area meets the specified temperature requirements. To identify specific areas which develop fluctuations in temperature, temperature mapping was carried out. Temperature mapping at PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading was held once every 3 years or if any changes occurred that could affect temperature control. Mapping of there was a change of the air conditioner in the cool room storage warehouse at PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading Jakarta 1, temperature mapping must be carried out. Temperature mapping was carried out by placing 30 data loggers according to the plan in the cool room warehouse on 9 storage shelves. Temperature measurements were carried out for 3 days from 13 – 16 February 2023 with temperature measurement intervals every 10 minutes. All the data was processed using Microsoft Excel to find out the highest, lowest, average, and MKT average temperatures. Based on the measurement results, there has been a temperature deviation in the cool room warehouse storage room, the temperatures were exceeding 25°C in 6 measurement locations which may be due to a change in the settings on the air conditioner.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Obat yang disalurkan oleh Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) harus memenuhi standar dan persyaratan keamanan, khasiat, mutu, dan label. Apabila obat yang telah disalurkan tidak memenuhi standar dan persyaratan tersebut, maka obat terebut harus ditarik dari peredarannya. Pelaksanaan penarikan obat yang dilakukan oleh PBF perlu menerapkan prinsip Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik (CDOB). Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian pelaksanaan penarikan obat (recall) di PT Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Cabang Jakarta 3 berdasarkan aspek Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik (CDOB) 2020. Pengumpulan data terkait pelaksanaan penarikan obat di lapangan dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung, wawancara dengan narasumber, serta penelusuran SOP terkait penarikan obat. Data tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan kriteria yang terdapat pada CDOB 2020. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa kriteria penarikan obat yang terdapat pada CDOB 2020 seperti prosedur tertulis penarikan obat, proses penyimpanan obat, serta pendokumentasian penarikan obat secara umum telah dilaksanakan oleh PT KFTD Jakarta 3 secara baik. Kesimpulannya adalah pelaksanaan penarikan obat di PT KFTD Jakarta 3 secara umum telah sesuai dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan yang terdapat pada CDOB 2020. ......Drugs distributed by pharmaceutical distributors must meet safety, efficacy, quality, and label standards and requirements. If the drug that has been distributed does not meet these standards and requirements, then the drug must be recalled from circulation. The implementation of drug recalls carried out by pharmaceutical distributors needs to apply the principles of Good Distribution Practice (GDP). The purpose of this special assignment was to evaluate the suitability of carrying out drug recalls at PT Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Jakarta 3 based on aspects of Good Distribution Practice (GDP) 2020. Data collection related to the implementation of drug recalls in the field was carried out through direct observation, interviews with sources, and tracing SOPs related to drug recall. The data was then compared with the criteria contained in GDP 2020. The results showed that the drug recall criteria contained in GDP 2020, such as written drug recall procedures, drug storage processes, and documentation of drug recall in general, have been carried out properly by PT KFTD Jakarta 3. The conclusion is that the implementation of drug recalls at PT KFTD Jakarta 3 is in general in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in GDP 2020.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanita Klara
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan untuk mempertahankan rantai dingin sangat penting dalam distribusi produk kesehatan dan farmasi untuk memastikan bahwa mereka tetap aman dan efektif di seluruh rantai pasokan. Hal ini terutama berlaku untuk produk yang sensitif terhadap suhu, seperti vaksin, obat-obatan, dan sampel darah untuk mencegah kerusakan atau hilangnya khasiat. Salah satu tantangan utama distribusi rantai dingin adalah kerumitan dan biaya pemeliharaan rantai dingin sehingga memerlukan strategi untuk pemeliharaan produk rantai dingin. Laporan ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memahami dan membandingkan penerapan manajemen operasional di PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari National Distributing Center (APL NDC) dengan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik, terkhusus mengenai rantai dingin. Teknik pengambilan data yaitu dengan melakukan studi literatur serta informasi dari narasumber. Strategi yang diterapkan oleh PT APL NDC mencakup penggunaan kendaraan berpendingin, sistem pemantauan suhu, serta pelatihan bagi karyawan tentang penanganan yang aman dan penyimpanan produk yang sensitif terhadap suhu. Setiap personil juga diberikan pelatihan tindakan penanganan terhadap kedaruratan. Pemantauan suhuu pada area penyimpanan dipantau secara online dan offline. Saat pengambilan barang, APL NDC mempunyai air curtain atau plastik yang digunakan sebagai perlindungan terhadap perubahan suhu saat dilaksanakan loading-unloading. Selain itu, juga terdapat balon yang mengembang untuk menutupi sisi-sisi reefer truck yang didesain khusus untuk mempertahankan suhu. APL memiliki sebuah kontainer khas dengan hak paten dari Zuellig Pharma yang bernama Ez-Cooler. Kontainer ini telah tervalidasi dapat mempertahankan suhu 2-8°C dengan background suhu ambient selama 72 jam. Penerapan manajemen operasional untuk produk rantai dingin di PT APL NDC sesuai dengan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik dan memiliki inovasi dalam pemastian mutu produk yang diterima serta produk yang dikirimkan. ......The need to maintain a cold chain is critical in the distribution of healthcare and pharmaceutical products to ensure that they remain safe and effective throughout the supply chain. This is especially true for products that are sensitive to temperature, such as vaccines, drugs and blood samples to prevent spoilage or loss of efficacy. One of the main challenges of cold chain distribution is the complexity and cost of cold chain maintenance, so it requires a strategy for cold chain product maintenance. This report was created with the aim of understanding and comparing the implementation of operational management at PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari National Distributing Center (APL NDC) with Good Drug Distribution Methods, especially regarding the cold chain. The data collection technique is by conducting literature studies and information from informants. The strategy implemented by PT APL NDC includes the use of refrigerated vehicles, a temperature monitoring system, as well as training for employees on the safe handling and storage of temperature sensitive products. Each personnel is also given training in handling emergencies. Temperature monitoring in storage areas is monitored online and offline. When picking up goods, APL NDC has a water curtain or plastic that is used as protection against temperature changes when loading-unloading is carried out. In addition, there is also a balloon that expands to cover the sides of the reefer truck which is specially designed to maintain temperature. APL has a unique container with a patent from Zuellig Pharma called the Ez-Cooler. This container has been validated to maintain a temperature of 2-8°C with ambient temperature background for 72 hours. The implementation of operational management for cold chain products at PT APL NDC is in accordance with Good Drug Distribution Methods and has innovation in ensuring the quality of products received and products sent.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Daimah W.S.
Abstrak :
Setiap manusia memiliki hak dasar kesehatan, dengan demikian hak asasi manusia tersebut perlu dikembangkan. Apoteker sebagai salah satu tenaga kesehatan wajib mengabdikan dirinya baik di apotek, industri farmasi maupun distributor farmasi. Dalam peningkatan pemahaman mengenai peran apoteker, maka dilakukan praktik kerja profesi apoteker di Apotek Safa, PT Harsen Laboratories dan PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan tugas khusus ini adalah melalui studi literatur, kunjungan langsung ke Kantor PTSP (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu) Kecamatan Tebet DKI Jakarta Selatan, pengerjaan di Laboratorium Quality Control Hormon PT Harsen Laboratories, serta tanya jawab dengan Branch Regulatory Quality Assurance (BRQA) PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari cabang Jakarta Distribution Center. Pada pelaksanaan praktik di apotek, penulis melakukan kegiatan perbandingan prosedur penutupan apotek di wilayah DKI Jakarta dan daerah lain di Indonesia. Terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan prosedur penutupan apotek di DKI Jakarta dan daerah lain di Indonesia. Pada pelaksanaan praktek di industri farmasi, penulis melakukan penetapan kadar dan keseragaman kandungan Estradiol Cypionate dan Medroxyprogesterone Acetate pada sediaan injeksi secara Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dan hasil yang diperoleh yaitu memnuhi persyaratan spesifikasi kadar pada USP 43 (United States Pharmacopeia) tahun 2020. Sementara pada pelaksanaan praktik di distributor farmasi, penulisan melakukan saran untuk penambahan fitur scan barcode batch number product pada aplikasi zyllem untuk pemastian kesesuaian batch number product yang diterima customer. Penambahan fitur ini berguna untuk menghidari terjadinya perbedaan batch pada fisik produk dengan batch pada dokumen pengeluaran, serta untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan keefektifan pembacaan batch number product. ......Every human being has a basic right to health, thus those human rights need to be developed. Pharmacists as one of the health workers must devote themselves both in pharmacies, pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical distributors. In increasing understanding of the role of pharmacists, the pharmacist professional work practice is carried out at Safa Pharmacy, PT Harsen Laboratories and PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari.The method used in making this particular task is through literature studies, direct visits to the PTSP office (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu) of Tebet District of DKI Jakarta Selatan, work on the Hormone Quality Control Laboratory of PT Harsen Laboratories, as well as a question and answer with the Branch Regulatory Quality Assurance (BRQA) of PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari Jakarta Distribution Center branch. In the implementation of practice in pharmacies, the author conducts comparative procedures for closing pharmacies in the DKI Jakarta area and other regions in Indonesia. There are similarities and differences in pharmacy closing procedures in DKI Jakarta and other regions in Indonesia.In the implementation of practice in the pharmaceutical industry, the author determines the levels and uniformity of Estradiol Cypionate and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate content in injection preparations in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (KCKT) and the results obtained are to meet the requirements of level specifications in USP 43 (United States Pharmacopeia) in 2020. While in the implementation of practices in pharmaceutical distributors, writing does advice for the addition of barcode scan feature batch number product in zyllem application to check the suitability of batch number product received by customer. The addition of this feature is useful to avoid the occurrence of batch differences in the physical product with batches on the expense document, as well as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of batch number product readings.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library