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Idham Holik
Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang komunikasi politik pencitraan kandidat dalam
Pemilukada DKI Jakarta 2012, khususnya yang difokuskan pada pencitraan Jokowi.
Kemenangan Jokowi dalam Pemilukada DKI Jakarta 2012 sangat fenomenal –Jokowi adalah
kandidat yang berasal dari luar Jakarta mampu mengalahkan kandidat petahana (incumbent).
Pencalonan Jokowi menjadi cermin bahwa Partai PDI Perjuangan sebagai partai yang
berorientasi pasar dan konsultan (consultant-and-market oriented party) –atau disebut juga
dengan istilah professionalized party. Keunggulan skor Jokowi dalam hasil Survei Opinion
Leader (Cyrus Network & Laboratorium Psikologi Politik UI) menjadi rujukan utama
kebijakan Partai PDI Perjuangan dalam mencalonkan Jokowi sebagai Calon Gubernur DKI
Jakarta pada Pemilukada 2012. Jokowi adalah kandidat pilihan pasar (market-choice
candidate). Jokowi adalah kandidat ideal yang diyakini memiliki kompetensi kepemimpinan
untuk memimpin Jakarta. Cyrus Network, sebuah lembaga konsultan politik, bersama
Laboratorium Psikologi Politik UI telah menjadi promotor atau endorser pencalonan Jokowi.
Profesi sebagai promotor atau endorser kandidat ideal telah menjadikan Cyrus Network
menjadi penciptra tradisi baru dalam dunia konsultansi politik di Indonesia dan dunia –
selama ini belum ada publikasi hasil penelitian yang menyatakan ada sebuah lembaga
konsultan politik menjadi promotor kandidat. Cyrus Network mendobrak tradisi lama dalam
dunia konsultasi politik dimana keterlibatan konsultan politik dalam pemilu didorong oleh
semangat bisnis (market-driven consultant). Dukungan Cyrus Network terhadap Jokowi
dilandasi oleh semangat idealisme (idealism driven consultant).
Dalam riset-riset terdahulu dinyatakan bahwa konsultan politik sangat dominan dalam
mencitrakan kandidat sehingga konsultan politik disemati dengan beragam profesi seperti
sebagai image merchants (Heibert, et al, 1971), arsitek kampanye dan ahli komunikasi politik
(Napolitan, 1972), professional image makers (Nimmo, 1976), issue primers (Medvic, 1997),
candidate marketers (Dulio, 2000), dan konsultan citra (image consultant) (Perloff, 2010).
Untuk kasus kampanye citra (image-making campaign) Jokowi, konsultan politik tidak
demikian. Jokowi sangat dominan dalam kampanye citranya, sehingga konsultan politik tidak
sama sekali memodifikasi citra politik Jokowi, tidak seperti Fauzi-Nara –di putaran kedua,
konsultan politiknya melakukan perubahan citra politik Fauzi misalnya dari gaya komunikasi
arogan menjadi santun. Komunikasi politik pencitraan Jokowi menggunakan pendekatan
alamian (natural approach). Jokowi adalah kandidat yang memiliki citra otentik (authentic
image). Jokowi adalah seorang kandidat yang memiliki kecerdasan dalam marketing politik,
public relations politik, manajemen isu politik, manajemen kesan politik, dan estetika
komunikasi politik. Produk-produk politik seperti baju kotak-kotak, salam metal, kampanye
blusukan, dll merupakan murni gagasan Jokowi sendiri, bukan konsultan politik. Ini semakin
menegaskan bahwa masa kampanye adalah masa penguatan citra politik bukan penciptaan
citra politik kandidat. Ini artinya bahwa selain terkait dengan kualitas personalitas, citra
politik kandidat tidak terlepas pada persoalan rekam jejak politik masa lalu kandidat –
kampanye permanen menjadi kunci pencitraan kandidat petahan. Kasus Jokowi semakin
menegaskan bahwa di era personalisasi politik, citra politik kandidat harus otentik bukan
kemasan. Di era personalisasi dan mediatisasi politik elektoral, otentisitas adalah kunci
efektivitas komunikasi politik pencitraan kandidat. Inilah yang penulis sebut dengan istilah
Universitas Indonesia
authentic candidate theory. Konsultan politik hanya mengkomunikasikan otentisitas citra
kandidat. Dalam era personalisasi politik elektoral, konsultan politik hanya sebagai manajer
kampanye (campaign manager) dan penguat citra politik (political image reinforcer).
Temuan disertasi ini menjadi kritik terhadap deliberative priming theory (Medvic, 1997)
dimana sebagai primer atau issue chooser, konsultan politik merekayasa citra kandidat
melalui pemilihan isu politik. Selain itu juga, temuan riset ini menjadi kritik atas temuan dari
penelitian De Landtsheer, De Vries, dan Verstessen (2008:225) tentang penampilan politik
yang pantas (the appearance of political suitability) dalam manajemen kesan politik (political
impression management). Citra politik kandidat sangat bergantung pada kepantasan politik
dan ini terletak pada penampilan fisik kandidat. Oleh karennya, kandidat memungkinkan
untuk memanipulasi atau merekayasa penampilan fisiknya seperti yang diinginkan
(politically desirable).;

The research is a part of study of political communication that explains the imagemaking
of candidate in 2012 Jakarta Gubernatorial Elections, especially Jokowi. Jokowi’s
electoral triumph in 2012 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election is the most phenomenal –he is a
candidate from outside Jakarta who have been defeated the powerful incumbent candidates
Fauzi-Nara. Jokowi’s candidacy represents that Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
(PDI Perjuangan) is as a consultant-centered and-market-oriented party –in the other words,
it is a professionalized party. Excellence of Jokowi’s grade in Opinion Leader Survey
findings (issued by Cyrus Network a political consultant firm, and Political Psychology
Laboratory of University of Indonesia) become as a main source of PDI-P’s policy in
nominating Jokowi as a gubernatorial candidate in 2012 Jakarta direct local elections. Jokowi
is a market-choice candidate. Jokowi is an ideal candidate who is believable to have the high
competence of leadership to lead the Jakarta province. The Cyrus Network and the Political
Psychology Laboratory of UI were political promoters or endorsers for Jokowi’s candidacy.
The profession made them as the makers of new tradition in the world of political
consultancy in Indonesia and the world wide –there is no publication of research of political
consultants in all the time that describes the political consultants as the candidate promoters
or endorsers. The Cyrus Network have broken the old tradition of political consultancy where
involvement of the consultants in elections were driven by the spirit of business –in the other
word, they are the market-driven consultants. Cyrus Network’s endorsement for Jokowi’s
candidacy was based by the spirit of political idealism –in the other words, it is an idealismdriven
According the previous research of political consulting, the political consultants were
the most dominant in making candidates’ image. Therefore, political consultants’ profession
were as image merchants (Heibert, et al, 1971), campaign architects and experts of political
communication (Napolitan, 1972), professional image makers (Nimmo, 1976), issue primers
(Medvic, 1997), candidate marketers (Dulio, 2000) and image consultant (Perloff, 2010).
However for the case of Jokowi’s image-making campaign, it was different where the
political consultant was not dominant in modifying or reengineering. Jokowi’s political
image, not as the case of Fauzi-Nara –in the second round of the direct local elections, their
political consultants have been modified or reengineered their image, e.g. the political
consultant have modified Fauzi’s political style from arrogant to be polite. In the practice of
political communication of image making, Jokowi had used the natural approach that created
authentic image –in the other words, Jokowi was an authentic candidate. It was caused by
Jokowi’s intelligence in political marketing, political public relations, political issues
management, political impression management, and aesthetics of political communication.
All of Jokowi’s political products was his brilliant ideas e.g. “iconic” checkered shirt, metal
sign or greeting, “blusukan” (impromptu visits) campaign, etc, not the political consultants. It
argues that the campaign is a phase of political image reinforcement, not political image
formation. It explains to us that the politician’s past record is the key of successful of
candidate’s image formation –especially, the permanent campaign is the key success for the
Universitas Indonesia
incumbents. In personalization era, the main factor of image making is authenticity, not
modifications or packaging as well as engineering. The authenticity is the main factor for
making political communication of candidate image-making more effective. So, the writer
calls it as the authentic candidate theory. The political consultants only communicate the
authenticity. In this era, they are just as the campaign manager and political image reinforcers
or sharpener. This research’s finding becomes as criticism for the deliberative priming theory
(Medvic, 1997) that explained political consultants as issue primers or choosers whose
political skill in engineering the candidate’s image through political issue priming. It is also
criticism for a research that is hold by De Landtsheer, De Vries, & Verstessen (2008). Their
research finding explains that the appearance of political suitability in political impression
management is rooted to candidate’s physical appearance. Therefore, it is possible to
manipulate the physical appearance of candidate in a “politically desirable” sense, The research is a part of study of political communication that explains the imagemaking
of candidate in 2012 Jakarta Gubernatorial Elections, especially Jokowi. Jokowi’s
electoral triumph in 2012 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election is the most phenomenal –he is a
candidate from outside Jakarta who have been defeated the powerful incumbent candidates
Fauzi-Nara. Jokowi’s candidacy represents that Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
(PDI Perjuangan) is as a consultant-centered and-market-oriented party –in the other words,
it is a professionalized party. Excellence of Jokowi’s grade in Opinion Leader Survey
findings (issued by Cyrus Network a political consultant firm, and Political Psychology
Laboratory of University of Indonesia) become as a main source of PDI-P’s policy in
nominating Jokowi as a gubernatorial candidate in 2012 Jakarta direct local elections. Jokowi
is a market-choice candidate. Jokowi is an ideal candidate who is believable to have the high
competence of leadership to lead the Jakarta province. The Cyrus Network and the Political
Psychology Laboratory of UI were political promoters or endorsers for Jokowi’s candidacy.
The profession made them as the makers of new tradition in the world of political
consultancy in Indonesia and the world wide –there is no publication of research of political
consultants in all the time that describes the political consultants as the candidate promoters
or endorsers. The Cyrus Network have broken the old tradition of political consultancy where
involvement of the consultants in elections were driven by the spirit of business –in the other
word, they are the market-driven consultants. Cyrus Network’s endorsement for Jokowi’s
candidacy was based by the spirit of political idealism –in the other words, it is an idealismdriven
According the previous research of political consulting, the political consultants were
the most dominant in making candidates’ image. Therefore, political consultants’ profession
were as image merchants (Heibert, et al, 1971), campaign architects and experts of political
communication (Napolitan, 1972), professional image makers (Nimmo, 1976), issue primers
(Medvic, 1997), candidate marketers (Dulio, 2000) and image consultant (Perloff, 2010).
However for the case of Jokowi’s image-making campaign, it was different where the
political consultant was not dominant in modifying or reengineering. Jokowi’s political
image, not as the case of Fauzi-Nara –in the second round of the direct local elections, their
political consultants have been modified or reengineered their image, e.g. the political
consultant have modified Fauzi’s political style from arrogant to be polite. In the practice of
political communication of image making, Jokowi had used the natural approach that created
authentic image –in the other words, Jokowi was an authentic candidate. It was caused by
Jokowi’s intelligence in political marketing, political public relations, political issues
management, political impression management, and aesthetics of political communication.
All of Jokowi’s political products was his brilliant ideas e.g. “iconic” checkered shirt, metal
sign or greeting, “blusukan” (impromptu visits) campaign, etc, not the political consultants. It
argues that the campaign is a phase of political image reinforcement, not political image
formation. It explains to us that the politician’s past record is the key of successful of
candidate’s image formation –especially, the permanent campaign is the key success for the
Universitas Indonesia
incumbents. In personalization era, the main factor of image making is authenticity, not
modifications or packaging as well as engineering. The authenticity is the main factor for
making political communication of candidate image-making more effective. So, the writer
calls it as the authentic candidate theory. The political consultants only communicate the
authenticity. In this era, they are just as the campaign manager and political image reinforcers
or sharpener. This research’s finding becomes as criticism for the deliberative priming theory
(Medvic, 1997) that explained political consultants as issue primers or choosers whose
political skill in engineering the candidate’s image through political issue priming. It is also
criticism for a research that is hold by De Landtsheer, De Vries, & Verstessen (2008). Their
research finding explains that the appearance of political suitability in political impression
management is rooted to candidate’s physical appearance. Therefore, it is possible to
manipulate the physical appearance of candidate in a “politically desirable” sense]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In the election head of region can be used as a momentum of fundamental change, thus the attendance of independent candidate is absolute and can not be bargained. Practically and theoritically independent candidate is significant."
JHUII 13:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agita Naufal Khuluqin Azhiim
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara jenama politik kandidat dengan perilaku memilih, dengan fokus pada pemilihan umum atau politik. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada dewasa muda sebanyak 278 orang dengan partisipan dengan rentan usia 18-25 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang karakteristik demografis partisipan. Selanjutnya, analisis inferensial digunakan dengan menerapkan pearson correlation untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara jenama politik kandidat dan perilaku memilih. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan partial correlation untuk mengeksplorasi variabel-variabel tambahan yang mungkin memiliki hubungan tersebut, seperti seberapa sering melihat postingan, sejak kapan melihat sosial media mengenai Ganjar Pranowo, dan rasa dekat dengan partai politik PDI-P. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mengenai hubungan jenama politik kandidat dan perilaku memilih pemilih, dengan implikasi yang relevan dalam konteks politik dan pemilihan umum.
......This research aims to test the hypothesis that there is a positive and significant relationship between candidate political brand and voting behavior, focusing on general elections or political contexts. The study involved 278 young adults with participants ranging from 18 to 25 years old. Descriptive and inferential analyses were employed in this research. Descriptive analysis was conducted to provide an overview of the demographic characteristics of the participants. Furthermore, inferential analysis was utilized by applying person correlation to evaluate the relationship between candidate political brand and voting behavior. Additionally, partial correlation was used to explore additional variables that may influence this relationship, such as the frequency of viewing posts, the duration of exposure to social media content about Ganjar Pranowo, and the sense of closeness to the PDI-P political party. The results of this research are expected to contribute to the understanding of the influence of candidate political brand on voters' behavior, with relevant implications in the political and general election context."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Herastya Iman Priyonggo
"Lapangan XYZ adalah lapangan gas yang berada di Selat Makasar Kalimantan Timur. Lapangan ini terletak di bagian timur dari laut dalam Delta Mahakam dan kedalaman rata-rata air laut di daerah ini kurang lebih 6000 feet. Reservoir di lapangan ini dipercaya sebagai endapan turbidite laut dalam, dan dikenal sebagai "deep water channelized system" yang berumur antara Pliosen bawah - Miosen Atas. Oleh karena itu reservoir di daerah ini memiliki kuantitas dan kualitas yang sangat bervariasi.
Dalam penelitian ini dipilih metoda dekomposisi spektral yang hasilnya diharapkan akan dapat digunakan dalam mendeliniasi, dan analisa facies reservoir dengan pendekatan model yang telah ada sebelumnya dan telah dilakukan oleh Slatt 2006. Sementara ekstraksi atribut RMS dilakukan untuk melihat distribusi kandidat reservoir sekaligus menjadi pembanding dan pendukung informasi yang didapat dari metoda dekomposisi spektral.
Hasil penelitian ini pada akhirnya akan sangat berguna bagi perhitungan cadangan rinci, yang akan sangat tergantung pada geometri dan kualitas reservoir. Selain itu juga akan berguna bagi perencanaan produksi pada fase eksploitasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ini , didapatkan tiga facies reservoir dan hubungan korelasi yang kuat antara metode dekomposisi spektral dengan ekstraksi atribut RMS tersebut. Dengan ektraksi atribut RMS dapat dilihat distribusi reservoir secara umum berdasarkan tingginya nilai atribut RMS. Sementara untuk deliniasi reservoir secara lebih rinci diperoleh dari hasil analisis dekomposisi spektral. Universitas Indonesia.
......The XYZ Field is one of the gas fields located in Makasar Strait-East Kalimantan. It lies in the Eastern part of deepwater Mahakam Delta. The average water depth in the area is about 6000 feet. The reservoir of this field is believed to be the product of deepwater turbidite sedimentation as "deep water channelized system" of Lower Pliocene to Upper Miocene in age. As a consequence reservoir of this area has great variations in quality and quantity.
In this research the spectral decomposition method was chosen and expected to be used in reservoir deliniation and facies analysis based on previous model approaches Slatt, 2006. While RMS attribute extraction carried out in order to analyze the distribution of reservoir candidate as well as the benchmark and supporting information for the spectral decomposition method.
The result of this study will be very important for detail reserved calculations, which will be very rely on to the reservoir geometry and quality. Moreover it will be very useful for the production planning at the exploitation phase.
From this study, it is concluded there are 3 (three) main facies of reservoir in the area, and there is a strong correlation between result of spectral decomposition and RMS attribute. From the RMS attribute extraction, the author found a general reservoir distribution based on the height of RMS value. Meanwhile for more detail reservoir deliniation, it has been achieved from the spectral decomposition analysis."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indira Rasya Rasyidah
"Sejak dahulu kala, kandidat dan partai politik sudah “dipasarkan” kepada pemilik suara layaknya sebuah produk. Muncul suatu istilah dari adanya fenomena pemasaran berdasarkan kepribadian dalam konteks politik ini, yaitu “brandidates” yang mana gabungan dari kata “brand” dan kata “candidates” yang secara harfiah adalah merk dan kandidat. Dalam kontestasi pemilihan presiden Indonesia 2024, strategi brandidates ini digunakan dengan “menjual” kepribadian dan citra dari masing-masing pasangan menyesuaikan dengan target pemilihnya. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hubungan antara endorsers yang menyebarkan citra diri dan kepribadian dari masing-masing brandidates dengan preferensi pemilih dan brandidates equity secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian causal cross-sectional dengan kriteria merupakan pemilih dalam Pemilihan Umum Presiden Indonesia 2024 dan mengetahui endorsers dan konten kampanye kandidat presiden. Didapatkan 244 sampel untuk pemilih Anies Baswedan, 112 sampel untuk pemilih Prabowo Subianto, dan 145 sampel untuk pemilih Ganjar Pranowo. Data yang didapat diolah menggunakan SmartPLS 4 dengan menggunakan multigroup analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Brandidates Endorsers memengaruhi Brandidates Personalities, Brandidates Personalities memengaruhi Brandidates Preference dan Brandidates Equity, serta Brandidates personalities memediasi hubungan antara brandidates endorsers dan brandidates preference, lalu terakhir Brandidates personalities memediasi hubungan antara brandidates endorsers dan brandidates equity. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh marketers/tim kampanye dalam pembentukan strategi pemasaran politik untuk kandidat yang akan mencalonkan diri.
......Since a long time agol, candidates and political parties have been “marketed” to voters like a product. A term emerged from the phenomenon of personality-based marketing in this political context, namely “brandidates” which is a combination of the word “brand” and the word “candidates” which literally means brand and candidate. In the contestation of the 2024 Indonesian presidential election, this brandidates strategy is used by “selling” the personality and image of each pair according to the target voters. This study discusses the relationship between endorsers who spread the self-image and personality of each brandidates with voter preferences and overall brandidates equity. This study uses a cross- sectional causal research design with the criteria of being a voter in the 2024 Indonesian Presidential General Election and knowing the endorsers and campaign content of the presidential candidates. 244 samples were obtained for Anies Baswedan voters, 112 samples for Prabowo Subianto voters, and 145 samples for Ganjar Pranowo voters. The data obtained is processed using SmartPLS 4 using multigroup analysis. The results showed that Brandidates Endorsers influence Brandidates Personalities, Brandidates Personalities influence Brandidates Preference and Brandidates Equity, and Brandidates personalities mediate the relationship between brandidates endorsers and brandidates preference, then finally Brandidates personalities mediate the relationship between brandidates endorsers and brandidates equity. The results of this study can be used by marketers/campaign teams in the formation of political marketing strategies for candidates who will run for elections."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Prasetya
"Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) adalah sebuah tuntunan implementasi arsitektur system informasi yang mulai mendapat banyak perhatian, dan perusahaan mulai mencari cara untuk memetik manfaat bisnis yang dijanjikannya. Tulisan ini berisi teknis implementasi untuk kombinasi antara Service-Oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD) dan Zachman?s Framework for Enterprise Architecture (ZFEA) sehingga cocok diterapkan sebagai bagian dari adopsi SOA di perusahaan.
Metodologi yang dipergunakan adalah Service-Oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD) dari IBM yang dimulai dengan implementasi ZFEA untuk memperoleh gambaran yang utuh dari enterprise dan berlanjut pada identifikasi layanan, dilanjutkan dengan perumusan kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional, dan berlanjut pada identifikasi layanan, klasifikasi layanan, hingga penentuan keputusan publikasi layanan.
Metodologi gabungan tersebut diimplementasikan di PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero), sebuah BUMN di Indonesia, untuk menemukan kandidat layanan dalam kegiatan registrasi transaksi di proses bisnis kliring dan penyelesaian.Implementasi tersebut menghasilkan enam kandidat layanan yang didesain untuk mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional yang ada di ruang lingkup masalah kliring dan penyelesaian.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as information system architecture guidance has gain some attention lately, and enterprises begin to look for a way to embrace it to achive the promised benefits. This paper discuss the implementation of Service-Oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD) and Zachman?s Framework for Enterprise Architecture (ZFEA) combined methodology to enable SOA adoption within enteprise in more approachable way.
The methodology used was Service-Oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD) of IBM which starts with implementation of ZFEA to gain understanding of enterprise, followed by technical and non-technical requirements identification, then walk through service identification, service classification, up to the service exposure decision.
The combined methodology is implemented in PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero), a government owned financial service company in Indonesia, to find service candidates within transaction registration process in the clearing and settlement business process. The implementation resulted in six service candidates found that designed to answers all the functional and non-functional requirements within the problem domain."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicky Anugerah Tri Hantari
"Tesis ini membahas tentang teori retorika baru yang masih jarang dibahas dalam ilmu komunikasi, Retorika baru sendiri berusaha untuk menambah teori retorika sebelumnya dengan menekankan pentingnya substansi, identifikasi, dan konsubstansialitas. Awal retorika baru muncul karena adanya kritik terhadap retorika lama yang digagas oleh Aristotles. Retorika lama memiliki premis bahwa kebenaran adalah absolut dan akan membuat argumen menjadi persuasif, terutama dengan menggunakan logika formal. Akan tetapi, para pengkritik melihat bahwa kebenaran sesungguhnya bisa dikonstruksi hingga tampak meyakinkan dan tidak mencerminkan keadaan sebenarnya. Pengkonstruksian ini didukung oleh kesadaran dari komunikan melihat khalayaknya. Selain dari aspek ethos, pathos, dan logos; komunikan juga diharapkan dapat melihat khalayaknya dari aspek substansi pidato yang ingin disampaikan, mengidentifikasi bagaimana khalayaknya, dan menerapkan aspek konsunstansialitas dengan melihat nilai-nilai yang dipercaya oleh para khalayak. Melalui ketiganya, komunikan dapat menyusun strategi dengan memilih kata-kata. Upaya penyusunan ini untuk menciptakan komunikasi simbol antara komunikan dengan khalayaknya dan di sinilah munculah proses dramatisasi atau dikenal dengan konsep dramatisme. Untuk memberikan gambaran dramatisme ini penulis menggunakan pidato-pidato Prabowo Subianto sebagai kandidat penantang dalam pemilihan presiden Pemilu 2019 dengan menganalisis bahasa yang digunakan serta membedah tujuan apa yang ingin dicapai oleh Prabowo Subianto dalam kampanye politiknya karena banyak hal yang terjadi selama waktu itu berlangsung dan bagaimana peristiwa-peristiwa ini dapat mempengaruhi elektabilitas Prabowo.
This thesis is about new rhetoric theory which is still extinct to be discussed in communication studies. The new rhetoric attempts to update the previous theory, the old rhetoric with emphasizing substance, identification, an consubstansiality. The recent theory emerges due to the critiques toward the old one. It highlight that the reality no longer relevant with the claim and facts or could be said that the truth could be constructed so that an argument can be persuasive, even though it doesn`t depict the rightness. The construction is supported by the awareness of the communicator in seeing the audiences. Not only being attentive to ethos, pathos, and logos aspects, the communicators could acknowledge the audiences from the substances they are conveying and identifying them, and applying consubstantiality with considering  the internal values that lie in each person with as well. From those three, the communicator is able to establish strategies by choosing the diction. The purpose is crafting symbolic communication among the communicator and its audiences thus the dramatization process would be created or can be called as dramatism. In this thesis, the author is using Prabowo Subianto`s speeches as a challenger candidate in Indonesia presidential election 2019 by analyzing the language and his purposes in his campaign, especially with taking the events that occurred into accounts which can affecting to his electability. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erza Anandhika Valerian Vacquier
"Dalam persaingan untuk memperebutkan kursi di Kongres, para kandidat berlomba-lomba menggunakan strategi kampanye untuk memenangkan dukungan dan suara dari pemilih. Upaya kampanye ini memerlukan penerimaan dan pengeluaran dana kampanye yang signifikan untuk menjalankan program kampanye mereka. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh dana kampanye terhadap perolehan suara kandidat Kongres dalam Pemilihan Kongres Amerika Serikat 2020. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Federal Election Commission (FEC). Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 125 kandidat Pemilihan Kongres 2020 dengan confidence level 95% dan margin of error 5%. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier ordinal (OLS), penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh variabel penerimaan dan pengeluaran kampanye terhadap perolehan suara kandidat dengan mempertimbangkan kategori-kategori yang relevan. Variabel penerimaan dana kampanye akan dianalisis secara terpisah, meliputi penerimaan individu, penerimaan partai politik, penerimaan komite aksi politik, dan penerimaan dana pribadi kandidat. Demikian pula, variabel pengeluaran kampanye akan dianalisis secara terpisah, mencakup biaya pemasangan iklan kampanye, biaya acara kampanye, biaya peraga alat kampanye, dan biaya administratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam pemilihan Kongres Amerika Serikat tahun 2020, penggunaan dana kampanye untuk biaya pemasangan iklan kampanye memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap perolehan suara anggota U.S. House of Representatives, sementara variabel lain seperti penerimaan dana kampanye individu, jumlah total penerimaan dana kampanye, dan total pengeluaran kampanye tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan secara statistik
......In the race for congressional seats, candidates are vying for support and votes from the electorate using campaign strategies. These campaign efforts require significant campaign fundraising and expenditures to run their programs. The research aims to analyze the influence of campaign funding on the vote acquisition of congressional candidates in the 2020 United States Congressional Election. The data used for this study is secondary data obtained from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The research includes a sample of 125 candidates from the 2020 Congressional Election with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. Using the ordinal linear regression (OLS) analysis method, the research analyzes the impact of campaign funding and expenditure variables on candidate vote acquisition, considering relevant categories. Campaign funding variables, such as individual contributions, party contributions, political action committee contributions, and candidate personal contributions, will be analyzed separately. Similarly, campaign expenditure variables, including advertising expenses, campaign event costs, campaign material expenses, and administrative expenses, will be analyzed separately. The research findings indicate that in the 2020 United States Congressional Election, the use of campaign funds for advertising expenses significantly influenced the vote acquisition of U.S. House of Representatives members, while other variables such as individual campaign contributions, total campaign contributions, and total campaign expenditures did not show significant statistical significance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thohir Husin Baagil
"Skripsi ini menjelaskan pengaruh kampanye kreatif Tunas Indonesia Raya dalam membangun partisipasi kelompok millennials untuk memilih Anies-Sandi pada Pilkada DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat bagaimana kampanye kreatif di sosial media dapat menjadi strategi untuk membangun citra Anies-Sandi dan melihat jangkauan dari kampanye tersebut. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada narasumber yang telah ditetapkan dan pengumpulan rekam jejak digital terkait kampanye kreatif Anies-Sandi. Hasil penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah kampanye kreatif Tidar berhasil menguatkan personalitas kandidat Anies-Sandi serta efek jangkauannya sampai mempengaruhi publisitas di media massa sebagai alternatif dalam menghadapi mahalnya pembiayaan pentas politik di Indonesia.
This research tries to explain the influence of creative campaigns conducted by Tunas Indonesia Raya to build Millenials political participation in voting for Anies-Sandi in the Governatorial Election of Special Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakata). This research tries to see at how social medias creative campaigns could be a strategy to build an image for Anies-Sandi and to see the campaigns outreach. This research uses qualitative method by conducting interviews with established souces and collecting digital track records in accordance to Anies-Sandis creative campaign. The results of this research show that Tidars creative campaign succeeded in strengthening the perceived personality of the candidate, and the campaigns outreach impact influenced the publicity in the mass media. This campaign could become an alternative method in the high cost of political stage funding in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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