"[Urbanisasi yang semakin marak terjadi menimbulkan peningkatan penduduk kelas konsumen di Indonesia. Didukung dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat akan produk kesehatan membuat angka pertumbuhan yang mencapai angka 173,2% dari tahun 2008 sampai 2013 untuk penjualan produk perawatan kulit. Potensi yang besar pada industri ini tentu mengundang semakin banyak pemain-pemain bisnis untuk ikut bersaing. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan strategistrategi pemasaran baru yang dapat memperkuat loyalitas konsumen akan merek pada pasar yang kompetitif ini. Sayangnya, merek merupakan hal yang tidak dapat terukur sehingga dibutuhkan model yang dapat mensimulasikan sistem yang kompleks untuk mengukurnya. Melihat fenomena revolusi digital yang mengembangkan penjualan secara online, pada penelitian ini penulis menganalisis efek dari pengadaan saluran online sebagai alternatif saluran distribusi berdasarkan pembentukan loyalitas merek menggunakan simulasi dinamis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah besaran loyalitas merek, keinginan untuk membeli produk, dan persepsi kualitas akan produk sebagai pertimbangan pengambil keputusan pada perusahaan untuk menentukan strategi saluran distribusi.
High urbanization phenomenon gives rise to the number of consuming class citizens in Indonesia. Supported by the escalation of needs for healthcare products, sales of skincare products increased significantly from the year of 2008 to 2013 with 173.2% growth. As the opportunity is now widely open with such potentials, competitive environment in skincare industry gets tougher especially with many new comers in the business. Therefore, current players need to have new marketing strategies in order to strengthen their brand loyalty in this highly competitive market. However, brand is an intangible variable which requires a model that can simulate a complex system for its measurement. Take a look at digital revolution that creates online platform as new distribution channel, the aim of this study is to analyze the effect of adding online channel as alternative distribution channel based on the formation of brand loyalty using systems dynamics. The result of this research is the number of brand loyalty, desire to buy brand and perceived quality of the product for decision maker in company to consider the best marketing strategy in choosing distribution channel., High urbanization phenomenon gives rise to the number of consuming class
citizens in Indonesia. Supported by the escalation of needs for healthcare
products, sales of skincare products increased significantly from the year of 2008
to 2013 with 173.2% growth. As the opportunity is now widely open with such
potentials, competitive environment in skincare industry gets tougher especially
with many new comers in the business. Therefore, current players need to have
new marketing strategies in order to strengthen their brand loyalty in this highly
competitive market. However, brand is an intangible variable which requires a
model that can simulate a complex system for its measurement. Take a look at
digital revolution that creates online platform as new distribution channel, the aim
of this study is to analyze the effect of adding online channel as alternative
distribution channel based on the formation of brand loyalty using systems
dynamics. The result of this research is the number of brand loyalty, desire to buy
brand and perceived quality of the product for decision maker in company to
consider the best marketing strategy in choosing distribution channel.]"