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Sri Lestari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektifitas PERGIZI dilihat dari komponen input, proses, output dan outcome. Penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan RAP (Rapid Assesment Procedure), dilakukan minggu keempat bulan Mei 2013 dengan informan kepala seksi gizi, petugas gizi, kader, bidan di desa, ibu balita dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PERGIZI efektif untuk menanggulangi gizi buruk di Puskesmas Sepatan. dengan indikator meningkatnya status gizi sebesar 69,1%, hanya komponen input yakni dana yang disebagian besar pos gizi masih kurang, sedangkan dari komponen proses dan output telah dapat mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan. Agar mengoptimalkan penanggulangan gizi buruk di wilayah Puskesmas Kabupaten Tangerang dengan PERGIZI. ......The aims of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the PERGIZI program viewed by its component such as inputs, process, outputs and outcomes. A qualitative research with RAP (Rapid Assessment Procedure) design was conducted at fourth week of May 2013. The data collection methods used an indepth interview and focused group discussion. With the informants 42 persons consisting of section head of nutrition, nutrition workers, cadres, village midwives, mothers of under five children and community leaders. This could be seen from change of nutritional status from the under five children as much as 69,1%. From the input component the mean barrier was funding both component process and output was considered successfull and achieving the predetermined goal. It is recomended to solve existing under five nutritional problem in the district of Tangerang using the PERGIZI approach.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Amalia Primandhani
Abstrak :
Artikel ini berfokus pada kesenjangan ekonomi yang terjadi di Prancis dalam lagu rap Nes Sous la Meme Etoile karya IAM. Lagu ini menceritakan kehidupan narator Aku, sebagai seorang imigran, yang hidup dalam kemiskinan dan penuh dengan kesulitan dan kemalangan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori analisis struktural dan analisis semiotika melalui analisis aspek semantik dan pragmatik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis pada lirik lagu. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa lagu rap Nes Sous la Meme Etoile karya IAM mengangkat salah satu isu sosial yang memang benar adanya dan sudah menjadi polemik di Prancis, yaitu kesenjangan ekonomi. Kesenjangan ekonomi di Prancis dalam lagu ini ditampilkan melalui perbandingan kehidupan antara narator Aku dengan Dia dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan seperti gaya hidup, jenis pekerjaan, status pendidikan, dan kegiatan yang menjadi keseharian mereka. Melalui penelitian ini, kesenjangan ekonomi di Prancis tidak hanya terbukti keberadaannya, namun juga dapat terlihat dampak dari kesenjangan ekonomi pada aspek sosial dan pendidikan. Dari penelitian ini juga terlihat reaksi narator Aku akibat adanya kesenjangan ekonomi. Tidak hanya itu, perubahan sudut pandang narator Aku terhadap isu yang telah menjadi polemik di Prancis juga terlihat di sini.
This article focuses on the economic disparities found in France according to the rap song Nes Sous la Meme Etoile by IAM. This song tells the life of the narrator. I, as an immigrant, whose life is trapped in poverty and is full of difficulties and misfortunes. The theory used in this study is the structural analysis and semiotic analysis theory through analysis of semantic and pragmatic aspects. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing the song lyrics. The results of this study show that the rap song Nes Sous la Meme Etoile by IAM raises one of the social issues that is indeed true and has become a polemic in France, that is economic disparities. The economic gap in France in this song is conveyed through a comparison of life between the narrator I and Him in various aspects of life including lifestyle, type of work, educational status, and activities that become their daily life. This research has proven not only the existence of economic disparities in France, but also its impacts on social and educational aspects. Furthermore, it has also shown the reaction of the narrator I to the economic disparities. In addition, the change in narrator s perspective on the issue, that has become polemic in France, can also be seen here.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengatahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Ramadhanti Sudjono
Abstrak :
Artikel ini fokus pada representasi kehidupan imigran di banlieue yang ditampilkan dalam lagu rap Demain Cest Loin karya IAM. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori representasi dari Stuart Hall dengan analisis data berdasarkan aspek semantik. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan. Ditemukan melalui hasil penelitian bahwa banlieue berbeda dari wilayah tempat tinggal biasanya, banlieue tidak hanya semata sebagai wilayah tempat tinggal tetapi juga merupakan arena pertarungan yang di dalamnya terdapat kriminalitas, permasalahan pemuda imigran, hingga diskriminasi. Meski dihadapkan dengan kondisi lingkungan yang demikian, para pemuda banlieue memiliki cara mereka sendiri untuk terus bertahan yaitu dengan berkarya melalui musik rap. Ditemukan juga bahwa lagu rap ini secara tidak langsung memperkuat streotip negatif yang melekat pada banlieue dan adanya pesimisme yang tumbuh di antara penduduk banlieue.
This article focuses on the representation of the lives of immigrants in the suburb based on a rap song Demain Cest Loin by IAM and is analyzed by Stuart Hall s representation theory and semantic aspects. The method used is qualitative method and literature studies. The result shows that the suburb is different from the common residential areas, suburbs are not simply residential areas but also a battleground where there are crimes, problems related to the young-living immigrant, and discrimination. Although faced with such condition, the suburb youth have their own way to survive, namely through rap music. The result also indicates that this rap song indirectly strengthens the negative stereotypes of the suburb and there is a growing pessimism among the suburb residents.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noorasri Ranahaura Wandawa
Abstrak :
Artikel ini berfokus pada diskriminasi rasial yang terjadi di Prancis pada lagu rap Jeune de Banlieue karya Disiz La Peste. Lagu ini menjelaskan mengenai kehidupan yang dialami oleh narator Aku, sebagai seorang imigran, yang hidup dalam kesengsaraan akibat adanya ketidakadilan di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori analisis struktural dan analisis semiotika yang mengacu pada teori Roland Barthes melalui analisis aspek semantik dan pragmatik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis pada lirik lagu. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa lagu rap Jeune de Banlieue karya Disiz La Peste mengangkat salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi di Prancis, yaitu diskriminasi rasial. Diskriminasi rasial dalam lagu ini diperlihatkan melalui gambaran kehidupan narator Aku dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan seperti sosial, ekonomi, serta kondisi fisik, yang memberikan dampak buruk terhadap kaum imigran di Prancis terutama di banlieue. ...... This article focuses on racial discrimination found in France according to the rap song Jeune de Banlieue by Disiz La Peste. This song tells the life experienced by the narrator, I, as an immigrant, who lives in misery due to injustice in his neighborhood. The theory used in this study is the theory of structural analysis and semiotic analysis which refers to the theory of Roland Barthes through the analysis of semantic and pragmatic aspects. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing the song lyrics. The results of this study show that Jeune de Banlieues rap song by Disiz La Peste raises one of the social issues that has become a polemic in France, that is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination in this song is shown through the description of the narrators life in various aspects of life such as social, economy and physical conditions, which had a negative impact on immigrants in France, especially in banlieue.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clarissa Lavia Putri Hapsari
Abstrak :
Artikel ini berfokus pada segregasi sosial yang terjadi pada kalangan imigran di Prancis dalam lagu rap Ma France a Moi karya Diams. Lagu ini menggambarkan kehidupan yang dialami oleh para imigran di Prancis. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori analisis struktural dan analisis semiotika melalui analisis aspek semantik dan pragmatik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis pada lirik lagu. Hasil dari penelitian lagu rap Ma France a Moi menunjukan adanya segregasi sosial dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial, dan ekonomi yang dialami oleh para imigran. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan temuan lain yaitu adanya kritik terhadap pemerintahan Prancis yang memicu timbulnya segregasi sosial bagi para imigran di Prancis.
This article focuses on the social segregation that occurs in immigrants in France presented in the rap song Ma France a Moi by Diams. This song describes the life experienced by immigrants in France. The theory used in this study is the theory of structural analysis and semiotic analysis through the analysis of semantic and pragmatic aspects. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing the song lyrics. The results of Ma France a Moi rap song show the existence of social segregation in the education, social, and economic fields experienced by immigrants. In addition, this study provides other findings, namely the criticism of the French government which triggered the emergence of social segregation for immigrants in France.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matsnaa Chumairo
Abstrak :
Budaya hip hop dan musik rap berasal dari komunitas Afrika-Amerika yang muncul sekitar tahun 70-an di Kota New York. Hip hop mulai masuk ke Cina di tahun 90-an dan terus berkembang di kalangan generasi muda. Sebuah ajang pencarian bakat bertajuk The Rap of China yang dirilis pada tahun 2017 menjadi sangat populer, dan membawa musik dan budaya hip hop di Cina naik ke permukaan. Konfrontatif dengan budaya Cina, hip hop yang semakin populer di kalangan generasi muda dalam perkembangannya harus berhadapan dengan intervensi dari pemerintah Cina. Artikel ini membahas mengenai pengaruh kebijakan sensor pemerintah Cina terhadap perkembangan musik dan budaya hip hop di Cina. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan historis, dengan sumber data diambil melalui koran, jurnal, buku, dan artikel ilmiah, serta menggunakan The Rap of China—sebuah program pencarian bakat hip hop terpopuler di Cina dari season 1 hingga season 4 sebagai studi kasus. ......Hip hop culture and rap music originated in the African-American community that emerged around the 70s in New York City. Hip hop began to enter China in the 90s and continues to grow among the younger generation. A talent show called The Rap of China which was released in 2017 became very popular, and brought hip hop music and culture in China to the fore. Confrontational with Chinese culture, hip hop which is increasingly popular among the younger generation in its development has to deal with intervention from the Chinese government. This article discusses the influence of the Chinese government's censorship policy on the development of hip hop music and culture in China. This study uses a historical approach, with data sources taken from newspapers, journals, books, and scientific articles, and uses The Rap of China—a popular hip hop talent program in China from season 1 to season 4 as a case study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fina Febriani
Abstrak :
Motivasi membaca merupakan isu penting dalam jenjang pendidikan dasar (Saw, 2014). Siswa yang tidak tertarik atau tidak aktif dalam aktivitas membaca di usia sekolah dasar umumnya tidak akan mengembangkan motivasi membaca di usia sekolah menengah dan seterusnya (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). Untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi membaca, banyak strategi yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya adalah melalui pengajaran strategi membaca dan pembuatan jurnal membaca. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah program intervensi berupa pengajaran strategi membaca RAP dan pembuatan jurnal membaca dapat meningkatkan motivasi membaca pada siswa yang tergolong underachiever. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengajaran strategi membaca RAP dan pembuatan jurnal membaca dapat meningkatkan motivasi membaca pada siswa yang tergolong underachiever, namun peningkatan tersebut tidak signifikan.
Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant., Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries. This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is not significant.]
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Lestari
Abstrak :
Pengajaran bahasa Inggris dengan media musik berperan meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris pemelajar dan membentuk suasana rileks Segal, 2014; Kao Oxford, 2014 . Selain itu, musik dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pengajaran bahasa Gardner, 1993 sehingga terdapat korelasi antara kemahiran bahasa Inggris dan kecerdasan musikal Shabbani Torkeh, 2014 . Untuk keperluan membuktikan peran musik rap dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris untuk pemelajar anak-anak, penelitian ini membandingkan signifikansi peningkatan nilai pemelajar di kelompok eksperimental dan kontrol. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi-eksperimental dengan metode campuran. Data berupa nilai tes awal dan akhir, TIMI, kuisioner, catatan peneliti, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terjadi peningkatan signifikan pada nilai tes pemelajar anak-anak di kelompok eksperimental dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Ini disebabkan pemelajar anak-anak di kelompok eksperimental tidak pernah terpajankan dengan musik rap sebelumnya sehingga mereka merasa kesulitan mengikuti tempo musik rap dan mereka merasa kelelahan belajar karena kelas dilaksanakan setelah pelajaran sekolah. Namun, pemelajar pada kelompok eksperimental merasa senang dan rileks. Hasil Ini memperkuat teori Segal 2014 dan Kao dan Oxford 2014 . Selain itu, anak-anak dengan kecerdasan dominan musikal di kelompok eksperimental memeroleh peningkatan nilai akhir yang signifikan. Hasil ini memperkuat teori Gardner 1993 dan penelitian Shabani dan Torkeh 2014 . Oleh karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan penerapan media musik rap dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas pemelajar anak-anak di Indonesia. ......Teaching English with rap music has an important role in improving students 39 English proficiency and creating a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom Segal, 2014 Kao Oxford, 2014 . In addition, music facilitates students learning language so that perhaps there is correlation between teaching English with music and musical intelligence Shabbani Torkeh, 2014 . Therefore, to prove it, this research examines the significance of English test score of young learners in experimental and control groups. This study used a quasi experimental design with mixed method research. The data were obtained from the results of pre tests, post test, multiple intelligences test TIMI , questionnaires, field notes, and interviews. The result shows that both young learners in the experimental group did not have a significant result in their test compared with the control group. It is because the young learners in the experimental group never listened to rap music before so that they found it difficult to follow rap music tempo and they felt tired as the class was held after school. However, the young learners in the experimental group felt happy and relaxed. These results reinforce Segal 39 s theory 2014 and Kao and Oxford 39 s 2014 . In addition, the young learners in the experimental group with dominant musical intelligence had significant post test results. These results confirm Gardner 39 s 1993 theory and Shabani and Torkeh rsquo s 2014 research. Therefore, this study recommends implementing rap music in teaching English for young learners in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Primetta Tatiana
Abstrak :
Skid resistance (kekesatan jalan) merupakan salah satu parameter yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi keamanan permukaan perkerasan jalan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan RCA terhadap nilai skid resistance campuran aspal panas spesifikasi AC-WC dengan material utama RAP. Dilakukan dua jenis penguian skid, yaitu skid standar dan immersion. Pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi suhu 26℃, 30℃, 35℃, 40℃, 45℃, dan 50℃ menggunakan alat British Pendulum Tester (BPT). Hasil pengujian Marshall menunjukkan kadar aspal terbaik untuk campuran dengan RCA sebesar 9% dan tanpa RCA sebesar 8,5%. Hasil pengujian skid resistance menunjukkan terjadi penurunan nilai skid number (SN) dengan kenaikan suhu pengujian. Hasil pengujian skid immersion menunjukkan nilai SN yang lebih rendah dibandingkan hasil pengujian skid standar. Penambahan RCA tidak meningkatkan nilai SN campuran aspal dengan material utama RAP, namun mampu meningkatkan nilai SN campuran aspal dengan material utama agregat baru (NA). ......Skid resistance is one of the parameters used to evaluate the safety of the road pavement surface. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of adding RCA to the skid resistance value of hot mix asphalt mixture with AC-WC specifications with RAP as the main material. Two types of skid testing were performed, namely standard skid and immersion. Tests were carried out with variations in temperature 26℃, 30℃, 35℃, 40℃, 45℃, and 50℃ using the British Pendulum Tester (BPT). Marshall test results show that the best asphalt content for a mixture with RCA is 9% and without RCA is 8.5%. The results of the skid resistance test show that there is a decrease in the value of the skid number (SN) with an increase in the test temperature. The skid immersion test results show a lower SN value than the standard skid test results. The addition of RCA did not increase the SN value of the asphalt mixture with RAP as the main material, but it was able to increase the SN value of the asphalt mixture with the natural aggregate (NA) as the main material.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dita Chetiska
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang kebijakan pemerintah terhadap perkembangan musik rap di Federasi Rusia dengan menganalisis dokumen-dokumen negara di situs daring Kantor Eksekutif Presiden yaitu kremlin.ru dan beberapa situs resmi pemerintahan Rusia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis serta studi pustaka. Melengkapi penelitian terdahulu mengenai keterkaitan perkembangan budaya populer dengan kebijakan pemerintah (Shuker, 2018. Fernandez, 1989. & Johan, 2004), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan kebijakan pemerintah yang diterapkan dalam bidang budaya serta perkembangan musik rap, dengan teori Kebijakan Budaya oleh Kevin V. Mulcahy dalam buku Cultural Policy: Definitions and Theoretical Approaches (2006), dan ditunjang dengan teori Akulturasi oleh Koentjaraningrat dalam buku Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi (1990). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa dengan kebijakan budaya yang berorientasi pada negara dan pasar di masa Federasi, menyebabkan masuknya musik rap ke Rusia dari Amerika pada tahun 1990-an dan dalam perkembangannya, musik rap mengalami akulturasi dengan kebudayaan Rusia.
ABSTRACT This research discusses about government policy on the development of rap music in the Russian Federation by analyzing state documents on the Presidents Executive Office website, kremlin.ru and several Russia official government websites. The method used in this reseach is descriptive analysis method and literature study. To complements previous research on relations between the development of popular culture with government policy (Shuker, 2018. Fernandez, 1989. & Johan, 2004), this research aims to prove that government policies are applied to the field of culture with the development of rap music, uses theory of Cultural Policy by Kevin V. Mulcahy in the book Cultural Policy: Definitions and Theoretical Approaches (2006), and supported by the theory of Acculturation by Koentjaraningrat in the book Introduction to Anthropology (1990). The results of this research prove that with the state-oriented and market-oriented cultural policies in the Federation period, led to the entry of rap music to Russia from America in the 1990s and in its development, rap undergo acculturation with Russian culture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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