Septhya Puspita Dewi
Abstrak :
Pariwisata telah mengalami pertumbuhan pesat dalam 4 dekade terakhir di dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri daya saing sektor pariwisata terus mengalami peningkatan perbaikan. Demikian pula sama halnya dengan pariwisata yang berada di Kabupaten Pangandaran yang saat ini sedang berada pada fokus perhatian pemerintah dalam pembangunan potensi pariwisatanya. Suksesnya pembangunan sustainability tourism tentunya sangat dipengaruhi oleh resident attitude yang mengarah pada support for tourism. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari environment sustainability, tourism plan, community participation, dan community attachment yang merupakan pengaruh dari dalam individu serta subjective norm yang merupakan pengaruh dari luar individu terhadap support for tourism. Penelitian ini meneliti sebanyak 170 responden penduduk lokal yang lahir dan telah menetap setidaknya 3 tahun terakhir di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan pengaruh signifikan dari environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community participation, community attachment terhadap positive impact dan community attachment terhadap negative impact serta community participation juga subjective norm terhadap support for tourism. Penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya pengaruh signifikan dari environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community attachment terhadap support for tourism dan environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community participation terhadap negative impact.
Tourism has experienced rapid growth in the last 4 decades in the world. In Indonesia, the competitiveness of the tourism sector has been improving. Likewise, tourism in Kabupaten Pangandaran which is currently at the focus of the government's attention in developing its tourism potential. The success of the development of sustainability tourism is certainly very influenced by the resident attitude that leads to support for tourism. This study aims to determine the relationship of environment sustainability, tourism plans, community participation, and community attachments which are influences from within the individual also subjective norms which are influences from outside the individual towards support for tourism. This study examined 170 respondents of local residents who were born and settled at least the last 3 years in Kabupaten Pangandaran. The results of this study prove the significant influence of environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community participation, community attachment to positive impact, community attachments to negative impacts also community participation and subjective norms to support for tourism. This study did not find any significant influence from environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community attachments to support for tourism and environmental sustainability, tourism planning, community participation to negative impact.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library