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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ilisa Fajriyati
Abstrak :
Agar dapat menyediakan pariwisata ramah-Muslim serta menarik wisatawan Muslim sebagai target utama, pemasar destinasi tidak hanya harus mempertimbangkan atribut umum (generik) yang tersedia pada destinasi, namun mereka juga harus memastikan ketersediaan atribut yang dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan wisatawan Muslim, yaitu atribut Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan atribut generik dan Islam kedalam basic, performance dan excitement factors sesuai dengan three-factor theory of customer satisfaction yang disebutkan dapat memiliki dampak yang berbeda terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menguji pengaruh ketiga faktor tersebut terhadap kepuasan wisatawan dan konsekuensinya pada behavioral dan attitudinal loyalty serta konsekuensi negatif pada complaint dan churn intention. Selain itu, pengujian juga dilakukan terhadap pengaruh moderasi religiusitas Islam pada hubungan antara atribut Islam dan kepuasan wisatawan. Survei dilakukan dengan total sampel 835 wisatawan Muslim yang mengunjungi destinasi mayoritas non-Muslim dan destinasi mayoritas Muslim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan antara destinasi mayoritas non-Muslim dan destinasi mayoritas Muslim terletak pada anteseden pembentuk kepuasan (dalam penelitian ini atribut-atribut destinasi yang terdiri dari atribut generik dan atribut Islam). Sementara konsekuensi dari kepuasan tersebut ditemukan sama dikedua jenis destinasi. Untuk destinasi mayoritas non- Muslim, semua atribut generik ditemukan berpengaruh pada kepuasan wisatawan, dilain sisi untuk atribut Islam, hanya klasifikasi dari excitement factor yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kepuasan mereka. Sedangkan untuk destinasi mayoritas Muslim, dari atribut generik ditemukan performance dan excitement factor serta basic factor dari atribut Islam yang berpengaruh pada kepuasan wisatawan. Konsekuensi kepuasan wisatawan pada kedua destinasi ditemukan memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pada behavioral dan attitudinal loyalty serta secara negatif mempengaruhi complaint dan churn intention. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan bahwa efek moderasi dari religiusitas tidak signifikan di kedua jenis destinasi.  ......To provide Muslim-friendly tourism and attract Muslim tourists as the main target, destination marketers must not only consider the generic attributes commonly available at the destination, they must also ensure the availability of attributes that serve the needs of Muslim tourists: Islamic attributes. This study identifies and classifies generic and Islamic attributes as basic, performance, and excitement factors in accordance with the three-factor theory of customer satisfaction to emphasise that the three factors may have different impacts on tourist satisfaction. This study also examines the influence of the three factors on satisfaction and the consequences of satisfaction on tourist behavioral and attitudinal loyalty, also the negative consequences on complaint and churn intention. The moderation effect of Islamic religiosity on the relationship between Islamic attributes and tourist satisfaction was also considered. A survey was conducted with total 835 Muslim tourists who visited non-Muslim and Muslim majority destinations. The result of this study showed that the difference between non-Muslim majority destinations and Muslim majority destinations lies in the antecedents that forming satisfaction (in this study the destination attributes that consist of generic and Islamic attributes). While the consequences of satisfaction are found to be the same in both types of destinations. For the non-Muslim majority destinations, the results showed that all generic attributes influenced Muslim tourists satisfaction, whereas for Islamic attributes, only the classification of excitement factors significantly affected their satisfaction. For Muslim majority destinations, the generic performance and excitement factors as well as the Islamic basic factors were found to influence tourist satisfaction. The consequences of tourist satisfaction in both types of destinations have a positive and significant effect on increasing tourists behavioral and attitudinal loyalty and negatively influenced complaint and churn intention. Likewise, the moderation effect of Islamic religiosity was insignificant in both destinations. 
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuri Wulandari
Abstrak :
Pemasaran adalah tentang menawarkan proposisi nilai yang superior. Fenomena akhir akhir ini megindikasikan bahwa produk ataupun service sebagai proposisi nilai tidak lagi mencukupi untuk berperan sebagai nilai ataupun alat diferensiasi dan nilai tersebut telah berpindah ke penciptaan pengalaman pelanggan. Mengadaptasi teori merek pengalaman dari ranah pemasaran dan teori pengalaman dari ranah pariwisata, disertasi ini berusaha menyusun sebuah model komprehensif pengalaman merek destinasi. Penelitian mengambil kasus Bali sebagai destinasi wisata dan dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, wawancara pendek dengan metode SPACE matrix, Focus Group Discussion dan survey kuisioner. Hasil penelitian berhasil mengidentifikasi anteseden dan konsekuensi dari model pengalaman merek destinasi dan membuktikan bahwa pengalaman merek destinasi dan keaslian merek destinasi mempunyai pengaruh penting dalam kesetiaan merek pelanggan dalam konteks destinasi pariwisata;
This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents, consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand loyalty;This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents, consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand loyalty, This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents, consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand loyalty]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Ekasari
Abstrak :
Perilaku peduli lingkungan merupakan salah satu aktivitas umat manusia untuk mencapai sustainability keberlanjutan . Untuk mendorong orang melakukannya, diperlukan kontribusi disiplin ilmu pemasaran, khususnya pemasaran sosial. Melalui pemberian informasi menggunakan iklan sosial diharapkan terjadi respons positif dari khalayak sasaran untuk mau melakukan perilaku peduli lingkungan. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh iklan sosial terhadap respons konsumen, yaitu sikap dan intensi melakukan perilaku peduli lingkungan. bagian.Hasil penelitian membuktikan iklan menggunakan tingkat abstraksi norma konkrit digabung dengan pembingkaian pesan menggunakan tiga orientasi nilai ekologis biospheric, egoistic dan altruistic memperoleh respons lebih positif dibanding jika pesan menampilkan norma abstrak. Temuan lain menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan orientasi nilai ekologis egoistic dan altruistic terhadap respons akan iklan sosial berbingkai konkrit-egoistic dan konkrit-altruistic, baik sikap mengenai iklan maupun intensi melakukan perilaku peduli lingkungan.
Pro environmental behavior is one of human activities to achieve sustainability. In order to encourage people to do so, it needs contribution of marketing discipline, especially social marketing. By using social advertising, it is expected that the target audience are willing to do pro environmental behavior. This research examined the effect of social advertising on consumer responses, which are attitude towards the advertisement and intention to do pro environmental behavior.The result indicated that the level of concrete norm abstraction combined with message framing using three ecological value orientation biospheric, egoistic and altruistic gained a more positive response than the use of abstract norm. The result also showed thate there is no significant differences in ecological value orientation egoistic and altruistic on responses toward social advertising using concrete egoistic and concrete altruistic message framing.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Handyanto Widjojo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh interaksi multi aktor dari perspektif komunitas usaha kecil menengah (UKM) yang membangun platform ko-kreasi nilai untuk inovasi pemasaran. Platform ko-kreasi nilai dibangun melalui interaksi di luar (collaborative networks) dan di dalam komunitas (dynamic interaction) yang menghasilkan integrasi sumberdaya kolektif. Integrasi sumberdaya meningkatkan kapasitas aktor dalam komunitas UKM untuk menghasilkan inovasi pemasaran.

Interaksi multi aktor pada komunitas UKM menghadirkan kebaruan pemahaman dalam ko-kreasi nilai, karena aktor menunjukkan multi peran dalam interaksinya dengan aktor lain. Hal ini berbeda dengan ko-kreasi nilai yang terjadi di perusahaan besar dimana aktor berperan spesifik dalam berinteraksi dengan aktor lainnya. Penelitian sebelumnya banyak dilakukan di perusahaan besar, komunitas brand atau komunitas konsumen, sedangkan penelitian ini menawarkan platform ko-kreasi nilai dan dimensi inovasi pemasaran dalam komunitas UKM.

Penelitian ini memberikan kebaruan pada teori utama SDL yang merupakan dasar bagi pembangunan model penelitian. SDL digunakan untuk menyusun konstruk ko-kreasi nilai dan Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) untuk menjelaskan peranan komunitas UKM melalui market-mediated networks, sedangkan dimensi inovasi pemasaran diturunkan dari definisi yang dipublikasikan oleh Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa metode riset kualitatif dan kuantitatif melalui studi eksploratori konfirmatif, observasi, dan survey kuantitatif. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan teknik purposive non-probability sampling yang menghasilkan 200 set data yang berasal dari anggota Komunitas Organik Indonesia dan

Komunitas Tangan Di Atas. Responden adalah pemilik, manajer puncak, atau pengambil keputusan dalam UKM yang melakukan multi peran dalam berinteraksi dalam ekosistem komunitas UKM tersebut.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif timbal balik antara interaksi eksternal (collaborative networks) dan interaksi internal (dynamic interaction) dan pengaruh positif kedua interaksi tersebut terhadap integrasi sumberdaya yang menghasilkan inovasi pemasaran.

Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi akademik dengan menghasilkan model penelitian bagi konsep ko-kreasi nilai dan dimensi inovasi pemasaran pada komunitas UKM. Platform ko-kreasi nilai tersebut dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran performa bisnis dan dapat diterapkan pada berbagai topik penelitian multi-displin ilmu. Secara praktis, hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan para pengambil kebijakan sebagai strategi alternatif pengembangan dan inovasi UKM melalui komunitas yang dapat membangun ketahanan ekonomi. ......This study aims to analyze multi-actor interactions from the perspective of small-medium enterprise (SME) community. It offers a platform of value co-creation for marketing innovation. Value co-creation platform is formed by interactions outside and within community to integrate collective resources. It increases the capacity of actors in SME community to perform marketing innovation.

Multi-actor interactions in SME community present novel understanding in value co-creation, since an actor can act multi roles. It differs from that in big company where an actor acts specific role in the interaction with others. The previous studies are mostly dominated by research on individual or large company, brand community, or consumer community while this study offers a new framework for value co-creation and dimensions of marketing innovation in SME community.

This study extends Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) as a main theory from which the research model is constructed. SDL justifies the concept of value co-creation and Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) supports it by explaining the roles of SME community through market-mediated networks. The construct of marketing innovation is derived from Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Mix methods were applied in this research by conducting confirmative exploratory, observation, and quantitative survey. The units of observation were chosen by purposive non-probability sampling technique involving 200 respondents. The respondents are members of Komunitas Organik Indonesia and Komunitas Tangan Di Atas, including the owner, top management, decision maker, or business head of the enterprises who act multi roles in the service ecosystem of the community.

The research findings demonstrate the interaction between the members of small-medium enterprise (SME) community with external actors through collaborative networks and with other actors inside community through dynamic interaction. Those interactions show reciprocal influence and lead to resource integration that produces marketing innovation in SME community ecosystem.

In academic view, this research develop SDL theory by providing open platform of value co-creation and defining dimensions of marketing innovation in SME community. The framework offers not only a measurement of business performance, but also a compatible model for various research in multi-discipline areas. Practically, the framework can be adopted by policy makers to build alternative developing strategy for SME through community that also support economic resilience.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Rahmani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki apakah reputasi perusahaan maupun klaim produk dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif dari mulut ke mulut elektronik (eWOM) negatif. Kami melakukan penelitian eksperimental quasi dalam tiga studi bersama dengan 312 mahasiswa, yang setidaknya memiliki akun di media sosial, sebagai peserta. Kami menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara kelompok untuk memutuskan jumlah ulasan negatif tinggi atau rendah serta tingkat kredibilitas. Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain lapangan didahului oleh studi percontohan dan studi utama. Model penelitian pada tiap-tiap studi diuji dan dikembangkan menggunakan data yang dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dalam survei lapangan. Hasil penelitian 1 menunjukkan bahwa eWOM negatif mengurangi niat pembelian termasuk juga konstruk Theory of planned behaviour yaitu sikap, norma subjektif dan kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan. eWOM negatif tinggi mengurangi niat pembelian lebih besar dari eWOM negatif rendah. Studi 2 menemukan bahwa dalam kondisi eWOM negatif tinggi, persepsi reputasi perusahaan yang baik mempengaruhi niat pembelian. Selain itu, niat pembelian menjadi lebih tinggi ketika persepsi reputasi perusahaan baik dibandingkan reputasi buruk. Studi 3 menemukan bahwa dalam kondisi eWOM negatif tinggi, klaim produk mempengaruhi sikap, norma subyektif, kontrol perilaku, dan niat pembelian. Klaim produk kongruen mempengaruhi sikap, norma subyektif, kontrol perilaku dan intensi pembelian menjadi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada klaim produk tidak kongruen. Penelitian ini memberi menyarankan untuk memitigasi dampak eWOM negatif dengan melakukan kegiatan preventive dibandingkan corrective. ......This study aims to investigate whether both the company's reputation and product claims can be used to reduce the impact of negative electronic word of mouth (eWOM). We conducted quasi-experimental research in three studies along with 312 students, who at least had accounts on social media, as participants. We use qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Qualitative research was conducted by conducting group interviews to decide the number of high or low negative reviews as well as the level of credibility. Quantitative research using field design is preceded by pilot studies and major studies. The research model in each study was tested and developed using data collected through questionnaires in field surveys. The results of study 1 showed that negative eWOM reduces purchasing intentions including constructs of the theory of planned behavior, namely attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls. High negative eWOM reduces purchase intent greater than low negative eWOM. Study 2 found that in high negative eWOM conditions, perceptions of a good company's reputation influence purchasing intentions. In addition, the purchase intention becomes higher when the perception of the company's reputation is good versus the bad reputation. Study 3 found that in high negative eWOM conditions, product claims affect attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral control, and purchasing intentions. Congruent product claims affect attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral control, and purchase intentions to be higher than non-congruent product claims. This study suggests mitigating the negative impact of eWOM by conducting preventive rather than corrective activities
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus
Abstrak :
Co-creation experience masih belum banyak dieskplorasi dalam literatur meskipun perannya penting dalam menentukan kualitas hubungan dengan brand dalam value co-creation. Literatur lebih banyak membahas anteseden co-creation experience yang bersumber dari eksternal sementara stimulus yang berasal dari dalam individu itu sendiri kurang mendapat perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peran stimulus yang berasal dari internal individu (enriching the self, enabling the self dan gratifying the self) dan stimulus lingkungan (content/information quality, visual appeal, dan social interaction) terhadap terbentuknya pengalaman co-creation yang positif dan memotivasi terbentuknya perilaku brand relational. Metode online survey dilakukan dengan melibatkan 967 responden. PLS SEM digunakan untuk mengindentifikasi pengaruh dan besaran efek variabel-variabel pada model penelitian. Hasil menunjukkan gratifying the self dan social interaction merupakan elemen yang paling besar dan kuat mempengaruhi terbentuknya pengalaman co-creation yang positif. Unsur personal trait (propensity to interact online) juga terbukti berpengaruh terhadap pengalaman co-creation dan mengkonfirmasi peran co-creation experience dalam membentuk continuance intention dan E-WOM. Kontribusi penelitian ini terhadap literatur dengan menunjukkan peran stimulus internal dalam co-creation experience melalui self-determination theory. Implikasi manajerial studi ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya fokus oleh manajer virtual service ecosystem dalam mendesain platform yang memenuhi inner needs dan mengakomodasi karakter personal pengguna, serta memfasilitasi terciptanya interaksi yang lebih bermakna. ......Despite its pivotal role in brand relationship quality within value co-creation, the co-creation experience remains underexplored in the literature. Existing research predominantly emphasizes external antecedents, neglecting stimuli originating from within the individual. This study aims to discern the impact of internal factors (enriching the self, enabling the self, and gratifying the self) and environmental stimuli (content/information quality, visual appeal, and social interaction) on positive co-creation experiences and the instigation of brand relational behaviors. Employing an online survey with 967 participants, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS SEM) was used to gauge the variables' influence. Results highlight that gratifying the self and social interaction significantly influence positive co-creation experiences. Personal traits, like online interaction propensity, also shape co-creation experiences, affirming their role in determining continuance intention and electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM). This research contributes by revealing the role of internal stimuli in co-creation experiences through the self-determination theory. Managerially, the study underscores the necessity for virtual service ecosystem managers to design platforms addressing inner needs, accommodating users' traits, and fostering more meaningful interactions, thus enhancing overall brand relationships.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Gede Agung Artha Kusuma
Abstrak :
Sebagai salah satu titik utama dalam proses customer journey, interaksi antar konsumen dalam komunitas berbasis sosial media berperan krusial sebagai sistem penciptaan brand meaning, dan juga berpotensi mengarahkan perilaku konsumen. Dikarenakan perannya yang esensial, maka mengevaluasi dinamika interaksi antar konsumen adalah dasar dari desain penelitian ini. Sebagai salah satu teori yang sesuai untuk mendalami dinamika komunitas brand online, maka pada studi ini, teori social capital digunakan untuk menelaah akumulasi sumber daya sosial yang terjadi pada tingkatan kolektif dan juga individu, serta dampaknya pada jangka panjang terhadap brand. Untuk mengkontraskan tingkatan social capital, makai penelitian ini mengkombinasikan elemen social capital yang terakumulasi secara kolektif dan berimplikasi secara personal. selanjutnya tiga jenis motivasi intrinsik sebagai anteseden untuk mewakili karakteristik pengguna sosial media secara umum. Sebagai konsekuensi akhir, perilaku loyalitas terhadap brand dan komunitas digunakan sebagai konstruk yang menegaskan implikasi jangka panjang. Hasil pengolahan data yang bersumber dari 540 responden, menyatakan bahwa akumulasi social capital hanya akan terjadi jika adanya partisipasi anggota kepada suatu konten atau interaksi sesama anggota. Untuk pengguna yang hanya menyerap informasi, walaupun keberadaan mereka meningkatkan profil komunitas, tidak mampu berkontribusi kepada pembentukan sumber daya kolektif. Selanjutnya sumber daya yang terakumulasi akan memberdayakan individu-indvidu untuk mengadopsi dan menginterpretasi nilai-nilai terkait brand dan akhirnya mengarahkan kepada suatu perilaku loyal kepada brand dan komunitas. ......In the concept of the customer journey, interactions among customers on social media stand out as a critical point, playing a crucial role in shaping brand meaning and influencing consumer behaviors. Given its significance, this study is grounded in evaluating the dynamics of consumer interactions within the context of a virtual community. Social capital is chosen as a suitable theory for studying the mechanics of online brand communities, examining the accumulation of social resources at both the collective and individual levels. Furthermore, it delves into its long-term impact on the brand. To contrast the levels of social capital, this study integrates the elements of social capital that are collectively accrued and examines their impact on an individual level. Additionally, three types of intrinsic motivations are incorporated to convey the general characteristics of social media users. The ultimate outcomes are loyalty behaviors toward the brand and the community. The results of the data analysis, derived from 540 respondents, indicate that the accumulation of social capital is contingent upon active and continuous participation from community members. While passive members may increase community profiles in terms of numbers, merely acquiring information inactively does not contribute to the development of collective resources. Additionally, the accumulated social resources guide individuals toward a commitment to adopting and interpreting brand values, ultimately leading to loyalty behaviors towards both the brand and the community.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library