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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ayman Husni Kamal
Rebranding adalah sebuah strategi marketing yang lumrah dilakukan oleh
banyak perusahaan, terutama saat ada situasi dimana sebuah perusahaan diakuisisi
oleh perusahaan lainya. Dalam situasi tersebut strategi rebranding menjadi sangat
penting untuk diterapkan demi mendapatkan kepercayaan konsumen untuk terus
menggunakan produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Dalam penelitian ini, dapat
dilihat faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan konsumen
dengan keinginan pembelian. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan
pada proses rebranding terlihat dari sikap skeptis dan resistensi terhadap
perubahan yang membentuk brand attitude seseorang. Dalam penelitian ini,
hubungan yang ditimbulkan antara sikap skeptis dan resistensi dapat dibuktikan
dan bersifat positif. Rasa keingintahuan menjadi faktor penting untuk
mempengaruhi tingkat resistensi. Pada penelitian ini terlihat hubungan yang
signifikan dan bersifat negatif antara rasa keingintahuan seseorang dengan
resistensi yang dimiliki. Pada akhirnya, resistensi akan mempengaruhi sikap yang
dimiliki oleh seorang konsumen pada saat rebranding terjadi. Dari sikap yang
dimiliki oleh seseorang tersebut, terbentuk tingkat keinginan pembelian yang
tinggi pada sebuah merek.

Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by many
companies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired by
other companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomes
very important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtain
the trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered and
develop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that will
affect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influence
the level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to change
that will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arising
between skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes an
important factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is a
significant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship is
negative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistance
he or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistance
will affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. This
attitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the website
and generates transaction in the future.;Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by many
companies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired by
other companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomes
very important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtain
the trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered and
develop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that will
affect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influence
the level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to change
that will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arising
between skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes an
important factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is a
significant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship is
negative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistance
he or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistance
will affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. This
attitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the website
and generates transaction in the future., Rebranding is a common marketing strategy undertaken by many
companies, especially when there is a situation where a company acquired by
other companies such as merger and acquisition. In such a situation, it becomes
very important for a rebranding strategy to be applied correctly in order to obtain
the trust of consumers to continue to use the product or service being offered and
develop a favorable attitude towards brand. In this study, there are factors that will
affect the level of consumer trust and purchase intention. Factors that influence
the level of trust will be shown and driven by skepticism and resistance to change
that will shape a customers's brand attitude. In this study, the relationship arising
between skepticism and resistance can be proven positive. Curiosity becomes an
important factor to influence the level of resistance. The study shows, there is a
significant relationship between curiosity and resistance and the relationship is
negative. It means the more curiosity shown by the customer, the less resistance
he or she will have toward a brand that undergoes changes. In the end, resistance
will affect the attitude towards brand when undergoes rebranding process. This
attitude will proved center reason why a customer use the service in the website
and generates transaction in the future.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ava Anisa Rakhma
Perkembangan merek pakaian di Indonesia khususnya Jakarta cukup pesat, banyak ritel pakaian yang bermunculan, khususnya pakaian merek luar negri yang masuk ke pasar retail Indonesia. Indonesia menarik bagi peritel luar negeri tersebut karena banyak data statistik Indonesia yang menigkat, salah satunya menunjukan tumbuhnya kelas menengah Jakarta yang menandakan pertumbuhan kesejahteraan masyarakat semakin membaik. Sehingga, memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi dalam menghadapi persaingan masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu strategi dari pakaian merek luar negeri yang terdapat di Jakarta sehingga dapat diimplementasikan pada local brand.
Penelitian ini membahas purchase intention yang ditinjau dari normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality dan emotional value. Model teoritis penelitian ini disampaikan melalui 10 hipotesis dan pengolahan data menggunakan Structural Model Equation. Sample berjumlah 200 responden, dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner online dan offline untuk mencari informasi konsumen yang pernah membeli pakaian merek luar negeri dan bertempat tinggal di Jakarta .
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa normative influence dan consumer confidence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand consciousness. Kemudian penelitian menemukan brand consciousness berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality dan emotional value, serta emotional value memberikan pengaruh pada purchase intention. Namun, consumer ethnocentrism dan perceived quality tidak memberikan pengaruh pada purchase intention.;

The development of apparel brands in Indonesia, especially Jakarta is quite rapid, many emerging retail apparel, especially foreign apparel brand that enters Indonesian retail market. Indonesia attractive to foreign retailers such as statistical data that shows Indonesia's growth, one of which shows the growth of the middle class in Jakarta which signifies improved public welfare. Thus, shows that Indonesia has the potential to compete in ASEAN economic community. Therefore, this study aims to find out the strategy of foreign apparel brand located in Jakarta so that it can be implemented on local brand.
This study discusses the purchase intention in terms of normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality and emotional value. The theoretical model is delivered through 10 research hypotheses and data processing using the Structural Equation Model. Sample were 200 respondents, were collected by a questionnaire online and offline to search for consumers information regarding who ever bought foreign apparel brand and lived in Jakarta.
The results showed that the normative influence and consumer confidence have a positive influence on brand consciousness. Later studies found brand consciousness positive effect on perceived quality and emotional value, as well as the emotional value's influence on purchase intention. However, consumer ethnocentrism and perceived quality have no effect on purchase intention., The development of apparel brands in Indonesia, especially Jakarta is quite rapid, many emerging retail apparel, especially foreign apparel brand that enters Indonesian retail market. Indonesia attractive to foreign retailers such as statistical data that shows Indonesia's growth, one of which shows the growth of the middle class in Jakarta which signifies improved public welfare. Thus, shows that Indonesia has the potential to compete in ASEAN economic community. Therefore, this study aims to find out the strategy of foreign apparel brand located in Jakarta so that it can be implemented on local brand.
This study discusses the purchase intention in terms of normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality and emotional value. The theoretical model is delivered through 10 research hypotheses and data processing using the Structural Equation Model. Sample were 200 respondents, were collected by a questionnaire online and offline to search for consumers information regarding who ever bought foreign apparel brand and lived in Jakarta.
The results showed that the normative influence and consumer confidence have a positive influence on brand consciousness. Later studies found brand consciousness positive effect on perceived quality and emotional value, as well as the emotional value's influence on purchase intention. However, consumer ethnocentrism and perceived quality have no effect on purchase intention.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Ali Umar Ismail
Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang merupakan kapabilitas berbasis
pasar (market-based capabilities) yang berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses
bisnis utama suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif
dengan responden yang merupakan Pekerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (PWTT) di
Divisi Non Fuel Direktorat Pemasaran PT. Pertamina (Persero). Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan menggunakan variable pengembangan diferensiasi produk,
market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi, supply
chain leadership dan research & development intensity sebagai acuan untuk
kinerja proses bisnis utama perusahaan (new product development, customer
relationship management dan supply chain management). Data diolah dengan
menggunakan analisis reliabilitas, validitas, korelasi dan structural equation
modeling (SEM). Hasil dari penilaian tersebut akan dijadikan landasan untuk
mengetahui kontribusi kapabillitas berbasis pasar (market-based capabilities)
pada kinerja proses bisnis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan
diferensiasi produk, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness,
customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi,
supply chain leadership berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses bisnis utama

This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance, This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Mirrah Ariandini Tedja
Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DC) merupakan teori yang menjelaskan untuk
mendapatkan keunggulan daya saing, perusahaan tidak hanya dengan memiliki
sumber daya yang istimewa, melainkan harus disadari dengan kemampuan
perusahaan dalam mengintegrasi dan menggunakan sumber daya tersebut. Salah
satu kemampuan dalam Dynamic Capabilities Theorya dalah kemampuan
pemasaran. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh kemampuan pemasaran yang
dilakukan pada dVisi sepeda motor PT. Suzuki IndoMobil Motor yang terdiri dari
kemampuan market sensing, kemampuan customer relationship management
(CRM), dan kemampuan brand management terhadap kinerja pengembangan
produk baru (NPD). Dengan bantuan analisis structural equation modeling (SEM)
didapatkan hasil bahwa market sensing tidak memiliki hubungan langsung yang
signifikan, sedangkan kemampuan CRM dan kemampuan brand management
memiliki hubungan langsung yang signifikan, selain itu kemampuan market
sensing juga memoderasi CRM dan brand management terhadap kinerja
pengembangan produk baru dan didapatkan hasil signifikan, dan hubungan
moderasi CRM terhadap hubungan brand management terhadap kinerja
pengembangan produk baru dan didapatkan hasil signifikan. Dengan demikian,
Suzuki diharapkan meningkatkan kemampuan pemasarannya agar dapat
meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dalam mengembangkan produk baru demi
kelangsungan bisnis kedepannya.

Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DC) is a development of resource based view
(RBV) theory. Although having excellent human resource may help getting
significant profit and competitive advantage, a company has to understand how to
integrate and empower the resource well. One of capabilities based on Dynamic
Capabilities Theory is marketing capabilities. This research aimed to determine
marketing capabilities on motorcycle division at PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor. This
research consists of market sensing capability, customer relationship
management (CRM) capability and brand management capability on performance
of new product development. Analysis using structural equation modeling
represent that market sensing has no significant and direct relationship to the
performance of new product development, while CRM and brand management
capability has significant and direct relationship to the performance of new
product development, besides market sensing capability moderates relationship
between CRM and brand management to performance of new product
development with significant value, moderation of CRM to brand management
relationship to performance of new product development has significant value.
According to the result of study, Suzuki is expected to increase the company
performance in developing new product by increasing marketing capabilities for
future business continuity., Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DC) is a development of resource based view
(RBV) theory. Although having excellent human resource may help getting
significant profit and competitive advantage, a company has to understand how to
integrate and empower the resource well. One of capabilities based on Dynamic
Capabilities Theory is marketing capabilities. This research aimed to determine
marketing capabilities on motorcycle division at PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor. This
research consists of market sensing capability, customer relationship
management (CRM) capability and brand management capability on performance
of new product development. Analysis using structural equation modeling
represent that market sensing has no significant and direct relationship to the
performance of new product development, while CRM and brand management
capability has significant and direct relationship to the performance of new
product development, besides market sensing capability moderates relationship
between CRM and brand management to performance of new product
development with significant value, moderation of CRM to brand management
relationship to performance of new product development has significant value.
According to the result of study, Suzuki is expected to increase the company
performance in developing new product by increasing marketing capabilities for
future business continuity.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berlian Temara
"Ini adalah sebuah realitas dipasar bahwa perusahaan dalam bisnisnya terkadang menimbulkan switching cost kepada konsumennya, untuk menghambat mereka beralih ke perusahaan yang lain. Dalam situasi yang kompetitif, seperti industri pembiayaan, dimana sebagian besar konsumen berhubungan dengan perusahaan hanya pada sekali pertemuan, memiliki potensi switching cost sebagai penghambat dan sebuah bahan pengikat dari loyalitas pelanggan dapat berubah? Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penelitian ini meneliti efek moderasi switching cost terhadap Customer Loyalty diukur melalui nilai customer satisfacion dan Perceived Vaue.
Hasilnya, diperoleh dari kuesioner berbasis e-mail terhadap konsumen pengguna perusahaan pembiayaan, menunjukkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan Customer Loyalty perusahaan harus fokus terutama kepada Customer Satisfaction dan Perceived Vaue. Efek moderasi switching cost hanya akan memperkuat hubungan hal tersebut. Mengingat penemuan utama tersebut, penelitian ini memberikan implikasi strategis terhadap Customer Loyalty dalam industri pembiayaan konsumen.

It is a marketplace reality that company sometimes inflict switching cost on their customer, to inhibit them from defecting to other company. In a competitive setting, such as financial industries, where most of customers contact with company only at once, has the potential of switching cost as an exit barriers and a binding ingredient of customer loyalty become altered? To address that issue, this research examines the moderating effect of switching cost on customer loyalty through both satisfaction and perceived value measures.
The results, evoked from an e-mail based questionnaire to the user?s of consumer financing company, indicate that to increase customer loyalty company has to focus primarily to customer satisfaction and perceived value. Moderating effect of switching cost will only strengthen this relationship. In light of the major findings, this research sets forth strategic implication for customer loyalty in the setting of consumer financing industries.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athanasius Gregorius Mangentang
Customer Equity (Ekuitas Pelanggan) merupakan suatu framework yang dapat
digunakan untuk menentukan aspek apa yang paling signifikan bagi customer dari
suatu perusahaan serta juga untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan/kelemahan yang
dimiliki oleh suatu perusahaan. Lemon et al. (2001) menjabarkan 3 (tiga) penggerak
utama dari Customer Equity yaitu brand equity, value equity, dan relationship
equity. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa pengaruh dari ketiga penggerak utama
ini terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, dengan ditambahkan variabel Trust sebagai
mediator, di dalam konteks sektor Business-to-Business (B2B) dari jasa layanan
I.T. di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hanya Value Equity dan
Relationship Equity yang terbukti berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan
akan tetapi seluruh ketiga penggerak tersebut terbukti mempengaruhi Trust secara

Customer Equity is a framework that can be used to analyze and determine which
aspect is most significantly influencing customers and also to identify company?s
stregths/weaknesses. Lemon et al. (2001) described 3 (three) key drivers of
Customer Equity, which are: Brand Equity, Value Equity, and Relationship Equity.
This research intends to analyze the effects of the 3 (three) drivers on customers?
loyalty, by adding trust as a mediating variable, in Business-to-Business (B2B) I.T.
Services context. The result shows that only Value Equity and Relationship Equity
that are statistically proven to be positively related with Customer Loyalty, but on
the other hand, the whole drivers are proven to be positively related with Trust, Customer Equity is a framework that can be used to analyze and determine which
aspect is most significantly influencing customers and also to identify company’s
stregths/weaknesses. Lemon et al. (2001) described 3 (three) key drivers of
Customer Equity, which are: Brand Equity, Value Equity, and Relationship Equity.
This research intends to analyze the effects of the 3 (three) drivers on customers’
loyalty, by adding trust as a mediating variable, in Business-to-Business (B2B) I.T.
Services context. The result shows that only Value Equity and Relationship Equity
that are statistically proven to be positively related with Customer Loyalty, but on
the other hand, the whole drivers are proven to be positively related with Trust]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irene Sherlyta Gloria
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh kualitas sistem, layanan, dan informasi terhadap intensi pengguna jasa E-Commerce di Indonesia untuk kembali menggunakan layanan Online-to-Offline O2O . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode riset deskriptif cross sectional. Pada penelitian ini digunakan sebagian Model Sistem Informasi DeLone McLean untuk menentukan variabel-variabel pengukuran terhadap intensitas penggunaan. Melalui penyebaran kuesioner, didapatkan data dari 111 responden yang berusia 16 tahun keatas dan pernah berbelanja online menggunakan layanan Online-to-Offline O2O . Setelah melakukan pengujian data menggunakan regresi linier berganda, diperoleh hasil bahwa dari 3 variabel, hanya variabel kualitas sistem dan kualitas informasi yang dapat mempengaruhi secara positf dan signifikan terhadap intensi penggunaan kembali layanan O2O di masa depan. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa masih banyak responden yang tidak mengetahui layanan O2O sehingga dari penelitian ini menyarankan perusahaan-perusahaan E-Commerce untuk meningkatkan awareness terhadap layanan O2O kepada penggunanya agar layanan O2O dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal bagi keuntungan dan keberlangsungan perusahaan.

This thesis discusses about the influence of system, information, and service quality toward the intention of E Commerce users in Indonesia to repurchase using Online to Offline O2O again. This is a quantitative research which applying cross sectional descriptive research. In this research, DeLone McLean Information System model is used to determine the measurement variables toward usage intention. Through questionnaire distribution, there are 111 respondents acquired with age 16 years old and above and they have ever shopped online using Online to Offline O2O service. According to the multiple linier regression test, the results state that from the 3 variables, only system quality and service quality which positively and significantly influence the intention to repurchase using Online to Offline O2O service in the future. In addition, it is also found that there are still many respondents who do not know the O2O service, hence, this research advises E Commerce companies to increase awareness of O2O service to their users so that O2O service can be utilized maximally to increase profit and sustainability of the company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsa Andiani
Branded E-Stickers BES merupakan opsi brand promotion terkini dan inovatif yang digunakan oleh pengguna social messenger untuk berkirim pesan dengan lebih atraktif dan menarik. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari opsi brand promotion ini, diteliti pengaruh penggunaan Branded E-Stickers BES dalam perspektif social capital terhadap brand attitudes dan brand purchase intentions. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis data dari 358 pengguna LINE messenger menggunakan metode multiple regression analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa social capital memiliki peranan penting dalam menginfluensi brand attitudes dan brand purchase intentions. Referent ties, brand attitudes, dan intensitas penggunaan BES memiliki pengaruh langsung direct effect yang signifikan dan positif terhadap brand purchase intentions. Sementara itu, majority ties, sociability, self disclosure, self presentation, dan featured-character brand fit mempengaruhi brand purchase intentions secara tidak langsung melalui mediasi brand atitudes. Penelitain ini memberikan bukti empiris bahwa BES dapat memfasilitasi pengguna LINE messenger untuk mengembangkan social capital yang mereka miliki. Oleh karena itu, para marketer dapat mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mempromosikan brand mereka menggunakan BES.

Branded E Stickers BES is one of the brand new and innovative tool to promote brand using interactive way that enabled social messenger users to chat more attractively with other users. To examine the effectiveness of this new marketing tool, this study investigates the effect of Branded E Stickers BES usage on Brand Attitudes and Brand Purchase Intentions, in the perspective of social capital theory. Total 358 Indonesian LINE messenger users filled the questionnaire. Through multiple regression analysis, the results show that social capital plays important role in influencing users rsquo brand attitudes and brand purchase intentions. Referent ties, brand attitudes, and intensity of BES usage have direct significant and prositive effect on brand purchase intentions while majority ties, sociability, self disclosure, self presentation, and featured character brand fit indirectly influence brand purchase intentions through brand attitudes. Since Branded E Stickers can facilitate LINE users to develop their social capital, marketers should take this opportunity by promoting their brand through Branded E Stickers."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adriani Eka Juniarti
"ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh visual packaging design terhadap food product quality, food product value dan brand preference serta pengaruh dari atribut kemasan terhadap sikap konsumen pada industri makanan khususnya es krim. Penelitian ini berbentuk experimental dengan menggunakan 300 partisipan, terbagi menjadi 12 kelompok yang akan menerima 12 stimulus berbeda. Data diperoleh melalui metode survei dengan kuesioner yang merupakan adaptasi dari penelitian yang sudah pernah diaplikasikan pada industri makanan Taiwan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui dari uji pendahuluan penelitian yang mencakup uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Setelah instrumen penelitian dinyatakan sudah lolos uji, dilakukan analisis struktural menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), ANOVA dan independent t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa visual packaging design memiliki pengaruh positif pada food product quality dan brand preference, food product quality memiliki pengaruh positif pada food product value dan food product value berpengaruh pada brand preference. Namun food product quality tidak berpengaruh positif pada brand preference. Desain visual kemasan yang berpengaruh positif pada sikap konsumen adalah warna dan desain.

The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of visual packaging design on food product quality, food product value and brand preference also the influence of packaging attribute on food industry specially ice cream. This research using experimental design that involve 300 participant, divided to 12 group that received 12 different stimulus. Samples with primary data obtained by survey, based on similar research which held on Taiwan. Data analysis procedure was done by preliminary studies involving validity and reliability test. After research instrument passed the reliability and validity test, structural analysis was done by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), ANOVA dan independent t-test. The result of this research showed that visual packaging design has positive impact on food product quality and brand preference, food product quality has positive impact on food product value also food product value has positive impact on brand preference. But food product quality has not have positive impact on brand preference. Attributes that have positive impact on design visual packaging are color and design.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Setiawan
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran norma personal sebagai faktor inti dari norm activation theory (NAT) dalam memprediksi perilaku pro lingkungan yang belum sepenuhnya dijelaskan secara utuh pada theory of planned behavior (TPB). Pemilahan sampah merupakan kajian khusus tentang perilaku pro lingkungan yang menjadi fokus kajian ini. Ukuran sampel akhir adalah 300 responden dari tiga kota berbeda di Indonesia yaitu Bogor, Depok, dan Jakarta. Teknik purposive sampling dipilih sebagai teknik penarikan sampel dengan kriteria tertentu yang relevan dengan konteks. Pemodelan persamaan struktural digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis dan dilengkapi dengan regresi bertahap untuk mengungkapkan kontribusi masing-masing prediktor dalam model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa norma personal memiliki peran penting dalam menjelaskan perilaku pemilahan sampah melalui integrasi TPB dan NAT. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam bidang pemasaran sosial, melalui implikasi manajerial dan kontribusi teoritis.

This research aims to analyze the personal norms role as a core factor of norm activation theory (NAT) in predicting pro-environmental behavior that not completely well explained by the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Waste sorting is a particular study in pro-environmental behavior that becomes the focus of this study. The final sample size is 300 respondents from three different cities in Indonesia, namely Bogor, Depok, and Jakarta. Purposive sampling was chosen as the sampling technique with certain specific criteria relevant to the context.  Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses and completed with stepwise regression to reveal each predictors contribution to the model. The results show that personal norm has an important role in explaining waste sorting behavior by integrating TPB and NAT. This research provides an essential contribution in the social marketing field through the managerial implication and the theoretical contribution.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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