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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dadi Hidayat Maskar
Abstrak :
Every body consumes street-foods, even babies as early as 6 months of age. The older the children, the more varied the street foods being consumed. Street foods therefore have contributed to a significant proportion of energy, protein and iron intake of school age children. Looking at high percentages of street foods contribution to their nutrient intake, street foods play an important role in school children's growth and school achievement. On the other hand the safety (microbiological & chemical aspect) of street foods is still questionable. This study aimed to investigate the predicted consumption of illegal food additives from street food among school children from two different types of government primary schools. This research report is arranged and divided in three sequential parts. Part 1 contains comprehensive review on the background and rationale of the study, problem statements, literature review, conceptual framework, objectives of the study and the hypothesis. Part 2 consists of manuscript for publication entitled "School children from model school had lower intake of illegal food additive from street foods compare to school children from regular school" that presents the main findings of the study. The manuscript is written in accordance with the "Instruction for Author's" of "Food and Nutrition Bulletin". Part 3 is the compilation of the detailed questionnaire, methodology, other important results that are not included in the manuscript, ethical consideration and list of references.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susan Hartono
Abstrak :
Bone mineral content at old age is dependent upon the peak bone mass achieved in youth and subsequent adult bone loss (Matkovic, 1992). Adequate calcium consumption during childhood is beneficial for the acquisition of peak bone mass and density. It is therefore, calcium has been considered to play important role in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis (NIH, 1994), and osteoporosis has been described as a pediatric disease that manifests itself in old age (Lysen and Walker, 1997). If children fail to take in enough calcium, they are more likely to develop osteoporosis later in life (Insel et al., 2002). Nevertheless, calcium is one of the nutrients that most likely to be low or deficient in children's diets (Krause's, 2000). Recently, calcium has been suspected to have a positive effect in preventing some disorders, including diarrhea. Bovee et al., (2003) indicated that low calcium intake has been shown to impair host resistance to food-borne intestinal infections. Because of childhood morbidity and mortality due to infectious diarrhea is very high in developing countries, adequate dietary calcium intakes of the children will likely improve their bone as well as intestinal health (Bovee et al., 2003). Dairy products are always regarded as primary source of calcium. It is difficult to meet the RDA for calcium without milk or milk products (Krause, 1992). Unfortunately, the general Indonesian population does not commonly consume milk. The results of 1997 national survey on households' food consumption pattern across provinces in Indonesia reveal that milk consumption was zero, or milk product was never consumed in the last three months at the time of survey (Sumarno at al., 1997). In line with the 1997 national survey, Ariani et al., (1997) reported that the level of milk consumption was lower than that of other animal products across the provinces in Indonesia, and in general, milk consumption of Indonesian population was below the standard of adequacy of milk consumption according to Widyakarya National Pangan dan Gizi 1998 (4.6 kg/cap/year). The above facts indicate that many Indonesians may consume calcium-deficient diet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luh Ade Ari Wiradnyani
Abstrak :
Probiotics, product containing viable, defined and sufficient microorganisms that beneficially alfects the host, has shown cholesterol-lowering effect in in vitro, animal and human studies. However, studies in human showed inconclusive findings.

A randomized double-blind two-way cross-over study was conducted to investigate whether daily supplementation of yoghurt enriched with Lactobacillus acidophilus improves lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic Indonesian adult males. Each period of treatment was 4 wk, separated by a 2 wk washout period. During both treatment periods, subjects consumed daily either yoghurt enriched with Lacidophilus FNCCI I6 (test yoghurt) or traditional yoghurt (control yoghurt).

By the end of the first period, serum total cholesterol concentration of subjects in test group was significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to those in control group (21 0.4 kurang lebih 8.3 vs 226.8 kurang lebih 4.5 mg/dL); and the concentration in both groups was significantly lower compared to baseline. The reduction, however, was not significantly different between groups (-6.0 kurang lebih 2.0 vs -5.9 kurang lebih 2.1 %). There were no significant differences between groups on other lipid profile variables i.e serum LDL-C, HDL-C, tryglicerides, and LDL/HDL ratio, after supplementation. No significant differences on all lipid profile variables between groups were observed after supplementation at the second treatment period and when the treatment period was combined. However, there was a tendency that test group had better lipid profile, except for triglycerides, than control group (p<0.05 for LDL/HDL ratio; p=0.053 for LDL-C).

This cross-over study showed that daily supplementation of yoghurt enriched with Lacidophilus FNCCI 16 showed hypocholesterolemic effect only at the first period, but not at the second and the combined periods.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annas Buanasita
Abstrak :
Addressing public health problems of child malnutrition in Indonesia needs an appropriate integrated health and nutrition program. Positive Deviance Approach integrated with Posyandu TKA (Tumbuh Kembang Anak) offered an excellent opportunity to alleviate the health and malnutrition problem. A community trial study was conducted with a main objective to measure the effect of 3-month Positive Deviance Approach (PDA) integrated with posyandu TKA on growth of the children under five in Pandeglang District, Banten Province, Indonesia. This research report is divided into three parts. Part 1 includes comprehensive reviews on the background of the study, rationale of the study, literature review, conceptual framework, hypothesis, objectives and variable indicator matrix. Part 2 covers the manuscript for publication with a title of "The Effectiveness of 3-months Positive Deviance Approach (PDA) integrated with Posyandu TKA (Tumbuh KembangAnak) on Growth of Underweight Children 6-59 months in Pandeglang District, Banten Province, Indonesia". It is written and formatted in accordance with the instructions for author of The Journal of Nutrition. Part 3 shows the supporting documents including important results that are not included in the manuscript, detailed methodology, grant approval, curriculum vitae and list of references for this research. List of operational definition and abbreviation are also included as guide for the readers. It is hoped that the results of this study will serve as reference data and advocacy tool for intervention program to address under nutrition among children. It can also be use for planning and implementation of future programs especially for Posyandu Revitalization Program in Indonesia.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study was conducted for the purpose to obtain valuable information on how far health center had done its role on improving children nutritional status.

This study did not attempt to evaluate health program implemented by health center, but only differentiated the two extremes of health center performance (low and high performance) and their contribution to improving children nutritional status.

This research report has been presented in three parts. Part 1. Introduction consisted of background of the study, problem statement and rationale of the study, literature review, causal model, hypotheses, objectives of the study, variables and indicators. Part 2. Manuscript for publication was presented according to Food and Nutrition Bulletin's format, there were abstract, introduction, subjects and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. Part 3. Appendices consisted of questionnaires, methodology, ethical consideration, operational definition, detailed results, recommendations, instruction for the contributors of Food and Nutrition Bulletin, references and curriculum vitae.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eriza Fadhilah
Abstrak :
Faktor gizi adalah salah satu faktor terkuat dan faktor lingkungan yang secara nyata mempengaruhi waktu terjadinya pubertas. Penelitian dangan desain cross sectional ini benujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik menars, status gizi dan gaya hidup pada remaja putri I0-I3 tahun di Jakarta pusat serla hubungan ketiga faktor tersebut (n=2l I). Proporsi remaja putri yang sudah mengalami menars sebanyak 23% dan rata-rata usia menars adalah l 1.6 tahun. 72.5% remaja putri mempunyai normal z Score BMI;/'or-age dan 53.3% remaja putri mempunyai kelebihan Iemak tubuh. Perubahan gaya hidup melalui pola makan yang sehat harus diterapkan olerh remaja putri ini melalui edukasi oleh lingkungan sekitar mereka. ......Nutritional factors are the strongest and most obvious environmental factor affecting timing of puberty. This cross sectional study was conducted to determine the association between menarche, nutritional status and lifestyle among adolescent girls aged 10-13 years in Central Jakarta (n=2l I). The proportion of menarche among 10-13 years old girls was 28% and the age of menarche was ll.6 years old. About 72.5% of adolescent girls have normal BMI-for-age z-score. More than half (58.3%) of adolescent girls has over fat. The food habit of these adolescent girls should be changed by giving nutrition education to help them have better food habit.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Phan Bich Nga
Abstrak :
Chitosan, a cationic polysaccharide derived from the cuticle of crustacean, is promoted as a remedy to reduce fat absorption, might help reducing body weight and normalizing lipid profile without any harmful effect. However, its clinical effectiveness for this condition remains disputed. Therefore, study on that matters are required to investigate the effect of chitosan on human body weight and lipid profile.

This research report is divided in three sequential parts. Part 1 contents comprehensive reviews on the background and rationale of the study, problem statements, literature review, causal model, objectives of the study and the hypotheses.

Part 2 covers manuscript for publication entitled ?The effects of chitosan on body weight, body fat and lipid profiles among Vietnamese overweight obesity dyslipdaemia female teachers? that presents the main findings of the study. The manuscript is written in accordance with the ?Instructions for Authors? of Peer Reviewed Journal ?Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition?.

Part 3 consists of detailed questionnaire, methodology, and other important results that are not included in manuscript. Form used for inform consent as well as references are also attached.

Hopefully, this research report will give more information for better understand of the emerging issues and give benefit for future studies.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nursyifa Rahma Maulida
Abstrak :
Keragaman makanan telah diketahui berhubungan dengan kecukupan dan status gizi. Sehingga, metode skor keragaman makanan sebagai indikator yang mudah untuk memprediksi berat lahir bayi memiliki ketertarikan untuk diketahui. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang di Jakarta Timur yang terdiri dari 288 ibu hamil, usia 19?44 tahun pada umur kehamilan >32 minggu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keragaman makanan berhubungan secara statistik dengan berat lahir dan merupakan prediktor yang paling kuat (Adj.OR=2.8) dari faktor lainnya yang dapat meningkatkan berat badan lahir bayi ≥ 3.000 gram secara statistik, seperti usia ibu (Adj. OR=2.5) dan berat ibu di trimester tiga (Adj. OR=2.6).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jill Ayu Dewanti
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari studi potong lintang dengan sampel 241 anak usia 6-23 bulan ini adalah menilai kesepakatan antara diet minimum yang dapat diterima dan kecukupan zat gizi. Purposive sampling dilakukan di Puskesmas Aren Jaya dan Jati Bening. Kemudian, pengambilan sampel secara acak dilakukan untuk menganalisa kesepakatan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari setengah dari populasi telah diperkenalkan makanan padat, semi-padat atau makanan lembut, tetap diberikan ASI setelah 1 tahun (78,5%), mengkonsumsi makanan yang kaya zat besi/yang diperkaya zat besi ( 63,4%), mengkonsumsi beranekaragam makanan (66,6%) dan memenuhi frekuensi makan (98,4%). Namun, hanya 47,7% dari anak-anak tersebut memenuhi diet minimum yang dapat diterima. Masih terdapat banyak anak yang tidak memenuhi asupan zat besi, kalsium dan seng. Sementara itu di tingkat populasi, masih banyak anak yang tidak memenuhi EAR untuk mikronutrien kecuali vitamin A. Hal ini diduga bahwa jumlah zat besi, kalsium dan seng yang dikonsumsi pada anak-anak tersebut tidak memenuhi rekomendasi. Kesepakatan dengan level moderat (Se 0.7) didapat dari diet minimum yang dapat diterima dalam memperkirakan ketidakcukupan energi, protein dan asupan lemak pada anak-anak usia 18-23 bulan dengan PPV ≥ 0.8. Penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa metode diet minimum yang dapat diterima dalam memperkirakan ketidakcukupan asupan energi, protein dan lemak pada anak-anak berusia 18-23 bulan dapat diterapkan di level individu dan populasi.
The objective of this cross sectional study with an eligible sample around 241 children aged 6-23 months was to assess the agreement between minimum acceptable diet and the adequacy of macro and selected micronutrients. Purposive sampling was done in Aren Jaya and Jati Bening Primary Health Care. Meanwhile, simple random sampling was conducted to obtain the eligible sample to analyze the agreement. Over than a half of the respective population was introduced by solid, semi-solid or soft food, continued breastfed after 1 year (78.5%), consumed iron rich or iron fortified food (63.4%), met the minimum dietary diversity (66.6%) and met the minimum meals frequency (98.4%). However, only 47.7% of children met the minimum acceptable diet. More than a half of children with in adequate intake of iron, calcium and zinc while as well as in the population level, the proportion below EAR was high for micronutrients except vitamin A. It was presumed that the quantity intake of iron, calcium and zinc among children was inappropriate. Moderate agreement (Se 0.7) was found in the minimum acceptable diet in estimating energy, protein and fat intake inadequacy among 18-23 months of age both breastfed and non-breastfed children with PPV ≥ 0.8. This study confirmed that the minimum acceptable diet could be an alternative method in estimating energy, protein and fat intake inadequacy among 18-23 months of age in both individual and population setting
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Sagung Indriani Oka
Abstrak :
Suatu intervensi edukasi bagi kader Posyandu di kotamadya Bekasi yang diberikan dua tahun lalu terbukti meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi kader tentang Pemberian Makan Pendamping ASI yang aman. Karena itu sangat menarik untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan praktek pengasuh pada pemberian makan bayi dan anak usia 0-23 bulan di daerah tersebut. i. Penelitian potong lintang telah dilakukan di dua kelurahan di kotamadya Bekasi. Data mengenai pengetahuan dan praktek pemberian makan bayi dan anak dikumpulkan dari 636 pengasuh dan anak usia 0-23 bulan. Penelitian ini menemukan di Bekasi terdapat 76.9% pengasuh yang memiliki pengetahuan yang benar dan 32% memiliki praktik pemberian makan bayi dan anak yang baik. Level pendidikan ayah, ibu dan pengasuh non-ibu, serta status pekerjaan ibu terbukti berhubungan dengan pengetahuan pengasuh yang benar. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap praktik pemberian makan bayi dan anak pada pengasuh adalah pengetahuan pengasuh dan usia anak. Informasi mengenai pemberian makan bayi dan anak sebaiknya diberikan secara teratur dan terus menerus serta tidak hanya membidik pengasuh tapi juga anggota keluarga lainnya. Pelatihan kepada kader Posyandu juga sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan rekomendasi WHO yang terbaru.
The implementation of IYCF key actions and intervention in Indonesia was categorized in a poor situation. It is interesting to assess the knowledge and practices of caregivers on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to children age 0-23 months in Bekasi municipality which couple years ago their posyandu cadres received education intervention and showed improvement on communication about safe complementary feeding competencies. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in in selected areas/villages of Bekasi. Information on IYCF knowledge and practices were collected from 636 children age 0-23 months and caregivers. It was found that 76.9% caregivers had good IYCF knowledge and 32% had appropriate practices. Fathers, mothers, Non-Maternal Caregivers? education level and also employment status were associated with good knowledge. Message delivery on the IYCF recommendation should be given regularly, frequently and targeted not only to caregivers but also other influencing family member. There is also a need to ensure the cadres receive comprehensive training of the latest WHO recommendation.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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