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Riniyanti P. Tassakka
"Penelitian ini berjudul Analisis Kegiatan Marketing Public Relations dalam rangka membangun Brand Awareness (Studi Kasus pada Produk McAfee di PT.Transition Systems Indonesia). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah kegiatan Marketing Public Relations (MPR) pada produk McAfee memberikan dampak awareness kepada konsumen, dimana hal ini dilakukan untuk menghadapi persaingan yang cukup ketat dengan perusahaan IT lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada khalayak sasaran produk McAfee yaitu pemakai dari produk McAfee itu sendiri dan mengetahui perkembangan dunia tekhnologi. Dalam metode penelitian, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, paradigma kontruktivis. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam (In-depth interviewing).
Dari hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa McAfee diduga telah berhasil meningkatkan awareness dari audience. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak Marketing Public Relations disusun yang dilakukan oleh McAfee diduga menjadi suatu bauran strategi secara tepat. Dalam rangka membangun brand awareness konsumen dengan menggunakan marketing communication mix dan didukung oleh sarana yang ada. Implikasi dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan Marketing Public Relations yang diselenggarakan oleh McAfee diduga telah berhasil meningkatkan awareness dari audience. Kegiatan Marketing Public Relations itu penekanannya bukan pada selling ( seperti pada kegiatan periklanan). Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang kuat terhadap tingkat awareness konsumen.

This research titled Analysis Activity of Marketing Public Relations in order to build brand awareness (Case Study on the McAfee Products in PT.Transition Systems Indonesia). The purpose of the research is to analyze whether the activities of Marketing and Public Relations (MPR) on the McAfee products to give effect to the consumer awareness, where this is done to face tight competition with other IT companies. This research was conducted at the target audience of users of McAfee products from McAfee's own product and know the world of technology development. In a research method, researchers used a qualitative descriptive research approaches, paradigms Constructivism. The data were collected by In-depth interviewing.
From the results of data analysis, the output showed that McAfee consectuable has succeeded in increasing awareness of the audience. In this research we can conclude that the impact of Marketing and Public Relations organized by McAfee is supposed to be a mix of strategies as appropriate. In order to build brand awareness among consumers by using marketing communication mix and is supported by the existing facilities. The implication of this research showed that the activities of Marketing and Public Relations organized by McAfee is alleged to have managed to increase awareness of the audience. Marketing and Public Relations activities that the emphasis is not on selling (as in advertising activities). This activity is expected to give a strong impact on the level of consumer awareness.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bianca Resita
"[Kegiatan PT Lenovo Indonesia meluaskan pemasaran pengaruh serta kekuatan citra perusahaan kepada konsumen melalui kegiatan kemediaan marketing public relations yang ditujukan kepada wartawan merupakan ujung tombak media Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti sikap wartawan agar perusahaan dapat melakukan kegiatan kemediaan marketing public relations yang tepat dan wartawan memberikan publisitas yang menguntungkan bagi konsumen maupun perusahaan Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan survei kepada 115 orang wartawan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi kognitif dan afektif dari sikap wartawan memiliki mean yang dikategorikan sebagai Sangat Tinggi dan dimensi konatif dari sikap wartawan memiliki mean yang dikategorikan sebagai Tinggi.

Activities of PT Lenovo Indonesia to broaden marketing influence and power of the company 39 s image to consumers via marketing public relations media activities aimed to journalists are important parts of media. This study aimed to investigate the attitude of journalists so that the company can conduct marketing public relations media activities right and journalists deliver favorable publicity for consumers and companies This study uses a quantitative approach performed by conducting a survey to 115 journalists. The results showed that cognitive and affective dimensions of attitudes journalists have a mean which is categorized as Very High value and conative dimensions of an attitude of the journalists has a mean which is categorized as High value. ;Abstract Activities of PT Lenovo Indonesia to broaden marketing influence and power of the company 39 s image to consumers via marketing public relations media activities aimed to journalists are important parts of media This study aimed to investigate the attitude of journalists so that the company can conduct marketing public relations media activities right and journalists deliver favorable publicity for consumers and companies This study uses a quantitative approach performed by conducting a survey to 115 journalists The results showed that cognitive and affective dimensions of attitudes journalists have a mean which is categorized as Very High value and conative dimensions of an attitude of the journalists has a mean which is categorized as High value Keyword attitude journalists attitude journalists marketing public relations , Abstract Activities of PT Lenovo Indonesia to broaden marketing influence and power of the company 39 s image to consumers via marketing public relations media activities aimed to journalists are important parts of media This study aimed to investigate the attitude of journalists so that the company can conduct marketing public relations media activities right and journalists deliver favorable publicity for consumers and companies This study uses a quantitative approach performed by conducting a survey to 115 journalists The results showed that cognitive and affective dimensions of attitudes journalists have a mean which is categorized as Very High value and conative dimensions of an attitude of the journalists has a mean which is categorized as High value Keyword attitude journalists attitude journalists marketing public relations ]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izzaty Zephaniah
Profil Perusahaan: UMKM Centre Depok (UCD) merupakan pusat etalase promosi produk dan jasa unggulan dari para pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kota Depok. Organisasi ini diinisiasi oleh Dinas Koperasi, UMKM, dan Pasar (DKUP) Kota Depok sejak tahun 2007 dalam rangka memfasilitasi aktifitas pemasaran dan penjualan UMKM setempat. Selain sebagai etalase promosi, UCD juga kerap difungsikan untuk berbagai pelatihan yang terbuka bagi seluruh anggota dan umum. Usaha yang terdaftar di UCD terdiri atas bermacam jenis, seperti kuliner, seni, busana, dan lain-lain.
Analisis SWOT: Strengths (Kekuatan): 1. UCD beranggotakan lebih dari 1000 UMKM yang menjual beragam jenis produk dan jasa. 2. Mutu dan kualitas produk kuliner di UCD cukup terjamin dengan adanya sertifikasi halal serta pengawasan kadaluarsa yang ketat. Weakness (Kelemahan): 1. Keterbatasan tenaga kerja cukup menghambat operasionalisasi UCD secara keseluruhan. 2. Letak UCD di ITC Depok tidak strategis sehingga sulit dijangkau pengunjung. 3. Kondisi interior UCD masih belum memandai. 4. Jumlah kedatangan pengunjung dan tingkat keberhasilan penjualan sangat bergantung pada pengadaan program pelatihan yang terbuka untuk umum. 5. Terbatasnya anggaran dari pemerintah Kota Depok menghambat proses perkembangan UCD. 6. UCD belum mengoptimalisasi penggunaan media sosial dan website. Opportunities (Peluang): 1. Kota Depok memiliki potensi wisata yang mampu menarik kunjungan wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara. 2. Kota Depok memiliki perkembangan ekonomi yang cukup pesat. 3. Antusiasme pelaku UMKM di Kota Depok untuk bergabung di UCD tergolong cukup tinggi. 4. Adanya dukungan dari berbagai komunitas, asosiasi, dan konsultan bisnis yang secara sukarela memberikan pelatihan kepada anggota UCD. Threats (Ancaman): 1. Program pemberdayaan dan pengembangan dari perusahaan-perusahaan skala besar belum secara kontinu menyentuh seluruh potensi UMKM yang ada di Kota Depok. 2. Kesadaran masyarakat Kota Depok terhadap UMKM Centre Depok masih sangat rendah. Pernyataan Masalah: Tingkat aksesibilitas dan kenyamanan lokasi UCD berperan besar dalam kualitas pelayanannya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa kualitas pelayanan merupakan salah satu penyebab rendahnya brand awareness masyarakat Kota Depok terhadap UCD sebagai pusat etalase promosi yang mengangkat produk dan jasa karya pelaku UMKM di Kota Depok. Demi meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan UCD, pemerintah Kota Depok telah membuat wacana untuk melakukan renovasi. Bersamaan dengan proses renovasi tersebut, perlu direncanakan pula program komunikasi yang tepat sasaran. Gabungan antara pelayanan yang berkualitas baik dengan program komunikasi yang mumpuni diharapkan mampu meningkatkan brand awareness UCD pada target khalayak.

Organization Profile: UMKM Center Depok (UCD) is the center of the promotional display of products and services from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Depok City. The organization was initiated by Dinas Koperasi, UMKM, dan Pasar (DKUP) of Depok City since 2007 in order to facilitate marketing activities and sales of local MSMEs. Aside from being a promotional storefront, UCD is also often functioned for various training that is open to all members and public. Enterprises listed in UCD consists of various types, such as culinary, art, fashion, and others. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: 1. UCD consists of more than 1000 MSMEs which sell various types of products and services. 2. The quality of all culinary products at UCD is guaranteed by the use of halal certification as well as the strict expiry surveillance. Weakness: 1. Limited manpower impeded overall operationalization of UCD. 2. UCD`s location in ITC Depok is not strategic enough and so it is hard for the visitors to reach. 3. UCD`s interior condition is still inadequate. 4. The number of visitor arrivals and the level of sales are depend heavily on the training programs that are open to the public. 5. Limited budget from the government impedes UCD`s development process. 6. UCD has not optimized the use of social media and website. Opportunities: 1. Depok City has tourism potential that is able to attract local and foreign tourists. 2. Depok city has a fairly rapid economic development. 3. The enthusiasm of MSMEs in Depok City to join UCD is quite high. 4. UCD is highly supported by various communities, associations, and business consultants who volunteer to train all members. Threats (Threats): 1. The empowerment and development programs from large-scale companies have not continuously touched the potential of MSMEs in Depok City. 2. UCD`s brand awareness towards people in Depok City is still very low. Problem Statement: The level of accessibility and convenience of UCD play a major role in the overall quality of service. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the low quality of service is one of the causes of UCD`s low brand awareness towards people in Depok City. In order to improve the service quality of UCD, the government of Depok City has made an arrangement for a renovation. Along with the renovation process, it is necessary to also plan the right communication program. The combination of an excellent service quality with a qualified communication program is expected to increase UCD`s brand awareness to the target audience."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Megan Ddanesia
"Makalah ini membahas tentang peluncuran produk Magnum Red Velvet sebagai varian baru produk Magnum Indonesia. Adanya varian baru ini merupakan salah satu bentuk inovasi yang dilakukan oleh PT Unilever Indonesia dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis. Makalah ini menganalisis tiga strategi MPR yang dilakukan yaitu strategi push, pull dan pass.
Makalah ini menganalisis setiap kegiatan dari masing-masing strategi yang dilakukan. Ketiga strategi MPR yang dilakukan kemudian dikaitkan dengan tingkatan brand awareness. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis masing-masing strategi MPR yang dilakukan oleh PT Unilever Indonesia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap varian baru Magnum Indonesia yaitu Magnum Red Velvet.
Hasil dari analisis pada makalah ini ialah bahwa PT Unilever Indonesia menggunakan ketiga strategi MPR tersebut pada peluncuran produk Magnum Red Velvet. Pada strategi push, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah publikasi melalui website resmi dan media sosial. Pada strategi pull, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah ajang khusus berupa pameran dan kompetisi. Sedangkan pada strategi pass, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah Corporate Social Responsibility CSR . Sehubungan dengan tingkatan brand awareness, setiap strategi MPR dapat meningkatkan setiap tahapan pada brand awareness.

This study talks about the launching of Magnum Red Velvet product as a new variant of Magnum Indonesia. This new variant is one of PT Unilever Indonesia rsquo s innovation to compete in business world.
This study analyzes three MPR strategies that are push, pull and pass strategy. This study also analyzes every activities that are done in each MPR strategies. Those three MPR strategies are then connected with brand awareness stages. The aim of this study is to analyze each MPR strategies that are done by PT Unilever Indonesia as a means to increase public awareness of new Magnum Red Velvet.
The result of this study is that PT Unilever Indonesia used those three MPR strategies when launching Magnum Red Velvet. On the push strategy, the activity is publication through official website and social media. On the pull strategy, the activity is special event such as exhibition and competition. While on the pass strategy, the activity is Corporate Social Responsibility CSR . Each MPR strategy can increase every stages of brand awareness."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Defina Sari
"Marketing Public Relations (MPR) merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dapat digunakan dalam memberikan informasi mengenai produk kepada konsumen. Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Bank Muamalat Indonesia melakukan kegiatan (MPR) dalam upaya membentuk product knowledge khalayak tentang produk Shar-E dan bagaimana product knowledge pada khalayak terhadap produk tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggetahui kegiatan MPR yang dilakukan dalam membentuk product knowledge dan mengetahui product knowledge khalayak terhadap produk Shar-E.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sifat penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan strategi fenomenologi. Yang menjadi unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah individu dengan teknik wawancara mendalam. Dari data, diperoleh bahwa kegiatan MPR yang digunakan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada khalayak-nya adalah special event, sponsorship, pemberian award, contest dan competitions, exhibits, hotline, news release, road shows, seminar, video news release, dan website. BMI lebih menekankan publisitas dalam memberikan informasi. Pengetahuan khalayak dapat digolongkan berdasarkan tiga jenis pengetahuan akan produk yakni pengetahuan khalayak mengenai atribut Shar-E, manfaat Shar-E dan berdasarkan kepuasan nilai.
Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah, BMI menggunakan kegiatan MPR untuk memberikan informasi dan edukasi kepada khalayak mengenai Shar-E. Budget memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan kegiatan.

Marketing Public Relations (MPR) is one of the activities that can be used to providing information about the product to the customer. Become a problem in this research is how the Bank Muamalat Indonesia doing activities (MPR) in an effort to shape public knowledge about the product Shar-E products and product knowledge on how the audience of the product. Goal of this research to know MPR?s activities to informed product knowledge and know product knowledge of audience.
This research use paradigm construktivism with type of research is qualitative. The nature of research used is descriptive by using the strategy fenomenologi. Which is the unit of analysis in this research is the individual with the technical depth interviews. From the data, that the MPR is used to provide knowledge to the audience it is special events, sponsorship, the award, contest and Competitions, exhibits, hotline, news releases, road shows, seminars, video news releases, and website. BMI emphasize more publicity in providing information. Public knowledge can be classified according to three types of knowledge products that will be public knowledge about the attributes of E-Shar, Shar-E benefits based on the satisfaction and value.
Conclusions obtained in this research is to use a BMI of MPR to provide information and education to the audience about the Shar-E. Budget is important role in determining activity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zebua, Winda Dwi Astuti
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus, dan menggunakan paradigma postpositivism. Objek penelitian adalah PT. XL. Axiata Tbk. Data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi pustka. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan telekomunikasi telah melakukan tiga strategi marketing public relations yaitu push, pull dan pass. Strategi push tidak signifikan dalam membangun citra. Sedangkan strategi pull cukup berhasil mambangun citra positif produk dengan mengutamakan komunikasi dan hubungan baik kepada publik. Kemudian untuk strategi pass, perusaahan melakukan community relations dan memanfaatkan media sosial guna membentuk opini dan persepsi publik untuk membangun citra produk di mata publik.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus, dan menggunakan paradigma postpositivism. Objek penelitian adalah PT. XL. Axiata Tbk. Data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi pustka. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber.

Competition in 4G LTE, have an impact on the company 39 s strategy in the promotion and efforts to build the image of the product. This study uses a Marketing Public Relations as a perspective in investigating the promotional program of product qualiy dan service quality in building the image of the product. The purpose of this study to determine the marketing public relations strategies of the company in building the image of the product.This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive case study method, then the paradigm used is postpositivism. The object of research is PT. XL. Axiata Tbk. Techniques of data collection through interviews and studies Ref. While the validity of the data using a triangulation technique source.The results showed that the telecommunications company has made three marketing public relations strategies that push, pull and pass. Push strategy is not a significant in image building. While the pull strategy was quite successful, builds a positive image of a product with emphasis on communication and good relations between the public and the company. Then to pass strategy, the company do community relations and take advantage of social media to shape public opinion and perceptions to build the image of the product in the public mind. 39 font size 12.0pt font family Times New Roman , serif 39 strategi pass, perusaahan melakukan community relations dan memanfaatkan media sosial guna membentuk opini dan persepsi publik untuk membangun citra produk di mata publik.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Mayasari
"The objective of this research ls to determine what is the most appropriate lMC strategy to apply in Indonesia market and to analyze the brand equity of EMC products in Indonesia market. EMC is information infrastructure global market leader. But at the moment, there is an issue that EMC considered very late compared to its competitors in dealing with Indonesia market. EMC is not yet becoming Indonesia market leader. Indonesia consumen also have perception that EMC place is very high againts others. The lateness of EMC in entering Indonesian market triggers the whole part of PT. EMC Information Systems to move more aggressively and effectively. The right implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication would be the main factor to create the brand awareness that would then growth the brand loyally towards the consumers in Indonesian market. The Research Method used in the thesis writing consists of two main parts, which are Survey and in-depth Interview. Data analysis shows that Word of Mouth (WOM) and Personal Selling nrc tbc 1110st effective way to increase brand awareness."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destania Putri Alwindy
"PT Jet Global Express mengeluarkan produk baru yang digital inovatif yaitu komunitas online dengan sebutan J&T Friends Community yang dapat mempermudah online seller mendapatkan informasi lebih mengenai penjualan online di berbagai e-commerce serta hal lainnya yang berhubungan dengan jasa pengiriman berbasis teknologi. Komunitas online ini memberikan berbagai informasi yang edukatif serta bermanfaat, di mana merupakan hal baru dan unik yang sangat memudahkan khalayaknya dalam berbagai informasi satu sama lain dengan feedback yang diberikan oleh pihak perusahaan maupun anggota lainnya. Sebagai satu-satunya komunitas online perusahaan jasa pengiriman berbasis teknologi, PT Jet Global Express dalam mempertahankan eksistensi komunitas online nya kerap melakukan berbagai strategi dan tools dari Marketing Public Relations (MPR). Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi dan tools MPR apa saja yang digunakan J&T Friends Community dan mengulas lebih dalam masing-masing strategi dan tools MPR tersebut serta dikaitkan dengan brand community engagement nya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari tiga strategi MPR Push, Pull dan Pass, hanya strategi MPR Pull yang mendominasi pada implementasinya. Pada strategi Pull, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah publikasi organisasi dan digital yaitu media sosial instagram. Ditemukan bahwa J&T Friends Community berhasil meraih engagement yang baik dalam mempertahankan brand community nya. Berbagai strategi dan tools tersebut cukup efektif dalam memasarkan J&T Friends Community dan sesuai dengan identitas khalayaknya.

PT Jet Global Express issued a new, innovative digital product, namely an online community called the J&T Friends Community which can make it easier for online sellers to get more information about online sales on various e-commerce and other matters related to technology-based shipping services. This online community provides a variety of educational and useful information, which is new and unique, which makes it very easy for audiences to share information with each other with feedback provided by the company and other members. As the only online community of technology-based shipping service companies, PT Jet Global Express in maintaining the existence of its online community often carries out various strategies and tools from Marketing Public Relations (MPR). This paper aims to find out what MPR strategies and tools are used by J&T Friends Community and to have a deeper review of each of the MPR strategies and tools and to relate them to its brand community engagement. The results of the analysis show that of the three MPR Push, Pull and Pass strategies, only the MPR Pull strategy dominates its implementation. In the Pull strategy, the activities carried out are organizational and digital publications, namely Instagram social media. It was found that J&T Friends Community managed to achieve good engagement in maintaining its brand community. These various strategies and tools are quite effective in marketing J&T Friends Community and in accordance with the identity of the audience. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Larasati Satya Putri
"SweetObsession.id merupakan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) yang berbasis daring dan baru saja launching pada 20 Agustus 2022. Produk yang dijual antara lain pakaian perempuan menggunakan kain bekas, pakaian vintage (thrift), dan pakaian preloved. Sebagai usaha yang yang berbasis sustainability, Sweet Obsession memiliki tujuan mendorong para remaja perempuan untuk tetap tampil modis sambil menerapkan praktik sustainability fashion.
1. Produk terbatas yang memiliki konsep niche sehingga cocok untuk konsumen yang mempertimbangkan aspek eksklusifitas pakaian.
2. Pertumbuhan followers Instagram Sweet Obsession lumayan cepat walaupun baru launching.
3. Pemilik memiliki pemahaman akan fesyen dan koneksi yang dapat membantu usaha ini.
4. Memiliki shared value sebagai praktik fesyen berkelanjutan. Melalui pembelian produk Sweet Obsession, dapat membantu mengurangi dampak negatif lingkungan dari industri fesyen.
5. Memiliki testimoni positif dari pelanggan.
1. Brand Sweet Obsession belum lama launching sehingga aktivasi di media sosial belum maksimal.
2. Brand awareness Sweet Obsession masih rendah.
3. Belum mengeksplorasi kanal media selain Instagram
4. Anggaran untuk kegiatan promosi sangat terbatas karena baru launching.
1. Pemanfaatan bentuk baru media sosial kini dapat mendukung strategi komunikasi di sosial media.
2. Analisis PEST menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah secara intens memberdayakan praktik keberlanjutan, termasuk mode keberlanjutan.
3. Penjual thrift di Instagram memiliki solidaritas untuk saling mendukung dengan membantu promosi satu sama lain.
1. Perlu membangun brand awareness.
2. Banyak kompetitor baru muncul yang mulai menjual baju Thrift maupun Preloved.
3. Kompetitor dari Sweet Obsession lebih gencar dalam melakukan kegiatan komunikasi di media sosial.

SweetObsession.id is a newly created online Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (UMKM) that was launched on August 20, 2022. It offers feminine women's apparel made from recycled textiles, vintage clothing (thrift), and preloved items. As a sustainable fashion business, wants to encourage young girls to appear attractive while embracing sustainable fashion methods.
1. The product is not not widely available on the market thus, the purchase of Sweet Obsession products appeals to the customers who value the exclusivity of clothes.
2. Sweet obsession Follower's growth is pretty fast.
3. The owner understands fashion and has connections to help this business.
4. Have a shared value as a sustainable fashion practice. Through the purchase of Sweet Obsession, helps decreases the negative environmental impact of the fashion industry.
5. Have positive feedback from past customers.
1. Due to the recent launch of the Sweet Obsession brand, social media activity has not been fully optimized.
2. Lack of brand awareness.
3. Sweet Obsession has not yet used social media platforms other than Instagram.
4. Sweet Obsession has just launched, and the budget for promotion is restricted.
1. The newly added features on Tiktok and Instagram, such as live shopping, Instagram ads, and its social marketplace, are compatible for delivering a communication program.
2. The PEST analysis shows that government intensely empowers sustainability practices, including sustainability fashion.
3. Many target audiences stated that one of the elements driving their purchasing decisions was their commitment to the environment.
4. thrift store owners have solidarity to support one another through mutual promotion agreement
1. Need to build brand awareness.
2. Many new competitors have emerged who have begun selling Thrift and Preloved clothing.
3. Sweet Obsessions' competitors are more active in their social media communication deployment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feisya Rizky Ayunadia
Profil Perusahaan: Evoware adalah social enterprise yang memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan gaya hidup ramah lingkungan dan memberikan nilai-nilai inovatif bagi masyarakat urban. Social enterprise yang didirikan pada April 2016 ini menggunakan rumput laut sebagai bahan baku produk. Dampak yang diharapkan Evoware bukan hanya untuk lingkungan, tetapi juga untuk kehidupan para petani rumput laut. Evoware memiliki visi untuk menciptakan solusi inovatif untuk memecahkan masalah sampah plastik. Selain itu, sekaligus meningkatkan taraf hidup petani rumput laut di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai visinya, Evoware menganut dua nilai utama, yaitu inovasi dan kerjasama. Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, rantai nilai bisnis Evoware tidak membahayakan alam mulai dari sumber hingga produknya. Produk Evoware bersifat ramah lingkungan, bio-degradable, dapat dimakan sekaligus sehat bagi tubuh. Evoware saat ini memiliki dua jenis produk, yaitu gelas Ello Jello dan seaweed-based packaging. Pernyataan Masalah: Masyarakat belum mengenal Evoware dan produknya sehingga produk Evoware belum memiliki brand awareness yang kuat.

Company Profile: Evoware is a social enterprise that aims to improve eco-friendly lifestyles and provide innovative values for urban society. This social enterprise which was founded on April 2016 uses seaweed as raw material for their products. Evoware's impact is not just for the environment, but also for the lives of seaweed farmers. Evoware has a vision to create innovative solutions to solve plastic waste problems. In addition, while improving the living standards of seaweed farmers in Indonesia. To achieve this vision, Evoware embraces two key values, innovation and cooperation. In running its business, Evoware's value chain does not endanger nature from source to product. Evoware products are environmentally friendly, bio-degradable, edible and healthy for the body. Evoware currently has two types of products, Ello Jello glass and seaweed-based packaging. Problem Statement: The general public is not familiar with Evoware and its products so that Evoware`s products do not yet have a strong brand awareness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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