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Arri Vaviriyanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perilaku Polantas di Polres Singkawang terhadap masyarakat etnis Tionghoa berkaitan dengan aspek birokrasi dan pola komunikasi. Berbagai karakteristik komunikasi dan birokrasi dijadikan perspektif untuk mengungkap adanya pertukaran antara polisi dan masyarakat etnis Tionghoa. Stereotip dan kebudayaan masyarakat ctnis Tionghoa yang mempengaruhi praktik birokrasi di Satlantas Polres Singkawang juga menjadi fokus yang digali dalam penelitian ini.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Polres Singkawang dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dimana teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam kepada informan kunci, pengamatan terlibat, dan studi dokumenter. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan secara komprehensif ape adanya data yang diperoleh melalui interpretasi dan pemahaman peneliti sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hal ini merupakan faktor penting yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap fenomena yang diketemukan.
Penelitian menemukan bahwa perilaku sebagian besar Polantas Polres Singkawang masih memanfaatkan komunikasi dengan masyarakat etnis Tionghoa untuk menjalankan birokrasi yang mengarah pada perilaku menyimpang. Hubungan kemanusiaan yang beriaku lebih kepada saling mengeksploitasi untuk mencari keuntungan antarpribadi dan kelompok, bukan kepada keikhlasan untuk saling membangun kepercayaan. Dengan demikian, cita-cita refommasi birokrasi Polri dalam membentuk sikap aparatur yang profbsional cara mempertahankan netralitas dalam pelayanan belum tercapai secara optimal.

This study is aimed to describe Traffic Police behavior in Singkawang Resort Police to Chinese society related to bureaucracy aspect and commrmication pattem. Various characteristics of communication and bureaucracy is used to reveal an exchange between police and Chinese society. The Chinese stereotype and culture also influencing of bureaucracies practices in Singkawang Police Traffic also becomes the focus to be explored in this research.
This research is made in Singkawang Police Resort with qualitative approach method, where employing data technic through in-depth interview to key informant, complete participant observation and documentary studies. The approach of this research are using qualitative descriptive to found and describe comprehensively any obtained data which have by researcher interpretation and comprehension as research instrument. This is an important factor to analyzed the phenomena that found it.
The research found that some Police Traflic Officers behavior still using communication with Chinese society to operate bureaucracy that direct to deviance behavior. So, the relationship between police and Chinese society not more than exploited for looking interpersonal and groups benefits, not for wholeheartedness to build trust each other. Thereby, bureaucracy police reform aspiration to compose a professional person and maintaining equality in services not yet achieved optimally.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Louis Sengka
Tahun 1979 Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah menyetujui Convention
on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Againts Women – CEDAW.
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia meratifikasi Konvensi CEDAW dengan UU No. 7
Tahun 1984 Tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk
Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita, karena tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 dan
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan bagaimana Hak Asasi
Perempuan (HAP) sesuai Konvensi CEDAW dapat optimal diimplementasikan ke
seluruh anggota Polri agar sesuai dengan misi Polri sebagai pelindung, pengayom, dan
pelayan masyarakat memiliki sikap sensitif gender dan untuk menjelaskan sejauh
mana pelayanan UPPA Polres Singkawang, dan kerjasama antar instansi terkait, dan
kendala UPPA Polres Singkawang dalam menagani kasus kekeraan dan diskriminasi
terhadap perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan
kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara kajian dokumen dan wawancara.
Tesis ini dibahas dengan menggunakan teori dan konsep-konsep yaitu: Teori
Police Management, Konsep Perlindungan, Pengayoman, dan pelayanan, Konsep
HAM, Konsep HAP/CEDAW dan konsep UPPA. Prinsip CEDAW pada hakekatnya
terletak pada kesetaraan, non-diskriminasi, dan kewajiban negara. Ketiga prinsip ini
memiliki keterkaitan satu sama lain. Polri bagian daripada negara selaku yudikatif
memiliki kewajiban yang menitikberatkan pada elemen tentang Penghormatan,
Pemenuhan dan Perlindungan hak dan kebebasan. Elemen ini sesuai dengan tugas
pokok Polri pada Pasal 13 huruf c UU No. 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang POLRI .
Rekomendasi penulis yaitu: Pertama, penegakkan HAP, selain KUHPidana,
juga mendasari UU No 7 Tahun 1984 Tentang CEDAW. Kedua, menerapkan
manajemen kepolisian yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai sasaran tujuan. Ketiga,
perlu adanya pelatihan, seminar dan sosialisasi tentang HAP sesuai CEDAW agar
polisi sensitif gender. Selanjutnya, melakukan koordinasi dengan Pemeritah Daerah
serta instansi terkait serta perlu adanya penyuluhan/sosialisasi tentang HAP sesuai
CEDAW kepada masyarakat di setiap kecamatan-kecamatan sehingga pengaduan
kekerasan dan diskriminasi yang dialami oleh perempuan kepada polisi meningkat.

In 1979, the United Nations (UN) has approved the Convention on the
Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW. The
Government of the Republic of Indonesia ratified CEDAW with Law as mention in
UU No.7, 1984 on the Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women, the ratification mean it has the same purposes and
conflictless with the Constitution and Pancasila.
The aims of the thesis are to understand and to explain how the Rights of
Women (RoW)) corresponding to the optimal implementation of CEDAW to all
members of the Police to meet the mission of the Police as public servants that have a
gender-sensitive attitudes. And to explain the services that has been done by UPPA
Singkawang Police Resort, also cooperation among relevant agencies, and constraints
in handling cases on elimination and discrimination against women. This research was
conducted using a qualitative approach with techniques of data collection by document
review and interviews.
The theories and concepts that discussed in this thesis are: Theory of Police
Management, Protection and public services concepts, Human Rights Concept, Rights
of Woman and CEDAW Concept. CEDAW essential principles are equality, nondiscrimination,
and the state's obligation, all three principles must relate to each other.
Police represent the state as part of the judiciary has an obligation that focuses on the
element of respect, protection and fulfillment of rights and freedoms. These elements
have to meet the police duties in Article 13 No.c.2 on 2002 of the Police Law.
The author recommendations are: First, Woman Rights must implement in
addition to the Penal Code and Law No. 7 of 1984 concerning the CEDAW. Second,
implement an effective and efficient police management to achieve the police target
goal. Third, the need for training, seminars and socialitazion of CEDAW, to get the
appropriate police officer that has gender sensitiveness. Furthermore, coordinating
with regional government and related institutions for education of the CEDAW in
every sub-district, so that the complaints of violence and discrimination against
women increased."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ikhsan Tanggok
"ln this thesis I discuss about the ancestor worship in in the Chinese-Hakka family and community in Singkawang-West Kalimantan (Borneo). The central concem of this study is the description and analysis of ancestor worship in rituals of death within family as conducted at the home, at place managed by Chinese burial association, and burial place, before and after burial.
The main issue raised in this thesis is the function of ancestor worship for Hakka family and community of Singkawang, which based on Mauss (1992) and Suparlan (l978)?s exchange theory is to tighten the kinship relations between family members who are alive or living in this world-the ?real world? and their ancestors in the atier-life world or the ?unreal world?.
The reason for the Hakka people of Singkawang to worship their ancestors. besides showing their filial piety (xiao) to ancestor. is also to ask for protection and assistance from them. In the time of needs or problems, members of a Hakka family or community will ask their ancestor spirits to help and protect him or her, and in return they will reciprocate the ancestors? help by providing food and beverages, as well as by paying respect to them, and all of these are conducted through rituals at the burial place or temples. This form or exchange is always maintained because it benefited both sides.
Death and death rituals in Hakka family are the most important part ol ancestor worship among the Chinese-Hakka in Singkawang. There would be no ancestor worship without death and death rituals. According to Hakka people?s beliefs, the well-being of their ancestors in the after-life will determine their well- being or the well-being of related family in this life.
In Chinese culture, as stated by Mencius, the most revered Confucian philosopher after Confucius himself, ?the greatest of all sins is to have no sons to carry on the ancestral line and continue the ancestors? worship? (see McCreey in Scupin, 2000: 286). Therefore, ?sons? is the operative world for Chinese in general. Traditional Chinese society is a patrilineal society in which Family surname and the right to a share of the family property descends from father to son. Daughters, once they married, their duty is to serve their parents-in-law, to worship their husband?s ancestors, and above all, to provide sons to continue their husband?s family line. Thus, usually daughters are not expected to share the burden of ancestor?s worship within their original family. In this thesis, I show that in Hakka family and community in Singkawang, in contrast to the abovementioned Chinese tradition, daughters who have married, together with their husbands, could come and share the burden of ancestor worship duty in the daughters? original family, as long as they do not take the place of sons as the leader of the family. Hakka family and community in Singkawang too see ancestor worship as means to gather members of related family, from both patrilineal and matrilineal sides, at one place and at a particular time, not only to conduct rituals and to worship their ancestors, but also to talk about family economy as well as other metters among family members.
The ancestor worship of Haldta family and community in Singkawang does not only benefit members of related family, but, as a matter of fact, also provides some advantages for members of other ethnic groups, such as the Madurese and the Dayaks, particularly those who live near the Chinese burial place. During Ching Ming Jie or Chinese Toms Festival and Zhong Yuan Jie or Hungry Ghost Festival, these people-the Madurese and the Dayaks--could ask to help Hakka families to clean or cut grass on their ancestors? graves in return for a little money."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosiana Rizky Amelia
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh pajanan polusi udara dan karakteristik individu terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada 45 polisi lalu lintas lapangan dan polisi bagian administrasi dan SIM. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan desain studi crossectional dan analisis bivariat Chi Square. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penugasan kerja (OR=1,63), umur (OR=1,83), status gizi (OR=2,29), lama kerja seminggu (OR=9,20), riwayat penyakit (OR=2,50), kebiasaan merokok (OR=1,29) dan penggunaan APD (OR=1,83) terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada polisi. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perlu adanya pemeriksaan spirometri secara berkala, peningkatan program penyelenggaraan alat pelindung diri, pengontrolan berat badan, dan upaya promosi serta preventif kesehatan.

This thesis discusses the effects of air pollution exposure and individual characteristics of the pulmonary function impairment in 45 field traffic police and administration police and SIM. This quantitative study used crossectional study design and bivariat analysis Chi Square. This study shows the effect of job assignment (OR = 1,63), age (OR = 1,83), nutritional status (OR = 2,29), long working week (OR = 9,20), disease history (OR = 2,50), smoking (OR = 1,93) and use of PPE (OR = 1,29) on pulmonary function impairment in the police. The results of the study suggest the need of regular spirometry screening, improved implementation of PPE program, weight control, and health promotion and prevention.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rofiman Hermanu
"Pendahuluan: Perkembangan kota Tangerang menyebabkan perkembangan lalu lintas di jalan raya. Perkembangan jumlah kendaraan meningkatkan pajanan polusi udara seperti debu, asap dan zat polutan lain hasil pembakaran mesin kendaraan berpengaruh terhadap faal paru orang-orang yang berada di jalanan terutama pada polisi lalulintas yang sedang bekerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai pajanan zat polutan terhadap nilai faal paru seseorang. Penelitian ini menilai usia, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), nilai faal paru, kebiasaan merokok, masa tugas, dan pemakaian masker pelindung.
Metode: Dilakukan survei pada 112 anggota polisi lalu lintas yang bertugas di lapangan. Nilai faal paru di dapatkan dengan spirometri, kadar CO dengan CO meter, pemeriksaan fisis, foto toraks dan wawancara kuesioner. Indeks pencemaran dengan survei kualitas udara.
Hasil : Penurunan faal paru pada 17% polisi lalu lintas. Penurunan nilai faal paru ini meliputi restriksi ringan 13% dan obtruksi ringan 4%. Seluruh foto toraks normal. Delapan puluh satu persen polisi mempunyai berat badan lebih atau obese, 60,7% perokok aktif dan 63 persen mempunyai kebiasaan penggunaan masker yang buruk.
Kesimpulan: Kelompok umur mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna terhadap faal paru polisi lalu lintas. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan merokok, pemakaian masker , kadar CO dan gangguan faal paru.

Introduction: The city of Tangerang has develop into big city. The government has built a new street to anticipating the raising amount of the vehicle.The street became busy street. The fumes, chemical and particles present in the emission are reported to be damaging of these people especially traffic policemen. Since there were no data available on the pulmonary fuction test (PFT) of Traffic Police personel in Tangerang, this study was taken up to assess the effect of air pollution to the PFT. The measurement were recorded in age, body weight, height, Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in first second, gender, smoking habit, Body Mass Index (BMI), year of duty, chest x ray and mask.
Method: We evaluated 112 traffic police personel.Subject of this study were interviewed to identify the clinical sign. Physical examination, pulmonary function test, chest x ray, measurement CO level by using CO smoker analyzer and air pollutant level were done. Result: Nineteen from 112 police personel have decrease of PFT. Fourteen (13%) police was indicated mild restriction to the lung expansion and 5 (4%) police mild obstruction. Total Suspended Particle (TSP) was 478,8 ug/Nm3 higher than normal limit 230 ug/Nm3. Weight and height were measure to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), we found that most of police personel have overweight and obese. Sixty percent of police were active smoker. All of the X ray in normal limit.
Conclusion: There was decrease in PFT in 19% of police personel. These indicate mild restriction and mild obstruction. There are significant correlation between age and PFT. There was no significant correlation between smoking habit, protection mask, CO level, level of air pollution, year of duty and pulmonary function test.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Ketut Widiarta
Model pemetaan TASP+T sebagai pengembangan dari model pemetaan TASP
digunakan dan diuji keberlakuannya untuk memetakan potensi perilaku koruptif
dalam pelayanan lalu lindas di kepolisian. Alih-alih menekankan pada proses
identifikasi suatu peristiwa tergolong sebagai korupsi, penelitian ini difokuskan untuk
menunjukkan faktor penyebab internal dan pola-pola dari suatu peristiwa yang
memenuhi unsur sebagai korupsi. Secara khusus, penelitian ini membuktikan asumsi
bahwa setiap peristiwa yang melibatkan perilaku koruptif dapat dipetakan kedalam
lima dimensi pemetaan TASP+T yaitu Type, Activitiy, Sector, Place, dan Time. Hasil
pemetaan perilaku koruptif dalam pelayanan lalu lintas di kepolisian menunjukkan
bahwa perilaku dan potensi perilaku koruptif tertinggi adalah Pungli melalui
pungutan melebihi ketentuan yang dilakukan secara rutin oleh unit pelayanan SIM
yang merupakan revenue earning units di lokasi pelayanan. Tingginya perilaku
koruptif oleh unit-unit yang memberikan pelayanan secara rutin menunjukkan bahwa
pelaku kejahatan cenderung melakukan kejahatan pada wilayah-wilayah yang mereka
kenal dan pahami melalui kegiatannya sehari-hari dan teridentifikasi memberikan
peluang untuk melakukan kejahatan, dan pilihan untuk melakukan perbuatan
menyimpang / kejahatan tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh situasi yang bersifat seketika,
namun juga pengalaman dan perilaku sehari-hari.

The TASP + T mapping model as a development of the TASP mapping model was
used and tested in this study to analyze corruptive events in the INP traffic police
service. Instead of emphasizing to the identification process of an event to be
classified as corruption, this study is focused on indicating the underlying factors and
patterns of an event that meets the elements of corruption. This research finds that
every corruptive events in the INP traffic police service can be mapped into five
dimensions, which are Type, Activity, Sector, Place, and Time. In particular, TASP+T
mapping models shows that the highest possibility of corruptive behavior in the INP
traffic police service is illegal levies over the base fare that occurred routinely by the
driving license service unit within the service location. Higher corruptive events
occurred within the regular based service unit shows that the corrupt officers tend to
committed corrupt conduct within familiar and well understand area and activities,
with any incidental factors or daily experiences as the supporting element."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Lutfi Aziz
"Kerugian ekonomi akibat kemacetan lalu lintas di wilayah Jabodetabek mencapai Rp.3 triliun/tahun untuk biaya operasi kendaraan dan Rp. 2,5 triliun/tahun untuk waktu perjalanan. Dalam rangka menanggulangi permasalahan transportasi, termasuk kemacetan lalu-lintas di wilayah Jabodetabek, studi SITRAMP (2004) merekomendasikan perlunya program pengembangan angkutan umum. Rekomendasi ini perlu dicermati, mengingat adanya opini sebagian masyarakat yang menganggap angkutan umum khususnya jenis minibus (angkot) tidak efisien dan merupakan biang keladi kemacetan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik dan perilaku angkutan umum jenis minibus dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja lalu-lintas, mengkaji karakteristik desain lingkungan sekitar dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku lalu-lintas, serta memberikan saran/masukan dalam penanganan masalah lalu-lintas. Sebagai studi kasus diambil segmen ruas jl. Ciledug Raya depan CBD Ciledug Mall, kota Tangerang. Pengumpulan data perilaku lalu-lintas dilakukan melalui pengamatan video kamera. Metode analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa korelasi, regresi, dan analisa deskriptif.
Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa angkutan umum minibus memiliki perilaku lalu-lintas yang unik untuk setiap trayeknya, dan mempunyai pola berbeda untuk setiap arah pergerakannya. Motiv ekonomi, faktor kebiasaan, sistem budaya dan norma tidak tertulis yang berlaku di antara para pengemudi angkutan umum minibus, melatar belakangi perilaku lalu-lintas tersebut. Variabel load factor memiliki korelasi sedang terhadap variabel kecepatan angkutan umum minibus, dan variabel jumlah penumpang naik/turun memiliki korelasi kuat terhadap variabel rata-rata lama henti angkutan umum minibus. Pengaruh perilaku lalu-lintas angkutan umum minibus, meliputi: jumlah kendaraan berhenti, dan kecepatan ratarata angkutan umum minibus mempunyai korelasi kuat dan sedang terhadap variabel kecepatan kendaraan pribadi roda-4 arus menerus.
Desain bukaan median/simpang di lokasi studi tidak sesuai dengan standar geometri simpang yang ada, dan mengakibatkan konflik ruang gerak antara jalur lalu-lintas belok kanan dengan garis henti (stop line) arus lalu-lintas terlawan. Desain bukaan median juga tidak sejalan dengan adanya rambu dilarang belok kanan dan berputar bagi arus lalu-lintas dari arah jalan Ciledug Raya (Timur). Disarankan penutupan bukaan median, rehabilitasi fungsi terminal dan halte, evaluasi sistem perizinan trayek, dan penataan ulang trayek/rute angkutan umum.

Annual economic loss caused by traffic congestion in Jabodetabek region could be as much as Rp. 3,000 billion for vehicle operating costs and Rp. 2,500 billion for travel time. To overcome transportation problem, including traffic congestion in Jabodetabek region, study SITRAMP (2004) recommending the importance of public transport development program. This recommendation require to be applied neglectlessly, considering of some people opinion assuming that public transport especially for minibus type (angkot) is inefficient and represent the major cause of traffic congestion problem.
This study aim to identify characteristic and traffic behavior of angkot and its influence to traffic performance, identify characteristic of engineering design and its influence to traffic behavior, and give suggestion in handling of traffic problem. As case study one segment of jl. Ciledug Raya front of CBD Ciledug Mall, Tangerang was chosen.Data collecting was conducted by video camera observing. The analysis use method of correlation, regression, and decriptive analysis.
Result of analysis showed that minibus public transport has unique traffic behavior to each its route, and has pattern differ to each flow direction. Economic motivation, habit factor, cultural system and unwritten norm among driver of minibus public transport represent background of their traffic behavior. Variable of load factor have medium correlation to variable speed of angkot, and variable of number of loading/unloading passenger have strong correlation to variable mean of stopped time. Influence of minibus (angkot) traffic behavior which represented by variable: number of stopped vehicle and mean speed of angkot, have strong and medium correlation to variable mean speed of private vehicle (4 wheels) of through traffic.
Design of existing median opening (intersection) in study area disagree with intersection geometry standard, and result conflict between lane of right turn traffic and stopping line of opposed traffic. Design of median opening was also disagree with traffic sign of prohibited right turn and prohibited u-turn for traffic from jl. Ciledug Raya (Eastbound). It is suggested to close of median opening, rehabilitation of terminal and shelter function, evaluation of public transport route permit system, and rearrange public transport route.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Airen Meleagrina Regia
"Masyarakat etnis Tionghoa merupakan salah satu masyarakat etnis terbesar di Indonesia. Msyarakat etnis Tionghoa membangun sebuah pemukiman yang berada di Jakarta, yaitu kawasan Glodok. Kawasan Glodok selain dikenal sebagai pemukiman masyarakat etnis Tionghoa, kawasan ini juga dikenal sebagai pusat perdagangan terbesar di Jakarta. Dengan keberagaman kebudayaan di masyarakat etnis Tionghoa mempengaruhi kepada pembentukan pola persebaran pemukiman masyarakat etnis Tionghoa di kawasan Glodok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa persebaran pemukiman masyarakat etnis Tionghoa dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi bentang budaya masyarakat etnis Tionghoa di kawasan Glodok, Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah menganalisis temuan secara kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dengan macam tokoh masyarakat dan pejabat publik di kawasan Glodok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola persebaran permukiman etnis Tionghoa di kawasan Glodok memiliki ciri yaitu persebaran dengan bentuk rumah toko (Ruko) dan pesebaran masyarakat etnis Tionghoa di kawasan Glodok saat ini adalah menyebar dan mengikuti jalan dan pusat perdagangan. Sementara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi bentang budaya di kawasan Glodok adalah mata pencaharian, kesenian, bahasa, religi dan adat.

The Chinese ethnic community is one of the largest ethnic communities in Indonesia Indonesia. The Chinese ethnic community built a settlement in Jakarta, namely in Glodok. The purpose of This study is to analyze the distribution of settlements of the Chinese ethnic community and the factors that influence the cultural landscape of the ethnic Chinese community in Glodok, Jakarta. To analyze the findings qualitatively, the method is used by conducting interviews with various community leaders and public officials in the Glodok region. The results showed that the distribution pattern of ethnic Chinese settlements in Glodok that has a characteristic of a residence in the form of a shophouse the distribution of the Chinese ethnic community in the Glodok area is spreading and following the trade center. While the factors that influence the cultural landscape in the Glodok area are livelihood, arts, languages, religion and custom."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liliana Christiani
Masyarakat Tionghoa di Bangka Belitung dan Singkawang masih menggunakan adat
Tionghoa dalam pembagian waris. Hal tersebut menimbulkan kebingungan bagi Notaris
dalam membuat Surat Keterangan Waris yang sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum, dimana
Notaris hanya menyebutkan nama-nama yang menjadi ahli waris tanpa mencantumkan
besar bagian masing-masing ahli waris, yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan Surat
Keterangan Waris tersebut menjadi tidak sempurna. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas
yaitu mengenai pelaksanaan pembagian harta warisan pada masyarakat Tionghoa di
Bangka Belitung dan Singkawang, penerapan Hukum Waris Perdata dalam Pembuatan
Surat Keterangan Waris bagi masyarakat golongan Tionghoa, dan kewajiban Notaris
dalam membuat Surat Keterangan Waris yang benar dan sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang didukung oleh hasil
wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada masyarakat Tionghoa di Bangka
Belitung, anak laki-laki mendapatkan bagian yang lebih besar dari anak perempuan, istri
dalam kedudukannya sebagai janda berhak mewarisi dan menguasai seluruh harta
peninggalan Pewaris yang tidak dibagi-bagikan sampai ia meninggal dunia, sedangkan
pada masyarakat Tionghoa di Singkawang yang berhak mewarisi harta peninggalan
pewaris hanya anak laki-laki, anak perempuan dan istri tidak mendapatkan bagian baik
dengan jalan hibah maupun wasiat. Dalam pembuatan Surat Keterangan Waris oleh
Notaris tidak dapat menerapkan Hukum Adatnya melainkan harus menerapkan hukum
positif yang berlaku bagi masyarakat golongan Tionghoa dan Notaris berkewajiban
membuat Surat Keterangan Waris atas permintaan seluruh ahli waris, dokumen-dokumen
autentik, dan Akta Pernyataan yang dibuat oleh ahli waris dihadapan Notaris. Notaris
dalam membuat Surat Keterangan Waris bagi masyarakat golongan Tionghoa harus
menentukan ahli waris yang berhak dan besar bagian masing-masing ahli waris yang
sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam KUHPerdata agar menjadi Surat Keterangan Waris yang
sempurna. Bagi masyarakat Tionghoa sebaiknya diberikan sosialisasi mengenai prinsip
pewarisan yang berlaku bagi masyarakat Tionghoa adalah Hukum Waris Perdata yang
berdasarkan KUHPerdata dan bagi Notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya aebaiknya
terus mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang Hukum Waris
terutama mengenai Hukum Adat yang berkaitan dengan Hukum Adat daerah setempat.

Chinese communities in Bangka Belitung and Singkawang still use Chinese customs in the distribution of inheritance. This caused confusion for the Notary in making a Letter of Inheritance in accordance with the provisions of the law, where the Notary only Mentioned the names of the heirs without including the portion of each heir, which in turn resulted in the Certificate of inheritance becoming imperfect. The problems that will be discussed are regarding the implementation of the distribution of inheritance to the Chinese community in Bangka Belitung and Singkawang, the application of the Waris Perdata Law in the Preparation of Inheritance Certificates for the Chinese community, and the Notarys obligation to make a true inheritance certificate and in accordance with legal provisions. This study uses a normative juridical research method supported by the results of interviews. The results showed that in the Chinese community in Bangka Belitung, boys get a greater share of daughters, wives in their position as widows have the right to inherit and control all inheritance inheritance that is not distributed until he dies, while in the community Chinese in Singkawang who have the right to inherit inheritance inheritance only boys, girls and wives do not get a share either by grant or will. In making a certificate of inheritance by a notary, he cannot apply his customary law but must apply positive law that applies to Chinese groups and notaries are obliged to make inheritance certificates at the request of all heirs, authentic documents, and deed made by heirs before Notary Public. The notary in making a certificate of inheritance for the Chinese group must determine the rightful heirs and the portion of each heir who is
in accordance with the provisions in the Civil Code to become a perfect certificate of
inheritance. For the Chinese community, socialization should be given regarding the
principle of inheritance that applies to Chinese society, namely the Law of Inheritance
based on the Civil Code and for Notaries in carrying out their positions should continue to develop knowledge, especially in the field of Inheritance Law, especially regarding Customary Law relating to local customary law.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrianus Adhiwira Yoga Pradhana
"Sejumlah literatur dan teori mengenai perilaku organisasi mengungkapkan bahwa tinggi rendahnya komitmen organisasi dari anggota organisasi dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah faktor. Tiga di antaranya adalah kepemimpinan, kecerdasan emosional, dan keterlibatan karyawan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan guna memahami danmenganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan pelayanan (servant leadership), kecerdasan emosional, dan keterlibatankerja terhadap komitmen organisasi pada anggota polisi di Polres Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan adalah anggota polisi yang berada di Polres Jakarta Selatan,yang terdiri dari fungsi-fungsi operasional, dengan total populasi sebanyak 403 anggota polisi. Sampel diambil dengan teknik klaster random sampling dan menggunakan total sampel 149 responden. Data dikumpulkandengan teknik kuesioner. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan regresi linier berganda, koefisien determinasi, uji f, uji t, serta uji asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa variabel kecerdasan emosional, servant leadership, serta keterlibatan kerja secara parsial berpengaruh pada komitmen organisasi. Sementara itu secarasimultan, ketiga variabel tersebut secara bersama-sama juga berpengaruh pada komitmen organisasi. Variabel keterlibatan kerja merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh pada komitmen organisasi sehingga variabel iniberperan sangat penting untuk kenaikan komitmen organisasi. Dari hasil penelitian disarankan pimpinan organisasi Polres Jakarta Selatan dapat melakukan seperti menambah ruang maupun kesempatan bagi anggota untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan mengembangkan karir. Dengan demikian, diharapkan dapat mendorongketerlibatan anggota organisasi yang kemudian akan berdampak terhadap peningkatan komitmen kerja personel Polres Jakarta Selatan sehingga mendorong juga tercapainya tujuan organisasi.

A number of literatures and theories on organizational behaviour reveal that the level of the organizationalcommitment of organizational members is influenced by a number of factors. Three of them are leadership, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement. The study aims to understand and analyse the influence ofservice leadership (servant leadership), emotional intelligence, and work involvement on organizational commitment of police personnel of South Jakarta Metropolitan Police Resort. The study employs the quantitative approach. The population of the research is police personnel posted at South Jakarta Metropolitan Police Resort, which consists of operational functions, with a total population of 403 police officers. The sample is taken by the cluster random sampling technique and used a total sample of 149 respondents. Data are collected by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis is carried out with the multiple linear regressions, the coefficient of determination, the f-test, the t-test, and the classical assumption test. The results of the study reveal that the variables of emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and work involvement partially affect the organizationalcommitment. Meanwhile, the three variables together also simultaneously affect the organizational commitment.Job involvement variable is the most influential variable on the organizational commitment so that this variable plays a very important role in increasing the organizational commitment. Based on the results of the research, it is highly recommended that the organizational leadership of South Jakarta Metropolitan Police Resort can do things such as adding space and opportunities for members in order to improve their abilities and develop careers. The police organization is expected to encourage the involvement of its members which will eventuallyhave increase their work commitment as well as to encourage the achievement of the organizational goals"
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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