"[Pertumbuhan social networking sites (SNSs) telah memunculkan paradigma baru dari e-commerce yang disebut social commerce (s-commerce). Social commerce merupakan cabang dari e-commerce yang memungkinkan konsumen untuk dapat saling berinteraksi dengan difasilitasi oleh media sosial maupun interaksi sosial antar konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik social commerce (s-commerce) yang terdiri dari reputation, size, information quality, transaction safety, communication, economic feasibility, WOM referrals terhadap consumer's trust dan trust performance (purchase
intentions dan WOM intentions) dengan menggunakan studi kasus Groupon Indonesia yang merupakan situs s-commerce berbentuk group-buying. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang sudah pernah membuka/browsing
situs Groupon Disdus/Groupon Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 2 (dua) tahun terakhir, namun belum pernah melakukan pembelian pada situs s-commerce tersebut. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reputation, information quality, transaction safety dan communication tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap consumer's trust. Sedangkan, size, economic feasibility
dan WOM referrals memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap consumer's trust. Kemudian, consumer's trust memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap purchase intentions dan WOM intentions.
The growth of social networking sites (SNSs) has given rise to a new paradigm of e-commerce called social commerce (s-commerce). Social commerce is a subset of e-commerce which enables consumers to interact each other via social media or even by social interaction among them. This study aims to analyze the effects of social commerce's (s-commerce) characteristics which consist of reputation, size, information quality, transaction safety, communication, economic feasibility, WOM referrals towards consumer's trust and trust performance (purchaseintentions and WOM intentions) on group-buying site (Groupon Indonesia) as the case study. Respondents of this research are those who have browsed Groupon Disdus/Groupon Indonesia site within the last two (2) years, but have never made any purchasement on this site. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to process the data. The results of this research show that reputation, informationquality, safety and communication transaction have no positive effects on consumer's trust. Meanwhile, size, economic feasibility and WOM referrals have positive effects on the consumer's trust. Furthermore, the consumer's trust has positive effect on both purchase intentions and WOM intentions.;The growth of social networking sites (SNSs) has given rise to a new paradigm of e-commerce called social commerce (s-commerce). Social commerce is a subset of e-commerce which enables consumers to interact each other via social media or even by social interaction among them. This study aims to analyze the effects of social commerce's (s-commerce) characteristics which consist of reputation, size, information quality, transaction safety, communication, economic feasibility,WOM referrals towards consumer's trust and trust performance (purchase intentions and WOM intentions) on group-buying site (Groupon Indonesia) as the case study. Respondents of this research are those who have browsed Groupon Disdus/Groupon Indonesia site within the last two (2) years, but have never made any purchasement on this site. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to process the data. The results of this research show that reputation, information quality, safety and communication transaction have no positive effects on consumer's trust. Meanwhile, size, economic feasibility and WOM referrals have positive effects on the consumer's trust. Furthermore, the consumer's trust has positive effect on both purchase intentions and WOM intentions., The growth of social networking sites (SNSs) has given rise to a new paradigm ofe-commerce called social commerce (s-commerce). Social commerce is a subsetof e-commerce which enables consumers to interact each other via social mediaor even by social interaction among them. This study aims to analyze the effects ofsocial commerce?s (s-commerce) characteristics which consist of reputation, size,information quality, transaction safety, communication, economic feasibility,WOM referrals towards consumer's trust and trust performance (purchaseintentions and WOM intentions) on group-buying site (Groupon Indonesia) as thecase study. Respondents of this research are those who have browsed GrouponDisdus / Groupon Indonesia site within the last two (2) years, but have nevermade any purchasement on this site. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is usedto process the data. The results of this research show that reputation, informationquality, safety and communication transaction have no positive effects onconsumer's trust. Meanwhile, size, economic feasibility and WOM referrals havepositive effects on the consumer's trust. Furthermore, the consumer's trust haspositive effect on both purchase intentions and WOM intentions.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016