"This study examined the rejuvenation of the brand by exploring the effect of
rejuvenating the brand logo in major and minor on attitudes toward the brand
logo, attitude toward the brand, and the brand of modernity. Modernity and the
influence of the brand and attitude toward the brand to brand loyalty. Has the
attitude towards logo researched influenced by the Logo Attractiveness, logo
complexity, logo Appropriateness, and logo Familiarity.
The results of this study indicate rejuvenation of the brand logo of a brand new
logo has impact on attitudes towards the logo. Logo attitudes is influenced by
logo attractiveness and the logo familiarity. The logo has an influence on brand
ABSTRACTPenelitian ini meneliti peremajaan merek dengan mengeksplorasi pengaruh dari
peremajaan logo merek secara mayor dan minor pada sikap terhadap logo merek,
sikap terhadap merek, dan modernitas merek. Serta pengaruh modernitas merek
dan sikap terhadap merek kepada loyalitas merek. Sikap terhadap logo diteliti
apakaha dipengaruhi oleh ketertarikan terhadap logo, kompleksitas logo,
kesesuaian logo, dan kedekatan logo.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peremajaan logo merek lama menjadi logo
merek baru memiliki pengaruh kepada sikap terhadap logo. Sikap terhadap logo
dipengaruhi oleh ketertarikan logo dan kedekatan logo. Dan sikap terhadap logo
memiliki pengaruh dalam modernitas merek dan sikap terhadap merek.
Modernitas merek dan sikap terhadap merek juga memiliki pengaruh dalam
pembentukan loyalitas merek.
ABSTRACTattitude and brand loyalty modernity. Modernity brand and brand attitude also
has an influence in the formation of attitudes towards brand loyalty"