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Nungki Indrianti
Capaian inovasi dari setiap negara tergantung dari besarnya interaksi antar
aktor dalam penguasaan dan pemanfaatan iptek, yaitu akademisi, bisnis dan
pemerintah. Pemerintah (Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi) mendorong interaksi
tersebut berdasarkan konsep triplehelix dalam bentuk konsorsium riset vaksin
Hepatitis B. Tesis ini berkontribusi dalam memahami pembentukan dan
pengembangan kelembagaan konsorsium riset serta pola hubungan antar lembaga
yang terlibat didalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif
dengan analisis data deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan
konsorsium riset berkembang baik berdasarkan aspek doktrin, struktur internal,
kepemimpinan, program kerja, dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh konsorsium
riset tersebut. Sinergi antara akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah (ABG) belum
optimal karena masih terdapat batas-batas antar lembaga seperti perbedaan sudut
pandang yang berbeda dalam pengelolaan keuangan riset antar institusi dan
ketidaksesuaian pencairan anggaran dengan proses riset. Kerja sama riset antar
akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah akan berjalan lebih efektif jika akademisi dan
bisnis lebih aktif berpartisipasi dalam berbagai program penelitian yang didesain
oleh pemerintah disertai dengan kepastian dukungan kebijakan dan anggaran dari

The achievement of innovations in a nation depends on how great the interactions
among the actors such as Government, Business and Academics in mastering and
utilizing the science and technology. Government (the Ministry of Research and
Technology) encourages the interactions based on the concept of triple helix in the
form of a consortium of Hepatitis B vaccine research. This thesis contributes to
the understanding of the formation and development of consortium institutional
research as well as the patterns of relationships between institutions involved in it.
This research is using a qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis. The
result of analysis shows that institutional consortium research is well-developed
based on the aspect of the doctrine, internal structure leadership, work programs,
and resources owned by a consortium of the research. The synergy between the
academic, the business and the government (ABG) not optimally yet due to the
boundaries between the institutions such as the difference in points of view in the
financial management among the institutions and the discrepancy of budget
liquidation with the research process. The research partnership among academics,
business and Government shall be effective if academicians and business more
active participating in various research programmes followed by the certainty of
the government that is supporting the policies and budget"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulianti Syahruriza
"Tesis ini memahami pembentukan dan pengembangan kelembagaan konsorsium riset serta pola hubungan antar lembaga yang terlibat didalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis data deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan konsorsium pesawat N219 belum memiliki aspek doktrin, namun aspek struktur internal, kepemimpinan, program kerja, dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh konsorsium tersebut berkembang dengan baik. Sinergi antara akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah (ABG) belum optimal karena masih terdapat batas-batas antar lembaga seperti perbedaan sudut pandang dalam pengelolaan keuangan antar institusi dan ketidaksesuaian sistem dan aturan pembayaran upah antara pemerintah dengan industri. Kerja sama riset antar akademisi, bisnis dan pemerintah akan berjalan lebih efektif jika akademisi dan bisnis lebih aktif dalam berbagai program penelitian yang didesain oleh pemerintah disertai dengan kepastian dukungan kebijakan dan anggaran dari pemerintah.

This thesis understands the formation and development of consortium institutional research as well as the patterns of relationships between institutions involve in it. This research is using a qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis. The result of analysis shows that institutional consortium of N219 aircraft does not have the aspect of doctrine, however the aspect of internal structure leadership, work programs and resources owned by a consortium of the research are welldeveloped. The synergy between the academics, the business and the government (ABG) is not optimal due to the boundaries between the institutions such as the difference in point of view in the financial management among the institutions and the difference of payment system and rule between government and industry. The research partnership among academic, business and government shal be effective if academic and business are more active participating in research programmes followed by the certainty of the government supports in policies and budget."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Permata Sari
"Tesis ini merupakan studi empiris yang fokus utama analisisnya adalah pengaruh kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak riil pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Pertumbuhan penerimaan pajak riil relatif lambat, karena relatif tingginya laju inflasi; (2) Rasio pajak pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota, sudah meningkat; (3) sampai saat ini, rasio pajak semakin rendah bila tingkat pemerintahan semakin rendah; dan (4) peranan penerimaan pajak dalam APBN dan APBD (PAD) sudah semakin besar, yang menyiratkan semakin baiknya tingkat kemandirian fiskal. Dengan menggunakan model ekonometrika dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak di Indonesia tidaklah besar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak kebijakan-kebijakan publik yang diputuskan terhadap perbaikan efisiensi dan efektifitas pemungutan pajak, maupun peningkatan potensi pajak, khususnya perluasan basis pajak belum seperti yang diharapkan.

This thesis is an empirical study that the main focus of analysis is to influence public policy on real tax revenue of central government, provinces and districts/cities in Indonesia. Based on descriptive analysis concluded that: (1) real tax revenue growth is relatively slow, because of relatively high inflation rate, (2) The ratio of central government taxes, provincial and district/city, have increased, (3) until recently, the lower the tax rate when the lower levels of government; and (4) the role of tax revenue in the State Budget (APBN) and Regional Budget/APBD (PAD) has been getting larger, which implies the good level of fiscal independence. By using the econometric model can be concluded that the impact of public policies on tax revenue in Indonesia was not large. This shows that the impact of public policies that decided to improve efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection, as well as potential tax increase, particularly the expansion of tax base has not been as expected."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunessha Puti Lalita
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hal-hal yang memengaruhi sikap masyarakat terhadap kebijakan pemerintah dengan memperhitungkan sosok pemimpin yang memimpin pemerintahan tersebut. Dua konsep yang diukur adalah konsep kredibilitas sumber Source Credibility) dan daya tarik sumber (Source Attractiveness). Jika kebijakan dianalogikan sebagai produk setiap pemerintahan, maka dibutuhkan seseorang yang memilki kredibilitas dan daya tarik di mata masyarakat agar pesan yang disampaikan oleh pemerintah tersebut dapat diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Sehingga dengan kredibilitas dan daya tarik yang tinggi, hendaknya setiap kebijakan yang diambil mampu dianggap positif oleh masyarakat.
Berdasarkan paparan tadi penelitian ini meneliti Hubungan Kredibilitas Sumber (Source Kredibility) dan Daya Tarik Sumber (Source Attractiveness) Dengan Sikap Masyarakat Pada Kebijakan Pemerintah di Kota Surabaya, di bawah pimpinan Ibu Tri Rismaharini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh antara variabel-variabel terkait pembentukan sikap positif masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh adanya kredibilitas sumber dan daya tarik sumber..
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksplanatif, responden pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Politik Universitas Airlangga Surabaya berjumlah 136 orang yang ditarik secara acak sederhana (simle random) pada populasi keseluruhan mahasiswa 2012-2013 yang berjumlah 214 orang. Metode analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda untuk membuktikan hipotesis dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dari variable-variabel yang diuji dimana variable Kredibilitas Sumber (Source Kredibility) dan Daya Tarik Sumber (Source Attractiveness) masing masing memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap sikap masyarakat pada kebijakan pemerintah Surabaya. Pada pengujian koefisien determinasi juga ditemukan bahwa total variable sikap dapat dijelaskan sangat tinggi oleh variable Kredibilitas Sumber (Source Kredibility) dan Daya Tarik Sumber (Source Attractiveness), dimana kedua variable ini juga dipastikan memiliki pengeruh secara bersama-sama dalam pembentukan sikap.

This research discouses the thins that affect public demeanour towards government policy by considering a leader who leads government. Two concepts measured related to the role of the leader in the contex of political communicators in estabilishing positive public demeanour towards the policy is source credibility concept nad source attranctiveness concept. If the policy is analogue as a product of each government, it takes someone who has the credibility and attractiveness on the public, so that the messages delivered by government can be well received by the public. High credibility and attractiveness will make the public consider the policy positive.
This research study the relation of source credibility and source attractiveness with public demeanour on government policy in Surabaya under the ledearship of Mrs. Tri Rismaharini. This research?s purpose is to identify and examine the influence of the variables related to estabilishment of positive demeanor of public caused by the presence of source credibility and source attractiveness.
This research is a quantitative research with explanatory design. The respondents in this study were students of political science in University of Airlangga amounted 136 people drawn randomly (simple random) in the overall population of students from year 2012 an 2013 which amounted 214 people. Methods of data analysisconducted by descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis that prove this hypothesis.
The research showed that there is positive and significant influence of the variables examined. Each source credibility and source attractiveness variables has significant and positive influences on public demeanour towards government policies in Surabaya. Coefficient of determination showed that the total of demeanour variable can be explained by source credibility and source attractiveness variables, which is also confirmed both variables have influenced collectively in the demeanour estabilishment.;This research discouses the thins that affect public demeanour towards government policy by considering a leader who leads government. Two concepts measured related to the role of the leader in the contex of political communicators in estabilishing positive public demeanour towards the policy is source credibility concept nad source attranctiveness concept. If the policy is analogue as a product of each government, it takes someone who has the credibility and attractiveness on the public, so that the messages delivered by government can be well received by the public. High credibility and attractiveness will make the public consider the policy positive.
This research study the relation of source credibility and source attractiveness with public demeanour on government policy in Surabaya under the ledearship of Mrs. Tri Rismaharini. This research?s purpose is to identify and examine the influence of the variables related to estabilishment of positive demeanor of public caused by the presence of source credibility and source attractiveness.
This research is a quantitative research with explanatory design. The respondents in this study were students of political science in University of Airlangga amounted 136 people drawn randomly (simple random) in the overall population of students from year 2012 an 2013 which amounted 214 people. Methods of data analysisconducted by descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis that prove this hypothesis.
The research showed that there is positive and significant influence of the variables examined. Each source credibility and source attractiveness variables has significant and positive influences on public demeanour towards government policies in Surabaya. Coefficient of determination showed that the total of demeanour variable can be explained by source credibility and source attractiveness variables, which is also confirmed both variables have influenced collectively in the demeanour estabilishment.;This research discouses the thins that affect public demeanour towards government policy by considering a leader who leads government. Two concepts measured related to the role of the leader in the contex of political communicators in estabilishing positive public demeanour towards the policy is source credibility concept nad source attranctiveness concept. If the policy is analogue as a product of each government, it takes someone who has the credibility and attractiveness on the public, so that the messages delivered by government can be well received by the public. High credibility and attractiveness will make the public consider the policy positive.
This research study the relation of source credibility and source attractiveness with public demeanour on government policy in Surabaya under the ledearship of Mrs. Tri Rismaharini. This research?s purpose is to identify and examine the influence of the variables related to estabilishment of positive demeanor of public caused by the presence of source credibility and source attractiveness.
This research is a quantitative research with explanatory design. The respondents in this study were students of political science in University of Airlangga amounted 136 people drawn randomly (simple random) in the overall population of students from year 2012 an 2013 which amounted 214 people. Methods of data analysisconducted by descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis that prove this hypothesis.
The research showed that there is positive and significant influence of the variables examined. Each source credibility and source attractiveness variables has significant and positive influences on public demeanour towards government policies in Surabaya. Coefficient of determination showed that the total of demeanour variable can be explained by source credibility and source attractiveness variables, which is also confirmed both variables have influenced collectively in the demeanour estabilishment.;This research discouses the thins that affect public demeanour towards government policy by considering a leader who leads government. Two concepts measured related to the role of the leader in the contex of political communicators in estabilishing positive public demeanour towards the policy is source credibility concept nad source attranctiveness concept. If the policy is analogue as a product of each government, it takes someone who has the credibility and attractiveness on the public, so that the messages delivered by government can be well received by the public. High credibility and attractiveness will make the public consider the policy positive.
This research study the relation of source credibility and source attractiveness with public demeanour on government policy in Surabaya under the ledearship of Mrs. Tri Rismaharini. This research’s purpose is to identify and examine the influence of the variables related to estabilishment of positive demeanor of public caused by the presence of source credibility and source attractiveness.
This research is a quantitative research with explanatory design. The respondents in this study were students of political science in University of Airlangga amounted 136 people drawn randomly (simple random) in the overall population of students from year 2012 an 2013 which amounted 214 people. Methods of data analysisconducted by descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis that prove this hypothesis.
The research showed that there is positive and significant influence of the variables examined. Each source credibility and source attractiveness variables has significant and positive influences on public demeanour towards government policies in Surabaya. Coefficient of determination showed that the total of demeanour variable can be explained by source credibility and source attractiveness variables, which is also confirmed both variables have influenced collectively in the demeanour estabilishment., This research discouses the thins that affect public demeanour towards government policy by considering a leader who leads government. Two concepts measured related to the role of the leader in the contex of political communicators in estabilishing positive public demeanour towards the policy is source credibility concept nad source attranctiveness concept. If the policy is analogue as a product of each government, it takes someone who has the credibility and attractiveness on the public, so that the messages delivered by government can be well received by the public. High credibility and attractiveness will make the public consider the policy positive.
This research study the relation of source credibility and source attractiveness with public demeanour on government policy in Surabaya under the ledearship of Mrs. Tri Rismaharini. This research’s purpose is to identify and examine the influence of the variables related to estabilishment of positive demeanor of public caused by the presence of source credibility and source attractiveness.
This research is a quantitative research with explanatory design. The respondents in this study were students of political science in University of Airlangga amounted 136 people drawn randomly (simple random) in the overall population of students from year 2012 an 2013 which amounted 214 people. Methods of data analysisconducted by descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis that prove this hypothesis.
The research showed that there is positive and significant influence of the variables examined. Each source credibility and source attractiveness variables has significant and positive influences on public demeanour towards government policies in Surabaya. Coefficient of determination showed that the total of demeanour variable can be explained by source credibility and source attractiveness variables, which is also confirmed both variables have influenced collectively in the demeanour estabilishment.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan merupakan salah satu tujuan dalam mewujudkan kepentingan nasional yang paling strategis bagi tegakberdirinya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Namun, selama lebih dari enam dasa-warsa, pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan masih menghadapi masalah dalam hal keamanan dan kedaulatan; kesejahteraan dan perlindungan rakyat; pelayanan publik dan sarana-prasarana; tata kelola dan keberlanjutan lingkungan; ketergantungan pada negara tetangga; kejahatan lintas perbatasan; pengamanan, pengelolaan dan perlindungan aset-aset nasional; dan desentralisasi pemerintahan.
Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut bersumber pada isi kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan dan gambaran masa depan yang problematik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan pokok, yakni: (i) bagaimana isi kebijakan ( policy content) pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No. 43 Tahun 2008 dan Perpres No. 12 Tahun 2010 serta peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebijakan terkait lainnya?; (ii) bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan dalam mewujudkan beranda depan negara yang aman dan sejahtera?; dan (iii) bagaimana skenario dan arah kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan yang aman dan sejahtera sampai dengan tahun 2030? Secara umum, penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yakni tahap pertama yang mencakup evaluasi isi dan implementasi kebijakan serta tahap kedua yang mencakup scenario planning dan perumusan rekomendasi kebijakan.
Analisis terhadap isi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan menemukan adanya "kesenjangan" kebijakan, kurang harmonisnya pengaturan antar kebijakan, dan tumpang tindihnya kebijakan dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Ketidak-selarasan kebijakan antara lain ditemukan dalam aspek penganggaran, yaitu bahwa anggaran pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan yang terdapat pada pos belanja Pemerintah masih tersebar di beberapa Kementerian/ Lembaga teknis. Analisis terdahap implementasi kebijakan mendapatkan kurangnya koordinasi dan keterpaduan program oleh BNPP sebagai akar masalah dari belum efektifnya pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Sistem pembagian dan koordinasi kewenangan antara BNPP dan lembaga-lembaga ad-hoc juga problematik. Implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan juga dipengaruhi oleh belum adanya grand design penataan dan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan.
Dengan pertanyaan strategis "Bagaimanakah kondisi kawasan perbatasan dapat dipertahankan dalam bingkai NKRI sampai dengan tahun 2030 dan guna mengantisipasi AEC 2015 yang berkolaborasi dan berkompetisi"?, empat driving forces dirumuskan, yaitu politik, pembangunan ekonomi, keamanan, serta kesejahteraan. Peneliti membangun 4 (empat) scenario pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan, yaitu: Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, Merah Putih Terkulai di Ujung Tiang, Merah Putih Setengah Tiang, dan Merah Putih Turun Tiang. Dari analisis kebijakan disimpulkan adanya kesenjangan, disharmonisasi, kevakuman, ketidakkonsistenan, serta ketidaktepatan perumusan kebijakan, yang mengakibatkan tidak optimalnya sistem keorganisasian dan program. Dari analisis implementasi kebijakan disimpulkan adanya ketidakefektivan implementasi karena keragaman persepsi dan hambatan prasarana dan sarana. Dari scenario planning disimpulkan adanya empat driving forces yaitu politik, pembangunan ekonomi, keamanan dan kesejahteraan, dan bahwa apabila tidak dilakukan perubahan, pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan akan masuk pada Skenario Merah Putih Setengah Tiang atau Merah Putih Turun Tiang. Untuk itu, perubahan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dan penguatan kelembagaan dibutuhkan.
Berkenan dengan isi kebijakan direkomendasikan perlunya perbaikan, penyempurnaan dan harmonisasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan, serta perlunya pengembangan Grand Design Penataan dan Pengelolaan Kawasan Perbatasan. Berkenaan dengan implementasi kebijakan direkomendasikan perlunya kesepahaman persepsi dan strategi dari para stakeholder serta penyediaan prasarana, sarana dan sumber daya yang memadai, mendesaknya reorganisasi BNPP dengan menempatkannya di bawah kendali langsung Wakil Presiden, perlunya restrukturisasi BNPP berdasarkan pada satuan wilayah, serta diberikannya kewenangan kepada BNPP untuk menentukan alokasi anggaran dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Berkenaan dengan scenario planning direkomendasikan perlunya pengembangan skenario dengan variabel-variabel yang lebih lengkap sebagai dasar pembaruan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dan implementasinya, serta perlunya perbaikan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan strategis secara terus-menerus berdasarkan pada Skenario Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan kekinian, preferensi dan agenda nasional dan lokal.
Implikasi teoritik penelitian ini adalah, pertama, penelitian kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut, dan, kedua, sintesa teoritik dalam penelitian kebijakan yang mendasarkan pada teori-teori struktur kebijakan dan kontekstualisasi kebijakan serta dipadukan dengan teori-teori evaluasi kebijakan serta teori-teori reformasi teritorial perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Secara praktik, penelitian ini memiliki tiga implikasi. Pertama, perlunya perbaikan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dengan mendasarkan pada analisis kebijakan terkait demi terwujudnya skenario ideal. Kedua, perlunya kajian kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan demi merumuskan peraturan perundangundangan yang bersifat lex specialis. Ketiga, perlunya intervensi pemerintah dalam hal pemekaran daerah, membuat tata wilayah pengembangan baru dalam bentuk daerah administratif di perbatasan.

The success of border area management is one of aims in creating the most strategic national importance for stand-establishment the unitary state of Indonesia or NKRI. However, for more than six decades, the border area management is still facing problems in terms of security and sovereignty; the prosperity and the protection of people; the public service and the infrastructures; the governance and the sustainability of behavior; the dependence on neighboring country; the cross-border crime; security, management and protection of national assets; and the government decentralization. Those issues are based on the content of policy, policy implementation and the problematic future reflection.
Therefore, this research is done for answering three main questions, there are: (i) what is the content of border area management policy in the same manner as set out in Law No. 43 of 2008 and Presidential Law No. 12 Tahun 2010 and the content of legislation rule and the other concerned policy?; (ii) What is the implementation of border area management policy in creating secure and prosperous national front porch?; (iii) what scenario and direction border area management policy which is secure and prosperous until 2030? Generally, the research is done in two stages; the first stage covers the content evaluation and the policy implementation and the second stage covers the planning scenario and the recommendation formulating of policy.
Analysis to content of border area management policy discovers the policy "discrepancy", the lack of inters policy regulation harmony, and the overlapping of policy in border area management. The policy unconformity is discovered in budgeting aspect, the budget of border area management which is contained in government expense items is still spread in some ministries or technical institutions. Analysis to policy implementation discovers the lack of program coordination and the cohesiveness by BNPP as the main problem of the border area management ineffectiveness. The distribution system and the authority coordination between BNPP and ad-hoc institutions are also problematic. The implementation of border area policy is also influenced by the absence of border area ordering and management grand design.
With the strategic question "how the condition of the border area is defensible in NKRI frame until 2030 and in anticipation of the AEC 2015 collaborate and compete"?, four driving forces are formulated, there are politic, economy development, security, and prosperity. The researcher set up four scenarios of border area management, there are: Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, Merah Putih Terkulai di Ujung Tiang, Merah Putih Setengah Tiang, dan Merah Putih Turun Tiang. From the policy analysis can be concluded that there are the discrepancy, the exist of vacuum, the inconsistence, the disharmony, and the inaccuracy of policy formulation, which cause the organization and program system is non-optimal. From the implementation of policy analysis can be concluded that there is the ineffectiveness of implementation caused by varieties of perception and infrastructures obstruction. From the scenario planning can be concluded that there are four driving forces: politic, economy development, security, and prosperity, and that if there is no change, the border area management will be entered in Skenario Merah Putih Setengah Tiang or Merah Putih Turun Tiang. As for some reasons, the changes and the action of perfectingthe policy and the consolidating of institutional are needed.
In connection with the content of policy there is a recommendation for rehabilitation, action of perfecting and the harmonization of border area policy, and also the need of developing the border area management and ordering. In connection with the policy implementation there is a recommendation the need of the like-minded perception and the strategy from the stakeholders and also the infrastructure supplying, the equality of infrastructure and the main resource, the BNPP reorganization obtruding with place BNPP under the Vice President control, the need of restructuration BNPP based on unit of area, and the authority for BNPP leader for determining the budget allocation in managing border area. In connection with scenario planning there is a recommendation the need of scenario development with the complete variables as the main renewal or the action of perfecting the policy and its implementation, and also the need of rehabilitation and action of perfecting the strategic policy continuously based on Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya scenario, with considering the newest development, preference and national-local agenda.
The theories implication of this research is first, the research of border area management policy needs to be developed further. Second, theories synthesis in policy research is going upon the policy structure theories, the policy contextualization, and is compacted with the policy evaluation theories and the territorial reformation theories needs to be developed further. Practically, this research has three implications. First, the need of the rehabilitation and the action of perfecting the policy is going upon the concerned policy analysis for creating ideal scenario. Second, the need of the border area management policy study for formulating the rules of law which is lex specializes. Third, the need of government intervention in terms of the region enfoldment, creating a new development low of region such as an administrative region in border area.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subur Widodo
"Penelitian ini membahas tenang analisis proses rekonstruksi pembentukan standar nasional pendidikan kedokteran menurut sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran dan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2013 tentang Pendidikan Kedokteran dengan menggunakan pendekatan post positivism. Ditemukan adanya ketidak-sinkronan antara kedua Undang-Undang tersebut, sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya sengketa kewenangan (dispute of power) secara vertikal dan horizontal yang melibatkan dua lembaga pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran. Ditemukan juga adanya konflik norma yang diatur dan substansi dalam standar pendidikan profesi dokter dan dokter gigi. Sinkronisasi, harmonisasi dan sinergitas terhadap subyek yang mengatur yaitu antara pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran serta terhadap obyek yang diatur yaitu standar pendidikan kedokteran, menjadi solusi bagi proses rekonstruksi pembentukan standar pendidikan yang disahkan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia menjadi Standar Nasional Pendidikan Kedokteran yang selanjutnya akan ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan. Peran aktor pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran menjadi kunci dalam melakukan sinkronisasi, harmonisasi, dan sinergitas SNPK. Kedua Undang-Undang tersebut dapat menjadi kebijakan yang saling melengkapi jika jika tidak ada ego sektoral masingmasing institusi dalam membentuk kebijakan SNPK.

This research is about public policy to analysis process of reconstruction medical and dental national education standard between The Indonesian Law Number 29 year 2004 Regarding Medical Practices and The Indonesian Law Number 20 year 2013 Regarding Medical Education with post positivism approach. This research found that unsynchronized between both formal policies that caused dispute of power vertically and horizontally between governments and medical communities. This research also found conflict about norms and substances of medical and dental education standards. Synchronization, and harmonization, and synergize to subject between governments and medical communities, also to object those medical and dental education standards become the best solutions to do reconstruction the standards. These standards of medical and dental professions education that approved by the Indonesia Medical Council should be a part of the National Medical Education Standard that will be approved by Ministry of National Education. The actors of governments and medical communities as the key to synchronize, and harmonize, and synergize of the National Medical Education Standard. Both of national formal policies will be complemented each others if there's no more the sectoral egoism each institution to formulate the National Medical Education Standard.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aflah Faiz Rizqullah
"Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian yang menganalisis kebijakan publik pemerintah Kota Makassar di masa pandemi COVID-19 yaitu program Bantuan Sosial. Dalam penelitian ini mengambil perspektif dari stakeholder yang mana dalam penelitian ini masyarakat yang menjadi stakeholder utamanya. Selain itu terdapat juga stakeholder lainnya seperti Dinas Sosial, Kecamatan, Kelurahan, Pendamping bantuan sosial. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan mengenai implementasi kebijakan bantuan sosial di Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar dan bagaimana respon hingga reaksi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan ini. Selain itu pada penelitian ini terdapat aksi protes yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat penerima bantuan sosial di Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar sebagai bentuk kekecawaan terhadap implementasi kebijakan Bantuan Sosial di Kecamatan Mariso terbukti cukup berhasil untuk memberikan tekanan sehingga aspirasi dan masukannya bisa terealisasi dan pemerintah melakukan evaluasi program bantuan sosial COVID-19. Untuk Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara kepada informan yang dalam hal ini adalah para stakeholder. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Stakeholder Mapping yang dipopulerkan oleh Eden, Ackermann dan Bryson. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 analisis dalam teori ini yakni yakni 1) Power versus Interest Grid, 2) Problem-Frame Stakeholders Map dan 3) Policy Implementation Mapping. Power versus Interest Grid digunakan peneliti untuk melihat dan menganalisis dari sisi minat (Interest) dan kekuatan (Power) untuk masyarakat sebagai Stakeholder utama dalam penelitian ini. Problem-Frame Stakeholders Map digunakan peneliti untuk melihat bagaimana kondisi Stakeholder yang dalam hal ini adalah masyarakat. Bagaimana masyarakat memecahkan permasalahan dalam program bantuan sosial ini dan apa tindakan yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk memecahkan permasalahan tersebut. Policy Implementation Mapping digunakan peneliti untuk menggambarkan strategi yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk mempengaruhi kebijakan bantuan sosial khususnya di Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar.

This thesis analyzes the Makassar government's public policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the social assistance program. In this study, the perspective of stakeholders is taken, in which in this study the community is the main stakeholder. In addition, there are also other stakeholders such as the Social Service, District, sub District, Social Assistance Assistants. This research will explain the implementation of social assistance policies in Mariso District, Makassar and how the community responds to this policy. In addition, in this study, there were protests carried out by social assistance recipient communities in Mariso District, Makassar as a form of disappointment with the implementation of the Social Assistance policy in Mariso District, which proved successful enough to put pressure on so that aspirations and input could be realized and the government evaluated social assistance programs. COVID-19. This research conduct qualitative methods with data collection techniques using interviews with informants, in this case are the stakeholders. This study also uses the Stakeholder Mapping theory which was popularized by Eden, Ackermann and Bryson. This study uses 3 analyzes in this theory, namely 1) Power versus interest grid, 2) Problem-frame stakeholders map and 3) Policy implementation mapping. The Power versus interest grid is used by researchers to see and analyze from the side of interest and power for the community as the main Stakeholder in this research. The Problem-frame stakeholders map is used by researchers to see how the conditions of stakeholders, in this case, are the community. How does the community solve problems in this social assistance program and what actions are taken by the community to solve these problems. Policy implementation mapping is used by researchers to describe the strategies carried out by the community to influence social assistance policies, especially in Mariso District, Makassar."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nazirah Yakub
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana pelaksanaan koordinasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pengelolaan jalur pedestrian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan koordinasi Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pengelolaan jalur pedestrian dilakukan dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan dengan mekanisme koordinasi hierarkis. Koordinasi horizontal dilakukan pada seluruh seksi dan bidang di Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman sedangkan koordinasi vertikal dilakukan antara Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman dan Asisten Pembangunan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Koordinasi eksternal dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak terkait yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan jalur pedestrian.

This research discusses how the coordination is done by DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department on the management of pedestrian way. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through field studies and literature studies. The results showed that the implementation of coordination was conducted in planning, implementation, and supervision using Coordination by Hierarchy-Type Mechanisms. Horizontal coordination is done at the entire section of DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department while the vertical coordination was conducted between DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department and Assistant for Development and Environment. External coordination is done with the relevant parties relating to the management of the pedestrian path.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priyo Handoko
"Upaya untuk merubah mekanisme dan persyaratan pembentukan daerah otonom baru (DOB) melalui revisi UU Nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dapat dikategorikan sebagai proses reformulasi kebijakan. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menganalisis berbagai alternatif mekanisme baru yang diusulkan pemerintah, DPR, dan DPD.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Yang menjadi obyek penelitian adalah sistem pembentukan DOB yang tertuang di dalam draf revisi RUU Pemda, baik yang diusulkan pemerintah ke DPR pada tahun 2012, maupun draf RUU Pemda versi DPD yang diajukan keDPR sejak 2011. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam untuk mendapatkan data primer dan studi dokumentasi untuk memperoleh data sekunder. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model interaktif yang dimulai dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Penelitian ini menemukan adanya tiga alternatif mekanisme pembentukan DOB. Opsi pertama, daerah yang mengusulkan pembentukan DOB, apabila memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan administratif, ditetapkan menjadi daerah persiapan dengan peraturan pemerintah (PP). Setelah 3-5 tahun dievaluasi dan dianggap layak, baru daerah persiapan itu disahkan menjadi DOB dengan UU. Alternatif ini muncul dari pemerintah.
Opsi kedua, DPR dan pemerintah terlebih dulu menyepakati daerah mana saja yang akan dimekarkan dengan membuat semacam list atau daftar dalam desain besar penataan daerah (desartada). Selanjutnya, pemekaran dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada desartada tersebut.
Opsi ketiga datang dari Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD). Intinya, semua usulan pemekaran dinilai oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Hasil penilaian itu selanjutnya dibahas DPD untuk mendapatkan persetujuan. Bila disetujui DPD, pemerintah menyusun RUU Pembentukannya untuk dibahas bersama DPR dan DPD.
Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, setidaknya ada empat aspek yang harus diperbaiki dalam penyempurnaan mekanisme pemekaran agar DOB berkembang optimal. Yaitu, mengoptimalkan peran dewan pertimbangan otonomi daerah (DPOD), memperkuat fungsi pembinaan dan pengawasan pemerintah pusat, memperketat persyaratan pembentukan DOB, serta mempertegas pelarangan bagi pejabat kepala daerah untuk maju ke pilkada.

The effort to change the mecanism and requirements of the formation of autonomous regions (DOB) through the revision of Law No. 32 of 2004 on Local Government can be categorized as a reformulation of the policy process. This research trying to analysis new mecanism alternative that proposed by government, House of Representatives (DPR), and Regional Representative Council (DPD).
This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. Which is the object of research is the establishment of a system DOB contained in the draft revision of the government's proposed Local Government Bill to DPR in 2012 and the draft revision of the DPD proposed Local Government Bill to Parliament since 2011. Data collected by in-depth interviews to obtain primary data and documentation study to obtain secondary data.The data analysis technique used is interactive model that starts with data reduction, data display, and conclusion.
This study found that there are three alternative the mechanism of formation new autonomous regions (DOB). The first option, which proposed the establishment of regional DOB, if found to comply with the technical and administrative requirements, set to be areas of preparation by government regulation (PP). After 3-5 years were evaluated and deemed feasible, the preparation of a new area with the DOB passed into law. This option arises from the government.
The second option, the Parliament and the government first agreed which areas will be expanded to make some sort of list or lists in the design of structuring large area (desartada). Furthermore, the division is done with reference to the desartada.
The third option comes from the DPD. In essence, the proposed expansion are assessed by the Ministry of the Interior. The assessment results are then discussed DPD for approval. If approved by Council, the government drafting Formation for further discussion with the DPR and DPD.
Based on the analysis that has been done, there are at least four aspects that should be improved in the refinement of the expansion mechanism that DOB develops optimally. Ie, optimizing the role of the consultative council of regional autonomy (DPOD), strengthening the guidance and supervision functions of the central government, tighten the requirements for the formation of new regions, as well as reinforce attack for officials to advance to the regional head election of the head of the area.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Yudha Nugraha
"Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan personil, TNI AD memiliki kebijakan penerimaan taruna dan taruni akademi militer. Implementasi kebijakan penerimaan taruna/taruni menggunakan sistem Computer Assisted Test. Penerimaan dan seleksi Taruna Akademi Militer pada tahun 2017-2021, terdapat ketimpangan sisi kualitas maupun kuantitas yang cukup substansial, serta keterwakilan masing-masing daerah yang belum merata. Implementasi kebijakan tentang penerimaan taruna dan taruni akademi militer berdasarkan pendekatan the policy implementation process dari Van Meter dan Van Horn yang memiliki beberapa dimensi yaitu ukuran dan tujuan, sumber daya, karakteristik instansi pelaksana, komunikasi, disposisi, lingkungan sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivism dengan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan tentang penerimaan Taruna dan Taruni yang Profesional dan Unggul Akademi Militer TNI Tahun 2022 dan menganalisis apa saja permasalahan yang menghambat implementasi kebijakan tentang penerimaan Taruna dan Taruni yang Profesional dan Unggul Akademi Militer TNI tahun 2022. Hasilnya adalah implementasi kebijakan tentang penerimaan Taruna dan Taruni yang profesional dan unggul Akademi Militer, peneliti mengambil kesimpulan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan sudah dilakukan dengan baik namun masih ada beberapa kendala. Kendala tersebut yaitu variabel komunikasi dan karakteristik instansi pelaksana. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah temuan oknum yang memanfaatkan situasi tersebut untuk memperoleh keuntungan pribadi dengan menjadi calo. Kendala dalam pengimplementasian tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh faktor SDM dan perangkat sarpras yang digunakan dan kurangnya komunikasi antar pelaksana kebijakan penerimaan taruna dan taruni akademik militer.

In order to meet the needs of personnel, the Indonesian Army has a policy of accepting military academy cadets and cadets. Implementation of the cadet acceptance policy using the Computer Assisted Test system. In the acceptance and selection of Military Academy Cadets in 2017-2021, there is a substantial imbalance in terms of quality and quantity, as well as the uneven representation of each region. The implementation of the policy regarding the admission of military academy cadets and cadets is based on the policy implementation process approach from Van Meter and Van Horn which has several dimensions, namely size and objectives, resources, characteristics of implementing agencies, communication, dispositions, social, economic and political environment. This study uses a post-positivism paradigm with qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and document studies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the policy regarding the acceptance of cadets and cadets of the Indonesian Army Military Academy in 2022 and to analyze what are the problems that hinder the implementation of the policy regarding the acceptance of cadets and cadets of the 2022 Indonesian Army Military Academy. The result is the implementation of policies regarding the acceptance of cadets and cadets who professional and superior Military Academy, researchers conclude that the implementation of the policy has been carried out well but there are still some obstacles. These constraints are communication variables and the characteristics of implementing agencies. The problem that often occurs is the finding of unscrupulous persons who take advantage of the situation to gain personal gain by becoming brokers. Obstacles in implementing this can be caused by human resource factors and the infrastructure equipment used and the lack of communication between implementers of the policy for accepting military academic cadets and cadets."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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