ABSTRAKPenting bagi suatu perusahaan taksi untuk menjaga brand image-nya karena dapat
menjadi preferensi utama konsumen dalam membuat keputusan. Brand image
benefits memiliki 5 dimensi yaitu, functional, symbolic, social, experiential, dan
appearance enhances, yang diukur untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan
dan loyalitas konsumen. Penelitian terhadap 120 responden konsumen taksi Blue
Bird menemukan bahwa brand image benefits berpengaruh terhadap overall
satisfaction dalam dimensi functional, experiential, dan appearance enhances.
Brand image benefits pada dimensi experiential, dan appearance enhances
berpengaruh terhadap loyalty intention. Loyalty intention berpengaruh terhadap
overall satisfaction. Brand image benefits mempengaruhi loyalty intention via
overall satisfaction, dengan full maupun partial mediation.
ABSTRACTIt is important for a taxi company to maintain its brand image, because it can be
main preference for consumers. Brand image benefits has 5 dimensions,
functional, symbolic, social, experiential, and appearance enhances, that measured
to identify its effects to satisfaction and loyalty. From 120 Blue Bird consumers,
showed that brand image benefits significantly affect overall satisfaction in
functional, experiential, and appearance enhances dimensions. Brand image
benefits in experiential, and appearance enhances has a significant effect on
loyalty intention. Loyalty intention does influence overall satisfaction. Brand
image benefits acts on loyalty intention via overall satisfaction by full and partial
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012