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Mathieson, Rick
"Call it the digital generation. The iPhone-toting, Facebookhopping, Twitter-tapping, I-want-what-I-want, how-I-wantit generation. By whatever name, marketers are discovering that connecting with today's elusive, ad-resistant consumer means saying goodbye to 'new media', and hello 'now media'. Featuring exclusive insights and inspiration from today's top marketers as well as lessons from some of the world's most successful digital marketing initiatives, this eye-opening book reveals how readers can deliver the kind of blockbuster experiences that 21st century consumers demand. Spanning social networking, augmented reality, advergames, virtual worlds, digital outdoor mobile marketing, and more, this book presents an inside look at digital strategies being deployed by brands like Coca-Cola, Burger King, BMW, Axe Deodorant, NBC Universal, Doritos, and many others. Revealing ten essential secrets for capitalizing on the right mix of digital channels and experiences for any brand, this book reveals how to demand attention! before the audience hits the snooze button."
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
As of 31 December 2011, there were 2.2 billion people or 32.7% of total world
population using the internet. Growth since year 2000 reached 528.1% or five
folds the users twelve years earlier. Major factors that draw people to turn online
are the interactivity and connected environment enabled by the Web 2.0
technology and the control over information access on the internet thanks to
internet search tools, such as directories and search engines. With more people
shift from physical place to internet space, ready or not, marketers also need to
evolve in the way they communicate with customers.
Online advertising differs from traditional advertising in terms of interactivity,
capability of one-to-one marketing, targeted marketing, and push and pull nature
that are enabled by sophisticated software advances and extensive database. A
major break-out in online advertising was introduced by Google with its keywordtargeted
advertising programs called AdWords?Google's text-based system for
advertising on search engine result pages, and AdSense?appears on Google's
content network of millions of web sites. By this means, two categories for textbased
web advertising are enabled: Search Engine Advertising?ads that are
triggered by user?s search keyword and displayed on the result page of the search
engine, and Contextual Advertising?ads that are placed on third-party Web
pages based on its relevancies with the content of the currently viewed page.
The blog internationalsnack.com is a website about snack and snack-related piece
from around the globe. It seeks opportunity to monetize the site by adopting
contextual advertising business model. A number of objectives are set, including
to reach critical mass and to break even within 2 years after the blog launch in
July 2012. This marketing plan will mainly focus on the strategy to promote and
build traffic to the site through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Public
Relation (Web PR) and Viral marketing tactics."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
young, Antony
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
658.827 YOU b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harden, Leland
"With marketing budgets stretched tight, it's harder than ever to justify expenditures, and ensure that marketing dollars are spent in ways that get results. Market ing by the Numbers shows readers how to implement, evaluate, and utilize key analytics to maximize marketing ROI. Explaining best practices and the most useful dashboards and tools, the book equips readers with proven methods to: Predict, monitor, and measure the success of campaigns based in both traditional and Internet media Align business and marketing goals Concentrate on the right metrics rather than drowning in a sea of data Turn data into actionable recommendations Providing case studies, techniques, and checklists, the book pays special attention to the new generation of web tools, and reveals how any business can effectively use the data available to them; and take advantage of every marketing opportunity."
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doctoroff, Tom
New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, [2014]
658.827 DOC t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doctoroff, Tom
"n a cultural climate saturated by technology, marketing professionals have focused their energies on creating newer and more digital methods of advertising their brands, with the fear that if they don't embrace "Big Data," they will fade into obscurity. But Tom Doctoroff, Asia CEO for J. Walter Thompson, argues that this frenzy over digital media has created a schism in the marketing world that is hindering brands from attaining their true business potential. The tension between traditional branding and the seemingly unlimited possibilities presented by the advent of "digital" branding leads companies to abandon the tried and true aspects of marketing for the flash of the new. In this informative new book, Doctoroff explains why a strategy that truly integrates the two ideas is the best way for a brand to move into the future. Using some of the biggest brand names in the world as examples, such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Apple, he breaks down the framework of marketing to explain how digital marketing can't stand without the traditional foundation"
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
658.827 DOC t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annetha Ayu Amalia
"KALA Watch merupakan brand fesyen kategori jam tangan yang berasal dari Bandung, Indonesia. Berawal dari tugas kuliah, KALA Watch didirikan sejak tahun 2014 oleh sekelompok mahasiswa School of Business and Management SBM ITB. Keindahan Indonesia menjadi nilai yang mendasari brand KALA Watch. Keunikan KALA Watch terletak pada strap jam tangannya yang bersifat interchangeable serta dihiasi oleh unsur keindahan Indonesia. Mengajak masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya kalangan young adults, untuk menjadi bagian dari keindahan Indonesia serta mencintai produk lokal menjadi hal-hal yang ingin dicapai oleh KALA Watch.
1. Produk KALA Watch dapat menyesuaikan kebutuhan konsumen dengan konsep interchangeable strap sehingga KALA Watch dapat menyesuaikan kebutuhan pelanggan untuk digunakan dalam suasana formal dan nonformal.
2. Kemasan produk KALA Watch dilengkapi dengan kotak penyimpanan serta alat pengganti strap jam tangan yang bersifat user-friendlysehingga pelanggan KALA Watch dapat menyimpan jam tangan dengan terorganisir dan dapat mengganti strap jam tangan secara mandiri tanpa harus pergi ke toko reparasi jam.
3. Keindahan alam, budaya, serta pariwisata di Indonesia menjadi ciri khas produk KALA Watch sehingga para pelanggan KALA Watch dapat merasakan sensasi menjadi bagian dari Indonesia dengan menggunakan KALA Watch.
4. KALA Watch mengajak masyarakat di Indonesia untuk menjadi advokat pelestarian keindahan Indonesia serta cinta produk lokal melalui produknya sehingga informasi seputar nilai-nilai tersebut lebih mudah untuk tersebar melalui word of mouth.
5. KALA Watch didukung oleh para pengrajin dan desainer lokal yang handal sehingga KALA Watch dapat menjamin kualitas produk yang dihasilkan.
6. KALA Watch ditopang oleh tim yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bidang bisnis karena berasal dari salah satu sekolah bisnis unggulan di Indonesia SBM ITB sehingga KALA Watch telah memiliki akar bisnis yang kuat.
1. Pemanfaatan alat pemasaran KALA Watch, khususnya media sosial dan website, belum maksimal sehingga konten yang ditujukan untuk dipublikasikan belum tersampaikan secara optimal kepada khalayak sasaran.
2. Brand awareness KALA Watch masih tergolong rendah sehingga perusahaan mengalami hambatan dalam memasarkan produknya.
3. KALA Watch belum pernah mengadakan program atau kegiatan komunikasi pendukung bisnis sehingga pemantauan dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja program pendukung bisnis tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
4. Keterbatasan anggaran yang dialokasikan KALA Watch untuk kegiatan pemasaran sehingga KALA Watch memiliki pilihan kegiatan pemasaran yang bersifat terbatas.
1. Media sosial di Indonesia sering digunakan untuk keperluan pemasaran serta transaksi bisnis sehingga media sosial berpeluang untuk membantu optimalisasi promosi bisnis.
2. Belum ada program produsen jam tangan lokal yang secara spesifik mengangkat masalah pelestarian keindahan nusantara dan cinta terhadap produk lokal sehingga program tersebut dapat menjadi pembeda suatu merek.
3. Khalayak sasaran lebih memilih informasi digital sehingga khalayak sasaran lebih mudah untuk dijangkau tanpa hambatan geografis.
4. Khalayak sasaran merupakan pengguna media sosial yang aktif sehingga upaya pendekatan terhadap khalayak sasaran dapat dilakukan dengan efisiensi waktu serta biaya.
5. Khalayak sasaran merupakan masyarakat yang trendi dan memiliki minat di bidang fesyen sehingga khalayak sasaran berpeluang untuk menjadi tertarik terhadap produk jam tangan.
6. Khalayak sasaran tertarik dengan merek produk lokal yang bernuansa keindahan Indonesia sehingga khalayak sasaran dapat memiliki kecenderungan untuk mengetahui tentang KALA Watch.
7. Khalayak sasaran melihat produk KALA Watch sebagai produk yang dapat mereka beli dan tidak mahal sehingga khalayak sasaran dapat menjangkau jam tangan KALA Watch tanpa mengorbankan kebutuhan pokok dalam kehidupan.
8. Masyarakat di Jakarta, sebagai khalayak sasaran perluasan pasar, memiliki daya beli KALA Watch yang tinggi sehingga berpeluang tinggi untuk menjadi khalayak sasaran yang tepat untuk dituju KALA Watch.
1. Terdapat beberapa kompetitor produsen jam tangan lokal yang mengangkat nuansa Indonesia dan memiliki brand awareness yang cukup tinggi sehingga KALA Watch tidak unggul dalam brand awarenessbisnisnya.
2. Kebanggaan khalayak sasaran dengan memakai produk impor sehingga menyebabkan KALA Watch terhambat dalam menarik para khalayak sasaran. Ketiadaan program komunikasi pendukung bisnis KALA Watch yang dapat dipantau dan dievaluasi untuk perkembangan bisnis menyebabkan kurangnya optimalisasi serta kehadiran KALA Watch di internet, penurutan pendapatan dari pemasaran offline saja, dan brand awareness perusahaan yang rendah. Program komunikasi yang ditujukan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam menjangkau khalayak sasaran secara tepat dibutuhkan oleh KALA Watch untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah tersebut. Dengan menyisipkan konsep storytelling pada seluruh unsur kegiatan, berikut ini adalah lima kegiatan yang menjadi bagian dari strategi program MPR Kado Indah.Peluncuran Kembali Media Sosial dan Website KALA Watch. Roadshow Perguruan Tinggi Swasta PTS di DKI Jakarta.Pameran di Car Free Day CFD fX Sudirman.Sayembara Video Pendek dan Cerita Foto di Media Sosial.Collaborative Eventdengan film screening, sesi jamming musik, serta pameran produk KALA Watch.

KALA Watch is a wristwatch brand originatedfrom Bandung, Indonesia. Started out initially as a college project, KALA Watch was founded by a group of School of Business and Management SBM ITB students. The beauty of Indonesia is the core value of KALA Watch as afashion brand. KALA Watch products distinctive feature is the interchangeable straps decorated with elements inspired by the beauty ofIndonesia. Encouraging Indonesian societies, especially the young adult ones, to take some parts in the beauty ofIndonesia and appreciate local products are some of the things that KALA Watch wants to achieve.
The interchangeable straps concept allows KALA Watch products to fulfill customers needs for flexible fashion item so KALA Watch can be used in both formal and nonformal occasions.Each of KALA Watch products are equipped with user-friendly wristwatch strap changer tool in a classic box so KALA Watch`s customers will be able to change their KALA Watch Straps on their own and to keep their KALA Watch collection safely in the box. The uniqueness of KALA Watch lies in its wristwatch straps that are inspired by the beauty of Indonesian culture, natural sites, and tourism so KALA Watch`s customers will be able to feel the sensation of being a part of Indonesia by using KALA Watch rsquo;s products on their wrists.
Its products, KALA Watch encourages Indonesian societies to advocate their awareness and love for the beauty of Indonesia and local products that informations regarding those values will be able to be spread easily through word of mouth. KALA Watch is supported by professional local craftsmen and designers so KALA Watch can guarantee its products excellent quality. KALA Watch is sustained by its team that is consisted of people who have experiences and knowledges from SBM ITB, which is one of the best business schools in Indonesia, so KALA Watch have a strong business core.
The use of KALA Watch promotional tools, especially social media and website, is yet to be used appropriately that the intended contents to be published has yet to be sent properly to its target audience. KALA Watch has low brand awareness level that it has impacted its marketing operational. KALA Watch has never conducted communication events or programs that can empower its business before so its programs effectivity can`t be measured and observed. The limitation of budgeting that KALA Watch wishes to allocate its fund for conducting communication programs is really tight that KALA Watch don`t have much program options.
Social media is being used for business and marketing purposes in Indonesia so that it can help the optimization of KALA Watch`s business promotions. Programs that open up specifically drilling on spreading awareness about the beauty of nusantara and local products are yet to be conducted before so it can be KALA Watch`s uniqueness among other brands to conduct one.
The target audiences prefer digitalized information so they are easier to reach without worrying about geographical boundaries. The target audiences are active users of social media so KALA Watch can reduce both operational cost and time to approach them. The target audiences are trendy societies and have some interests in fashion so that they are more likely to be interested in wristwatch products. The target audiences are interested in local products that bring out the beauty of Indonesia like KALA Watch do so that it will be easier for KALA Watch to be known by them. The target audiences consider KALA Watch products are affordable and inexpensive so they can purchase KALA Watch without getting broke. Jakartans, as the target audience of the company`s market expansion, have high purchasing power in KALA Watch products so they have greater chances to be the right target audience for KALA Watch.
1. There are several other local wristwatch brands that covers Indonesian theme with high brand awareness so that KALA Watch is not included as a top flyer in this category.
2. The target audiences pride in wearing import products is really high that KALA Watch finds it difficult to reach and attract them. The absence of KALA Watch`s communication program with evaluation and monitoring that can empower its business has caused the lack of optimization and presence in the internet, the decreasing revenue sourced from offline marketing, and low brand awareness. KALA Watch can make some uses out from communication programs formulated to help the company in reaching the appropriate target audiences. Applying the storytelling concept to all of the events, here are the five events from the Kado Indah MPR Program. KALA Watch Social Media and Website Relaunching. Private Universities in DKI Jakarta Roadshows. Mini Showcase in Car Free Day CFD fX Sudirman. Short Video and Photo Story Competition in Social Media. Collaborative Event that is consisted of film screening, music jamming session, and KALA Watch products mini showcase."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
O`Connor, John
Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001
658.84 OCO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Renata Goldi
"Perkembangan suatu bisnis berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukannya. Malva Dress sebagai bisnis brand lokal yang menjual produk berupa gaun custom memiliki kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness. Berdasarkan potensi dan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi digital, Malva Dress akan menggunakan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran digital yang menyasar khalayaknya, yaitu perempuan, 22-34 tahun, di tiga kota besar, social media savvy serta memiliki karakteristik psikografis dan behavioural lainnya yang sesuai dengan hasil analisa. Program ini disusun untuk lima bulan dan melibatkan anggaran dana sebesar 17,8 juta rupiah. Bahan analisis diambil langsung oleh penulis melalui wawancara dengan pemilik Malva Dress dan survei kepada khalayak sasarannya. Perencanaan pemasaran digital Malva Dress disusun dari latar belakang, analisa terkait Malva Dress, penetapan masalah komunikasi, strategi komunikasi, implementasi sampai pada rencana evaluasi untuk mengukur keberhasilan program pemasaran digitalnya. Rancangan pemasaran digital ini mengacu pada teori dan konsep-konsep ilmiah yang digunakan dalam bidang periklanan tujuannya agar dapat diterapkan secara nyata dan berhasil mendukung perkembangan bisnis Malva Dress dari segi pemasaran.

The development of a business is closely related to marketing activities. Malva Dress as a local brand business that sells custom dress needs to increase its brand awareness. Based on the potential and rapid development of digital technology, Malva Dress will use digital marketing communication planning targeting its audience, specifically women, 22-34 years old, live in three big cities, social media savvy as well as having other psychographic and behavioral characteristics in accordance with brand analysis. The program is set for five months and involves a budget of 17.8 million rupiah. Materials analysis was taken directly by the author through interviews with Malva Dress owners and surveys to his target audience. Malva Dress's digital marketing planning is structured from backgrounds, Malva Dress related analyzes, communication issues, communication strategies, implementation to evaluation plans to measure the success of its digital marketing program. This digital marketing design refers to the theoretical and scientific concepts used in the field of advertising for the purpose of being real-time and successfully supporting Malva Dress's business development, especially from marketing point-of-view."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Fajri Hastomo
Banyak brand menyadari bahwa penjualan produk dan ide-ide paling baik
bukan dari pemasar ke konsumen tetapi dari konsumen ke konsumen. Kampanye
viral marketing berfokus pada pengalaman pribadi terhadap suatu brand dan
membuka kekuatan baru konsumen.
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi kampanye viral marketing
yang berhasil melalui proses pengembangan dan produksi agen viral (creative
material) dalam format digital. Proses seeding atau pendistribusian agen viral
secara online, dan proses tracking atau ukuran dalam menentukan kriteria
akuntabilitas dan keberhasilan dari kampanye viral marketing.Pendekatan yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang
menghasilkan dan mengolah data yang sifatnya deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian ini
terlihat bahwa pemanfaatan sosial media untuk kampanye viral marketing perlu
adanya manajemen yang menyangkut perencanaan dan sistemasi pesan maupun
penggunaan sosial media yang sesuai dengan tujuan target pasar.

Many brands realize that the sale of the product and the most excellent
ideas not from marketers to consumers but from consumer to consumer. Viral
marketing campaign focuses on the personal experience and the opening of a
brand new power consumers.
This study aimed to identify a successful viral marketing campaign
through the development process and production of viral agents (creative
material) in digital format. The process of seeding or distribution of viral agents
online, and the process of tracking or accountability criteria in determining the
size and success of a viral marketing campaign.The approach used in this study is
a qualitative approach to research that generate and process data that are
descriptive. From these results it appears that the use of social media for viral
marketing campaign management regarding the need for planning and
systematization and use of social media messages that correspond to the target
destination market."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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