ABSTRAKPerkembangan penggunaan internet yang cukup pesat berdampak pada
pertumbuhan industri e-commerce di Indonesia. Dengan makin bertambahnya
jumlah perusahaan e-commerce, maka mereka saling bersaing untuk
mempromosikan situs mereka. Iklan web banner adalah salah satu cara integrated
marketing communication yang lazim digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ecommerce
dengan tujuan meningkatkan transaksi di situs mereka. Penelitian ini
membahas pengaruh penggunaan iklan web banner terhadap minat membeli
(intention to purchase) produk fesyen pada toko online Berrybenka dengan
memperhatikan 2 variabel moderating, yaitu: product involvement dan trust
toward website. Atribut-atribut iklan web banner disini dilihat dari sisi perceived
informativeness dan perceived entertainment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa tidak ada pengaruh positif dari kedua atribut iklan web banner terhadap
product involvement. Namun atribut-atribut iklan web banner berpengaruh
terhadap trust toward website dan juga terhadap intention to purchase. Dalam
penelitian ini, product involvement dan trust toward website tidak terbukti
menjadi variabel moderating yang memperkuat atau memperlemah hubungan
antara atribut iklan web banner dengan intention to purchase. Bagi toko online
Berrybenka sendiri, penggunaan iklan web banner bermanfaat meningkatkan
brand awareness dan frekuensi kunjungan, namun tidak efektif meningkatkan
intention to purchase karena kebanyakan pengunjung yang masuk lewat iklan web
banner memiliki motivasi rekreasional.
ABSTRACTThe rapid growth of the number of Internet users in Indonesia affects the
development of Indonesia’s e-commerce industry. E-commerce companies are
growing and are competing to promote their online stores. Web-banner
advertisements is one of the most highly-utilized means of integrated marketing
communication used by e-commerce companies, aiming to augment the number
of transactions in their websites. This research focuses on the impact of webbanner
advertisements to intention to purchase, specifically for fashion products in
online store Berrybenka, by addressing two moderating variables: product
involvement and trust toward website. Meanwhile, web-banner attributes are
assessed in terms of perceived informativeness and perceived entertainment.
In the result, this research does not identify positive correlation between
web-banner attributes and product involvement. However, the attributes of webbanner
advertisements do affect trust toward website and intention to purchase.
Product involvement and trust toward website variables in this research are also
not proven as moderating variables that affect the relationship between webbanner
attributes and intention to purchase.
For Berrybenka in particular, web-banner advertisement is effective in
increasing brand awareness and frequency of visit, although it is not effective in
increasing intention to purchase, as most visitors who visit the website are mainly
motivated by recreational interest."