"Pentingnya peran kreativitas sebagai bekal individu untuk menghadapi tantangan di era digital sayangnya belum sejalan dengan kenyataan bahwa Indonesia memiliki posisi rendah dalam indikator kreativitas dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Untuk mengatasinya, kreativitas perlu dipupuk sejak usia sekolah dan membutuhkan peranan besar dari guru. Namun, guru membutuhkan dukungan dalam mengembangkan kreativitas siswa, baik siswa reguler maupun berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah inklusif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara perceived social support dengan Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior (CFTB). Penelitian dilakukan kepada 143 guru di sekolah dasar inklusif. Perceived social support diukur dengan menggunakan adaptasi alat ukur R-MSPSS yang terdiri atas komponen kepala sekolah, guru, keluarga, dan teman (non-kolega). CFTB diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur CFTIndex yang mencakup dimensi independence, integration, motivation, judgment, flexibility, evaluation, question, opportunities, dan frustration. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perceived social support dengan CFTB (rs=0.291, p<.001, two-tailed). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk dapat menerapkan CFTB, guru sekolah dasar inklusif membutuhkan dukungan dari teman (non-kolega), kepala sekolah, guru, dan keluarga. Implikasi dari penelitian ini memberikan penekanan bahwa kolaborasi antar seluruh sumber dukungan sosial yang ada di sekitar guru sangat penting untuk dapat mengembangkan potensi kreativitas yang dimiliki siswa.
The importance of creativity as an individual's provision to face challenges in the digital era is unfortunately not in line with the fact that Indonesia has a low position on creativity indicators compared to other countries. The teacher has a significant role in nurturing creativity starting from school. Teachers need support in developing students' creativity for regular students and students with special needs. Therefore, this research aims to see the relationship between perceived social support and Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior (CFTB). The research was conducted on 143 teachers in inclusive primary schools. Perceived social support is measured using the adaptation of the R-MSPSS measurement, which consists of the principal, teacher, family, and friends components. CFTB is measured using the CFTIndex measurement, which includes the dimensions of independence, integration, motivation, judgment, flexibility, evaluation, question, opportunities, and frustration. The correlation test results showed a significant relationship between perceived social support and CFTB (rs=0.291, p<.001, two-tailed). The results show that to implement CFTB, inclusive primary school teachers need support from the principal, teachers, family, and friends. The implications of this study emphasize that collaboration between all sources of social support around teachers is essential to develop students' best potential."