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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Roihan Nugroho
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis risiko-risiko apa saja yang dihadapi oleh PT A Tbk. pada proses pembangunan menara, analisis dalam penyusunan manajemen risiko dalam implementasi ISO 9001:2015 yang dapat diterapkan pada PT A Tbk. serta analisis hasil dari penyusunan manajemen risiko dalam implementasi ISO 9001:2015 yang dapat diterapkan pada PT A Tbk. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini yaitu berfokus kepada proses pembangunan menara. PT A Tbk. merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri penyedia menara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan COSO Enterprise Risk Management dalam menyusun manajemen risiko pada PT A Tbk. dengan mempertimbangkan standar ISO 9001:2015. Penelitian ini melakukan observasi, diskusi kelompok dan analisis dokumen dalam melakukan penyusunan manajemen risiko. Kesimpulan yang didapat sehubung dengan penelitian ini adalah PT A Tbk. menghadapi risiko-risiko, berikut: keterlambatan dalam pembangunan menara, biaya aktual pembangunan menara lebih besar dibandingkan yang telah dianggarkan, ketidakmampuan dalam pembangunan menara dan menara tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah disetujui. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu risk register yang menggambarkan menggambarkan risiko yang telah teridentifikasi, sumber risiko, penilaian risiko, risk respond, aktfitas pengendalian, target residual risk, mitigation plan, residual risk II dan person in-charge terkait dengan mitigation plan. ......The focus of this study is to analyze the risks faced by PT A Tbk. especially, in the tower development process, the analysis in the design of risk management in the implementation of ISO 9001 2015 that can be applied to PT A Tbk. As well as analysis of the results of risk management in implementation of ISO 9001 2015 which can be applied to PT A Tbk.. The scope of this research is to focus on the tower construction process. PT A Tbk. is a company engaged in the tower provider industry. The researcher uses the COSO Enterprise Risk Management approach in design risk management at PT A Tbk. taking into account the ISO 9001 2015 standard. Researchers conducted observations, group discussions and document analysis in the design of risk management. The conclusion reffering to research result is PT A Tbk. facing risks, the following the delay in tower construction, the actual cost of tower construction is greater than that already budgeted, the inability to build towers and towers does not comply with the agreed requirements. The results of this study are risk registers that describe the identified risks, risk sources, risk assessment, risk respond, control activity, residual risk target, mitigation plan, residual risk II and person in charge related to mitigation plan.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Distria Putri Wulandari
Abstrak :
Untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya, Permen PU No. 04/PRT/M/2009 harus dapat disesuaikan dengan standar Internasional yang digunakan saat ini, yaitu ISO 9001:2015. Selain itu perlu juga dilihat pengaruh prinsip pada ISO 9001:2015 serta implementasi Permen PU No. 04/PRT/M/2009 terhadap proyek pemerintah di bidang konstruksi. Penelitian ini fokus pada prinsip evaluasi kinerja dan peningkatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara variabel pada ISO 9001: 2015 dengan Permen PU No. 04/PRT/M/2009. Selain itu terdapat dua variabel dalam prinsip evaluasi kinerja dan peningkatan yang belum diterapkan dengan baik, yaitu pada kegiatan evaluasi terhadap hasil pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan dan melakukan audit internal SMM untuk mengukur kinerja SMM. ......To be able to improve their performance, Permen PU No. 04 PRT M 2009 that issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing regarding to QMS must be adjusted to the international standards, which is ISO 9001 2015. In addition, we also need to consider the impact of the principles in ISO 9001 2015 and the implementation of Permen PU No. 04 PRT M 2009 in government construction projects. This research focuses on the performance evaluation amd improvement principle The result of this research is that there is no significant difference between the variables in ISO 9001 2015 and Permen PU No. 04 PRT M 2009. There are also two variables in the performance evaluation and improvement principle that have not been applied properly, which are the activity of evaluation to measures customer satisfaction by assessing the responses received on the QMS performance and perform internal audits of QMS to measure QMS performance.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Kristina
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang kegiatan business coaching mengenai cara menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu sesuai standar ISO 9001:2015 dalam rangka meningkatkan budaya mutu di PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif dalam konteks melengkapi dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan dokumentasi yang dipersyaratkan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif harus konsisten melakukan review ulang terhadap semua standar dan prosedur yang berlaku dan disesuaikan dengan peta proses bisnis, identifikasi risiko dan peluang juga harus dilakukan, dan penerapan reward dan punishment bagi manajemen puncak dan jajaran staff sebagai langkah untuk memotivasi dan menimbulkan efek jera atas komitmen mutu yang disepakati. Juga disarankan untuk meningkatkan budaya mutu maka PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif melakukan perlombaan secara regular terkait implementasi budaya mutu yang konsisten di area kerja masing-masing serta mengikuti training manajemen kualitas bagi karyawan internal. ......This thesis discussed the activities of business coaching on how to implement quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 in order to improve the quality culture at PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif in the context of completing and evaluating the documentation requirements. This is qualitative research with descriptive design. The result of this study suggest PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif must consistently re-reviewing all applicable standards and procedures and linked to business process mapping, identifying risks and opportunities as well, and applying rewards and punishments to top management and staffs as a move to motivate and create deterrent effects on agreed quality commitments. Also suggested to improve the quality culture at PT. Hudiya Hayat Hanif by conducting regular competition related to the consistent implementation of quality culture in each of work area, and last but not least is following quality management training for internal employees.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Akbar Rivai
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 pada institusi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tnggi didalam kegiatan pengembangan koleksi. Kata ISO berasal dari bahasa Yunani ISOS , yang memiliki arti "sama" dan 9001 merupakan standar yang terkait dengan Manajemen Mutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai proses penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Perpustakaan Universitas BINUS dalam kegiatan pengembangan koleksi khususnya dalam proses akuisisi. Penerapan ISO pada institusi perpustakaan perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu proses berkesinambungan serta mendukungkan dukungan dari segala pihak didalam institusi terkait. Proses penerapan yang dilakukan mengikuti tatanan yang berdasarkan kepada klausul ISO 9001:2015. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Adapun manfaat dari penerapan ISO 9001:2015 pada institusi Perpustakaan Universitas BINUS adalah dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan pemustaka melalui jaminan mutu (kualitas) yang terorganisir dan sistemik. Selain itu meningkatkan citra institusi perpustakaan terkait serta daya saing dalam memasuki pasar global serta meningkatkan kesadaran mutu perpustakaan.
This study discusses the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System at the college library institution in collection development acivities. The word of ISO comes from greek ISOS which means "the same" and 9001 is a standard related to Quality Management. This study aims to provide an overview of the process of imlementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Mananagement System in BINUS University Libraries in Collection Development Activities especially in the acquisition process. The application of ISO to higher education library institutions is a continous process and requires support from all parties with in the college libraries institution. The implementation process carried out follows an order based on the ISO 9001:2015 clauses. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques in the form of observation and semi-structure interviews. The benefits of implementing ISO 9001:2015 at BINUS University Library Institutions are to increase trust and satissfaction users through organized and systemic quality , besides that it enhances the image of related to library institutions and competitiveness in entering global market and increasing library quality awareness.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yukifirasy Darwis
Abstrak :
Penerapan SMM pada beberapa proyek konstruksi tidak sesuai dengan Permen PU No. 4 Tahun 2009 dan Permen harus disesuaikan kembali dengan standar internasional, yaitu ISO 9001:2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gap dari Sistem Manajemen Mutu pada prinsip operasi Permen PU No. 4 Tahun 2009 dengan ISO 9001 : 2015 serta penerapan dan pengaruhnya terhadap proyek dan instansi di Kementerian PUPR. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Terdapat 31 rekomendasi kegiatan yang dapat menjadi bahan revisi Permen PU No. 4 Tahun 2009. Penerapan SMM yang kurang dilakukan ditemukan pada kegiatan Komunikasi Pelanggan, Perencanaan Desain dan Pengembangan, dan Desain serta Pengembangan. ......The implementations of Quality Management System on construction rsquo s projects are still not appropriate to Permen PU No. 4 Years 2009 and this regulations must be adjusted to the international standard, ISO 9001 2015. Purposes of this research are to know the quality management system rsquo s gap between Permen PU No. 4 Years 2009 and ISO 9001 2015 speciality operation principle and to know how its implementation and influences to the project and agency in Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Data processing was done by qualitative approaches. There are 31 activities recommendation that can be a revised material of Permen PU No.4 Years 2009. The lacks of implementation of Quality Management System were found on some activites, such as Customer Communication, Design and Development Plan, and Design and Development.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahni Tiska
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis serta merancang sistem informasi akuntansi atas persediaan bahan baku dan barang dagang sesuai dengan ISO 9001:2015 pada perusahaan PT. XYZ yang bergerak di bidang industri makanan beku. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara, observasi dan kepustakaan sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi atas persediaan bahan baku dan barang dagang pada PT. XYZ menggunakan metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking). Dalam penelitian ini dibahas juga mengenai teori kontijensi, sistem informasi akuntansi, pengendalian persediaan alat bantu perancangan sistem, persediaan, FAST, ISO dan ISO 9001:2015. Permasalahan dari PT XYZ yang diangkat pada penelitian ini adalah timbulnya selisih antara pencatatan persediaan dan fisik stok barang yang dikarenakan pencatatan yang dilakukan masih secara manual dan pembagian pekerjaan yang belum jelas. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan rancangan sistem informasi akuntansi atas persediaan bahan baku dan persediaan barang dagang sesuai dengan ketentuan dari ISO 9001:2015 (klausul 8.5.1) yang dapat digunakan perusahaan untuk kelancaran pencatatan persediaan dan proses produksi perusahaan.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to analyze and design accounting information system for raw materials inventory and finished goods inventory in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 at PT. XYZ which is engaged in frozen food industry. Data collection methods that have been used are interviews, observations and literatures while the analysis method that has been used is qualitative research method. In this study, the types of data used are primary and secondary data. Designing an accounting information system for raw materials inventory and finished goods inventory at PT. XYZ will use FAST method. In this study, there will be also explained about contingency theory, accounting information systems, inventory control, system design tools, inventory, FAST, ISO and ISO 9001: 2015. The problem in this company is the differences between inventories recording and physical stocks which is caused by manually inventories recording and unclear of segregation of duties. The results of this study are expected to provide a design of accounting information systems for raw materials inventory and finished goods inventory in accordance with the provisions of ISO 9001: 2015 (clause 8.5.1) that can be used by the company to smooth inventories recording and the company's production process.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shufi Ramadiani Swari
Abstrak :
Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) mempunyai peran yang strategis dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, karena selain berperan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penyerapan tenaga kerja juga berperan dalam pendistribusian hasil-hasil pembangunan. Terdapat beberapa aspek yang dapat mempengaruhi keberlangsungan UKM, yaitu sumber daya manusia, finansial, kepuasan konsumen, proses produksi dan infrastruktur UKM. Namun lebih dari 70% usaha kecil dan menengah “mati” dalam waktu lima tahun sejak usaha tersebut didirikan akibatnya kurangnya penerapan sistem manajemen mutu pada UKM. Sistem manajemen mutu yang populer digunakan adalah ISO 9001. Saat ini akan segera hadir edisi terbaru ISO 9001:2015 yang menekankan pentingnya penerapan manajemen risiko pada bisnis. Sehingga penerapan sistem manajemen mutu untuk UKM berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dengan fokus pada manajemen risiko terhadap aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi keberlangsungan UKM perlu dilakukan untuk mempermudah para pemilik UKM menjaga keberlangsungan bisnisnya. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah penentuan 20 faktor dari kelima aspek yang ada, setelah itu dilakukan validasi faktor sehingga diperoleh 14 faktor yang dianggap memiliki risiko penting terhadap keberlangsungan UKM untuk selanjutnya dibobotkan menggunakan metode multi criteria decision making (AHP) dengan bantuan software Expert Choice. Tahap selanjutnya adalah identifikasi dan analisa risiko dari keempat belas faktor yang dianggap memiliki risiko penting terhadap keberlangsungan UKM, dari hasil analisa diperoleh 6 faktor (keahlian dan keterampilan pegawai, kinerja pegawai, tanggung jawab pegawai, harga yang kompetitif, mutu pelayanan, mutu produk) yang berada pada kategori level risiko tinggi dan tidak dapat diterima.
Small and medium enterprises (SME) has a role in a strategicway to national economic development, its role in economic growth, creating job and also participate in distribution of development. There are several aspects that might affect the sustainability of small and medium business like human resources, financial, customer satisfaction, production process and infrastructure of SME. However, more that 70% of SME are “death” within five years since its established as a result a lack of the implementation quality management system (QMS) for SME. A popular QMS used to implementing in business is ISO 9001. Soon, there will be ISO 9001:2015 as the newest edition of ISO 9001 that emphasizes the importance of risk management iplementation for business. Therefore the implementation of QMS for SME based on ISO 9001:2015 with the focus on risk management againts the aspect that affect sustainability of SME is necessary to be done to ease the owners of SME in maintaining the sustaianability of their business. The first step is determinating of 20 factors from the fifthh aspects, and then validating the factors so obtained 14 factors considered to have an important risk for the sustainability of SME to be weighting using a multi criteria decision making method (AHP) by Expert Choice Software. The next step is identificating and analyzing the risk of 14 factors that affecting sustainability of SME, the results is there are 6 factors (skill of employee, performance of employee, responsibility of employee, competitive price, quality of product and quality of service) that affecting sustainability of SME most and unacceptable because it located on a high level of risk .;Small and medium enterprises (SME) has a role in a strategicway to national economic development, its role in economic growth, creating job and also participate in distribution of development. There are several aspects that might affect the sustainability of small and medium business like human resources, financial, customer satisfaction, production process and infrastructure of SME. However, more that 70% of SME are “death” within five years since its established as a result a lack of the implementation quality management system (QMS) for SME. A popular QMS used to implementing in business is ISO 9001. Soon, there will be ISO 9001:2015 as the newest edition of ISO 9001 that emphasizes the importance of risk management iplementation for business. Therefore the implementation of QMS for SME based on ISO 9001:2015 with the focus on risk management againts the aspect that affect sustainability of SME is necessary to be done to ease the owners of SME in maintaining the sustaianability of their business. The first step is determinating of 20 factors from the fifthh aspects, and then validating the factors so obtained 14 factors considered to have an important risk for the sustainability of SME to be weighting using a multi criteria decision making method (AHP) by Expert Choice Software. The next step is identificating and analyzing the risk of 14 factors that affecting sustainability of SME, the results is there are 6 factors (skill of employee, performance of employee, responsibility of employee, competitive price, quality of product and quality of service) that affecting sustainability of SME most and unacceptable because it located on a high level of risk ., Small and medium enterprises (SME) has a role in a strategicway to national economic development, its role in economic growth, creating job and also participate in distribution of development. There are several aspects that might affect the sustainability of small and medium business like human resources, financial, customer satisfaction, production process and infrastructure of SME. However, more that 70% of SME are “death” within five years since its established as a result a lack of the implementation quality management system (QMS) for SME. A popular QMS used to implementing in business is ISO 9001. Soon, there will be ISO 9001:2015 as the newest edition of ISO 9001 that emphasizes the importance of risk management iplementation for business. Therefore the implementation of QMS for SME based on ISO 9001:2015 with the focus on risk management againts the aspect that affect sustainability of SME is necessary to be done to ease the owners of SME in maintaining the sustaianability of their business. The first step is determinating of 20 factors from the fifthh aspects, and then validating the factors so obtained 14 factors considered to have an important risk for the sustainability of SME to be weighting using a multi criteria decision making method (AHP) by Expert Choice Software. The next step is identificating and analyzing the risk of 14 factors that affecting sustainability of SME, the results is there are 6 factors (skill of employee, performance of employee, responsibility of employee, competitive price, quality of product and quality of service) that affecting sustainability of SME most and unacceptable because it located on a high level of risk .]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramdhan Firmansyah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang pengembangan aktivitas operasional di bengkel ProQ, serta analisis aktivitas operasional yang telah dijalankan oleh ProQ. Tujuan utama dari business coaching ini adalah untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki oleh bengkel ProQ dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan. Adapun yang menjadi prioritas dari pengembangan aktivitas operasional ProQ adalah pembuatan Standar Operasional Prosedur SOP berdasarkan persyaratan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2015, perbaikan proses bisnis dengan mengukur lead time dan membandingkannya dengan metode benchmarking, penerapan stock opname sebagai pengembangan inventory management, serta pengukuran beban kerja mekanik.
This thesis discusses about the development of operational activity in the workshop ProQ, and analysis of operational activities that undertaken by the ProQ. The main objective of this business coaching is to develop the potential of ProQworkshop from the analysis that has been done. As for the priorities of the development of operational activity is making Standard Operating Procedures SOPs based on quality management system that required of ISO 9001 2015, business process improvement by measuring the lead time and compared by benchmarking method, implementation of stock opname as development of inventory management, and measurement of the mechanical work load.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arie Purnomo Rusli
Abstrak :
Pekerjaan yang terkait di industri migas, baik konstruksi maupun non-konstruksi, memiliki resiko pekerjaan yang cukup tinggi. PT. PM selaku salah satu pelaku di industri ini dengan spesialisasi di bidang jasa pemeliharaan dan perbaikan bawah air juga mempunyai aktivitas dengan berbagai macam tingkatan resiko. Oleh karena itu, melalui penelitian ini akan dikembangkan sistem manajemen mutu SMM yang baru dengan berbasis resiko yang tepat untuk diaplikasikan di PT. PM. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang didapat dari dokumen perusahaan dan referensi terkait. Analisa dilakukan secara kualitatif untuk mendapatkan faktor resiko, tingkat resiko, dan langkah pengendalian dari setiap kegiatan pada aktivitas inti di PT. PM. Hasil penelitian ini berupa proposal standard operating procedure SOP dan Instruksi Kerja IK yang harus dievaluasi dan dikembangkan lebih detail oleh PT. PM dalam upaya untuk menyusun SMM dengan basis resiko.
Activities in oil and gas industry, both construction and non construction, have risk in high level. PT. PM as one of the player in this industry with specialization in maintenance service and underwater repair also do the its activities with several risk levels. Therefore, through this research will develop a risk based quality management system which is proper and could be applied at PT. PM. This research uses both primer and secondary data which is get from company documents and other references. Analysis is done qualitatively to get risk factors, risk level, and mitigation of each main activity of PT. PM. The research's results are draft of Standard Operating Procedure SOP and Working Instruction WI that should be evaluated and developed more detail with the result that PT. PM could establish a risk based quality management system.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunik Lathifah Agustina Wicahyani
Abstrak :
Revolusi Teknologi Informasi selain memiliki dampak positif bagi pemerintah juga menimbulkan celah kerentanan pada layanan pemerintah jika protokol keamanan tidak dijalankan dengan baik. Pemerintah wajib menjaga confidentiality, integrity, dan availability data dan informasi yang dimiliki. Instansi XYZ sebagai Lembaga yang memiliki tugas diantaranya adalah menyampaikan informasi meteorologi, klimatologi, gempabumi dan tsunami, serta peringatan dini meteorologi, klimatologi dan tsunami kepada instansi dan pihak terkait serta masyarakat berkenaan dengan bencana karena faktor meteorologi, klimatologi, dan geofisika. Demi percepatan penyampaian informasi terkait Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Instansi XYZ menggunakan situs resmi lembaga dan media sosial sebagai perantaranya. Untuk mencegah risiko agar tidak terjadi di dalam proses penyampaian informasi, Pusat Jaringan Komunikasi XYZ telah melakukan sertifikasi ISO/IEC 27001:2013 dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen kemanan informasi, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 untuk sistem manajemen layanan, dan ISO 9001: 2015 untuk sistem manajemen mutu. Pusat Jaringan Komunikasi XYZ melakukan integrasi manajemen sistem untuk ISO 9001: 2015, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 sehingga biaya administrasi lebih hemat serta pelaksanaan operasional sistem yang lebih efektif. Untuk mendukung kebijakan tersebut perlu dilakukan pengembangan dan penerapan proses manajemen risiko terkait dengan keamanan informasi yang selaras dengan rencana pengendalian risiko mutu dan layanan yaitu dengan melakukan integrasi sistem manajemen risiko berdasarkan Pedoman Manajemen Risiko Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) agar terwujud layanan yang berkualitas untuk stakeholder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan penilaian risiko yang telah dilakukan di Pusat Jaringan Komunikasi Instansi XYZ, terdapat 15 risiko positif dan 41 risiko negatif. Dari total keseluruhan risiko yang berjumlah 56 risiko terdapat 18 risiko yang diterima dan 38 risiko yang perlu dilakukan penanganan. Dari 38 risiko yang perlu dilakukan penanganan, dilakukan mitigasi risko untuk 27 risiko, transfer risiko untuk 3 risiko, eksploitasi risiko untuk 6 risiko, dan penghindaran risiko untuk 2 risiko. ......Revolution in Information technology having a positive impact on the government, apart from that it’s also creates vulnerabilities in government services if the security protocols are not implemented properly. The government is obliged to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data and information it has. The XYZ Agency as an institution whose duties include information dissemination and early warning of meteorology, climatology, earthquakes and tsunami to the other agencies and parties as well as the public regarding disasters due to meteorological, climatological and geophysical factors. In order to accelerate the information dissemination related to Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, XYZ Agency uses the institution's official website and social media as intermediaries. To prevent the risks from occuring in the information dissemination process, the center for communication network of XYZ Agency has certified ISO/IEC 27000:2013 in implementing information security management systems, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 for service management systems, and ISO 9001: 2015 for a quality management system. The XYZ Agency’s Center for Communication Network, integrates the management systems for ISO 9001: 2015, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 so the administrative costs are more efficient and the operational implementation of the system is more effective. To support this policy, it is necessary to develop and implement a risk management process related to information security in line with the quality and service risk control plan by integrating a risk management system based on the Electrinoc-Based Governance System Risk Management Guidelines (SPBE) in order to realize quality services for stakeholders. Based on the results of the risk analysis and assessment that has been carried out at the XYZ Agency Center for Communication Network, there are 15 positive and 41 negative risks. Out of a total of 56 risks, there are 18 risks that are accepted and 38 risks that need to mitigate. Of the 38 risks that need to mitigate, risk mitigation is carried out for 27 risks, risk transfer to 3 risks, risk exploitation to 6 risks, and risk avoidance to 2 risks.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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