ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas tentang cara mengukur loyalitas pelanggan terhadap gerai ritel
The Goods Dept dilihat dari kepribadian merek ritel dan kesesuaian antara konsep diri
konsumen The Goods Dept dengan konsumen The Goods Dept yang lain. Selain itu,
variabel gender digunakan sebagai moderasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini
tergolong penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan
apabila The Goods Dept ingin meningkatkan loyaitas terhadap gerainya, maka tim
manajerial The Goods Dept sebaiknya membuat rencana pemasaran yang tidak
membedakan gender pelanggannya dan untuk mempertahankan nilai keunikannya
dengan lebih menyeleksi dengan baik produk-produk yang dijual.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this study is how to measure The Goods Dept?s store loyalty in terms of
retail brand personality and self-congruity. Gender is uses as moderating variable in
this study. This research is quantitative descriptive interpretive. The researcher
suggests that if The Goods Dept wants to increase the store loyalty, the manager should
make marketing plans which can be applied to both men and women customers and
should keep its uniqueness by selling unique and selected products only;The focus of this study is how to measure The Goods Dept?s store loyalty in terms of
retail brand personality and self-congruity. Gender is uses as moderating variable in
this study. This research is quantitative descriptive interpretive. The researcher
suggests that if The Goods Dept wants to increase the store loyalty, the manager should
make marketing plans which can be applied to both men and women customers and
should keep its uniqueness by selling unique and selected products only, The focus of this study is how to measure The Goods Dept’s store loyalty in terms of
retail brand personality and self-congruity. Gender is uses as moderating variable in
this study. This research is quantitative descriptive interpretive. The researcher
suggests that if The Goods Dept wants to increase the store loyalty, the manager should
make marketing plans which can be applied to both men and women customers and
should keep its uniqueness by selling unique and selected products only]"