"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas pelayanan unit rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Khadijah Palembang dengan memakai konsep servqual yang ditunjukkan dengan model gap kualitas pelayanan yang telah dikembangkan oleh Parasuraman et al. (1985, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994; Zeithaml et al., 1990). Dengan menggunakan metode acak, 169 responden yang pernah menerima, mengalami pelayanan dari unit rawat jalan RSI Siti Khadijah dipilih untuk menjawab setiap pertanyaan dari kuisioner Servqual yang sudah dirancang. Kuisioner berisi masing-masing pertanyaan ekspektasi dan persepsi dari para pasien tentang pelayanan unit rawat jalan RSI Siti Khadijah.
Studi ini mengidentifikasi 5 (lima) dimensi Servqual, yaitu bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati berdasarkan persepsi pasien unit rawat jalan RSI Siti khadijah. Dimensi empati merupakan dimensi prioritas dari para pasien, dengan nilai servqual Score -1,357 dan weight servqual score 30.18 dilanjutkan dengan dimensi lain yaitu bukti fisik (SqS = - 1.124; WSS = 21.953), daya tanggap (SqS = - 1.124; WSS = 21.210), Kehandalan (SqS = - 0.933; WSS = 19,294), dan dimesi jaminan (SqS = - 0.911; WSS = 16,985). Dimana kelima urutan tersebut adalah menjadi urutan prioritas perbaikan kualitas pelayanan di RSI Siti Khadijah Palembang.
The purpose of this research is to determinants quality of Service of Outpatient Service Unit at Islamic Hospital Siti Khadijah Palembang with the concept service quality and has demonstrated the model of service quality gaps developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994; Zeithaml et al., 1990). And using methodology randomly, 169 respondents, who have recently benefited from outpatients service unit of Islamic hospital Siti Khadijah in Palembang were selected to answer a modified version of the servqual questionnaire. The questionnaire contained both service expectations and perceptions questions. This study identifies five dimension Servqual ; Tangibility, Reliability, Responsibiliy, Assurance and Emphaty regarding the service quality as perceived in outpatient service unit of hospital. These are : empathy, giving priority to the outpatients needs, with servqual score (SqS) ' 1.357 and weight servqual score (WSS) 30.18. Relationships between staff and patients, or the courtesy and understand customer's need. The next priority dimension is Tangible (SqS = - 1.124; WSS = 21.953), Responsiveness (SqS = - 1.124; WSS = 21.210), Reliable (SqS = - 0.933; WSS = 19,294), and assurance (SqS = - 0.911; WSS = 16,985). All rank of dimension is the sequence priority action for improvement of outpatients service unit at Islamic hospital Siti Khadijah Palembang."