ABSTRAKOrientasi kewirausahaan dan kapabilitas dinamik telah menjadi subjek
penelitian yang menarik berkaitan dengan organisasi yang menghadapi
ketidakpastian lingkungan eksternal. Implementasi dari orientasi kewirausahaan
dan kapabilitas dinamik diharapkan mampu mendorong kinerja organisasi ke
tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini mengenai analisis pengaruh dari orientasi
kewirausahaan dan kapabilitas dinamik terhadap kinerja dalam menghadapi
ketidakpastian lingkungan eksternal.
Unit analisisnya merupakan karyawan manajerial bandar udara yang
dikelola salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara di Indonesia. Hasil temuannya
adalah walaupun orientasi kewirausahaan memiliki pengaruh yang positif
terhadap kapabilitas dinamik, namun orientasi kewirausahaan tidak memiliki
pengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja. Kombinasi antara orientasi kewirausahaan
dan kapabilitas dinamik merupakan sumber potensial untuk menciptakan
keunggulan kompetitif dan peningkatan kinerja dalam menghadapi ketidakpastian
lingkungan eksternal.
ABSTRACTOrientation entrepreneurial and dynamic capability have been the subject of
interesting research related to organization facing uncertainty of the external
environment. Implementation of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic
capability are expected to drive performance of the organization to a higher level.
This study about the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities
on performance in the face of the uncertainty of external environment.
The unit of analysis are airports managerial employees managed by one of
the State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. Although its findings are
entrepreneurial orientation has a positive influence on the dynamic capability, but
entrepreneurial orientation has no influence on performance improvement. The
combination of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities are potential
sources for creating competitive advantage and achieve higher performance
dealing with external environment uncertainty, Orientation entrepreneurial and dynamic capability have been the subject of
interesting research related to organization facing uncertainty of the external
environment. Implementation of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic
capability are expected to drive performance of the organization to a higher level.
This study about the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities
on performance in the face of the uncertainty of external environment.
The unit of analysis are airports managerial employees managed by one of
the State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. Although its findings are
entrepreneurial orientation has a positive influence on the dynamic capability, but
entrepreneurial orientation has no influence on performance improvement. The
combination of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities are potential
sources for creating competitive advantage and achieve higher performance
dealing with external environment uncertainty]"