ABSTRAKMenentukan pilihan karier merupakan proses yang tidak mudah bagi fresh
graduate. Menurut hasil dari beberapa penelitian terdahulu, terdapat beberapa
variabel yang mempengaruhi career choice fresh graduate diantaranya adalah
person-organization fit, person job fit, dan job attribute. Penelitian ini juga
menganalisis pengaruh mediasi dari internship opinion dalam menentukan pilihan
karier mahasiswa. Penelitian ini melibatkan 127 mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2011, 2012, dan 2013
yang pernah melakukan magang di Kantor Akuntan Publik selama masa
perkuliahan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan metode structural equation
modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa person-organization fit
dan job attribute berpengaruh positif terhadap career choice mahasiswa dalam
hubungannya secara direct effect. Secara indirect effect, variabel mediasi internship
opinion secara signifikan memediasi pengaruh person-organization fit, person-job
fit, dan job attribute terhadap career choice mahasiswa.
ABSTRACTChoosing a career for fresh graduate has always been a challenging task.
Reviews from existing research, there are several variables that have an impact on
career choice of fresh graduate such person-organization fit, person job fit, and job
attribute. Internship opinion also tested as mediating variable that determine career
choice of accounting student. The data were collected from 127 student majoring
in accounting in University of Indonesia batch 2011, 2012, and 2013 that already
had internship experience on accounting firms. The data were analysed using
structural equation modeling (SEM). The result of this study showed that from
direct effect analysis, person-organization fit and job attribute positively related
toward career choice of fresh graduate. From indirect effect analysis, internship
opinion significantly mediated the effect of person-organization fit, person-job fit,
and job attribute toward career choice."