ABSTRAKPengguna di ruang lingkup online saat ini dapat memiliki kekuatan untuk mempengaruhi masyarakat luas dengan memunculkan komunikasi di ruang virtual yang dinamakan eWOM, dimana eWOM dibutuhkan dalam suatu program kampanye organisasi non-profit untuk mempengaruhi keterlibatan khalayak dalam mencapai misi suatu organisasi sampai pada tahap niat perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk medeskripsikan pengaruh electronic word of mouth kampanye DietKantongPlastik terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan niat perubahan perilaku seseorang dalam mengurangi penggunaan plastik. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep electronic word of mouth, knowledge, attitude, intention to change behavior, serta teori planned behavior dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dan survey pada 149 responden yang mengetahui gerakan diet kantong plastik. Hasilnya, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang diajukan pada awal penelitian tidak dapat diaplikasikan sepenuhnya dan terdapat modifikasi model, karena terdapat pengaruh antara eWOM terhadap knowledge pengurangan penggunaan plastik sebesar 43,7, terdapat pengaruh eWOM terhadap attitude towards reduce plastic sebesar 19,8, tidak terdapat pengaruh antara eWOM terhadap intention to change behavior diet kantong plastik, terdapat pengaruh knowledge terhadap attitude towards reduce plastic sebesar 69,8, tidak terdapat pengaruh knowledge terhadap intention to change behavior dalam mengurangi penggunaan plastik, dan terdapat pengaruh attitude towards reduce plastic terhadap intention to change behavior dengan besar pengaruh 72,3. Satu-satunya yang mempengaruhi variabel intention to change behavior adalah variabel attitude towards reduce plastic, hal ini mengkonfirmasi teori planned behavior (TPB), dimana adanya pengaruh attitude terhadap intention yang akan mengarahkan kepada perilaku seseorang.
ABSTRACTUsers in online media have the power to influence the wider community by doing communication in virtual space called eWOM, where eWOM is needed in a campaign for non profit organizations to influence audience involvement in achieving an organizations mission to the point of behavior intention. The objective of this research is to describe the influence of eWOM DietKantongPlastik campaign on peoples knowledge, attitude, and intention to change behavior in order to reduce plastic. The research used the concept of eWOM, knowledge, attitude, intention to change behavior, planned behavior theory and used quantitative approach. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling for which the sample consisted of 149 respondents who were familiar with gerakan diet kantong plastik. The data was analyzed using SEM-PLS. The result of this research showed that the proposed model in the beginning of the study cannot be fully applied and there is a modification of model, whereas eWOM has significant impact on knowledge 43,7, eWOM has significant impact to attitude towards reduce plastic 19,8, eWOM has no significant impact to intention to change behavior, knowledge has significant impact to attitude 69,8, knowledge has no significant impact to intention to change behavior, and attitude has significant impact to intention to change behavior 72,3. The only variables that has impact to intention is the attitude towards reduce plastic, this confirms the planned behaviour theory (TPB), whereas the influence of attitude towards intention will lead to ones behaviour.