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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Avrini Tesianti
"Coffeehouse merupakan sejenis cafe yang menyediakan kopi dan teh berkualitas superior dan memiliki berbagai rasa dan campuran. Selain, jenis makanan yang ditawarkan di coffeehouse antara lain yaitu jenis makanan yang dipanggang, soup ,sandwiches hingga makanan penutup (dessert). Coffeehouse memiliki fungsi sosial di mana dapat digunakan sebagai tempat bagi orang-orang yang ingin berkumpul, mengobrol, menulis, membaca dan bemain games baik secara individu maupun dalam kelompok kecil. Sama halnya dengan sebuah produk, coffeehouse juga memiliki merek yang berfungsi untuk membedakan coffeehouse tersebut dengan pesaingnya. Merek akan semakin memberikan arti apabila produk tersebut ditawarkan kepada konsumen. untuk itu, perlu dibangun ekuitas merek yang kuat sehingga merek tersebut dapat membenkan keuntungan kepada perusahaan. Ekuitas merek yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBEE) yang mempunyai dasar pemikiran bahwa kekuatan merek terletak pada apa yang telah dipelajari, dirasakan, dilihat dan didengar pelanggan tentang merek untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini, coffeehouse yang akan diukur ekuitas mereknya adalah coffeehouse Brew&Co. Atribut yang membentuk ekuitas merek dari coffeehouse Brew&Co ini yaitu: brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality dan brand association. Kemudian, responden merupakan pelanggan yang sedang berkunjung ke coffeehouse Brew&Co sehingga responden dianggap sudah memiliki pengalaman terhadap produk, service dan atmosphere yang ditawarkan oleh coffeehouse tersebut. Responden berjumlah 100 orang.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk 1) mengetahui tingkat signifkansi pengaruh masing-masing atribut dari variabel brand equity dalam membentuk persepsi public terhadap merek Brcw&Co dan 2) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan Well coffeehouse Brew&Co dalam membentuk persepsi publik melalui masing-masing atribut dari variabel brand equity. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa brand awareness tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam penelitian ini karena responden merupakan pengunjung coffeehouse Brew&Co. Penyebutan merek Brew&Co oleh responden lebih didorong atas pengalaman yang dirasakan terhadap produk, service dan atmosfir yang ditawarkan oleh coffeehouse Brew&Co seat itu. Kemudian, pelanggan Brew&Co belum memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi terhadap coffeehouse Brew&Co karena banyaknya merek coffeehouse di industri ini. Atribut yang dinilai memberikan pengaruh besar dalam pembentukan brand equity untuk merek Brew&Co yaitu perceived quality dan brand image. Penilaian terhadap perceived quality dapat menjelaskan bahwa produk, service dan atmosphere yang ditawarkan oleh coffeehouse Brew&Co dapat dirasakan sesuai dengan harapan pelanggan. Penilaian terhadap atribut brand image menjelaskan bahwa image atau citra yang ingin dibentuk oleh coffeehouse Brew&Co yaitu memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan baik dari produk yang berkualitas, harga dan atmosphere coffeehouse yang nyaman telah tercapai.

Coffeehouse is a place with provide coffee and tea with a superior quality and have variety of flavor. Beside that, coffeehouses also provide some foods such as; baked, soup, sandwiches and dessert. Coffeehouse have a social functional, which provide place to socialize, chat, write, read or play games by them self or in small group. Same as a product, coffeehouses also has a brand which function is to differentiate the coffeehouse with the competitor. Brand will have a value if the product supply to the customer. Because of that, it is need to develop the brand equity that can give advantage to the company. The brand equity in this research is the Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) which value of the brand equity based on what customer have learn, feel, see and hear about the brand in period of time. In this research, brand equity of Brew&Co coffeehouse is an object to be value. The attributes of brand equity in build the brand equity for Brew&Co coffeehouse are: brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand association. Respondents of this research is the customer of Brew&Co coffeehouse it?s self, which assumed that the customers had an experience with the product, service and atmosphere of the coffeehouse.
The objectives of this research are: 1) to identify the significance of each attribute in influence the brand equity of Brew&Co coffeehouse and 2) to identify the effort of Brew&Co coffeehouse in develops the public perception by using each attribute of brand equity variable. The result of this research is that brand equity does not influence in build the brand equity because the respondents of the research are Brew&Co coffeehouse customer. Respondents thought Brew&Co as one of the coffeehouse brands is because the experience of what they feel about the product, service and atmosphere in Brew&Co coffeehouse at that time. Beside that, the result shows that the customers of Brew&Co coffeehouse do not in the highest position of loyalty. It caused by there are a lot of coffeehouses in the industry. The attributes which give higher value in build the brand equity of Brew&Co coffeehouse is perceived quality and brand image. The value of perceived quality shows that product, service and atmosphere of Brew&Co coffeehouse is equal with the customer expectation. The value of brand image shows that image can give a satisfaction to the customer by provide product in good quality, price and atmosphere of the coffeehouse.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asrianda Syah Putra
"Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi behavioral intention dari penumpang maskapai penerbangan domestik, yang terdiri dari service quality, perceived value, perceived image, satisfaction, dan customer engagement. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap behavioral intention dari penumpang maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik yang dipengaruhi oleh service quality yang ditawarkan oleh maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik, perceived value pelanggan terhadap layanan dari maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik, perceived image dari maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik, satisfaction yang ditawarkan oleh maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik, serta customer engagement yang dilakukan dan dirasakan oleh pelanggan maskapai penerbangan komersial domestik. Sebanyak 355 responden diperoleh melalui kuesioner online. Hipotesis kemudian diuji melalui metode structural equation modelling (SEM).
Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa service quality memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived image, satisfaction, dan perceived value. Satisfaction memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap customer engagement. Perceived value memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap customer engagement. Customer engagement, satisfaction, dan perceived image memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap behavioral intention. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perceived image tidak memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap perceived value dan customer engagement, kemudian perceived value tidak memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap behavioral intention.

There are some factors that influence behavioral intention of domestic commercial airline passengers, which consist of service quality, perceived value, perceived image, satisfaction, and customer engagement. This study aims to analyze the behavioral intention of domestic commercial airline passengers affected by the service quality offered by domestic commercial airlines, the perceived value of customers to services from domestic commercial airlines, perceived image of domestic commercial airlines, satisfaction offered by domestic commercial airlines, and customer engagement carried out and felt by domestic commercial airline passengers. A total of 355 respondents were obtained through an online questionnaire. The hypothesis is then tested through the method of structural equation modeling (SEM).
Empirical results show that service quality has a positive influence on perceived image, satisfaction, and perceived value. Satisfaction has a positive influence on customer engagement. Perceived value has a positive influence on customer engagement. Customer engagement, satisfaction, and perceived image have a positive influence on behavioral intention. The results of this study also show that perceived image does not have a positive influence on perceived value and customer engagement, then perceived value does not have a positive influence on behavioral intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linggar Asa Baranti
"Divisi Business Service (DBS) merupakan salah satu divisi fungsi yang ada di PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT. Telkom). DBS berperan dalam pengelolaan corporate customer menengah ke bawah atau Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). DBS menutup tahun 2018 dengan collection rate sebesar 79%. Collection rate yang rendah tersebut telah telah membawa kerugian bagi Telkom Group sebesar Rp 580 M. Keadaan DBS yang seperti ini perlu menjadi perhatian karena collection rate DBS di 2018 mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan dari tahun sebelumnya. Ditambah lagi, di tahun 2018, DBS adalah divisi dengan collection rate terendah dibanding divisi lain yang ada di Telkom. Collection rate yang rendah ini utamanya dipengaruhi oleh proses customer assessment di DBS yang saat ini masih belum memiliki pola yang tepat. Berdasarkan penjabaran di atas, penelitian ini mencoba mengeliminasi penilaian kualitatif yang yang terjadi pada customer assessment DBS. Penelitian ini akan merekomendasikan mekanisme customer assessment yang lebih efektif dengan adanya model matematika credit scoring yang di-develop melalui pendekatan regresi logistik. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan hasil bahwa ada 3 variabel finansial dan 3 variabel non-finansial yang mempengaruhi kelayakan customer, yaitu quick ratio, DER, EBIT/TA, reputasi bisnis, perkembangan industri, dan tingkat persaingan industri.

Divisi Business Service (DBS) is one of division in PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT. Telkom). DBS scope of work is responsible in handling Small Medium Enterprise (SME) customer. In 2018, DBS closed the year with 79% in collection rate. This rate had been declining from prior years. Moreover, compared to other divisions in Telkom Group, DBS had the smallest number. This number has inflicted financial loss to Telkom of IDR 580 Billion. Low rate of collection rate mostly caused by bad customer assessment which is done in the beginning of sales process. From those facts, this research is determined to give better alternative in the customer assessment process by implementing credit scoring model. The model will be derived by using logistic regression method. As the result, there are 3 financial and 3 non-financial variables which are affect the customer worthiness which are quick ratio, DER, EBIT, business reputation, industry growth, and business competition. Moreover, it has been proven that the model developed could represent the real condition, thus can be implemented."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Anggia
"Tight competition on the motorcycle industry has shown by the distribution of numerous motorcycle brands in Indonesia. The variety of brand names in nowadays market puzzles the customers. In order to survive and get the biggest share, motorcycle producers have to develop new products that are unique and differ from their competitors. Honda motorcycle has been leading the market Indonesia for more than 30 years. However, PT Astra Honda Motor, as the sole agent and distributor of Honda motorcycle, should take heed since its main competitor Yamaha has grown in the market significantly. The objective of this research, which focuses on customer-based of brand equity, is to illustrate the strength of Honda?s brand equity comparing with other competitors specifically Yamaha and Suzuki. Brand equity is said to be high if the customers recognize the brand and they have strong associations, advantageous, and recognize the uniqueness or superiority of the brand. Customer-based brand awareness roots on brand awareness and brand image. This research is using quantitative descriptive approaches. There are two types of research designs that have been conducted, i.e. exploratory research and conclusive research. Exploratory research has main intention to acknowledge, discover and understand the idea and problems, particularly to picture how customers associate the big three motorcycle brands with a number of associations, product related or non-product related. Conclusive research is used to help writer for choosing, evaluating and selecting the best steps to manage problems. Literature studies used for analysis research output concentrate on customer-based brand equity illustrated by Keller, with the basis of brand awareness and brand image in place of brand associations, both productrelated and non-product related. Research on top mind awareness describes that Honda?s cub type motorcycle has been the brand with the top of mind awareness. In the research of brand associations, Honda has the strongest product association, i.e. fuel saver, strong and durable engine, tough in any road conditions, advance and innovative technology, comparative price and quality, high resale value, spare parts are available in many outlet, affordable service or maintenance cost, broad service networks, sympathetic and helpful customer service, and high availability of leasing. Besides, from the perspective of non-product association, Honda has strongly associated with well-known brand mark, film or opera soap actors and actresses are fit to be the advertising model, familiar, pleasant, humble, charismatic and extrovert. Honda has positive associations on its customers. Though, Yamaha has achieved much more non-product associations. Therefore, PT Astra Honda Motor has to be more innovative on its product and technology, strong engine but still efficient, to generate Honda?s competitive advantage, more aggressive on promotion activities, both in media activities and marketing events, maintain good relationship with Honda motorcycle clubs and bloggers which have important roles in spreading information and positive image of Honda. Honda should also be more intelligent in selecting its endorser. The endorser should be well known among the wide society and has good influence towards products.

Tingginya persaingan dalam industri sepeda motor saat ini ditandai dengan bermunculannya berbagai merek sepeda motor di Indonesia. Banyaknya merek yang ada di pasar saat ini tentu saja dapat membingungkan konsumen. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat bertahan dan memenangkan persaingan merek, para produsen sepeda motor harus membangun merek yang unik dan berbeda dari merek lainnya. Meskipun merek Honda adalah merek yang selama puluhan tahun telah mendominasi pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia, namun PT Astra Honda Motor selaku pemilik merek Honda harus berhati-hati karena merek Yamaha sebagai pesaing utama Honda terus mengalami peningkatan pangsa pasar yang cukup signifikan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian terhadap ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen pada sepeda motor merek Honda terhadap Yamaha dan Suzuki ini adalah untuk melihat kekuatan ekuitas merek Honda tersebut. Ekuitas merek dikatakan tinggi apabila konsumen menyadari keberadaan merek dan konsumen memiliki asosiasi yang kuat, menguntungkan, dan menyadari keunikan atau keunggulan merek tersebut. Ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen bersumber pada brand awareness dan brand image. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Ada dua jenis desain penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, yaitu (i) Desain riset exploratory research, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui, menggali, memahami ide dan masalah, terutama untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsumen mengasosiasikan ketiga merek sepeda motor yang menjadi objek penelitian, dengan berbagai asosiasi, baik produk (product-related association) maupun non produk (non product-related associations); (ii) Desain riset conclusive research, yang bertujuan membantu penulis untuk menentukan, mengevaluasi dan memilih tindakan yang terbaik untuk mengatasi permasalahan. Telaah pustaka yang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian berfokus pada ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen yang dijelaskan oleh Keller, yang bersumber pada kesadaran merek dan citra merek yang melihat asosiasi merek, baik yang berhubungan dengan produk, maupun yang tidak berhubungan dengan produk. Hasil penelitian terhadap top of mind awareness menunjukkan bahwa merek yang menjadi top of mind awareness untuk sepeda motor jenis CUB adalah merek Honda. Sedangkan hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan pada asosiasi yang berhubungan dengan produk menunjukkan bahwa merek Honda paling kuat asosiasinya dengan berbagai asosiasi produk, seperti irit bahan bakar, mesin kuat dan tahan lama, tangguh di segala medan, teknologi mutakhir dan inovatif, harga sebanding dengan kualitas sepeda motornya, nilai jual kembali yang tinggi, suku cadang asli mudah didapat, biaya perawatan yang terjangkau, tempat servis banyak dan ada dimana-mana, pelayanan customer service yang ramah dan sangat membantu, serta pembelian secara kredit mudah dilakukan. Sementara itu dari segi asosiasi non-produk, merek Honda paling kuat diasosiasikan dengan logo merek yang mudah dikenali, tokoh artis sinetron/film paling cocok menjadi bintang iklan, sangat mudah dikenali dari penampilannya, berwibawa, ramah, rendah hati, karismatik dan ekstrovert (terbuka). Meskipun merek Honda memiliki asosiasi yang positif di dalam benak konsumen, namun merek Yamaha memperoleh asosiasi non-produk yang jenis lebih banyak dari Honda. Oleh karena itu, PT Astra Honda Motor hendaknya lebih inovatif dalam menghasilkan produk dengan teknologi yang lebih inovatif, yaitu mesin yang kencang namun tetap irit bahan bakar sehingga dapat menambah keunggulan daya saing Honda, lebih agresif dalam menjalankan aktivitas promosinya, baik melalui media, maupun event-event marketing, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan klubklub sepeda motor Honda dan para blogger yang memiliki peran penting dalam penyebaran informasi dan citra positif merek Honda serta lebih bijaksana dalam memilih endorser yang telah dikenal baik di kalangan masyarakat luas dan memberi pengaruh positif pada produk."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study is about customer equity as a new marketing system. Customer equity's basic premise is straighforward : the customer is a financial asset that companies and organizations should measure, manage and maximize. "
330 JUREKO 15:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Brand equity is a company asset that gives whacking advantages for company has it. This matter also applies at mass media industry. Beside that, brand equity also gives whacking advantages for publisher.
For segmented newspaper like as Bisnis Indonesia daily, market should be clear and growth, even so small ought to remain positive. But in facts, the growth is stagnant. Therefore we require observing do brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia daily has relationship with consumers' motivation who buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail. Beside that we describe above, we also require to know what brand equity's element of Bisnis Indonesia daily, which have powerful relationship with retail consumers motivation.
Descriptive statistic method we use to describe about facts that occurred in population. We get observed data from questionnaire. We use Spearman-Brown correlation to determine whether brand equity has correlation and/or has not with consumers' motivations that buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail.
Brand equity is a set both assets and liabilities of brand that related to a brand, name, and symbol, which add or lessen the value given by product or service in both a company and customer. In other definition, brand equity is the sum of brand perception including relatively quality of product and service, financial performance, customer loyalty, satisfaction, and all brand awards.
The observation shows that the relationship between brand equity with motivation to buy of retail customers of Bisnis Indonesia daily is weak. It is showed by coefficient of correlation is less than 0.500. The result also shows negative and in other hand, some element we observed has opposite sign.
The elements of brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia that have strong relationship with consumer motivation are quality perception, other brand asset, brand association, and brand loyalty respectively. But brand awareness is a main key to enter to other brand equity elements.
To face the mentioned above, we suggest to brand owners of Bisnis Indonesia to improve their top of minds of Bisnis Indonesia and strengthen their positioning as business daily and the owners also should be improving their promotion activity whether in public sphere or in mass media."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Chrismanaria
"Tingkat kompetisi dalam industri selular kian hari kian meningkat. Pertumbuhan industri sclular yang sedemikian tinggi dipacu antara lain oleh tingkat mobilitas masyarakat, harga ponsel yang scmakin terjangkau, dan tarif kartu perdana dari operator sclular yang mural'. Saat ini, operator berlomba mempertahankan dan menambah pelanggannya dengan promosi yang memicu permasalahan baru yaitu menurunnya margin. Alternatif solusinya adalah dengan membangun ekuitas merek.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh program pemasaran yaitu price deals, intensitas iklan dan intensitas distribusi terhadap ekuitas merek dan dimensidimensinya. dengan menggunakan analisis regresi.
Penelitian membuktikan pula bahwa program pemasaran memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap dimensi-dimensi ekuitas merek yang selanjutnya memberikan efek positif terhadap ekuitas merek. Elemen price deals yang diduga berpengaruh negatif terhadap persepsi kualitas dan brand awareness ternyata justru berpengaruh positif. Intensitas iklan berpengaruh paling dominan diikuti intensitas distribusi dan price deals.
Oleh sebab itu disarankan kepada operator selular untuk berhati-hati dalam memberikan price deals, terutama dengan adanya potensi turunnya tingkat revenue dan profit perusahaan. Proporsi iklan untuk mengkomunikasikan keunggulan kompetitif, positioning dan image merek perlu ditingkatkan. Hubungan baik dan kerjasama dengan berbaggai mitra saluran distribusi seperti outlet ritel operator dan bank, perlu terus dipelihara dan ditingkatkan.

Day by day competition level of cellular industry is growing. This growth was accelerated by the mobility of the people, low handset price and low subscription fee. Nowadays operators are competing in maintain and adding customers by using promotions which gives operators a new problem that is the decrease of profit margin. An alternative solution to this situation is brand equity.
This research objectives was to analyze the effects of marketing activities (consist of: price deals, advertising intensity and distribution intensity) upon brand equity and its dimensionality by using regression analysis.
The research proves that marketing activities correlates positively to dimensionality of brand equity and brand equity itself as well. Although price deals were hypotheses to correlate negatively to perceived quality and brand awareness, it turns out that the research proves it correlates positively. Advertising intensity has the biggest effects to brand equity, followed by distribution intensity and price deals.
Operator should implement price deals carefully, especially by the possibility of revenue and profit decrease. Proportion of advertising to communicate competitive advantage, positioning, and brand image must be elevated. Good relationships and cooperation with channel partners such as banking and outlets must be kept and increased all the time.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wahyudi
"Pada saat ini, Indonesia merupakan salah satu pasar otomotif terbesar di ASEAN. Pada tahun 2014 pasar otomotif di Indonesia mencapai 1,2 juta unit, jumlah tersebut didominasi oleh kendaraan non-komersial atau passenger car yang kurang lebih 70% dari market otomotif nasional. Market otomotif nasional menunjukkan trend peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Dalam 4 tahun terakhir pertumbuhan selalu diatas 10% per tahunnya. Pada market otomotif nasional, segment yang memiliki kontribusi paling besar adalah MPV Low yaitu, sebesar kurang lebih 33%. Hal ini dikarenakan, sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia cenderung membutuhkan kendaraan keluarga dengan harga terjangkau.
Pada awalnya, segment MPV Low dikuasai oleh dua pemain utama, yaitu Toyota Avanza dan Daihatsu Xenia. Penjualan Avanza dan Xenia meningkat setiap tahunnya, bahkan selama 8 tahun kedua produk tersebut menjadi market leader pada segmentnya di pasar otomotif nasional. Namun pada tahun 2012, Suzuki Ertiga dan Chevrolet Spin muncul sebagai kompetitor bagi Avanza dan Xenia. Kedua brand tersebut sangat ingin menguasai pasar pada segment tersebut karena merupakan pasar terbesar di industri otomotif Indonesia. Dengan munculnya produk kompetitor dengan harga yang kompetitif mengakibatkan market share Avanza dan Xenia di segment MPV Low menurun. Selain itu juga, pada tahun 2014 Honda mulai masuk ke dalam segment MPV Low dengan produknya, yaitu Honda Mobilio. Honda Mobilio merupakan produk yang dipersepsikan sebagai produk high end dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Oleh karena kelas menengah di Indonesia memiliki preferensi terhadap brand dengan image yang baik, pada merek Honda. Honda Mobilio dengan image yang baik dapat dengan cepat diterima oleh konsumen. Bahkan di tahun 2014 ini, dapat diprediksikan bahwa Honda Mobilio dapat mengalahkan Xenia yang selama ini berada di posisi No.2.
Keberhasilan suatu produk dapat memilki penjualan yang baik yaitu memiliki customer value yang baik juga. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan model pengaruh brand innovation terhadap customer value yang dikembangkan oleh Yung-Chieh Chien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variabel ? variabel yang mempengaruhi customer value sehingga dapat dilakukan usulan perbaikan terhadap brand Daihatsu Xenia.

Currently, Indonesia is one of the largest automotive market in the ASEAN. In 2014 the automotive market in Indonesia reached 1.2 million units, the number is dominated by non-commercial vehicles or passenger cars that approximately 70% of the national automotive market. National automotive market showed an increasing trend each year. In the last 4 years the growth above 10% per year. In the national automotive market, MPV Low segment has the greatest contribution namely, by approximately 33%. Because, the majority of Indonesian people tend to need a family car at an affordable price.
Before, Low MPV segment dominated by two major players, there are Toyota Avanza and Daihatsu Xenia. Avanza and Xenia increasing sales every year. But in 2012, Suzuki Ertiga and Chevrolet Spin emerged as a competitor for the Avanza and Xenia. Both of these brands are eager to dominate the market in the segment because it is the largest market in the automotive industry in Indonesia. With the advent of competitor products at competitive prices resulting in market share in the segment Avanza and Xenia MPV Low decreased. In addition, in 2014, Honda began to enter into the Low MPV segment with its products, namely Honda Mobilio. Honda Mobilio is a product that is perceived as a high-end product with price that affordable by the people of Indonesia. Therefore, the middle class in Indonesia have a preference for a brand with a good image, the brand Honda. Honda Mobilio with a good image can be quickly accepted by consumers. Even in 2014, it can be predicted that Honda Mobilio can beat Xenia who had been in position No. 2.
The success of a product can have the good sales that have good customer value as well. In this study, using a model of brand influence on customer value innovation developed by Yung-Chieh Chien. The purpose of this study was to determine the variables that affect customer value so it can be proposed improvements to the brand Daihatsu Xenia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simangunsong, Riris Kristina Angelia
Tesis ini memaparkan mengenai dimensi yang membentuk customer experience pada pengguna internet banking dan pengaruh dari customer experience terhadap customer satisfaction, loyalitas dan word-of-mouth pada pengguna internet banking. Dimensi dan pengukuran dari customer experience quality ini menggunakan pengukuran customer experience quality yang dikembangkan oleh Maklan & Klaus (2013). Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap 249 responden pengguna internet banking di Jabodetabek, diperoleh hasil bahwa dimensi moments-of-truth menjadi dimensi yang paling besar dalam membentuk customer experience pada pengguna internet banking. Dari hasil pengujian SEM juga diperoleh hasil bahwa customer experience memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, loyalitas dan word-of-mouth.

This thesis describes the dimensions that formed customer experience in internet banking users and the impact of customer experience to customer satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth of Internet banking users. Dimensions and measurement of this customer experience quality uses customer experience quality measurement developed by Maklan & Klaus (2013). Based on a study of 249 respondents of internet banking users in Greater Jakarta, showed that moments-oftruth becomes the greatest dimension in shaping customer experience in internet banking users. SEM test results also showed that the customer experience has a significant impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athanasius Gregorius Mangentang
Customer Equity (Ekuitas Pelanggan) merupakan suatu framework yang dapat
digunakan untuk menentukan aspek apa yang paling signifikan bagi customer dari
suatu perusahaan serta juga untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan/kelemahan yang
dimiliki oleh suatu perusahaan. Lemon et al. (2001) menjabarkan 3 (tiga) penggerak
utama dari Customer Equity yaitu brand equity, value equity, dan relationship
equity. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa pengaruh dari ketiga penggerak utama
ini terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, dengan ditambahkan variabel Trust sebagai
mediator, di dalam konteks sektor Business-to-Business (B2B) dari jasa layanan
I.T. di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hanya Value Equity dan
Relationship Equity yang terbukti berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan
akan tetapi seluruh ketiga penggerak tersebut terbukti mempengaruhi Trust secara

Customer Equity is a framework that can be used to analyze and determine which
aspect is most significantly influencing customers and also to identify company?s
stregths/weaknesses. Lemon et al. (2001) described 3 (three) key drivers of
Customer Equity, which are: Brand Equity, Value Equity, and Relationship Equity.
This research intends to analyze the effects of the 3 (three) drivers on customers?
loyalty, by adding trust as a mediating variable, in Business-to-Business (B2B) I.T.
Services context. The result shows that only Value Equity and Relationship Equity
that are statistically proven to be positively related with Customer Loyalty, but on
the other hand, the whole drivers are proven to be positively related with Trust, Customer Equity is a framework that can be used to analyze and determine which
aspect is most significantly influencing customers and also to identify company’s
stregths/weaknesses. Lemon et al. (2001) described 3 (three) key drivers of
Customer Equity, which are: Brand Equity, Value Equity, and Relationship Equity.
This research intends to analyze the effects of the 3 (three) drivers on customers’
loyalty, by adding trust as a mediating variable, in Business-to-Business (B2B) I.T.
Services context. The result shows that only Value Equity and Relationship Equity
that are statistically proven to be positively related with Customer Loyalty, but on
the other hand, the whole drivers are proven to be positively related with Trust]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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